I had hid myself away in my room untill lunch time when I had to leave for food. I'm not gonna deny it, I was kind of scared of seeing Ayumi again. I'm just overreacting I know, goddamn brain.
I made myself some food which was good. I can't believe I slept in Ayumi's bed! Why would I do that, I'm so stupid. I sat down on the couch beside Ayumi. It's kind of awkward though, at least I thought it was awkward.
"So I met your ex yesterday, she was... interesting" I said trying to start a conversation.
Ayumi hummed a response "Hey y/n?" He asked gaining my utmost attention. I looked at him with an expression that said 'carry-on'
"Why were you in my room?" He asked looking me in the eyes. I looked at him with my jaw agape as I tried to think of how to handle this.
"Like I said, it was late and I must've gone into the wrong room" I said trying my best not to sound guilty of lieing.
He narrowed his eyes as he looked at me with lazy eyes. He sighed "y/n, please tell me why you were in my room, I just want the truth" he said in a comforting voice which was hard to distinguish from his normal voice since his voice only had two main tones, angry and monotone.
I diverted my gaze and looked at the floor "I-uh... I may have uh -does it really matter?" I asked to embarrassed to tell him the truth. I have no idea how he's going to react to my anwser. He could hate me! No, I'm just over thinking it.
I felt Ayumi wrap his arm around me as he pulled me in closer to his side. His arm acting like a scarf. "Please tell me y/n" he pleaded in a monotone voice.
I used his arm as a shield, my face warmed up, of course I had to blush. "I missed you" I whispered quickly. Ayumi's arm constricted tighter, I glanced up at him, he looked down at me, his eyes looking deeper into my soul.
"I missed you ok?! Are you happy?" I asked extremely embarrassed. I couldn't help but glance from Ayumi to the floor to him again. I wanted to see what his reaction was but at the same time I was to nervous to look.
Ayumi pulled me closer to his body, I embraced his action by snuggling into his side, hiding my face was the best option I could think of. He leaned his head on mine and didn't say anything more about the topic. I would've at least liked him to reply with some kind of anwser. Good or bad, at least I would be known his thoughts on the matter.
We spent the day lazing around, thankfully Ayumi didn't bring up the whole me sleeping in his bed. The day passed in a flash, this time I slept in my bed, thankfully.
Today is Wednesday which sucks cause I'm one day closer to going to school. I heard a knock at the door, I was currently on the couch next to Ayumi. I looked at him and patted his shoulder.
"*cough* Your house *cough*" I coughed not looking him in the eyes. He sighed as he stood up and walked his way to the door. I watched as he opened the door.
"Hello!" I voice chimed cheerfully. Oh great it's Minaru. Minaru slipped past Ayumi and waltzed into the apartment. He came up next to the couch "Hello y/n!" He exclaimed.
"I'm here to take you out on a date, I'm joking I'm here to earn your trust!" He exclaimed as he grabbed my hands and lifted me up off the couch.
"What?" I exclaimed confused at what was going on. I looked at Ayumi for help.
"Minaru, please release my sister and explain what your talking about" Ayumi said stepping up and taking the initiative.
We were all sat down on the couch, Ayumi next to me and minaru on the other couch.
"Ayumi, with your permission I'd like to take y/n out to a cafe, I just thought that since I'd be coming around here often I might aswell get to know y/n better" he explained himself.
"Can Ayumi come?" I asked as I pointed at Ayumi, I don't trust Minaru, he's not that bad at least from what I know but I just don't, I don't know him so I can't trust him.
"If he wants he can, although that would defeat the point of us getting to know eachother better" he said with a smile. I looked at Ayumi.
"Y/n, I think it would be beneficial for the both of you if you got to know each other without me" Ayumi said throwing me to the wolves.
I looked at him with shock "What is this a bussiness meeting?! You make it sound as if we're making an arrangement about you selling me to him!" I exclaimed.
"That's not what I ment" Minaru said, I turned to face him and glared "fine" I growled "I'll go, but enough with the whole touching thing you do, STOP touching me!" I added
He scratched the back of his neck "Okay, sorry about that I got too excited" he smiled. I'm going to have to get used to Minaru's hyperactive personality, it took me years, several years to even decipher his monotone voice, it took even longer to know what his actions ment.
"I've known Minaru for awhile now406Please respect copyright.PENANApgh1KlORay
y/n, he's trustworthy, if he does do something wether it's his fault or not, I. Will. Kill. Him." Ayumi threatened, the threat wasn't what made it so scary, what made it so scary was the fact that Ayumi's voice is monotone so you wouldn't know if he was joking or not.
I looked at Minaru to see his reaction, nothing, absolutely nothing. He just held a smile on his face, "I wouldn't dare!" He exclaimed looking fakely offended by Ayumi's words.
I sighed, Ayumi wants me to go and Minaru's the type to keep pestering untill he gets what he wants. "I-uh fine -i'll go but your paying for the food and if anything happens it's absolutely your fault and you have to take responsibility for it" I negotiated with crossed arms showing my dominance over the conversation.
"Agreed, go get ready and we'll leave straight away" he smiled. I looked down, I was wearing sweatpants with a hoodie, not just any hoodie, my favourite hoodie. It had a great design on it Which I loved.
I looked up at Minaru, "I am ready" I said blankly, honestly I just didn't want to change because as an omega who's the lowest of low according to society, I don't go out much. So I only have comfortable clothes that I can wear at home and occasionally go to the shop with.
"Then away we go" Minaru chimed as he stood up and started walking to the door. I looked at Ayumi with eyes that pleaded for an escape.
"have fun" Ayumi said completely dismissing my pleas for help. I stood up and as I walked past ayumi I looked at him with disappointment, it was childish I know but he practically just threw me to the wolves.
I walked up to the front door and put on my socks and shoes, minaru waiting patiently for me. I looked back at Ayumi who was busy watching tv. "Bye" I said with a small wave. It kinda hurt that Ayumi didn't even pay attention to my goodbye.
Maybe it's because I slept in his bed, he's probably disgusted by what I did. No! Don't let it get to you y/n, stupid omega brain worrying about nothing. Who cares if he didn't like it.
I shouldn't let this get to me, stay happy y/n stay happy. I walked down the hallway, Minaru standing tall beside me. I was nervous, unlike Katsume who made food Minaru's just well he's just kind of intimidating. I could practically feel the happiness rolling off him in waves.
I followed after Minaru as we walked to the supposed cafe. Usually when I went outside with Ayumi I'd hold his hand and use him as a shield from all the disgusted, dirty or just fill looks of get by the passer bys. Unfortunately I couldn't do that with Minaru since I barely new him. It was sort of terrifying actually alot terrifying having all these people I've never met look at me like that.
I unconsciously walked closer to Minaru so that we were almost touching arms. I was tense but was ready to hide behind or sacrifice minaru if something happened.
"There's no need to be tense y/n, I'm here to gain your trust also meaning that I'm here to protect you" he smiled down at me. I nodded showing I acknowledged his words.
"Well here it is!" Minaru exclaimed as he put his hands on his hips as he looked at a small cafe infront of us.406Please respect copyright.PENANAnDoapzoxa0
I looked at the cafe taking in every detail.
"Ladies first" Minaru chimed opening the door for me. I walked into the small cafe and looked around. It had booths and small tables lining the windows. Minaru walked past me and to one of the booths, I followed him from a respective distance.
He sat down and I sat down opposite to him. I placed my hands in my lap and looked around the inside of the cafe making sure to avoid Minaru. I feel awkward. I feel scared. Why must you do this to me anxiety, WHY?
"So y/n, what are your favourite things?" Minaru asked starting up a conversation. I don't really have any favourite things and besides I don't think I want to tell him.
"What are your favourite things?" I replied with a question. Minaru thought for a second.
"Well I like sports, sweets and I'm pretty good at martial arts" he replied happily. I nodded, Martial arts? Cool.
"Hello, Welcome to La La Cafe, what can I get you this fine morning?" I brunette with blue eyes asked in a peppy voice, she was wearing her uniform with the cafe's logo on it.
I looked at her, of course she wasn't talking to me she was talking to Minaru. "I'll take a strawberry milkshake and a slice of cheesecake,406Please respect copyright.PENANAnNpcQvcrxC
y/n?" He said looking at me.
I looked from him to the girl who was now looking at me with a fake smile, her eyes holding disgust and annoyance. "Um, i-i'll have a chocolate milkshake and a um a piece of chocolate cake, please" I stuttered.
"Right away!" She chimed directing her happiness to Minaru. Before406Please respect copyright.PENANAZ60XJLtzmE
She walked away she looked back at me with disgust as she rolled her eyes at me. I let out a low, quite growl as I stared daggers at the stupid waitress.
"It must be hard" Minaru said snapping me out of my dazed state. I looked at Minaru, he was looking at the table with frown on his face.
"What?" I asked wanting him to say it again, he must of been talking about something else.
"It must be hard, y'know being an omega, I noticed it, the looks, throughout the years I've seen things, heard things but I've never asked actually asked an omega about it" he said looking me in the eyes with sympathy.
I scanned his face looking for any ulterior motives, it can't hurt to talk to him about it I guess. "It is, you can't leave the house alone and everyone's except omegas are out to get you" I said with a sad tone.
"What's it like... being in uh heat I mean" he stuttered. I furrowed my brows. He diverted his gaze and had a small blush on his face as he budgeted in his seat. He was acting like a child who had just asked what intercourse was.
I straightened my posture and out my hands together ton the table as if I was in a bussiness meeting. I tried my best to keep a professional look.
"Well, it's uh, ok let me ask you this to make it easier for you to understand, have you ever experienced a rut?" I said professionally.
(Rut- When an alpha gets effected from an omega in heat making them basically horny as hell and makes it hard for them to suppress their primal instincts and mate with the omega)
Minaru's blush got deeper "yes I have" Minaru admitted. Ok how to explain this without making things awkward or at least more awkward then things already were.
"Here you go!" The waitress said coming out of nowhere as she placed our drinks and cakes on the table.
"Thanks" Minaru said with a smile, his nervousness completely washed away by the newcomer. Great! She's ruined my train of thought, now I won't be able to keep a straight face.
"Your welcome" the waitress smiled with wink as she walked away. I shook my head at her, what a bitch.406Please respect copyright.PENANAo5B38dx620
I focused my attention back on Minaru who was once again flustered and his gaze kept flickering from somewhere else in the room to me.
"So uh, where were we?" He said starting up the conversation. Why didn't he just read an article on it or something. I mean he's bound to know at least one omega.
I tried my best to compose myself, "Ok at, like you've I've said imagine your experiencing a rut right, now multiply it by 10, now just think about how that would... feel okay, that's what it feels like" I said frantically.
He nodded his head in understanding his blush slowly fading away. "Yep, ok, so how do you like the food" Minaru said changing the topic abruptly.
I looked at my food, it looked delicious although I could tell that Minaru's had been made with more care then mine. I sipped my milkshake, I smacked my lips.
"I like it" I said making Minaru's smile fall. I rolled my eyes playfully at his reaction "What?"
"Nothing, I mean, like, really?! I thought you'd love it or I'd get at least more of a reaction then that" he sighed.
"I'm sorry Minaru but when it comes to food and drinks I'm a hardcore critic, the drink is good, great even but the food is affected by the how I feel, the service was ok" I said explaining my reaction. The milkshake was great, the best I've ever had but the service just brought the overall rating down.
"Anyway Minaru, if I'm going to trust you I'm going to need to know more about you" I said wanting him to talk about himself.
"Well I'm in charge of a group of people, we help people in need of help no matter what it is from fixing tables to loaning money" he explained. I nodded my head as if this was the first time I was hearing this information, truth Is I already new from when I searched thim in Google.
"So a gang basically, let me rephrase friendly gang?" I spoke with a monotone voice trying to get him to elaborate on his group.
"I wouldn't say we're a... - okay you Got me we are a gang and we have done illegal things here and there but only to people who deserve, we don't just go around and hurt people" he said justifying himself.
I nodded "Alright Minaru, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, if Ayumi trusts you then I'll trust you but like I said, if you do anything! And I mean anything to betray me in anyway I'll cut all ties with you, got it!" I threatened looking him in the eye.
He smiled "got it, I won't betray you406Please respect copyright.PENANAd8xPA1W5yn
y/n, I promise!" He promised taking my hand sin his. I looked down at our hands then back up to him.406Please respect copyright.PENANASRz4LhXUYp
He realized his mistake and let go "sorry" he said.
"You know what!? Don't worry about it we're... friends now" I strained out with a small smiled. Minaru's reaction was extremely dramatic. He stood up, slamming his hand dont the table, the sound echoing through the cafe.
"Really!?," He smiled like a kid who had gotten his favourite toy for Christmas. I nodded my head, he was practically jumping with joy, I have no idea why he's so happy but I'd like to leave since everyone's looking at us.
"We should leave" I said feeling very uncomfortable from the stares. Minaru noticed how uncomfortable I was and sat back down.
"My bad, can we at least finish the food first?" He pleaded with his hands together. Pros, I get food and it's delicious cons, people star at me.
"Okay fine" I caved as I placed my hood over my head trying to give myself at least some closure. I quickly sipped my chocolate milkshake and ate my slice of cake.
I finished quickly, although I did eat quickly I still savored the taste. Minaru on the other hand was savoring his food to the fullest. He still had half of his milkshake and half of his cake left.
He was happily enjoying his cake, the happiness and joy he felt radiating off him. I can't believe I'm actually starting to like this guy.
We chatted about a few more topics since minaru refused to eat more then one peace of his slice every few minutes.
When he finally finished we left the cafe and went back to Ayumi's apartment. "We're back" I chimed as I walked into the apartment. My smile fell as soon as I saw Adelin on the couch with Ayumi. Thankfully they were on different couches.
"Well you look busy, I'll just be in my room, laterz" I exclaimed as I ran to my room. I wiped my brow when I finally mad it into my room.
"I see you don't like adelin either, at least we have something in common" Minaru said from behind me scaring the hell out of me.
"What the hell! Your still here?!" I exclaimed as I held my shirt that was covering where my heart was.
"I just wanted to say bye" Minaru said explaining himself. I rolled my eyes.
"Bye, can you leave now?" I asked, I actually sort of liked minaru now. He wasn't that bad from what I saw. Minaru looked at me and hummed as if he didn't want to leave.
"Okay I'm leaving, bye, can't wait to go out with you again" minaru smiled as I pushed him out of my room. He stood at my door, infront of me.
"You make it sound like we were on a date" I said. Minaru diverted his gaze playfully.
"Maybe it was a date" he said with smirk. "Oh really now? Okay then, can't wait to go on another date that I didn't know was a date with you" I smiled.
"Oh I'll be waiting, but as of right now I have stuff to do so I bid you adieu" he said with a bow. I curtsied with an imaginary skirt.
"Farewell" I said with a smile.
Little did y/n know someone else was listening into minaru and y/n's conversation and he was not happy to say the least about there flirting.406Please respect copyright.PENANAqEZ7QZ3dXL