"I can't thank you enough" Katsume smiled with small tears forming at the edges of his eyes. No, my image of Katsume being a badass is slowly dissolving.
"No don't cry Katsume, it's ok really all you have to do is make food and clean," I said trying to comfort him and make him stop crying. Thankfully he didn't cry, cry he just had small tears in his eyes. I sighed in relief, now that that's all sorted out it's time to finish my food.
I walked around the couch and sat down next to Katsume and resumed eating dinner, it was great like always. I wonder where Katsume learned how to cook? you know what who cares as long as he keeps cooking I'm fine not knowing, Who am I to question him?
We all finished dinner and of course, Katsume did the dishes like always. I'm actually happy with this arrangement, now I don't have to feel guilty about Katsume making food and cleaning for us. Then again it's still sad because of his circumstances.
I helped Ayumi bring in all his stuff, like his computer, the mattress and his drawer of clothes. I mean he literally took the whole drawer and put it in my room. After that, we all decided it would be good to watch a movie so we watched a movie.
After the movie, Katsume decided to go to bed.
I was laying in my bed, on my back. I couldn't sleep, probably because of the fact that Ayumi was also in my room sleeping on the floor right next to me. What made it worse was the fact that he was shirtless.
I wanted to touch his abbs, why do I have to be like this? why can't I just be an innocent little cinnamon roll? I rolled onto my side and hugged my pillow trying to block out my thoughts of Ayumi.
It didn't work, it just made it worse, I sighed in defeat. "Ayumi? Are you awake?" I whispered as I looked down off the edge of the bed. Ayumi was laying on his back and didn't have the blanket on him, it was dark but I could still see his rocking bod.
"We turned the light off less than 5 minutes ago y/n" He informed me, opening one of his eyes to look at me. I puffed out my cheeks, ok maybe I'm being a little bit too restless.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked curiously, I honestly want to know, its been bugging me all day, well not all day but ever since he agreed to take me out. Ayumi opened his eyes once again.
"Secret" He answered, I pouted, so much for telling me. I rolled over and once again hugged my pillow this time I was set on sleeping mainly because the quicker I fall asleep the quicker tomorrow will come.
Finally, the morning is here! I was excited to go on a date with Ayumi but we didn't leave until the afternoon so I might as well take it easy and stay in bed where it's warm and comfortable.
"Get up!" Katsume yelled as he slammed my door open startling me. I sat up and gave him a glare, Why the hell did he wake me up? I literally have nothing to do today, like at all, well except for the date with Ayumi.
"What do you want from me? I give you a place to stay and then you j-just *sniff sniff* go and wake me up like this" I cried, tears in my eyes, I have to admit I get emotional in the mornings. That's only part of it, my heat will start sometime next week so I'm even more emotional.
Katsume slowly walked to the end of my bed, "I'm sorry okay, but we have to go and get you all the stuff you need for school" He said explaining himself while also apologising. Wait, I have to go to school, today of all days.
"B-but I don't want too to school, I want to stay in my bed!" I whined like a child as I pouted. Katsume frowned.
"Y/n, you are going to get out of bed and you are going to come with me to your school," He said with a firm but gentle voice. I growled at him, I didn't budge from where I sat on my bed.
"Y/n, don't you growl at me, get up!" He said raising his voice, I growled louder. He gave me a glare which easily made me reconsider my actions. Why does he have to be like this? Why can't he be less big and muscular and intimidating?
"Fine" I grumbled, I got out of bed with a pout on my face as I slowly walked to my drawer to put on some new clothes. I took off my hoodie, I then looked back at katsume "Pervert" I glared at him. He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
I grumbled curse words against Katsume as I dug through my draws to find some suitable clothes. I put on some sweat pants, a nice shirt and my favourite hoodie that had an adorable cat on it.
I stomped my way out of my room and slammed the door. I stomped down the hallway and walked into the loungeroom where Katsume was waiting for me. "We get takeout, take it or leave it" I demanded.
Katsume rolled his eyes "Oh yeah I can totally afford food its not like I got evicted out of my house because I couldn't pay the rent because everyone everywhere refused to give me a job" Katsume said with an immense amount of sarcasm laced in his voice.
I shrugged knowing that I had just made a fool of myself, of course, he doesn't have money but then again how was I supposed to know he was evicted because of money problems? "C' mon," Katsume said walking towards the door.
I followed him to the door and put on my socks and shoes, just great I have to go to school today, man this sucks, where the hell is ayumi anyway? He probably bailed on me, nah he wouldn't do that.
I followed Katsume to the elevator and through the lobby and too his car. He didn't have a great car but it wasn't bad either, I got in the front and sat so that I was slightly tilted to the left so that I was leaning on the back of the seat near the window.
I made sure that I didn't look at Katsume because I didn't want to see his good looking face. "look y/n I know your not happy about this but I'm not the bad guy here, we won't even be there long, all we're doing is picking up the uniforms, books, and stationary okay?" He said explaining what we were going to do at the school.
I didn't answer nor did I look at him, I wasn't in the mood to forgive anyone, "Where's Ayumi?" I asked finally looking him in the eyes. Katsume paused for a few seconds before he answered "He should be back by tonight"
"What time?" I asked still angry and moody.
"Sometime after lunch" Katsume answered, "Where did he go?" I asked curiously, Katsume once again paused before he answered my question raising my suspicion and curiosity.
"A meeting" Katsume replied making me nod in acknowledgement, I didn't want to talk to Katsume anymore, I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore, I'm in a bad mood, a terrible mood. Not only was I awoken from my slumber or should I say my me time, I just wanted to lay in bed, but no! I have to go to school.
Even if I'm not doing schoolwork I still hate school, I know its necessary but I still hate it. Katsume and I didn't speak a word we didn't even turn on the radio. Neither of us wanted to break the silence or at least that's how I felt.
We pulled up to the car park in front of the school. We got out of the car and walked through the school's gates, the school didn't look bad, everything was clean and there wasn't any rubbish from what I could see, on top of that oh I don't know I hated it.
Why? because it was lunchtime and there were students walked and sitting as they chatted eating their delicious lunches when I haven't even eaten breakfast yet. I put my hood up trying to cover my face mainly because almost everyone was looking at me or should I say who I was with.
I should have seen this coming, Katsume's an alpha all the students here are either omegas or betas which means almost all the omegas in the area were looking at Katsume, probably because they were scared of him. I mean he's not very how should I say approachable, you can practically feel the alpha rolling off of him like a tsunami.
You see omega's can just sort of sense these kinds of things, if we have a gut feeling someones an alpha then we're right 90% of the time. You can tell by the way alphas' are usually bigger than other people, betas' are usually normal, with a range of body types, whereas omegas' female and male are usually smaller.
I really didn't like the attention I was getting from everyone, it was annoying me, to say the least. Katsume and I were approaching the principles office. Katsume knocked on the large wooden door. "Come in," a female voice said from inside.
Katsume opened the door and so took the chance to stomp past him into the room making him sigh. There were two seats positioned in front of the supposed principles desk. I sat down immediately not caring about what the female had to say, she didn't have a collar on so basically she was a beta.
I knew she wasn't an alpha by her aura. Katsume sat down on the seat next to me on the left. "Hello, sorry we're late" Katsume apologized. The female adjusted her glasses and pulled out a folder from in her desk drawer and dropped it in front of her.
"You must be y/n and you must be Ayumi I'm guessing?" She asked I scoffed Katsume being mistaken for Ayumi? Katsume's basically a house husband, Ayumi is nothing like Katsume.
"No actually, Ayumi couldn't make it so I had to come, I'm Katsume nice to meet you," He said introducing himself to her. She nodded in acknowledgement then looked at me, she looked me up and down, I gave her a glare.
The so-called principle smiled in recognition "How long until?" She said trailing off expecting me to know what she was talking about. I rolled my eyes.
"Sometime next week" I whined as I rested my chin on my hand. She adjusted her glasses, I looked at her properly this time, she had long brown hair with her ends curled and brown eyes.
"I'm guessing you'll only be able to attend a few days of school before it happens, judging by how your acting right now you one of the ones who'd rather stay at home rather than risk it, right?" She said making an educated guess about my habits.
I narrowed my eyes at her and nodded, "Don't worry y/n, we have several groups of people who do the same as you so we do allow it, you will have to catch up on some things though of coarse" She informed me.
It made me feel better but at the same time, it meant I had to do extra work when it ended. I nodded my head telling her that I understood whereas Katsume just looked extremely confused.
"Katsume it might be better if you waited outside" I recommended to him, I was getting sick of having to not just straight out say what the topic we were talking about was. Katsume looked at the principle with a raised eyebrow.
She nodded showing that she agreed with me. Katsume stood up and walked out of the room. The principle and I talked about many things revolving around my heat, she said that they had suppressors at the school along with spare collars if needed.
The omegas' will have to pay for it after though, she told me about the routine and that when I do go into heat I have to tell them so they know I'm not just skipping school.
I was in the front seat on the passenger side, Katsume driving. "So... what did you talk about with the principle?" Katsume asked curiously. I rolled my eyes.
"Why do you want to know?" I asked defensively, Katsume diverted his gaze away from me and focused on the road. "Just curious is all," He said in a calm voice.
I sighed "I'm sorry for being... moody" I apologized sincerely as I looked at him. Katsume nodded "its okay y/n although I would like to know why you're in such a mood if you don't mind me asking" He indirectly asked taking his gaze away from the road.
I felt my cheeks heat up, "I-uh um... its because it'll uh happen soon" I stuttered, I didn't really want to directly say it to him because it's more of a thing you only talk about with other omegas' and females you trust.
"What'll happen soon?" He asked looking at me dumbfounded. For a guy who can cook and clean he's kind of a dunce. How could he not get it, is he like an idiot or something.
"Are you an idiot, I'm not saying it out loud, especially not to you, think about it Katsume, what happens to all omegas' that makes them act differently?" I asked trying to give him a massive hint about what I was talking about.
Katsume didn't reply he just looked like he had gotten more confused by my massive hint, he furrowed his brows as he tilted his head from side to side trying his best to think of what I was talking about.
He glanced at me with a look that pleaded for me to just outright tell him. Any expression what so ever fell from my face, "Katsume your a grown man right, think about it what would make me act differently from my normal self?" I asked him like he was a child that was trying his best to figure out a question.
"Period?" He asked as he glanced to me and then diverted it, then looked at me again, he knew he was stepping on land mines by saying that, I honestly didn't care he said that I care more about the fact that he still didn't get it.
My palm landed on my face as I sighed in annoyance, "Listen carefully Katsume, okay you listening?" I asked. He nodded showing he was.
"Okay, What makes an omega different from alphas' and betas' it happens every 3 months, four times a year, it makes the omega feel and act differently, it doesn't just affect the omega though it affects alphas' as well, it only affects the alphas' when they come in range of the omega in this select time frame" I said slowly so he could absorb all the knowledge.
His face lit up as he finally realized what I was talking about, "OH your heat" He exclaimed as he looked at me a smile on his face, I gave him a blank look and his smile fell, he diverted his gaze back onto the road "oh" He said.
"oh" he repeated, he was acting like a little girl who had just got her period for the first time and dint want to talk about it. I scoffed "your an idiot," I said not holding back in the slightest.
"Y/n can I be honest with you?" He asked wanting approval from me before he told me whatever it was that he was hiding. I nodded, "The reason I'm being evicted is that I have no money, the reason I have no money is that no one will hire me," He said glancing at me to see my reaction.
"Yeah I know that already," I said in boredom, it annoys me when I have to hear something I've already heard.
"The reason I can't get a job is that I've been in and out of prison all my life, I wasn't always like this, I have a short temper that I can barely contain, that's why I clean so much because it takes things off mind, therapeutic in a way, I learnt how to cook in jail, I only got out a few months ago" He confessed.
"That's why my mother won't let me see my sister, she doesn't want me to see her because she's scared I'll revert back to my evil, sadistic ways as she said, the reason I don't know much about this whole uh y' know thing is because I've been in prison with other alphas for 5 years, I haven't been in society since I was eighteen" He added.
Oh. my. god. he's a goddamn bad boy, I knew it, no ones that jacked without having a reason for it, wait... shouldn't I be scared of him. I don't feel scared of him the exact opposite actually, oh no, I'm getting the sudden urge to touch him, o feel his skin against mine. This isn't good.
Goddamn Heats taking effect, no, control your urges y/n don't say something you'll regret. Don't say or do anything just stay in your seat. I took a deep breath, my heart was racing. I crossed my legs trying to drown out the sudden urges.
"y/n, say something, you're not scared of me now? are you? because I can assure you that I'm a different person now I don't do that stuff anymore" He pleaded with worry evident in his voice.
I let out a small whimper, not at his words but at his voice.
"y/n? are you okay?" He asked with concern, "how long until we're home?" I asked frantically as I curled into a ball on the seat.
"Now," He said pulling over. I looked out the window, we were indeed in front of the large building with our apartment in it. I quickly stepped out of the car, slamming the door behind me. My breathing hitched.
Katsume walked around the car, with worry in his eyes "'Y/n?" He asked with worry.
"Let's just get back to the apartment, Now!" I exclaimed as I started walking into the apartment and through the lobby. I speed-walked and finally made it to the elevator, Katsume walking behind me.
I pressed the button that took me to our floor, I started to pant and my legs started to wobble so my best choice of action was to lean on the back of the elevator wall. My face was starting to heat up and I could feel as my body started to heat up all over.
"y/n, what's going on?" Katsume asked putting a hand on my shoulder as he looked at me with his eyes filled with worry. As soon as his hand touched my shoulder I felt sparks, it wasn't helping "Don't touch me!" I exclaimed slapping his hand away from me. He looked at me with surprise and fear in his eyes.
The door finally opned and I rushed out of the elevator and down the hallway, my heart was racing and I couldn't help but pant. I was starting to feel an immense amount of hormones that were getting worse by the second.
I was going into pre heat, it happens 3-6 days before your heat, basically it's a warning.
I had to get to my room quick and get a suppressor before I started making pheromones.
Katsume was right behind me, he was confused at what was going on but didn't question any further. Probably because of my outburst.
My body was heating up and I couldn't stop thinking about Katsume's body touching mine. Lewd thoughts entered my mind. My vision was starting to get cloudy.
How could I forget about pre heat!? I panted as I finally made it to the front door of out apartment. I couldn't open it myself since I didn't have the key.
I couldn't look at Katsume, I knew If I did it would make everything worse.701Please respect copyright.PENANATQeQthsc08
"Open the door!" I shouted.
He complied with my orders and opened the door. As soon as it was unlocked I pushed through lightly brushing Katsume with my shoulder.
I had to hold in a whimper. I ran to my room, i slammed the door open and rushed to my desk where I opened my drawer.
I fumbled around in the drawer but finally found what I was looking for, a suppressor. I took it out of the drawer and took off the cap.
All the while Katsume was just standing in the doorway looking at me with confusion and worry.
I stabbed the surpressor in my leg, it worked like an epi-pen. Once I new that everything was in my body I took the epi-pen and placed it on my desk as I fell to my knees.
There was nothing I could do but wait untill it did it's magic. I could already feel my heart getting back to its normal pace, my body wasn't so hot and as for my urges they were slowly disappearing.
I used the desk to hall myself up. I used the desk for support then looked at Katsume.
"What was that?!" He exclaimed with worry and confusion.
"That my friend is called pre heat, if you thought that was bad imagine what it's going to be like for me when my heat actually does come" I said out of breath.701Please respect copyright.PENANAiJHa9D72UE