"I'm a delicate omega, you guys don't understand what's it like, how stressful it is! it's harder for me then it is for you" I explained. I sighed in annoyance, It's stressful enough going through heat in a safe, comfortable place that I'm used too.
Its another thing to go through heat in a car, I'm used to going through heat in my room and using a small number of suppressors not doing it in a place I'm not used to and having to use a large number of suppressors.
There are side effects to using a large number of suppressors or more then you used to so suddenly like nausea and motion sickness, with a ton of other things. Everyone stayed quiet as we all sat in silence not knowing what to say.
An omega in heat is a very embarrassing thing to talk about. I didn't know what to say so I just sat there, I'm pretty sure it was the same for the others.
"How long until your heat?" Ayumi asked out of nowhere breaking the silence, "A few days, Tuesday earliest and Thursday the latest" I explained.
Ayumi nodded as he acknowledged what I said, "Sorry y/n but you have to suck it up and get over it, we can't stop somewhere or else we're all in risk" Ayumi growled. I was about to talk but there was nothing to say.
By the looks on everyone's face I could tell they felt the same, I took a deep breath then sighed, "Fine but I'm warning you now, it's not going to be good for any of us" I mumbled.
"I'm sure we can handle it," Minaru said patting my back once again thinking about himself and the other alphas. I almost laughed at what he said "I'm sure you can" I smiled.
Minaru looked at me with a confused look, he raised an eyebrow wanting me to elaborate on what I said. Truth is I become very clingy and needy when I go into heat, I mean extremely needy.
You know what? I don't care anymore, if they say they can handle it then they better handle it or something bads going to happen. I sat there in silence as Ayumi drove, it was starting to get late, "What's the time?" I asked.
"Does it matter?" Ayumi said in a moody tone. "Why are you being so moody? Are you mad that Oskah saw me exposed?" I inquired.
"You are aren't you, no need to be so moody, if anyone should be moody it should be me since we were going to catch up and go to dinner," I said, I don't know why but I'm antagonizing Ayumi for some reason.
"I am not a schoolgirl y/n, I am not moody and I don't care that we didn't go to dinner because if we did we would probably be dead by now" He explained in a monotone voice.
"Oh yeah, I need a new phone by the way" I spoke changing the topic once again, I mean how else am I going to satisfy myself other than watching some R18+ content hmm?
Ayumi sighed "We don't have the money for that y/n" Ayumi spoke making me frown. I whined in annoyance as I sat back down, "Can we at least turn on the radio? I'm bored" I complained. Just great I have to stay here in this car not only during my heat but I don't even get to amuse myself with something.
I had fallen asleep and leaned onto Minaru's shoulder.
"Y/n, wake up please" I voice said. I felt a large hand shaking my shoulder, I slowly opened my eyes, once my eyes adjusted to the dark I saw that the person waking me up was Katsume. I yawned as I stretched my arms.
"What time is it?" I asked in a groggy voice. I rubbed my eyes, I felt exhausted, it's been a stressful week, first, I move to Ayumi's then meet new people, then find out new info about my brother then I'm forced to experience my heat in a car.
"It's around ten" Katsume answered me. I nodded in acknowledgement as I unbuckled my seatbelt, my limbs were stiff from sleeping in that position. Not only that but I think I was starting to get even sicker than before.
"Can you carry me?" I asked in a quiet voice, I'm not a morning person...or just waking up in general kind of person. I sneezed once again, the cool night wind blowing into the car. I started to shiver, the already cold air was even colder since I wasn't used to it.
Katsume sighed but never the less he put his arms out so he could carry me. I'm guessing that Ayumi and the others had already gone into the hotel to rooms or something. "Thanks," I said as I put my arms around his neck.
He pulled me out of the car and held me bridal style. I kept my arms around his neck and buried my face in the crook of his neck, his warmth was inviting especially since I was now even more exposed to the cool night air.
I guess I ended up falling asleep on the way back to the room since that's the last thing I remember before I woke up in a hotel bed.
I sat up in the hotel single bed and rubbed my eyes, I looked around I was awoken from my slumber by Ayumi. It looked early in the morning, I yawned and stretched. I don't want to wake up.
"What time is it?" I asked in a groggy voice. You know when you wake up and you don't feel like talking or moving, that's how I felt.
"It's almost six, we have to leave y/n," He said blankly. I whined in annoyance and protest as I looked at Ayumi with puppy dog eyes begging him to let me go back to bed. If I have to do this every day for the next week I am going to give up on life.
Ayumi gave me a blank look telling me that he wasn't going to cave. I did what he said and got up, I followed him out of the room and to the car. I was once again put in the back seat in-between both Oskah and Minaru.
I leaned onto Oskah's shoulder and fell asleep once again.
"Mah cookies!" I exclaimed as I jolted awake, I looked around both Minaru and Oskah were looking at me with confusion.
I sneezed then laid back into the seat, "I'm hungry? what's the time?" I asked,
"You're awake for literally two seconds and that's what you ask?" Katsume commented,
"You'd say that wouldn't you, I mean look at you with all that room in the front, you got the best seat" I growled with annoyance. I heard Katsume sigh "I'm twice the size of both Minaru and Oskah and I'm even bigger than Ayumi if I sat in the back their wouldn't be room for anyone" Katsume explained.
"Yeah, I know that," I said rolling my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me!" Katsume exclaimed.
"You have no authority over me so I'm gonna do what I want," I said matter of factly. I'm extremely bored so what better way to waste time then annoy the people around me.
"Oh really? well, y/n if that's how you're going to play it then I'm going to pull the, I have authority over you, why? because I'm the one in the front seat" He smirked pulling his trump card.
"Fuefuefue for you see I expected that for your information I'm going to pull you went to jail, therefore, your authority is inadmissible and any position of power you have on me is also inadmissible as that would be the equivalent of you committing fraud" I smirked.
"Oh look you know big words how smart" Katsume said in a childish voice as if he was telling a child they did a good drawing even though the drawing sucked.
"Your right, I am smart, I'm also adorable and oh right I have a clean record and if I wanted to I could get a job, that's right a JOB!" I smiled as I looked at Katsume with fake sympathy. He narrowed his eyes at so I leaned forward in my seat and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry you'll get a job eventually maybe you can be a whatsit called oh I know a lumberjack, you can go to your wittle wood cottage and make some powage for yourself and so on" I said pinching his cheek.
He slapped my hand away, "Y/n do us all a favour and shut up" He growled at me. I put my hands up in defeat as I returned to sitting properly on my seat.
"But no seriously what's the time and I'm hungry and would like food," I said changing the topic.
"It's almost half-past ten and we'll get food soon" Ayumi answered.
This is pretty much how the day went, I annoyed everyone in the car and kept asking for food and so on. It was bad enough that I didn't even have a phone to amuse myself. Being in the car was boring, the most boring thing ever.
All I wanted was to amuse myself with something and somehow Katsume ended up breaking the radio. That made me so much happier than before.
the last time I asked for the time which was five minutes ago the time was quarter to eight and I was hungry.
"I'm hungry!" I whined, "Yes we know we heard you the past 27 times y/n," Minaru said rolling his eyes.
"Tell me, all of you how do you feel?" I asked seriously.
"Annoyed" grumbled Oskah.
"Disappointed" Katsume mumbled.
"I want to kill myself" Minaru commented.
I waited for Ayumi to answer but he didn't, "Ayumi would you like to comment?" I asked leaning forward to see him better.
"Everything they said x2" He replied.
I smiled, "Now do me a favour and times those emotions by 5 because this is how its gonna be in like a day or two so suck it up and get over it," I said.
"Wait, you mean you've been being annoying like this on purpose all day just to convince us to not go in the car during your heat?!" Oskah shouted in annoyance.
I sat back into my seat and crossed my arms, "I don't know what you're talking about" I lied diverting my gaze to the window.
"Y/n your right we don't understand what it's like for you or what will happen but we get it already so you can stop being annoying," Katsume said, he was over it I could tell and so was I.
"Okay fine I'll stop being annoying but it's hard when there's nothing to do" I explained also agreeing to be less annoying.
An hour later we got some food from a service station then got ourselves a hotel. I had a great sleep until I was woken up by Katsume at almost five in the morning, I say almost because it was still 4 am.
"Get up y/n," Katsume said as he stood over my bed sipping his coffee. "NOOOOOO!" I yelled as I pulled the blankets over my head and rolled on my side so that my back was facing him.
"Y/n stop being difficult and get up," He said in a groggy voice, he was obviously tired, although I didn't care at all since I was still half asleep. I stayed still and made no motion to move or even start to wake up.
"Y/n" Katsume whined making no move to actually get me up physically. He groaned in irritation "You're not the one who has to drive all day y/n" Katsume said in an effort to make me feel any kind of sympathy for him.
"Why do we have to get up so early in the first place" I sighed rolling onto my back and looking at the ceiling.
"Because the faster we get away the safer we will be now get up before I make you get up" He threatened. I hummed a response, I don't even want to talk I'm drifting back into sleep, comforting sleep, great sleep.
"Carry me," I said blankly as I lazily turned my head to look up at Katsume who was just looking down at me. He tilted his head back and sighed. He finished his coffee and threw the cup in the bin across the room.
I would have complimented him on his good shot but I couldn't find the will to talk even more.
He threw the blankets off me and picked me up, I put my arms around his neck, he was warm and he smelt nice, it was like he was purposefully lulling me to sleep.
"Y/N!" Katsume yelled waking me up, "what yes no!" I exclaimed with confusion, I looked around the door for the backseat was open, I had fallen asleep on the way to the car. I looked in the car Oskah was practically dead to the world as he leaned his head on the back of the driver's seat.
Minaru was waiting for me to get in the car and by waiting I mean he had his head leaned on the car with his eyes closed. I let go of Katsume and crawled into the car, I put my seatbelt on then leaned back into the seat, it was uncomfortable, to say the least.
Minaru climbed in and put on his seatbelt, "Minaru I'm using you as my pillow" I commented as I leaned my head on his shoulder. His shoulder was warm and he smelled nice, it was comforting...
I didn't feel like this yesterday when I leaned my head on Oskah but all of sudden I was noticing more things about them, their scent was also more calming, oh well its probably nothing. I felt as Minaru leant his head on mine.
"You three wake up!" A voice yelled, we all jolted up, by that mean I mean Minaru and were still in the same position except Oskah was leaning on my shoulder. When I jolted up I accidentally slammed into Minarus head.
I held my head in pain and so did Minaru, "OW! whyyy?" I whined with tears in my eyes. "Its time for food what do you want?" Katsume asked I looked out the window we were at a gas station, in the passenger seat in the front Ayumi was sleeping,
"I'll take some food, three energy drinks and an iced coffee" I ordered. Minaru and Oskah ordered there own food and so on.
A few hours passed and it was finally lunchtime. I would have been happy except I know for a fact that we'd be having service station food again, I didn't really have a problem with that but it was getting annoying eating the same type of food over again.
The day went on the same as yesterday except the only difference was that Katsume was driving not Ayumi. We stopped at a rundown hotel, to be honest, it looked like it should have been set on fire, then set on fire again.
"Can we stop at another hotel?" I asked looking at the hotel with disgust, I could literally see a hooker getting paid ten going into a room with some guy. "I agree this place is unsanitary" Minaru agreed with disgust evident on his face.
"Ew, just ew" Oskah commented with a shiver. "It's all we can get unless you guys want to skip some meals" Katsume explained.
"I'll skip meals," The three of us said, it wasn't in unison though it was delayed by almost half a second between the each of us. Katsume rolled his eyes, "Too bad" He said getting out of the car.
"Dibbs sleeping in the car!" I exclaimed, "What, you can do that?!" Minaru exclaimed, "I just did and if your wondering I'm pushing the seats forward, You bitches can't stop me" I added.
"Dibs it," Minaru and Oskah said in unison, "There's enough room for the three of us to sleep here, if the three of us can fit sitting in the back we can share the back, it's like what you said Katsume there wouldn't be enough room for you or Ayumi unless one of us was kicked out and its like they say sacrifice the few to save the many" I said.
I don't know why I said that I mean I'd technically be sleeping next to two people I barely knew anything about and have only known for a week. Maybe it's because I didn't want to be alone in a car that my It's in a bad place.
Someone could break-in. "Fine, but if you two do anything and I mean anything to my sister I will kill you where you stand" Ayumi threatened as he looked back at us from his seat in the front. I hadn't heard Ayumi talk almost all day.
"We understand and besides Ayumi, I'm not into inexperienced school girls who have never had a boyfriend" Minaru explained assuring Ayumi. I looked at Minaru with a raised eyebrow.
"Who said I've never had a boyfriend?" I said looking him in the eyes, "I just though-" I interrupted him mid-sentence, "I've had a boyfriend" I said blankly. I heard Ayumi growl.
"Goddamn Ethan" He growled under his breath. Ethan was my beta boyfriend when mum was still alive we broke up 6 months before she died, it was mutual. At least now I know why Ayumi basically ignored me the first month I started dating him.
I just thought he was being moody. "Hey, do we have blankets and pillows?" I asked. I'm gonna need that to sleep. "I'm not driving around town to find a store that sells those" Katsume said, he was still standing outside the car with the door open
"Your still here?!" I asked shocked, I thought he left.