"So your not mad or scared of me?" He asked more worried about how I felt about him then how I was. I nodded which immediately made him relax. "So, this whole heat thing looks pretty bad, are you going to be .... okay when it happens?" He asked thoughtfully.
"It'll be fine, I've done a ton of times, but that's not the problem, the problem is you and Ayumi," I said finally thinking about what else would happen during my heat.
"Wait, I understand it affecting me but isn't Ayumi your brother?" He asked, so Ayumi never actually told Katsume about our relationship.
"No, he's my stepbrother so it still affects him, but don't worry about that because I'm not going to be here when it happens" I explained walking over to my bed and sitting down at the end of it.
"What do you mean? Where will you stay?" Katsume asked curiously, this is one of the things that the principle and I talked about.
"The principal said that I can temporarily stay in one of the dorm rooms while I'm in heat so I don't affect anyone" I explained to him, He sat down next to me on my bed.
"So that's what you talked about" Katsume commented, "Who's going to help you? y' know with food and stuff" Katsume asked worried about me.
"No one, I'll be in there until it's over and I'll just take some instant ramen and some other foods there" I explained, Katsume furrowed his brows.
"In all honesty Y/n how are you going to survive that?" He asked with worry laced in his voice. Why does Katsume have to keep asking about this, it's really annoying honestly.
I rolled my eyes "I'm sure I can survive one week without your delicious food" I uttered.
"Are you sure? you can barely do anything y/n" He asked with even more worrying laced in his voice. I put my hand on his shoulder and nodded my head giving him a look telling him that I'd be fine.
"Now leave before I kick you out ok?" I spoke as I pat his back with added force trying to get him to get off my bed and leave. He sighed but complied to my order and stood up, he looked at me with one last look of worry before leaving my room.
He closed the door behind him, that would have been bad any longer and I'd be... I don't want to think about that. I'll just be happy that I got here when I did, I wonder when Ayumi will be back from his meeting.
I checked my phone it was currently 2:47 pm meaning that Ayumi and I's date was getting ever so closer and I still hadn't seen him. Maybe he's planning a surprise and he's not at a meeting, nah if I'm too lazy to do that then so's Ayumi.
I stayed in my room for another two hours, I was starting to get worried Ayumi still wasn't home and it was almost five. I couldn't help but think the worst, I hopped out of my bed and walked into the loungeroom, Katsume was cleaning the windows.
"When did Ayumi say he was going to be back from his meeting?" I asked gaining Katsumes' attention. He stopped wiping the window and placed down his rag and window cleaner spray.
"what meetin- oh the meeting? yeah, he said he would try to be back as soon as possible" Katsume explained to me, I brushed off his unfinished first question and nodded. "Why?" He asked curiously tilting his head to the side.
"doesn't matter, want to watch tv?" I asked, changing the topic. He sighed "What else do you do besides lay around?" He asked accusingly. I pretended to laugh and walked up to him, I put my hand on his shoulder.
"No" I spoke in a monotone voice completely changing my tone and facial expression. he furrowed his brows and brushed off my hand "Ha ha ha" he laughed sarcastically. We walked over to the couch and sat down.
"Hey, Katsume?" I asked gaining his attention as he picked up the remote and turned the tv on. He leaned into the couch and relaxed.
"Yeah?" He muttered.
"What did you do to get five years of jail time?" I asked curiously. It had been bugging me ever since he told me about his whole jail thing. Thankfully I'm not scared of him, not yet at least I'd like to know what he did before I judge him for going to jail.
I could see his muscles tense as he sat up straight, "I- promise me that you won't see me differently after I tell you!" He exclaimed looking me in the eyes.
"I promise that I won't see you differently" I promised, putting my hand over my heart to add emphasis on my newly made promise.
"I got mad and I nearly killed a few people" He confessed, I could tell it was hard for him by the way he kept gulping showing he was nervous. So he nearly killed a few people that's different too killing people.
I nodded "Ok" I spoke, "That's it?! just ok?" He exclaimed. I pat his back and nodded, Just then Katsume's phone started ringing.
"I have to take this," He said getting up and walking into the kitchen to answer his phone. I leaned into the couch and relaxed all my muscles, I sighed I'm going to have a lot of trouble with this heat.
It's always so exhausting when I have to have my heat in a new place, Katsume stormed out of the kitchen, "We have to go!" He shouted as he grabbed my arm and pulled me off the couch.
"Pack your stuff only what you need, be quick!" He exclaimed I could see he was tense. He let go of my arm and pushed me towards my room. "What's going on?" I asked with worry, this is too sudden and why do I have to pack my stuff?
"Y/n, Just trust me on this okay, we have to leave! pack your stuff, only the essentials" He exclaimed, "B-but," I stammered, "But nothing!! Pack YOUR stuff!" He yelled at me making me whimper. I was scared, I'm confused and he won't tell me what's happening.
Katsume took a step back in guilt. He sighed as he put his hands on my shoulders "Y/n, we have to go, I'll explain everything to you once we're safe, now go and pack" He assured me in a calming tone.
"Fine, but you better have a good explanation for this!" I exclaimed as I walked to my room. I went to my cupboard and pulled out the suitcase that I had only unpacked a week ago.
I put in some of my favourite clothes, charger, laptop and of course I can't forget my suppressors, okay I've got tablets for the pheromones and the urges and some of the same design of suppressors I used just a few hours ago.
I wanted to pack some other things but Katsume came into my room, "Got what you want? good let's go" He said not even letting me answer his question. He took my suitcase out of my hand and rushed out of the room, "well?!" He exclaimed turning back to look at me.
I nodded as I followed him out of the apartment, I had to speed walk to keep up with him. We went to the elevator then we headed through the lobby and out the door of the building. We started heading towards Katsumes car but then Katsume suddenly changed his direction.
I'll just play along with whatever Katsume is doing, I followed Kastsume. We walked past several people, there two big people in black suits walking up to us, they looked like security guards.
They blocked our past, they were alphas, it was easy to tell by their intimidating aura. "Let's make this easy for all of us Katsume, give us the girl and we'll let you leave," The one on the right negotiated. I clutched onto the back of Katsumes shirt and hid behind him.
"No" Katsume replied, "If we have to do this the hard way then I guess we have to do this the hard way" The man on the left spoke as he put his hands on his hips moving the end of his jacket to show a gun on his belt. He was trying to intimidate us.
"You won't do it, Pussy, there are cameras right there" I growled pointing to a buildings security camera. The one on the left ground his teeth as he growled back at me making me whimper and hide more of my body behind Katsume.
Katsume turned his body to face me "I'll handle this y/n, do you remember where the shop you went to Minaru with is?" He asked as he bent down to my level and put his hands on my shoulders in an attempt to comfort me.
I nodded, "Good, now run!" He ordered as he faced me away from the bad men. I complied and ran in the opposite direction of where Katsume and the bad men were. I kept running and did stop, my lungs were burning.
I kept running until I finally made it to the small cafe that I went to with Minaru, I walked in ignoring the stares that I got from the people inside. I sat down in one of the booths that were the furthest away from the door and windows so that no one could see me.
I sat and I waited, I put up my hood and couldn't help but fiddle with the strings of my hoodie, I was nervous and could sit still. What the hell is happening? who were those guys? and what did they want with me? Who called Katsume?
I wonder if Ayumi's ok? Does he know something about this? "Hello is there anything I can get you today?" A waitress asked snapping me out of my panic, "I-uh" I stammered.
"If you're not going to buy anything then you have to leave" She smiled, I could tell by her tone she wanted me out but couldn't outright say it because I was a customer.
"Actually I'm just waiting for a friend to get here, he should be here soon and then we'll order" I lied with a fake smile. She nodded and left, I looked back down at my lap, I waited and waited but nothing happened, I checked my phone, we left the apartment at six and it's almost 7:30 pm.
I've been sitting here for more than an hour, I'd call but I don't have money to get credit and I can't ask for the wifi password, there's no way they're going to give it to me.
I sighed as the waitress came into view and walked up to my table, she was about to talk but I interrupted her "I know, if I'm not going to order I have to leave but I can assure you he'll be here soon, he just texted, he's running late but he'll be here soon" I explained.
I could see her roll her eyes as she stomped her way away from me. I sighed and checked the time once again it was half-past 8, I wonder if Katsume is okay? so much for going on a date with Ayumi.
Who were those guys? and what did they want with me? -RING RING- hope filled my emotions as I pulled out my phone, it was Ayumi, I wasted no time in answering "Ayumi!?" I exclaimed with a smile on my face, "Sorry y/n but Ayumi's not here" A male voice said.
My smile fell and I felt a sickening feeling develop in my stomach, "Who are you?" I asked, dread evident in my voice, "I'm the person who's going to use you against your brother" The voice said. I immediately hung up.
If he wants to use me against my brother he has to find me first and isn't there that whole thing where people can track phones. I better not regret this, I stood up and threw my phone in one of the bins.
I sat back down and I waited some more, I waited and waited. I sat patiently, I watched as people walked in and people left. I checked the time it was almost eleven and if I recall the sign out front said that this cafe closed at that time.
I stood up when the waitress started walking over to me, "Bye" She smiled making me roll my eyes at her, she said it in a way that showed she was happy that the person I was waiting for hadn't come.
I walked out of the cafe and hoped that somehow someone was their wether it was Oskah, Minaru, Katsume and last but not least Ayumi, unfortunately, that hope was short-lived. I put my hands in my pockets not before putting up my hood.
Just great, it's raining, aren't I having a perfect day. I felt the rain soak through my clothes making me shiver. I walked down the city street past all the different kinds of people, business people, school dwellers and just different people in general.
I kept walking trying not to trip or bump into every one, I sneezed, even better I'm getting a cold, I'd say how can this day get any worse but I'd rather not jinx it because there are a thousand more things that could go wrong.
My eyes were tearing up, I couldn't stop shivering as it got later it got colder and the rain just kept falling. I can't believe I'm doing this, I sat down out the front of a building, thankfully it gave me shelter from the rain.
I sat down and curled up into a ball, I couldn't help but feel even worse about my situation when half the passersby would look down at me with disgust and pity.
I don't know when but I miraculously ended up falling asleep or should I say passing out.