After a long time of walked we finally made it to the swimming centre, there were alot of people there. I'm so glad that people are either working or at school, although there are still a tone of people here which is kind of annoying.
I looked around the place, scouting the area with my eyes. There were large pools, small pools, shallow pools and deep pools. There were slides and more. I'm surprised they were able to do this since this whole place is inside.
"I'm going to get changed seya in a bit y/n" Katsume said gaining my attention just as he walked off, Oskah following behind him. I looked over at the female dressing rooms, I didn't bring swim wear. I'm not here to swim I'm here to look at all the hot guys and there hot Abbs and stuff.
A pervs gonna do what a pervs gonna do. I got my camera and looked around through the lens looking for anything I can take a picture of. I twisted to the right and bam my camera was shoved downwards "hey!" I exclaimed.
I froze once I realised who it was, " Katsume hey" I said keeping my cool. I looked at Katsumes face trying not to look down. For a house husband Katsume was ripped. Like seriously he was ripped. He looked like a chiseled god. He was like one of those overly muscular characters you see in tv shows.
I somehow managed to look into his eyes and not look down. "Yes?" I said, he frowned. "Give me the camera before I take it from you" he warned. I sighed as I pulled the strap off my head and placed the camera in his hand. He crushed it, he crushed my camera.
"What the hell!" I exclaimed, he walked away and put the remains of my lovely camera in the bin. Oskah giggled like a school girl. "I will eat you Oskah, Ayumi's not here and I can easily seperate you from Katsume, be on guard" I whispered into Oskahs ear making him shut his mouth.
"What are you two whispering about?!" Katsume asked coming out of nowhere. "Nothing" I replied frantically as I put my arm around Oskah and smiled trying to convince Katsume.
He hummed a response but I new he wasn't convinced. "I'm going to go in the hit tub you two do what you want come find me if you need me" he said, he turned around and walked away.423Please respect copyright.PENANAwBGXGSlRB1
I smirked "you see that Oskah he's already gone" I said in a creepy tone.
Oskah growled as he shoved off my arm. "Leave me alone" he snarled as he walked away from me. "Byeee" I said with a wave, he didn't bother to look back. I sighed, my camera, oh well I can still admire them. I looked around once again and found some seats. I smiled as I walked over to one of the chairs and sat down, they were beside one of the deep pools were a bunch of people were swimming. I laid down on the chair and put on my sunnies.
As i laid there I looked at all the hot guys, the good thing about sunnies is no one can see where your looking. I laid there for almost an hour just looking at all the hot dudes even the women cause why not?
I pulled out my phone It was starting to get a bit boring, plus I don't have my camera, at least with the camera I can play around with angles and settings and all the other things.
I flicked through my social media's which I didn't post on. I did that for about an hour. The time was almost 3 which ment rush hour was almost upon us. It wasn't as bad as on the weekends though, that was a pro.
I'm hung4y though, all that walking tired me out, plus I didn't have breakfast, I wonder if Katsume or Oskah have any money? I sighed, now I just have to find them, I don't Katsume is still in the hot tub and I have no idea where Oskah went.
I got up and walked around aimlessly trying to find Oskah or Katsume. As I walked around I noticed a pool filled with only omegas, maybe I can ask them if they've seen Katsume or Oskah. There were more females then males in the pool and they looked nice.
I walked up to them a squatted so that we were at eye-level "excuse me" I said gaining the attention of a group of girls. "Yes?" One of them with brown hair asked. "Have you seen a large blonde, like really muscular, green eyes, blue shorts?" I asked giving them a description of Katsume.
"Not that I remember" she said "Oh yeah he's an alpha" I added, this cause one of the girls faces to light up with recognition "oh I think I saw him with a skinnier kid with black hair and red eyes just a few minutes ago, they were headed towards the food court" she said.
I smiled "thanks" I said "No problem" she responded with a smile. I stood up and walked towards the food court. I looked around looking for them, there were countless people sitting at the small circular tables.
I smiled in triumph when I finally saw them, they were sitting at a table with food and there was a blonde girl no woman sitting with them. She doesn't have a collar, obviously an alpha. I don't really want to go over there I mean I don't know that women, what if she's mean to me. I don't exactly trust Oskah or Katsume but I guess I should since y'know gotta eat to live.
I took a step forward and cautiously walked up to the table. "Hello" I said interrupting there conversation. The blonde looked at me and smiled "you must be y/n, Ayumi's sister, it's a pleasure to meet you" the women smiled as she stood up and held out her hand go me to shake. I slowly put my hand in hers. "Nice to meet you" I said.
I let go of her hand and stood stiffly. She sat back down "now now y/n, there's nothing to be afraid of I'm not gonna bite you" she said happily, I wasn't convinced but I'm going to act like I am.
If she is bad then she'll underestimate me. I smiled "ok" I replied. She rested her head on her hand "please sit" she said. I nodded as I took a chair and sat opposite her.
"And you are?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh I'm Adelin, I'm Ayumi's ex" she smiled. Ex..... god dammit I hate ex's, at least she not going to treat me as a love rival. Alphas always were the possessive type.
"Nice to meet you Adelin, I hope my brother treated you well while you were together" I smiled happily. It was fake, I honestly don't care about Ayumi's ex's plus they would've broken up for a reason.
"He did, he did, anyway I hear your living with him now correct?" She asked with curiously. "Yep" I said. "Why don't you live with your dad or grandparents?" She asked. "Oh, my dad's dead and as for my grandparents they got to old to take care of me" I explained.
"Your in your late high school years correct, shouldn't you be able to take care of yourself and your grandparents?" She asked with a smile. I new it she was being a bitch.
"You, were Ayumi's boyfriend correct?" I said putting suttley emphasis on the were. "Yes" She answered keeping up her facade of lies and happiness. "Then you should know how lazy Ayumi is, I mean I did live with him basically my whole life so his laziness rubbed off on me" I explained.
She smiled "still though, don't you feel bad that you have to burden your brother like this? He has his own life correct?" She said trying to make me feel guilty. Heads up Adelin it's not working.
"Burden him? Oh no I'm burdening Katsume more then Ayumi and as for Ayumi having a life of his own, well it was his decision for me to move in, you see there's this thing called school dorms, I was originally going to go there but Ayumi offered to let me stay so I agreed" I smiled.
"So what you just want you and I Ayumi to live together forever, maybe he offered out of pity for you, how's Ayumi supposed to have a life of his own with you taking up space" she smiled.
I smirked "Adelin, Adelin, Adelin do you really think I care? Honestly Adelin, I'm a selfish person I'll be fine knowing that I'm 'taking up space' as you call it"
She gritted her teeth but kept her smile. " Now then, I wouldn't want to waste your time so" I looked at Katsume "can I have some money for food" I asked with a smile. He didn't anwser instead he got his wallet out of his bag and opened it. He pulled out some notes and handed it to me.
"Thanks!" I said as turned around and walked away to the shop. I ordered a slushy and a pluto pup. I didn't go back to where the others were sitting because of Adelin she wasn't very nice.
I looked around and remembered there were some more seats over near the kid pools. U went over there and sat at the table where I ate my food and sipped my drink. Oskah came over and sat opposite me.
"What? Katsume ask you to come check on me or something?" I asked. "No" he said as he diverted his gaze.423Please respect copyright.PENANAcmH7uKHbIr
"How'd you do that?" He asked, I raised an eyebrow "do what?" I asked.
"Keep your cool, do that! Somehow deflect Adelin's mean words!?" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes "1 I'm used to it, 2 she's a sadist so basically me giving in would only satisfy her and there's no way I'm letting her win" I said.
"I know that! But I mean I've tried but I can't, she just, arghhh, she just has this bitchy aura around her" he groaned in anger. "I can teach you if you want?" I offered. "Really!?" He said excitedly, "I mean really?" He said trying to reclaim his cool.
"Yes, one condition though" I said, I'm not going to teach him for free that would be a terrible choice. He growled as he thought to himself "What is it?" He asked cautiously.
"Stop being mean to me" I said crossing my arms. "Fine, deal" he said putting out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand "deal" I said with a smile. "Now, let's go back to Adelin and Katsume so I can evaluate your emotions and how you deal with it so if an accurately help you" I said all knowingly.
I stood up and walked to where the mean woman and the house husband were. Oskah followed behind me as we rejoined them sitting in the same positions as before.
I sat down and put my hands in my lap as I sat in a very ladylike position. I sipped my slushy, letting the cold beverage soothe my dry throat. I closed my eyes as I continued sipping it savoring the taste.
Adelin started to talk but I silenced her by putting up my hand, my palm faced her. I opened my eyes with an expressionless face. My eyes holding nothing within them. I could see her anger growing, she smiled a closed mouth smile. I could here her grinding her teeth as she stared at me with eyes that showed she wanted to tear me to pieces.
I finished sipping my drink and placed it down, along with my hand as I placed it back in my lap. I took in a deep breathe "Adelin, Oskah has something he would like to say to you" I said blankly. Oskah looked at me with eyes of betrayal but also ones that pleaded for help.
I jerked my head in Adelin's direction urging him to say what he wanted. He growled at me, it was quick but caused my body to erupt in goosebumps. Oskah looked at Adelin, she smiled wilder, "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" She said in a gentle voice that barely hid her snake like hisses.
"Adelin, I'd appreciate it if you stopped picking on me and like they say if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything" he growled at her.
She smiled this time exposing her pearly whites. She pinched his cheek, Hard. This earned a small whimper from Oskah. She shook her hand that was still gripping on to Oskahs cheek causing more pain.
Her grip tightened as she looked at him with sparkling eyes that held deeper meaning. "Now, now, now Oskah is that anyway to treat a friend? I'm just playing around" she smiled as she harshly released his cheek.
As soon as she released her grip Oskah quickly covered the newly forming bruise with his hand. He gently rubbed the spot. I looked down at my drink that was filled with small particles of flavoured ice.
I sighed as I pushed the drink across the table infront of Oskah, he got the idea and put it against his cheek. He diverted his gaze from adelin, in a submissive way as he looked down at the table.
He looked sad, he looked like he felt as if he was weak. I hate Adelin even more than before. "Adelin?" I said gaining her attention, I glanced at Katsume who held a blank expression as he waited for us to continue.
"Why are you such a bitch? Your boobs are fake, your lips are fake but the fakest thing about you is your personality, it's pathetic really, an alpha hiding her true personality, it shows that your so weak that you don't even have the guts to be yourself, it's really quite dissapointing though I mean I can clearly tell what your feeling by your eyes and your so called hidden feelings aren't so hidden" I said in disappointment as I looked her in the eyes not backing down.
My eyes narrowed as I stared deeply into her eyes. She was no longer hiding her emotions not that she did before. Her face was contorted into one of anger and disgust. She bared her teeth at me as she growled.
"Who do you think you are?! Your just a weak. Pathetic. Stupid. Omega. You mean nothing, your nothing more then a slut, a prostitute that gets paid in pleasure, you think anyone would ever love you?! Huh!?" She snarled at me.
I kept a blank face as I looked down a hint of sadness in my eyes, I would've cried but I'm used to these harsh words by now. I looked up at her with a blank face and sad eyes. My hand clenched into a fist in my lap. I could feel my nails digging into my skin.
Then I switched, I tilted my head and my small frown turned into a wide smiled that showed my teeth. "Bitch sais what" I whispered quickly.
"What was that!?" She snarled abruptly standing up, her chair sliding against the ground he hands banged on the table causing a loud sound. The sound echoed through the area, all eyes were on us.
This is exactly what I wanted, she fell right into my trap. I winked at her as my face contorted into one of sadness as tears fell from my eyes and I loudly sobbed.
"I'm sorry! I-i didn't know you were his girlfriend! He told me he was single, he said that he wasn't married, I shouldn't of trusted him, IM SORRY YOUR HUSBAND SLEPT WITH ME!!!!" I yelled slamming my hands on the table.
Her face fell along with her jaw, her mouth hanging agape, she looked at me with shock. 3. 2. 1. There it is.
Everyone in the area had heard my outburst. Everyone of them started whispering to each other, gossiping harsh words directed towards adelin and surprisingly not towards me. Not that I could here at least.
Adelin stepped back in shock, small tears pricked her eyes. "No.... no NO" she shouted as she ran away.
I leaned back in my chair and smirked as adelin ran away. "I'd like my slushy back now" I chimed acting as of nothing had just happened.
Both Oskah and Katsume looked at me with shock. Oskah slowly and cautiously placed my slushy infront of me. I picked it up and took a refreshing sip.
"If anyone asks I was never here" I smiled.
We had successfully made it back home without any trouble. We pretended that nothing happened and all we did was swim. When we got home it was around 4pm Ayumi didn't get home untill 6.... or 7? I forget.
I sat on the couch, the good one and Oskah dat beside me, not beside me beside me but on the other end of the couch. I relaxed and enjoyed the show that was playing, I was worn out from all the walking and talking to people.
Katsume was doing his thing, cleaning. I didn't want to interrupt him, it was kind of weird though how he immediately started cleaning when we came back.
I looked around from where i sat, the house was already clean. "You know you don't have to keep cleaning right?" I asked him as he was cleaning a window.
He didn't look at me just continued cleaning the window. "Its fine" he said. I hummed a response and glanced at the table infront of me. I smirked as I put my feet on it. He was too busy cleaning the windows. At least that's what I thought.
"FEET OFF THE TABLE!!!!" He yelled turning his head to look at me with his playful glare. I grumbled, how did he know.... oh the window. He must of seen me in the reflection of the window.
I did what he ordered and took my feet off of the table.423Please respect copyright.PENANATsC1sFdalR
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