"Hey, Oskah?" I asked in a raspy voice, "Yeah?" He replied, "Can you get me some food, I haven't eaten since lunchtime yesterday"
Oskah nodded as he got up from the bed and walked over to the fridge where he pulled out a carton of (favourite type of milk strawberry/chocolate blah blah blah) milk. My eyes sparkled, (favourite flavour) milk is the best.
He handed it to me and I happily sipped it, Oskah sat down on the other single bed. I still feel sick but at least I'm not confused, scared and annoyed anymore, still a little hungry.
"Ayumi should be here to pick us up tomorrow, Minaru and Katsume should be with him and then we'll be able to leave," Oskah said starting up another conversation and breaking the silence.
"Where are we going to go?" I asked I don't exactly want to be on the run for the rest of my life, not only that but I'd rather be somewhere when I go into heat. Oskah shrugged which wasn't exactly reassuring for me.
Oskah got up from his sitting position on his bed and walked over to the mini-fridge again and got himself a drink. He came and sat down in the same position as before on his bed, he had his legs crossed.
I finished my milk and placed it on the drawer, I laid back down and got comfortable. I can't believe I'm still tired, I practically slept all last night and all day. I was about to sleep when I realised something.
I abruptly sat up which made me feel sick, I held my head with my hand as the dizzy spell I had slowly diminished, I looked at Oskah with horror in my eyes. "Y-you!" I stammered as I pointed at him.
Oskah diverted his gaze with a blush on his face, "You CHANGED ME!" I yelled at him. Oskah couldn't look me in the eyes so he just nodded looking away in shame.
"i-uh I'm sorry, you were practically dead and I didn't know what else to do so I changed you and I'm sorry and at the time I was panicking, but I assure you that I didn't do anything to you while you were out, I changed you into dry clothes and that's it I swear!" He defended himself.
I started to panic, he changed me! he saw everything! everything. My heart started racing and I started taking in short shaky breathes. "I'm really sorry y/n but I did what I had to do!" Oskah yelled as he started panicking with me.
Then I passed out.
I woke up, I was still in the hotel bed, I felt a bit better though, I wasn't as sick as before and my throat was feeling better but I'm still mad and embarrassed that Oskah changed me. I know he did it to help me but still.
I held the blanket tighter and covered the slight blush that was emerging on my face. I guess I can forgive him but he owes me whether he likes it or not.
I laid in the bed under the warm and comfortable blanket for as long as I wanted, I could tell I had woken up early since the sun was only just beginning to come up. I could hear Oskah Quitely snoring his bed.
I didn't want to get up not just because I was comfortable but because I was still sick and cold. After a while of just laying there, I decided I couldn't get comfortable or go back to sleep. I sat up then hopped out of bed.
My legs were a bit shaky at first so I used my bed to keep myself stable....ish. I made my way up to the mini-fridge, I opened it and saw that there was more of my (favourite type of milk) so I did the reasonable thing and drank it.
I heard shuffling from behind me, I turned around, Oskah was waking up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Look who decided to wake up" I muttered loud enough for him to hear as I gave him a subtle glare.
He changed me, I'm not going to forgive him just because he gave me milk. "Y/n please stop looking at me like that, I told you I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, "Whatever do you mean," I said in a monotone voice.
Oskah started getting angry, he threw the blanket off of him and stomped his way up to me. He walked into my personal space as a way to intimidate me. He was taller than me so I had to look up at him.
"I did what I had to do y/n! I don't regret what I did and I would do it again if I had too so get over it!" He yelled I took a step back trying to get back my personal space. "I'm..... sorry" I muttered
Oskah took a step back in surprise "Your right, I need to get over it and I should have said thank you so thankyou Oskah, but you have to understand I'm going through a very....unique time so I'm a tad bit moody" I added.
Oskah grumbled some words but I couldn't hear what he said. I tilted my head in confusion, Oskah got the idea and sighed, "I'm also sorry for yelling at you" he strained out.
I smiled and before I knew what I was doing I had walked up to Oskah and embraced him in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and patted his back "I forgive you" I comforted him.
I felt Oskah's muscles tense and he looked shocked as if he had never been hugged before, I realised what I had done and quickly let go of Oskah and took a step back. I groaned in annoyance as I ran to my suitcase, I opened the suitcase and took out some tablets.
I poured myself a glass of water, I took one of the tablets and swallowed it with the water. "What did you just take?" Oskah asked still in a daze about what happened. I quickly walked back to my suitcase and showed the tablets in there.
"It's uh, it's an omega thing you wouldn't understand" I explained as I swallowed some more water. The tablets were there to help keep the urges under control, it was like a sedative in a way.
Oskah didn't question it anymore and went to have a shower. I sat down on my bed not before taking the remote off the table. I turned on the tv and amused myself with it while I waited for Oskah to finish his shower.
I wonder when Ayumi and that will pick me up, It's boring here, It would be different if I had my phone with me. I sighed, I'm not looking forward to having my heat at this time. I still don't understand what Oskah meant when Ayumi had to fight for them.
That explains why Ayumi came home after a 'meeting' with a cut on his handsome face. Oskah finished his shower and we waited for Ayumi and the others to pick us up. While we waited Oskah ordered some food from the hotel, more specifically he ordered us breakfast.
I ate the meal slowly as to not upset my stomach. I made sure to stay warm and even made some tea for myself.
We heard a knock at the door, "Not it" I coughed, I don't care if it was Ayumi, room service or the men in suits I was comfortable where I was, plus my legs had completely given up on me, I couldn't stand without help.
Oskah rolled his eyes and walked to the door, I looked back at the door, sure enough, it was Ayumi, as much as I wanted to run to him I couldn't and I didn't want to he had been lying to me for who knows how long.
Behind him were Katsume and Minaru, they walked into the room. "Why didn't you answer your phone y/n?" Ayumi asked irritated, I mimicked him "Why didn't you answer your phone y/n? oh right because I got called by some random person who threatened to kill me!" I exclaimed with annoyance.
"I'm sorry about how things turned out y/n" He sighed, I glared at him. "As much as you guys should talk this out we don't really have time for a sibling quarrel, so can we just wrap this up and continue it another time" Minaru butted in.
"Yeah Ayumi, we can deal with this another- " I couldn't finish the sentence and had a sneezing fit. "How the hell did you get a cold y/n? you only wear trackie's and hoodies" Katsume chimed in.
"Long story short the cafe closed and I had to go outside and it rained and I got sick" I explained with a growl. "Not to mention the fact that after that Osk-" I was interrupted by Oskah "I had trouble finding her since she had walked a few blocks away"
I looked at Oskah with a blank look, this bitch didn't tell them? I guess it would be a weird conversation, I guess I can have Oskah's back on this. "Yeah, he took forever to find me" I Lied.
"Let's just get going, Katsume carry me" I spoke changing the topic. Katsume's face lit up with confusion "What? why?" He asked, "Because my legs refuse to work, I'd get Ayumi to carry me but I don't want him to, as for Oskah I don't want him touching me and Minaru sorry but I barely know you" I explained.
"Now carry me!" I growled as I put my arms up like a child wanting him to carry me. I was being needy I know but it's not my fault. The tablet was starting to wear off. It was around four in the afternoon, I took the tablet at around eight.
"You're not a child y/n I'm not carrying you" Katsume replied. "Carry me!" I whined putting my hands up in a grabbing motion. Katsume rolled his eyes, "Fine" He caved making me smile, He walked over to me and held me bridal style. Yes! free ride.
I could here Ayumi growling in the background but I didn't care, I was too focused on the fact that I got a free ride. From the looks of it, Katsume didn't care either. He carried me out of the hotel room, we were in one of those motels that had two stories with the rooms stacked next to each other and underneath.
We were on the top one so Katsume had to carry me down their metal stairs and to the car. Thankfully it was a big car, I think it was a jeep. I'm not good with cars scenes as I never leave my house other than to go to school. At least that was how it used to be.
"Dibs the front!" I yelled as I jumped out of Katsume's arms and stumbled my way to the front seat, I almost fell but it was worth it since I was able to get in the front. I was about to shut the door until Katsume stopped me.
"Get in the back y/n" He growled. "There's not enough room though, what about my personal space?" I whined, if I sit in the back I'll be squished next to one of them which will suck. I mean come on my heats in a few days it's not good for me to be so close to an alpha.
To smell there intoxicating scent and there devilishly handsome looks, with there well tones bodies. No! snap out of it y/n, "Y/n, look at me, do you think I'll be able to sit in the back with them, no do you think I'll be able to fit in the back?" He said successfully convincing me.
I sighed in disappointment as I hopped out of the front seat and into the back. At least I don't have to sit next to Ayumi since he was just getting in the driver's seat. "I'm getting a window seat!" I exclaimed, if I'm sitting in the back I'm getting a window seat.
"Sorry y/n but I am not sitting next to Minaru," Oskah said getting in the car on the opposite side to me getting a window seat. I looked at Minaru who was next to me, he just smiled his blue hair was messier than normal.
"Sorry y/n" He apologised as he immediately lifted me into the car causing me to squeak in shock. He pushed me into the middle seat and before I could even move he was hopping into the car and closing the door,
He buckled in his seatbelt, I looked at him with a blank face, "You bastard" I sneered with hate swirling in my eyes. He wasn't bothered by it and just kept his smug, stupid smile on his face.
"Well y/n you know what they say first come first serve" He smirked, "THAT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE IN THIS SITUATION" I shouted.
"Will you two shut up!" Oskah shouted I mimicked Oskah in a high-pitched tone making fun of him. He growled at me, "Stop it! the three of you shut up!" Katsume yelled at us making us all shut up.
"bitch" I muttered under my breath, I heard a growl from the front seat, Ayumi had already started driving and I hadn't realised it. "What did you say?" Katsume said looking back at us with a smile on his face.
I crossed my arms and started muttering jibberish. It was cramped in the back seat, Oskah was to my left and Minaru to my right. Our arms were touching and so were our legs. It was extremely uncomfortable for me and I couldn't stop thinking about Oskah changing my clothes.
He saw everything, my bare thighs and legs, my chest my.... other place. He definitely would have had to touch me to put the clothes on my body. I only ever wear trackies, hoodies, shirts and sometimes pyjama pants, I only wear shorts in summer. It's not that hot though.
I'm way too insecure to wear skirts or dresses, singlets are okay I guess. I still can't get over what he did though.
"Are you okay y/n?" Minaru asked snapping me out of my dazed state, "Huh what?" I asked confused. He slightly tilted his head "You've been glaring at the road for almost twenty minutes" He commented.
"Oh I'm just thinking about the fact that Oskah undressed me then dressed me while I was unconscious," I said unconsciously. "WHAT!" Katsume yelled, at the same time the car came to an abrupt stop.
Minaru's jaw fell as he looked at the person beside me, Oskah, Oskah had a look of betrayal in his eyes. "Why?" Ayumi growled in a cold voice making Oskah shiver in fear.
"It's fine, he did what he had to do," I said brushing it off like nothing, I've accepted what happened. Ayumi started the car again and we continued going down the bare road.
"What's that supposed to mean!" Katsume yelled, why are they making such a big deal out of this stupid thing, I just want to forget all about it.
"Let me explain myself! It was pouring and while I searched to find y/n I found her passed out on the sidewalk, she was cold and shivering, I tried to wake her up, I even put her in the hotels bathtub and filled it with warm water, she still didn't wake up so I had no other choice but to put her in clean clothes so that she wouldn't get even sicker then she already is!" Oskah exclaimed.
"It's fine, I forgive Oskah, plus he gave me milk" I commented trying to explain that I was cool with what happened. "What are you a cat?" Katsume muttered to himself loud enough for us all to hear.
"Yes, Katsume yes I am a cat" I replied, "Hey Oskah?" Minaru said changing the topic, "What?" Oskah replied with an annoyed expression on his face.
"Scale of one to ten how good does y/n look?" Minaru smirked looked at Oskah, my face heated up along with Oskahs, he tried to answer but all that came out was muddled words and sounds.
I put my hoodie up and tried to cover my face as much as possible when Oskah finally composed himself and was about to answer. "Answer that and I will crush you!" I threatened while giving him a glare.
It successfully shut Oskah up, I need something serious to change the topic and quickly, "Where are we going!?" I whisper shouted for some reason, it was the only thing I could think of that would successfully change the topic.
"We're going to my cousins' house where we are going to stay for a while until everything sorts itself out" Minaru chimed. I nodded, "How long till we get there?" I asked, I really hope we get there soon, the last thing I want is to be in heat on the road, that's the worst thing.
Not only that but as good as the supressors work they only go so far. "Well we can't go by plane, we don't have the money for that and we're not going to be driving during the night so probably a week and a half," He said making my jaw drop.
"We can't do that," I said blankly. I am not spending my heat in a goddamn car, that's the hardest thing to ever do. It's hard enough to do it my room, not only that but if I'm cooped up in this car the pheromones are going to build up.
Not only that but it's going to be hard for me to deal with being in the car with them and their alpha-ness. There are two things that happen to an omega in heat one pheromones that attract an alpha two the irresistible urge to touch and fuck the alpha.
"Y/n if you're worried about your heat as long as you take the suppressors we're not going to do anything to you, we're strong enough to resist," Minaru said trying to comfort me. Except I don't give a fuck about them I'm worried about me.
"But am I?! It's harder for me then it is for you!" I yelled as I leaned back into the car seat and put a hand on my head, my head was starting to hurt from all this stress. ____________________________________________________