I coughed gaining there attention "dinner" I said looking at Ayumi. He nodded. I looked down at Oskah then at Ayumi signalling if I had to make.... heat up some food for him aswell. Ayumi nodded which caused me to sigh.497Please respect copyright.PENANAsJ3nOEwU06
I slumped my shoulders and dragged myself to the kitchen as I angrily heated up the food. Unfortunately this was the last of it meaning we wouldn't have any for tommorow. How annoying.497Please respect copyright.PENANACwPXrpeFXX
I took Ayumi's plate along with mine and walked into the lounge room. I sat down next to Ayumi, I gave Oskah a glare as I passed him. "Where's mine?" Oskah asked.
"You eat last" I said as I started to eat. There's no better way to show dominance then to eat before them showing that you are more important then them.
"Y/n" Ayumi said warning me. I grumbled as I stood up and stormed to the kitchen getting Oskahs plate. I placed down Oskahs plate infront of him on the table. I went and sat back down next to Ayumi. We ate in silence.
I was the first to finish, I waited for Ayumi to finish so I could take his plate for him. Unfortunately Ayumi finished last so I had no choice but to take Oskahs plate as well.
I placed the plates in the sink. I had to be careful where I placed the plates, the sink was overflowing with clutter. 497Please respect copyright.PENANAhXO4cx1aLp
Katsume can have fun with that.
I walked back into the lounge room and sat down next to Ayumi. I glared at Oskah as he glared at me. We were having a glaring competition of sorts.497Please respect copyright.PENANAH1Capg1Kfv
Eventually we started to growl at eachother.
I stopped glaring and growling when I felt a hand on my head it was Ayumi. "Can you two at least try to be friends?" Ayumi asked blankly.
"No" we said in unison. "Don't copy me!" We exclaimed In unison. "Stop copying me!" We yelled at eachother.497Please respect copyright.PENANA1xTockzunU
We glared went back to having a glaring competition "Stop it!!!" We yelled.
"Ow!" I squeaked as something hit me on the head. It was Ayumi's fist. I glared at him as I sniffed. "Stop fighting or your both grounded" he warned in a threatening tone.
"You can't ground me! You have no authority over me what so ever!" Oskah yelled. "Yeah what he said, you have no authority over me your just my brother!" I exclaimed.
"Older brother" he corrected. I froze, he was my older brother, there for he did have authority. "As for you. Your the one who's currently on my couch wounded, it's either you two stop fighting or your grounded, if you don't like that then you can get out!" Ayumi warned threatening us.
We stayed quite. I hate being grounded it sucks. Ayumi locks me in my room and takes away my electronics and my manga so that I can't do anything. It's so boring.
We went back to watching tv. I kept sneaking glances at Oskah. When I did I would glare at him and stick out my toungue. He would do the same.
My throats pretty dry I should go drink some water. I got up and got ready to walk to the kitchen. I didn't make it there. As I passed Oskah he tripped me and I landed on the floor. I growled.
"My bad" he said innocently. "Fucking die!" I yelled as I jumped at him. Unfortunately Ayumi had stood up quickly and grabbed my stumoch stopping me just as I was about to land on Oskah.
He pulled me back and threw me onto the couch. "That's enough! Your both grounded!" Ayumi scolded. I looked down with a sad expression. Ayumi never yelled at me except for a few occasions.
Oskah did the same. Ayumi turned off the tv and stole the remote. "You two stay on the couch if I hear the tv going you get even more time, I expect you two to stay on the couch for 3 hours if you fight 1 more hour added, If you leave one more hour added" he explained. Once he finished he walked away to his room slamming the door behind him.
"This is your fault" Oskah growled. "This is your fault" I mimicked. "Why do you have to be so rude you started this" I said. "It's not my fault your a fucking breeder" he spat.
"Breeder?! Oh yeah like I haven't heard that before!" I replied. This guy gets on my nerves it's people like him that I hate. "Let me guess your an alpha huh?!" I exclaimed.
"For your information yes, yes I am and your just a stupid, weak, pathetic, whore" he replied insulting me. "Oh really I'm a whore huh? The first three yeah I can agree to that but tell me this Oskah if your so smart then how exactly can I be a whore if I'm still a virgin huh?" I retorted.
He froze for a second as he thought of a comeback. "You may not be one now but you will be, your only purpose in life is to reproduce that's all you are a tool for reproduction!" He yelled. This would hurt my feelings if I hadn't heard it all before.
"Wow, how original but heads up its not like I chose to be an omega now is it!" I yelled. "All you omegas are the same your weak and pathetic, you use the fact that your an omega as an excuse for doing things!" He replied.
"Your just jelous that I'm better then you and you know it" I yelled. He scoffed "You better then me?! Ha that's just pathetic!" He retorted.
We faught with eachother for another solid 30 minutes. We were now giving eachother the silent treatment. I'm so bored. I glanced at Oskah but quickly looked away. "Wanna have a truce?" I asked coming up with a brilliant idea.
"Why would I have a truce with some one like you?" He scoffed. "Revenge against my bother" I said. He thought for a moment. He growled at me but eventually agreed "Fine but how do we do that?" He asked.
"Simple, we use reverse psychology" I said with a wide smile on my face. He narrowed his eyes, once again he thought for a few seconds.
He looked at me with a face that said 'how do you suggest we do that?'
"Simples, we pretend to be the bestest of friends" I said. "If he thinks we're friends he'll leave us alone, all we have to do is act like friends when he or anyone else is around, other then that we stay as far away from each other as possible" I explained.
He nodded "Fine, just remember that everything I say or do is fake and that I hate you and your kind, that I think your just a tool for reproduction" he said. "Fair enough" I replied.
"Good" he said as he leaned back into the couch. "Stay here, I'm going to go make a deal with Ayumi remember the deal, friendly around people hateful when it's just us" I explained as I stood up and walked past him, this time I made sure that I watched where I was walking. I didn't feel like tripping again.
I walked down the hall to Ayumi's room. I knocked several times on the door. I was about to knock again when the door opened to Ayumi. Who looked down at me with a disappointed look.
"I'm..... sorry" I said under my breath. He started to close the door "no, no no, wait" I said using my foot to stop the door. He opened the door once again waiting for me to talk.
"Okay fine I'm sorry ok, I over reacted and was a little bit childish" I said. He gave me a blank look. " Okay alot childish, what matters is that I'm sorry and Oskah and I have found a mutual understanding okay" I explained. "Can you please just unground us, please?" I pleaded.
"Y/n" he said blankly "Yes?"497Please respect copyright.PENANAxTRJf7eyk1
"These walls are thin y/n, I can hear everything, good try" he said "but not good enough now go sit back on the couch like the good little sister you are" he added as he softly pat my head.
He closed the door in my face be for so could reply. Goddamn it. I walked back to the loungroom and sat down. "So how'd it go?" Oskah asked. "Thin walls, he heard everything" I replied sadly.
"I new it wouldn't work, you omegas can't be trusted To actually do something without failing" he insulted. "Yeah yeah I get it, your a jerk, you don't have to keep reminding me" I said. I leaned into the couch.
I'm not gonna bother wasting my energy on him, I just have to stay here untill the time is up. Easy enough.
"Oi" Oskah growled. I ignored him. "Oi!" He growled louder, I opened my eyes and sighed "Yes?" I asked annoyed. "Nothing" he replied.
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Did.... did he just do that? He did didn't he? Why would he do that?497Please respect copyright.PENANAuMq8Z9GOtB
Believe it or not I actually kind of like Oskah not his personality his looks, he's pretty good looking I must admit.
"If you weren't so good looking I'd definitely slap you" I said unconsciously. "What!?" He exclaimed. I froze "did I say that out loud?" I asked. "Yes" he replied.
"My bad, my bad" I said. I started humming not any song in particular. Then I started to click my tongue and make noises to keep myself entertained.
"Will you shut up!" He growled at me with a glare. I rolled my eyes at him and laid back into the couch and sighed. I'm so bored being grounded sucks. I Laid down on the couch and tried to sleep to make things go faster.
I couldn't sleep it was only 7, I've been here for half an hour meaning I have to stay here untill 10pm. I really don't want to do that but if I leave Ayumi will find out and I'll have to stay here longer. I groaned "this is so boring"
"Get over it, it's not the end of the world" Oskah commented. "Yes it is" I replied. "There's nothing to do, we're wasting time" I added. "That's it! I'm storming into Ayumi's room and demanding he end our groundedness" I said.
I stood up, "You stay here" I said "not like I can go anywhere else" he snarled. Oh right he's injured, forgot about that for a second there. I walked back to Ayumi's door. I knocked on the door and waited for Ayumi to open it.
He didn't "Ayumi!" I exclaimed as I tried to open his door only for it to fail. He had locked the door. That little... arghhhh
"Ayumi open up!" I yelled. "Fine be this way!" I stormed down the hall and into the lounge room. " how'd it go? It sounded like failure to me" Oskah smirked. "Ha. Ha. Ha" I replied.
I walked over to the tv and turned it on with the button. I couldn't watch anything other then mainstream tv. I needed the remote for everything else. I flipped through the channels. "Anything you want to watch?" I asked.
"Why? I thought I was inferior to you" he growled. I rolled my eyes "because it would be annoying having you complain about what I want to watch so pick a show or I will, if I do you can't complain Ok?" I said explaining myself to him even though I really didn't feel like doing it.
Oskah didn't answer so I chose a channel myself. I sat back and relaxed into the couch. Before I knew it I was sound asleep.
3rd person P.O.V
The current time was 10:57 pm and Ayumi had decided it was time to check on the troublesome teenagers. He had added another hour to their timeout because of y/ns outburst. He walked into the lounge room only to see his adorable little sister was peacefully sleeping.
As for the other one he was also sleeping. Ayumi sighed as he thought about the future. He'd try his best to keep himself under control and push his feelings deep, deep down and lock them in a box.
When y/ns heat comes around he just hopes that he'll be able to control himself. He'll even go as far as to stay somewhere else during her heat. He looked down at his sister and gently caressed her cheek.
He loved his sister, too much then he probably should of. He didn't want her to sleep on the couch where she could catch a cold. He picked her up bridal style and walked to her room where he tucked her into bed. He decided that he would try for as long as he possibly could not to do anything to her.
Y/n P.O.V
I opened my eyes, how did I get in my bed? Like seriously I fell asleep on the couch. I looked at the time 7am in the morning. I did go to sleep pretty early I mean I went to bed at like 10pm that's pretty early from when I usually sleep.
I laid in bed untill around 8. I finally decided that I should get up and eat. I opened my door and walked down the hallway. I frowned, the blue haired guy was here and sitting on the couch talking to Oskah.
"Oh hello there y/n!" He chimed. I gave him a blank look. "Do I know you?" I asked, I new he was here yesterday but I kind of forgot everything about him. I mean I even did a whole internet search on him. Oh right he's good gang person? Something like that.
"How heartless, it's me Minaru, I'm the one who brought Oskah here" he explained. He stood up and walked up to me. When he got close to me at least 4 steps away I stepped back. He must stay 4 steps away at all times.
He took a step forward, I took a step back. I walked around him and to the kitchen where I made some toast. Minaru followed me into the kitchen.497Please respect copyright.PENANAcX6nzH0MyL
Thankfully he stayed a good distance away from me.
"What are you making?" He asked with a smile. This guy is way to happy. "Breakfast" I answered. He nodded "What kind of breakfast?" He asked as he observed me and my every move. "Toast" I said as I pulled out a loaf of bread from the fridge.
"What are you putting on your toast?" He smiled. I looked at him "Why are you talking to me?" I asked irritated. He was like a puppy an annoying puppy no dog, that follows you everywhere.
"Because your cute" he replied. I froze, a small blush formed on my face. Ignore him y/n, he's just trying to get into your head. "Yes, yes I am cute but that doesn't mean you have to talk to me" I said.
I put the bread into the toaster. Thank God he stopped talking to me. I glanced over to him. He was leaning against the door to the kitchen just watching me. It was making me feel insecure.
Ignore it y/n. The toast popped and I spread the topping I wanted over it. I could feel his eyes on me. Stop looking at me dude it's making me insecure. Why do you have to be this way Minaru!?
I stopped what I was doing and looked at him. I gave him a crooked smile "Do you have to look at me? I mean why don't you go talk to Oskah? he is your friend isnt he?" I asked.
He put his hand on his chin as he thought. "Yes and No and yes" he said. I replayed my questions and his anwser, yes to having to look at me, no to going to talk to Oskah and yes to Oskah being his friend.
"Why do you have to look at me?" I asked. " Because I want to observe Ayumi's sister he is my friend is that so bad?" He said with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, yes it is bad when you are annoying me like this" I growled. This guy is so annoying how does Ayumi deal with him?
"How exactly an I annoying you?" He asked. I took a bite of my toast. I chewed my toast slowly then swallowed. "Fine, I see how it is Minaru, now if you would excuse me I'm going to go to my room and eat my toast without you watching me, why? Because it's creepy, very creepy I might add, goodbye" I said as I walked past him, my toast in hand.
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I could feel his eyes on me as I walked through the lounge room and to my room. I glanced back, he was still leaning against the kitchen door. He was smiling as he gave me a small wave. I looked him over from top to bottom as shook my head. I walked into my room.
I paused the show I was watching on my phone and gently placed it down on my desk. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it and immediately closed it. Of course it had to be Minaru.
I groaned in irritation he had used his foot to stop the door from completely closing. He opened the door, smile on his face as he waltzed in. He glanced around my room taking everything in.497Please respect copyright.PENANASh21vB4v2o
He finished studying my room and looked at me with a smile. "Nice room you got here" he smiled.
I glared at him "What is it that you need?" I asked. He rolled his eyes in a playful way "I don't particularly need anything" he said.
"Then leave" I growled defensively as soon as he finished talking. He playfully frowned "aww c'mon y/n There's no need to be like that, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm your friend" he assured me.
"Uh huh sure" I said unconvinced.497Please respect copyright.PENANAAj1NBWeIYR