I was laying in bed still trying to process everything that Ayumi had just told me. I was extremely confused, wait..... did Ayumi really say he loved me and not in a sibling way? I mean I could have misheard it. Yeah, I think I misheard it, I'm lying to myself, I know what he said and I know that it was real.
Goddamnit Ayumi you just had to go and confuse my heart like this.
My heart be like:
Why Ayumi! ;^; why must you confuse us like this?! do you want me to- to explode? I will explode if you play with me like this *sniff sniff* life is so confusing. I ache, oh the pain, the PAIN! I-i am dying from emotions, these emotions are too much! *cry sniff sniff*
Wait... how long? how long has he felt this way, we were sitting on the couch together! in an intimate way! How could I be so oblivious, Ayumi I'm sorry, I can't believe I've been....leading you on like this, I never didn't like it though, that makes me a terrible person.
I'm sorry for everything Ayumi, I'm sorry I can't give you an answer yet, I just, I need more time. I sighed then rolled around in my bed trying to shake away my thoughts of Ayumi. I took a deep breath, I have to leave my room sometime, I've already been in here since morning and it's half past 12.
I need to eat but my anxiety! what if I run into Ayumi? what will I say? what will I do? *gasp* what will he do and say? I'm scared. okay, you got this y/n, all you have to do is walk out of your room into the kitchen then heat a frozen meal. it's easy, right?
I hopped up out of bed and walked to my lovely, wooden door. I put my hand out to open the door but hesitated, you've known him your whole life y/n at least you've known him since as far as you can remember.
I took a deep breath and opened the door in triumph, I took a step out of my room and looked left to right. I sighed in relief, no one was in the hallway and Ayumi's door was closed, he doesn't close his door unless he's in there, then again that's not true the whole time.
I walked down the hallway, thankfully Ayumi wasn't in the lounge room, that can only mean he's either in the kitchen, not in the apartment or his room. let's just hope it's not the first one. I held my breath as I walked into the kitchen. I released my breath when I saw that he wasn't there.
I made my frozen meal and ate it as quick as I could as to decrease the percentage of running into Ayumi. I put the rubbish in the bin, the fork in the sink and ran into my room. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side and as I was reaching my room Ayumi came out of his.
"Ayumi, h-hi" I stuttered. Why did I have to stutter, this is so awkward, I couldn't look Ayumi in the eyes and so I found the floor was very interesting. I heard him sigh, he reluctantly patted my head, ruffling my hair.
"You don't have to force yourself y/n" Is along the lines of what I would have preferred him to say but he didn't. He didn't say anything, he just walked past me. I wanted to say something, to tell him to wait. I couldn't find the words though and instead, I just watched him walk away from me.
I sighed, not a good sigh a bad sigh, a depressing sigh. It's Thursday meaning that I've only got 3 more days until I start school, I don't want to spend it like this. I want to be able to spend time with him, but how the hell am I supposed to do that when I can't even look him in the eyes.
That's it! if I can't look him in the eyes then I'll just do the next best thing, I'll text him! I'm such a genius, I walked into my room with excitement, closing the door behind me. I jumped on my bed and lied on my back picking up my phone and opening the contacts app.
What up bro? or should I say potential love interest, you really dropped a bomb on me there
How long?
Long enough
Are you ever going to give me a straight answer?
let's not make this awkward, pwease?
you owe me for this though, take me out to dinner I want good food
Is that your way of asking me to take you out on a date?
Oh right, how about this we call it a date I'll see how I feel and if I like it I'll consider my feelings for you I'm not paying though
That's a given you have no money, I'm not letting you go though y/n whether you say yes or no I'll make you love me
And how are you gonna do that?
I'll use my devilishly good looks, my charm and my body if I have to
.....I'm ending this conversation, we'll go out Friday night
I'll be waiting
I smiled with joy as I put my phone down next to me, I can't believe this is helping, I kicked my legs and covered my face with a pillow as I squealed. I'm ashamed of myself, I've been degraded to an impressionable schoolgirl.
I sighed in relief, how did this happen? my life's getting better, wait, what am I going to wear, I'll just wear my usual clothes. What will other people think of our relationship? You know what who cares what other people think, as long as I'm happy and Ayumi's happy I'm happy.
I wonder where he's going to take me, maybe a fancy restaurant, Nah Ayumi knows I don't like places like that especially because I'm an omega and 95% of people who go to fancy restaurants are betas and alphas. It would ruin the vibe if I'm getting nasty looks from half the people in the restaurant.
I stayed in my room until I needed to have a shower, I got the clothes I wanted to wear and off I went to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and had my shower. I finished my shower and did what I needed to do in only 40 minutes.
I walked out of the bathroom and ran into Ayumi once again, "Ayumi" I said with a nod. At least it wasn't awkward anymore which was a good thing.
"Y/n, my adorable future wife," Ayumi said with his signature blank face with a small nod. I froze as a blush swept across my face and my muscles tensed. "Falling for my charm already?" Ayumi whispered in my ear his warm breath blowing against me.
Before I could say anything he walked passed me and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him. oh. my. god, he did not just tease me, he did, didn't he? I took a deep breath, I am not going to get used to this for a long time.
I went back into my room and waited for dinner time.
It was finally dinner time and I was once again starving, I walked out of my room and into the loungeroom where Ayumi was. I sat down beside him, not beside him but on the same couch as him.
"What's for dinner?" I asked focused on the tv in front of me. It wasn't easy to get the courage to look at Ayumi, especially after what he did in front of the bathroom.
"Katsume's coming over, hell be here soon" Ayumi informed me giving me all the information I needed. Not gonna lie I was excited that Katsume was coming over so much so that I was unconsciously smiling.
"y/n, I don't appreciate you feeling that way about another male, while I'm here none the less" Ayumi growled as he looked me in the eyes. I once again tensed under his gaze as I thought of an excuse that wasn't exactly a lie but not exactly a truth either.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm only smiling because I like his food," I said all knowingly as I diverted my gaze. I leaned back into the couch as I let out a relaxed sigh. "I mean what's there to like about him other than his the great face, great body, he's reliable and knows how to talk, nope nothing great about him" I added as I looked Ayumi in the ayes with a smirk.
Ayumi's eyes narrowed as a growl erupted from his chest, his way of telling me to shut the hell up before he does something. "Hey, I'm not currently dating anyone so you have to understand that I have to explore my options" I smiled as pushed Ayumi further.
"You know I'm right here right? I'm glad to see you're treating me like an object" Katsumes voice said laced with disappointment from behind me making me freeze. I turned my head to look behind me, sure enough, it was Katsumi, his arms were crossed and he was looking down at me with disappointment.
"H-hey Katsume, when uh when did you get there?" I stuttered looking at him with confusion clearly visible on my face.
"5 minutes ago, I leave to go to the bathroom and come back to find you basically saying that you only like me because of my food and because I can clean, then you say you're exploring your options, well for your information I'm 23, that's 5 years older than you not to mention your in highschool" He lectured.
"You're implying that I want to date you, in fact by exploring my options I meant as in finding a new best friend," I said smugly effectively lying to Katsume, at least I thought I did by the look on Katsumes face.
"We all know your lying y/n, I'm going to go make you two pathetic people some dinner," He said insulting both Ayumi and me at the same time. I rolled my eyes and once again put my attention on the tv, I could see Katsume walking into the kitchen in my peripheral vision.
"What a drama queen" I mumbled under my breath, "I heard that!" Katsume yelled from in the kitchen. I looked at Ayumi with confusion "How did he?" I asked with my mouth agape. How did he hear me from all the way in there, what is he a bat or something?
Ayumi just replied with a shrug showing that he either didn't care, was used to it or he didn't know himself. I looked at the tv still extremely confused and bewildered by the sight I had just witnessed. How the hell did he hear me from all the way in the kitchen? I Whispered it, to myself!
After having to wait 20 unbearable minutes Katsume finally finished making us all a delicious dinner. I took a bite and moaned in satisfaction just to piss Ayumi off "mmm this is great Katsume, you'd make a great guy friend" I complimented him not before giving a small smirk to Ayumi.
Katsume sighed "Y/n, I think you need to get friends your own age," Katsume said making me smile.
"Oh don't worry, once I go to school on Monday I can assure you that I'll be getting tons of guy friends and girlfriends" I smiled purposely teasing Ayumi by putting emphasis on guy friends. I'm so going to regret this later.
"Let me guess you want me to make your lunches as well, would you like me to make it nice and pretty," Katsume said sarcastically. I narrowed my eyes at Katsume, he was off somehow, he seemed angrier, a lot tenser and frustrated.
"Katsume? Did something happen?" I asked suspiciously, Who dare hurt my housemaid, he makes me food and cleans, if something happens to me I'm going to die along with Ayumi.
"What makes you think something happened!? Nothing happened!" He exclaimed raising his voice at me. I dropped my fork onto my plate making a clanging sound, I looked Katsume in the eyes, I could tell something was wrong, Katsume had perfect posture right now it was far from perfect.
"Spill. The. Beans." I demanded. There is definitely something wrong, how he reacted was to defensively and how his whole attitude changed. How is he supposed to give me high-quality food when he's in a bad mood and somethings on his mind.
Katsume sighed sadly as he looked at his plate, his eyes showing he was deep in thought "I got evicted from my house and my mother won't let me see my little sister" He admitted. My jaw fell, I gave a look to Ayumi that basically said, look at him, we have to help him, please?
Ayumi looked at me trying to convince me that it wasn't our place. I upped my game and looked at Ayumi with puppy dog eyes, Ayumi sighed as he gave in and gave me a nod of approval.
"Katsume, you can stay here with us, I mean you get a place to stay and Ayumi and I get to have a full-time house (maid)..... uh you're our friend and its the least we can do for you after everything you've done for us" I said patting Katsume on the back trying to give him some comfort.
"Y/n can I talk to you for a second?" Ayumi asked, here it is, this is where I regret everything I just did. I know for a fact that it wasn't a question by how he said it. I fake coughed preparing myself for whatever ayumi was going to say. I stood up and followed Ayumi into his room.
Ayumi not so gently closed the door, he leaned up against it blocking my only escape. he crossed his arms and looked at me with an accusing gaze "Look Ayumi we owe him this! he made us food and cleaned" I argued.
"Y/n, I'm grateful to Katsume for what he's done but he can't live here" Ayumi growled.
"Ayumi did you not hear him, his own mother won't let him see his sister and if I recall Ayumi we were siblings up until not long ago, how would you feel if mother didn't let you see me?" I said making it personal as a tactic to make him agree with me.
"That's different and you know it y/n" He replied with anger laced in his voice.
"No, it's not and you know it," I said in a calm voice, I walked up to Ayumi and wrapped my arms around his waist. I looked up at him as he looked down at me "Please?" I pleaded with puppy dog eyes, I even added a small sniff just for extra effect.
Ayumi's eyes softened as he looked down at me "fine" he caved "But you have to stop y/n" he compromised as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. I knew what he meant by stop, he meant stop teasing him, not that he'd ever say that out loud though.
I smiled at Ayumi as we ended our embrace, I happily skipped out of his room and back into the lounge room. Katsume was still sulking on the couch, I could feel his sad emotions rolling off of him like waves that could drown any good vibes.
I came up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders "Good news Katsume you're staying here with us, you can stay in uh-" I trailed off trying to think of where could sleep, I don't think Katsume would be able to sleep on the couch, I don't think he'd be able to fit on the couch if he was laying down.
"You can sleep in my room," Ayumi said breaking the silence that had poured over the room. Then where is Ayumi going to sleep? on the couch? Ayumi's no better than Katsume, they're both wide, well-built men with a sweet bod that could make any female drool. They both got thick thighs and are probably the most jacked guys I have ever met, I mean sure Ayumi isn't as big as Katsume but they're equal in strength.
I felt my mouth water just at the thought, I was picturing them- No! snap out of it y/n stop being a hormonal school girl, be mature. I composed myself, "Where will you be sleeping then Ayumi?" I asked. I didn't want him to sleep on the couch, I'm not heartless.
"I'll be sleeping in your room y/n, I have a spare mattress that I'll put on the floor" Ayumi explained, I froze, I'm so going to regret everything I just did.