He sighed "I'm just trying to be friends y/n, what can I do to make you trust me or at least be friends with me?" He asked defeated. I narrowed my eyes looking over his face to see if I could find any hidden agendas.
He had a small frown and his eyes were pleading for a chance. I sighed "uh fine I'll give you a.... chance, but I swear on your life that if you try or do anything fishy I will destroy you!" I exclaimed.
He sighed in relief, his frown being replaced with a smiled. "Thanks y/n" he said excitedly. "So what do I have to do to gain your trust?" He asked.
I hummed as I thought about what he could do to earn my trust. "Be nice? I guess maybe I don't know, I'll think about it later" I said confused myself at what he could do.
"Okay!" He saluted. "Oh and stop with the staring it's kind of.... creepy" I informed him. He smiled a fake smile as he scratched the back of his neck, diverting his gaze "yeah... I get that alot, Its a bad habit I have but I just like looking at people because my mother always said to look at people when your talking to them so I feel awkward if I'm not looking at them" he explained looking at the ground.
I hummed a response, I guess that makes sense.. in a way. "Anyway I'll go now, if there's anything you need I'm here" he smiled as he walked out of the room. "Minaru?" I asked gaining his attention. He looked back at me waiting for me to continue.
"Can you tell Oskah to stop being such a bitch?" I asked with a smile and a glint in my eyes. He smiled "gladly"
He walked dour of the room closing the door behind him. I sat back down at my desk and started watching my show. I'm not used to talking to so many people, new people at a time.
It was Sunday today meaning that tommorow was Monday. I'm so glad I don't start school untill next week. The week will go by quick which sucks. I really don't want to go to school. School sucks, it's so, it's just so much effort.
Schools my least favourite thing about life at the moment, unfortunately as bad as it is, it does give us education and other stuffs. I looked at my phone It had been an hour or two since minaru came in. It was time for lunch.
I love food, a little to much actually. I'm surprised I haven't died from over eating. Oh well food is delicouse. I got up and decided that it was time for lunch. What to eat, what to eat? I hummed to myself as I walked down the hallway through the lounge room which Oskah was not currently in and into the kitchen.
In the kitchen was my darling.471Please respect copyright.PENANAZZbElXJWHD
brother Ayumi. "What you doing?" I asked happily. "Lunch" he said. I hummed a response and opened the cupboard. Hmmm I should eat some ramen.
Ayumi and I gracefully shared the kitchen as we made our meals. Once I had finished I walked into the lounge and sat down. Oskah isn't here so I got to have the best seat, directly across from the tv.
Ayumi came in a few minutes later and sat down beside me. Now that I think about it, where is Oskah? Maybe Ayumi knows where he went.
"Where'd Oskah go?" I asked causing Ayumi to stop eating. "Went home" he replied, I nodded acknowledging his reply. I started eating once again. Ayumi finished before me so he took may plate unto the kitchen.
I took the remote from off the table and flicked through the channels to see if there was anything good, or at least worth watching. There wasn't. Ayumi came back in a sat beside me.
"I have meetings to go to tommorow so I won't be here for most of the day, are you going to be okay?" He asked. Ayumi worked a job that he could do at home. He would work on the computer, it was good since he's basically just doing work at home but he occasionally has to go to meetings and meet up with clients or something.
I honestly have no idea what he does, all I know is that he does it on the computer. I don't really care what he does but he gets quite a large amount of money for it. Which is a good thing.
"Yeah I should be fine, how long will you be home and what times?" I asked curiously. "I'll be gone by 6am and back at around 7pm" he said. Aww man really?! That must suck.
I patted him on the back "I feel so bad for you, I mean you have to wake up so early" I said with sympathy. He nodded. The doorbell rang, it was more like a buzzer though.
Ayumi got up and left to go anwser it. I leaned back into the comfortable couch and put my feet up on the table. I sighed in relaxation. "Feet off the table!" Someone yelled startling me. It worked though my feet were off the table now.
I looked at the owner of the voice it was Katsume and he looked like he was in a bad mood. "Oh hey, Katsume what up dude, bro, guy, I didn't do it" I said frantically.
"Uh huh" he said in a moody tone. He walked off and into the kitchen. I glanced at Ayumi. "He's probably going to kill us isn't he" I said in a shaky tone. Ayumi didn't anwser he just diverted his gaze with a look that said 'yes yes he will'
I sunk into the couch trying to hide but I couldn't unfortunately. Katsume walked into the doorway. He had his arms crossed, a deadly aura surrounding him. He narrowed his eyes as he glared at both of us.
"I was gone for literally 2 days and you've already managed to overflow the sink with dishes, not only that but you brought a bunch of literal junk food, the food I made you was for you to have for dinner each night not breakfast, lunch and dinner!" He lectured.
He sighed in annoyance as he put his hand on his face. The face palm, the disappointed facepalm. He looked up at me looking me in the eyes, staring into my soul. I froze under his gaze "I expected this from Ayumi y/n, I can't believe I actually had any hope for you what so ever but no your the same as your brother, you both are pathetic when it comes to literally anything to do with housework or taking care of yourselves" he lectured.
I adjusted my position on the couch so that my legs were together, my hands in my lap as I twiddled my thumbs. I looked down at my lap. I glanced at Katsume then back at my lap not wanting to face his disappointed gaze.
I heard Katsume sigh as he slumped his shoulders. "You know what, I don't care, I should have expected this from you y/n, I mean you are siblings" he sighed.
"I'm going to go do the dishes then I'm going to vacuum don't cause anymore problems for me" he said a she retreated into the kitchen. I looked at Ayumi and smiled. " He really is like a slave, no wonder you keep him around" I smiled.
Ayumi put his index finger to his lips as he held a blank face. "Shh" he said. I patted the area next to me signalling for him to sit down next to me. He did just that. We both relaxed into the couch and put our feet on the table.
I'm so comfortable I can't move. I closed my eyes, I'm so relaxed. "Feet off the table!" I loud voice yelled startling me, once again it was Katsume and once again it worked and my feet were off the table as for Ayumi he just slowly took his feet off the table not taking his gaze away from the tv.
"Sorry" I apologized when I realised Katsume was glaring at me. He rolled his eyes as he walked away. I turned my gaze back onto the tv.
It was great untill Katsume started vacuuming. He started vacuuming near us. The vacuum was loud and I couldn't hear what was on the tv. Both Ayumi and I looked at Katsume in unison. He glared back at us, this made us turn our attention back on the tv.
I picked up the remote and put on the subtitles. It wasn't as good though. All I could hear was the vacuum. Once he finally finished vacuuming he put the vacuum away and I turned the subs off...... actually no I didn't cause it was too much effort.
Katsume came went into the kitchen then came out with a rag and started wiping everything down. He got to the table infront of us. I groaned as I moved to look past him. He was in the way of the t.v.
I growled. "Don't you growl at me!" Katsume growled back. I froze and sunk back into the couch. I was defeated. He was much more intimidating then I am.
I sighed in relief when he finally finished wiping down the table and went to wipe down everything else.471Please respect copyright.PENANAgPQpe3URge
He even started to mop the kitchen.471Please respect copyright.PENANAlTS8rJAk1p
He came up to us "Don't go in the kitchen" he warned.
I nodded showing that I heard him. He left and went down to where the bedrooms were. He was in Ayumi's room foe awhile untill he finally came out. He opened my door. "What are you doing?" I asked suspicious of him.
"I'm guessing you didn't make your bed, your rooms a mess and you haven't opened the windows to let in a breeze?" He said with a raised eyebrow.
I opened my mouth but had nothing to say since he was right. I turned back to watch the tv in defeat. I heard him open my door and walk in. He was in there for awhile. When he finally came out he headed to the kitchen.
He came out of the kitchen and sat down on the couch. Not the one Ayumi and I were on but the one that was facing sideways. He opened a can of energy drink "That's my-" I was cut off "did I or did I not just clean the whole house?" He said.
I opened my mouth to talk but he was right once again. I looked at the tv in defeat. He sipped my.... his drink as he watched the tv with us.
We watched tv for an hour, "man you guys are so unproductive, how do you do this everyday?" Katsume said confused. "Look Katsume you wouldn't understand our lifestyle your just not.... like us" I said giving it to him straight.
"You mean lazy, unproductive, uncultured, annoying-" he said insulting us, I had to intervene "creative, chillaxed, relaxed and stress free" I interupted.
He gave me a blank look "yeah your right, stress free was a lie but everything else is true" I said in my defence. He shook his head "your pathetic" he said.
I smiled "Yes, yes I am, which is why you should keep cleaning the house and making me food, I mean how have i survived this long without you?!" I said dramatically.
"I'm not a house wife!" He exclaimed "house husband" I corrected making him frown. "Any who if you really want me to do something 'productive' and 'get out of the house' why don't we go swimming tommorow hey? Ayumi will be gone and I can show you the full outdoor y/n experience" I said with a smile and an evil glint in my eyes.
"Deal" he said "deal" I replied. But first I need approval "Ayumi may I go to the water park you and I used to go to tommorow with Katsume?" I asked.
"Yes, yes you can" Ayumi said blankly. A few seconds after he laughed it was small only for a second but he laughed. This caused Katsume to go Into shock for a few seconds. He looked at me with a confused face as he tried to think of any possible reasons to why Ayumi laughed. I feel so bad for Katsume.
"I should be going" Katsume said as he looked at the clock. "I'll be here to pick you up tommorow around 9am" he said.
"11 take it or leave it" I said blankly. He rolled his eyes "11 it is" he said. He got up and walked away. Ayumi go tip after Katsume and followed him, I didn't bother asking why.
3rd P.O.V
Katsume walked up to the front door. He was about to open it to leave the small apartment when he felt a presence behind him. He turned around and there was Ayumi.
"You didn't tell her did you?" Katsume asked as he leaned on the door. Ayumi narrowed his eyes "that's none of your concern" Ayumi said.
"Fine fine, so what is it that you wanted to talk about? Surely your not here to walk me out" Katsume said raising an eyebrow. "If anything happens to her tommorow I'm holding you responsible" Ayumi said in a threatening tone.
"Oh relax, she'll be fine" Katsume replied unfazed by Ayumi's threat "although I'm curious Ayumi when are you going to tell her? She'll find out eventually even you know that" Katsume asked curious to how Ayumi would deal with everything.
"I'll deal with that when the time comes, for now you are not to tell her" Ayumi said.
"I won't but if she finds out it's not my fault, now if you'll excuse me I'll be going now, unless there's anything else you'd like to talk about?" Katsume asked knowing that Ayumi had said what he wanted.
"No" Ayumi replied blankly as he turned around and returned to the lounge room where his darling sister was. "that guy" Katsume sighed to himself. He left the small apartment and walked away.
Y/n P.O.V
Ayumi came back shortly and sat down "What was that about?" I asked curiously "nothing" he replied as he ruffled my hair with his large hand. I grumbled.
We spent the rest of the day doing our own things. We made our own dinners then went to our rooms.
-----------------471Please respect copyright.PENANAkoaqSl7Fmh
Monday 10:57 am
"Wake up!" A voice yelled making me sit up abruptly as I panted. I frowned as I looked at the noise maker it was Oskah.... Oskah? Why the hell is Oskah here? In my room?! I gave him a confused look "why ate you here in my room? Wait.... are you real? I'm dreaming aren't I?" I said to myself.
"Your not dreaming! Get up its time to go" Oskah exclaimed impatiently. "Go where?" I asked.
"Swimming!" I voice exclaimed at the end of my bed, it was Katsume. I furrowed my eyebrows. ....... oh right that.....
"Okay fine I'll be up soon just go wait outside" I said with a yawn. They left the room Katsume closing the door behind me. I sighed "I'm going back to sleep, they better leave" I said aloud to myself.
The door slammed open "Don't you dare!" Oskah yelled. "Okay okay jeez" I groaned irritated. So much for having a peaceful awakening.
Oskah left again and closed the door. I got out of bed and put on a hoodie, a gray one to be exact. I put on some shorts and that was that. Now let's not forget my camera. Now where did I put it. I dug through all my draws and eventually found it.
Now I need some extra cool shades. Ummm yep there it is. I put the shades on and I was ready to go 'swimming' I chuckled to myself. I wiped a year from my eye and left the room. I walked into the lounge room where both Katsume and Ayumi were waiting for me. They were on the couch.
Katsume looked at my clothes but didn't even try to ask why I was wearing them. My shades are cool though. So cool.
"C'Mon let's go" Katsume said. I saluted him "right o cap'n" I said in an accent. He didn't even bother asking about that. I followed behind Katsume, Oskah beside me as we walked to the elevator. "So I see you added a new guest" I said referring to Oskah.
"Yeah he wanted to come" Katsume explained "I'm right here" Oskah growled at me. "I know"
We walked through the lobby and out the doors. Katsume turned left so I did the same. I followed after Katsume for awhile, "Katsume do you not have a car?" I asked. "No" he said. I groaned "my legs hurt and the swimming centre is on the other side of town how are we going to get there?!" I whined
"Walking" Katsume said. "Weak much" Oskah chimed. I stopped dead in my tracks "you wanna go?!" I exclaimed. Oskah stopped and got right in my face "yeah let's go!" He growled. I started laughing maniacally as I pulled out a tazer.
Oskah leaped back "That's not a far fight" he growled. "Nothings fair about fighting you coward and besides we're not fighting in just protecting my self" I growled.
He took a step closer causing me to have to turn it in. I turned it on a loud zapping sound arouse into the air. "Don't test me bitch" I growled staring him in the eyes.
"Will you to stop your petty bickering" Katsume growled making us stop our small argument. I growled back at Katsume "SURPRISE ATTACK TO THE KNEE!!" I yelled as I kicked Oskah in the knee right where it hurts the most.
He shrieked as he kneeled. "Ha bitch gotcha" I smirked as I walked past Katsume.471Please respect copyright.PENANAAkO4zoQLgX