Katsume P.O.V
A hotel room, that makes it sound like she wants to fuck me, argh why am I thinking such dirty thoughts about y/n. She's just a child, an adorable sexy child. No, this makes me sound like a pedophile.
I'm not into kids, she's still in high school, sure she's halfway through her last year but.. argh this is stressful. I glanced at y/n then back to the road, we can't stop or else we'll be at risk, I have to deny her.
"I'm sorry y/n but we can't stop or else we'll be in trouble, they already found us, the last thing we need is to be stuck in the same place too long, If they catch up to us we'll be in trouble" I smiled guiltily.
Why am I feeling guilty? this is for the best yet I still feel so guilty, Why do you have to make me feel like this y/n?
We had been driving for a while and it was starting to get late in the evening, we had made good headway, it was difficult with y/n whining the whole time, not because it was annoying but because I kept feeling guilty.
I just wanted to make her happy and get her what she needed, it was weird, it was different to how it was before this whole thing happened. Back then I helped her because she was a friend but now it's more like, I want to give her everything she needs or else I'd feel pain in my heart.
It was hard seeing y/n like this, she's barely talking, she wouldn't even look at me just sit there and fidget while she looked out the window casually getting a drink or some food.
I watched as y/n opened her box of tablets and took some more with her drink, it was 6 so we should probably get some food before we reach the hotel. Oh what I'd give to have an actual house to clean, that would make life so much easier because then I'd be able to deal with the stress.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about y/n getting those birth control pills all day, I mean how could anyone even think of touching her that way?! She's my friend, I can't even imagine someone doing that to her.
Deep breathes Katsume deep breathes, remember what Mr Juliey said, take deep breathes, think happy thoughts, happy thoughts, I took a deep breathe my hands tightening around the wheel.
It's fine, it is fine, she'll be okay, I'm here to protect her, she'll be fine, ill be fine, I won't snap, if she saw me snap she'd be scared of me and her friendship means more to me then what happens when my emotions get out of control.
I have to stay calm for y/n, my emotions don't control me, I control them. My hands loosened on the wheel and my muscles relaxed, so far my time out of prison has been very eventful, it's better then what happened in prison.
I hated prison, it was lonely and I couldn't trust anyone let alone talk to anyone since anyone and everyone was trying to kill me or fight me. I hated when people kept trying to fight me because they wanted to prove they were 'stronger than me'.
I hated it since alphas are usually stronger and prone to be more violent then betas and definitely omegas we had our own prison. Alphas especially criminal ones are set on proving their dominance, meaning they're always looking for a fight, they're always trying to find a way to upset you.
It was hard I have to admit at first since I couldn't control my anger and I may have gotten an extended year on my sentence but that's fine, it was a good experience and now I'm the best I've ever been.
I even know how (I accidentally put eat here for some reason) to make food now which is greats since I can take care of myself even better now, I know how to do everything need to survive outside of prison without turning back to the law-breaking delinquent me that was filled with anger, hatred and more.
I pulled out my phone and searched up, the closest restaurant where we could eat. I looked through my options making sure to choose one that wasn't popular but not a downright disappointment.
I finally found a good one that I found acceptable for both of us, the good thing was it wasn't that far away from the hotel. I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.
Y/n P.O.V
I looked out the window and saw that we were parking in a parking lot in front of a restaurant. I guess we're having dinner here but I'd rather just go to the hotel and be alone with Katsume. I don't want to be with other people.
This reminds me of the date I was supposed to go on with Ayumi, but instead, I had to leave because of my stepbro was involved in something illegal because of his stupid, abusive father. I can't believe Ayumi went through all of that and never told me, am I really that dense that I didn't notice?
I got out of the car and followed Katsume into the restaurant, thankfully they had booths there so we went into one in the far corner of the place, Katsume sat down and I sat down opposite him.
There were two reasons we sat where we sat, one because we're being chased and two because I'm in a very emotional state and I don't think I can handle a bunch of dirty looks from all the other people here.
We ordered our food and waited for it to be made, thankfully the waiter wasn't giving me dirty looks like the girl at the cafe I went too with Minaru. We sat in silence, I was really hoping he would say something to break it but he didn't.
We ate our food in silence and then we left to go to the hotel.
We got one room to share with separate single beds, it had the same layout as the room I was in with Oskah, it might have been the same company who owned the hotel. Katsume was laying in his bed and I was laying in mine, the lights were off and we still hadn't spoken to each other.
As I laid there I couldn't help but think that Katsume was mad at me for some reason, it was breaking my heart and I felt sad. What did I do? Does he not like me anymore? Is it because I'm in heat that he's ignoring me?
It's hard for me to handle this, I'm scared, I don't like this, I want to go home, my eyes started tearing up, this wasn't where I wanted to be today, I just want to go home. I just want everything to go back to normal.
What if we don't getaway? What if they find us? What if they kill us? or use me against Ayumi? I can't deal with this, I gulped as my throat started salivating, I was on the verge of crying and I felt an emptiness in my stomach.
I sat up and threw the blanket off me as I stood up, I took a few steps towards Katsumes bed, I need closure. I stepped until I was right over his bed, "Katsume?" I whispered.
I saw him open his eyes and look at me, he was lying on his back with his hands behind his head. He hummed a response as he closed his eyes. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked.
His eyes snapped open as he looked at me with shock, "Please" I whispered as I looked down at him.
"I-uh don't think that's appropriate y/n, your pills only last 6 hours....." He trailed off, he didn't look like he didn't want me to sleep with him but he didn't, not want me to sleep with me so basically he was conflicted meaning he hadn't set his mind on it.
Meaning I still had time to convince him. I'm sure it will be fine before he could say anything I lifted up the blanket and laid down beside him. "Y/n" He warned with uncertainty.
I turned onto my side and put my hand on his chest, I snuggled my face into his side, "Y/n this isn't a good idea" He warned with authority except his authority wasn't as authoritative as he aimed for it to be so it wasn't successful.
I let out a small whine trying to get him to give in, it obviously worked by the way he put his arm around me, this is nice, I feel better. Katsume smelled nice, this is a new feeling, I feel safe, comfortable and even whole for some reason.
I don't know how to explain it but I felt nothing but good emotions, I felt at peace as one could say. Katsume was warm and I enjoyed the warmth he gave me, all the negative emotions that I felt just minutes ago had just disappeared.
His chest falling and rising lulled me to sleep.
Katsume P.O.V
I knew this would be a bad idea, I couldn't help myself y/n is just too delicate, I know I'm just coming up with excuses to make myself feel better about taking advantage of her during her sensitive time but I... I just can't help it.
I'm a bad person, a horrible person but I already know that I'm impulsive and have so many issues, so, so many issues, with y/n though, all of it doesn't seem that bad it makes me want to be better.
Would you look at me, I scoffed, trying to be a better man because of a girl how corny. If the Katsume 3 years ago saw me now he'd probably beat the shit out of me for getting myself a fragile weakness.
She may be a weakness but she's my weakness, wow am I becoming a romantic. All those romance movies I watched on movie night for all those years in jail might have a play in this, plus it was pretty lonely in there.
Not just emotionally and mentally, I wrapped my arm around y/n's form, a sense of satisfaction ran threw me, I took a deep breath savouring the feeling, oh how I wish I could do this forever. I felt as she snuggled into me.
This isn't going to end well, not at all.
I woke up to a sweet smell, it was driving me crazy, what is it? where is it coming from? I want more, I need more. I breathed in the scent making me feel euphoric as it entered my lungs, i rolled my eyes in satisfaction
I started panting, a feeling ran threw my body it was like an electric current flowing through me making me let out a small moan. My muscles started tensing and I squeezed the object that my arm was around closer to my body.
A startling realization come to play, the sweet scent was y/n, this is what an omegas pheromones smell like, why is it so intoxicating, it's better than anything I've ever had before. It was like I was being pulled into a euphoric state.
It was like I couldn't control my body, I couldn't think straight I kept drifting in and out of consciousness each time my common sense started to dissolve peace by peace. I started feeling a throbbing sensation down there.
No, I can't, I said I would protect her but it's... she's just so ... intoxicating. I growl escaped my lips, thoughts about making her mine and only mine went through my mind. This can't be happening, this can't be happening, I need her, I need it, I want it but i-i can't have her.
My mouth started salivating and I could feel my senses starting to get cloudy, I growled at myself as a way to somehow convince myself to back down, it wasn't working as well as I hoped then again I didn't really want it to work.
I pushed myself to get up, as I sat there facing away from y/n on the bed let's just say it got worse, my breathing became rigid, I held onto the sheets under my hands. I clenched my jaw and ground my teeth together as a low growl grew from my chest getting louder and louder.
My breathing got so bad I had to start breathing from my mouth, my hands clenched tighter onto the sheets my nails digging into my palms drawing blood. I couldn't care less, my eyes glazed over and I couldn't think straight.
I twisted my head around to look over my shoulder at y/ns lovely form, her soft skin becoming more noticeable to the point where I even unconsciously licked my lips, I started to drool as looked over her form with lust.
I unconsciously leaned closer to her, I could see her chest rising and falling as she slept peacefully unaware of me looking over her body, her every move I noticed, her chest her everything. 502Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZhyM73baw