Man Minaru smelt nice, everyone in the car smelt nice! it was intoxicating and extremely distracting for me, it was so hard for me to even think about something that wasn't lewd or about something other than them.
I want pats, I need pats, why can't they just read my thoughts and pat me? I want them to hold me, caress me and comfort me. I want them, I need them to comfort me. I need them to tell me I'm a good girl, that I'm adorable.
"Y/N!" A voice shouted, it was Oskah, he was waving a hand in front of my face. I had no idea what was happening, I tried to think about what I heard for the past few minutes but it came up blank.
"Hm??" I squeaked out, I looked out the window, we were in the middle of nowhere. I'm so glad that I didn't have to drive.
"Are you okay y/n? you haven't answered my question and you keep staring at nothing" Oskah asked. Oh, that's right, they don't know since we didn't tell them.
"It's a thing that happens when an omega goes into heat" I replied, he got the gist and piped down as he looked out the window. "We've been driving for a few hours, it doesn't seem that bad y/n, I think you exaggerated" Katsume commented.
He wasn't driving today, Ayumi was. "Exaggerated? not that bad? I wish that was how it was for me, but it's not" I muttered with irritation.
Here I am not being able to think straight and yet you guys get to be perfectly fine. I crave PATS! I crave so much, I want them to love me, I need them to touch me and quench the thirst of lust building up inside me.
I can't resist, I can't hold back. "Someone pat me!" I exclaimed before I even realized what it was that I had said. I can't believe I said that out loud, I looked around the car, everyone was quiet.
Minaru and Oskah were looking at me with a confused look saying that they heard me but didn't know if I was being serious. "I'm being serious here, I need pats if this is going to work, someone pat me please" I begged with desperation.
I felt a hand on my head, it was Oskah, He looked at me as if he wasn't sure that he was doing it right, he looked embarrassed aswell. I leaned into his touch then shifted closer to him so that I was leaning onto him.
He put his arm around my head and his hand on my head so that it was more comfortable for him. Oskah looked out the window his cheeks were heated. I could feel the tension in the air but that was washed away by the enjoyment I got from being pat.
I had a smile on my face and after a while, Oskah stopped patting me but he did leave his hand on my head. It wasn't as joyful as when he was patting me but the fact that he was touching me soothed me.
I heard a growl come from Ayumi, "We need to split up, they're onto us" He growled glancing at Katsume. Katsume nodded as he pulled out his phone, as much as I'd like to care about what was going on all I could think about was the warmth radiating off of Oskah.
Time passed by and I was extremely happy that for some reason we were splitting up. I was put in a car with Katsume, Ayumi went with Oskah and Minaru, apparently, we were being followed by the bad men.
The plan was for Ayumi and the others to distract the people following us by going in the opposite direction, when they had directed there attention they would get another car and circle around back to Minaru's cousin's house.
We'd get there first and they'd get there a few days later. The thing I hated about it though was the fact that I was separated from Oskah meaning no head pats.
I whined once Oskah let go of me and got out of the car, I sulked as I got into the front seat of the car that Ayumi had paid for with cash, he said they didn't have money to pay for a new phone for me yet he was buying an old car.
It was almost 3k for the hand me down car, the radio didn't work but the good thing was it had been registered and we could drive it straight away.
I couldn't stop fidgeting in the seat, my core was warm and I was horny as hell. I couldn't stop pushing my thighs together, this was extremely uncomfortable why do I have to be this way, why?
I took deep breathes trying to calm myself down, I thought of things that would make me feel disgusted for having these thoughts but alas my mind was locked onto thinking about being dominated by an alpha.
I whined subconsciously as I put my feet up on the seat so that I was in a ball. I leaned my head on the window as I looked at the passing houses, roads and cars.
"Umm I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with this but I'll try so just tell me how I can make you more... comfortable" Katsume said with hesitance as he broke the silence.
"Fuck me" I replied immediately, it wasn't until a few seconds later that what I said clicked in my mind. IMy cheeks heated up, "I-uh sorry, that was the heat talking," I said justifying what I said. He nodded in understanding.
"I would like something to drink though," I said, my throat wasn't dry, the problem was that my mouth kept salivating. A few minutes later we were walking into a supermarket to get some snacks and drinks.
As we walked I saw several alphas and every time I did I'd take a step towards them, every time I did Katsume would put his hand on my head and forcefully make me face the right direction ultimately taking me out of the hypnotic state I was in.
In the end, it was really annoying me so I put my hand in Katsumi's, I didn't look at him because I was scared of his reaction plus I didn't want him to see the look of satisfaction on my face just from holding his hand.
I loved the warmth his hand gave me, it was great better than great. This was a new experience for me since I'd never actually been around people let alone alphas during my heat so I was finding it difficult to control myself.
Katsume entwined my hand with his making me shudder. I followed his lead as we walked through the aisles getting snacks and drinks for us. We had finished our small shop and were walking through the parking lot.
I stopped walking, shit, I forgot my suppressors. "What?" Katsume asked noticing my distress.
"I forgot to get my suppressors, goddam heat" I muttered the last part under my breath, he nodded in acknowledgement.
Katsume had used his map app on his phone and we had used it to navigate to the closest pharmacy. I looked through the shelves and got all the suppressors I needed, Katsume was just awkwardly following behind me.
It was awkward but I also got some birth control pills just in case. I walked to the counter placed the items onto the counter, Katsume, of course, paid for it.
"Wait in the car y/n I've just got to do something," Katsume said as I got into the car. I watched as he walked away somewhere, I'm glad that Katsume left, my suppressor was wearing off, I took it at around 6 and it was lunchtime meaning my time was up.
I opened one of the suppressor boxes with the tablets in it, I opened my drink and took the tablets with it.
It takes less than half an hour for the suppressors to fully wear off meaning after their time is up I have 10 minutes until I start releasing pheromones and 20 minutes for me until I start feeling the urges, 30 minutes until I'm completely devoured by lust and the desire to be with an alpha.
The tablets I took would work for 6 hours like the other one, the annoying thing about my heat is keeping track of the time to make sure I can get the tablets in time. The quicker I take the tablets after the other ones start wearing off the better.
Katsume came back a while later, I was curious where he had gone but didn't question it since I had given up trying to suppress the dirty thoughts filling my head. It was way too much effort to have to suppress or try and change what I was thinking about.
Katsume P.O.V
This wasn't the best position to be in, y/n kept moving in her seat, I could see her pushing her thighs together, she was restless and wouldn't look at me. What I hated was the fact that y/n bought birth control pills, I mean c' mon I'm not going to do anything to her.
Does she really think I'm that bad!? I'm really not, I've never been the kind of person to take advantage of a person even if they're bad. I'm not going to take advantage of y/n, not ever. She's too innocent to be..... to be.
I can't even think about it if I wasn't the reason she got them then that means she got them because she was scared someone else was going to do something to her! I am not going to let that happen, not to her, not ever.
She may be lazy, incompetent and even an idiot but she's my lazy incompetent idiot. She's the nicest person I've met, I mean I've only known her for a week but she offered me a home, she let me stay in the apartment with Ayumi.
She convinced him to let me stay, she's literally my only friend that's female except my little sister but I'm not even allowed to see her anymore. Not only that but she treated me the same when she found out what I had done.
I can assure her and everyone else that I will not revert back to my evil, angry impulsive ways. I am not like that, not anymore, I have been reformed, it's starting to get a bit rocky but as soon as this whole thing blows over I will not be involved in any illegal activities of the sort.
Not at all, I'm still not happy about everything that's going on, if it was up to me I would have hidden y/n away and dealt with everything, then again I wouldn't be able to see her.... oh my god Ayumi is in love with y/n.
My hands tightened on the wheel, I looked down at y/n, this makes so much sense, why he growled when y/n talked about exploring her options, why he always talks about her. Well, when he does talk, Ayumi's pretty quiet most the time.
This explains so much though, I mean he's been sulking this whole time, the whole time and that probably explains why he had been giving the road the death stare all day and every day he drove, it also explains why he was drowning his sorrows in alcohol last night.
They slept in y/ns room together, they could have been fraternizing while I was in the room right across from them. Those little, no, y/n wouldn't do that, nope not ever. But then again...
Does y/n know about this?! No, I will not accept Ayumi and her being together if she should be with anyone it should be me, I mean I can give her food, and I actually clean, I'm perfect for her, Ayumi can't give her anything he's as hopeless as her.
Then again they can relate to each others problems and they've known each other for ages.
I heard a whine come from her as she looked at me with desperate eyes, "What's wrong?" I asked cautiously, I have no idea about this whole omega in heat thing, I saw in an article that I'm supposed to be gentle and caring, compassionate with a little bit of nurturing as if they were a child.
She replied with a whine, "Hold me" She whimpered, my heart skipped a beat, hold her? I can't hold her, I'm driving but I don't want to upset her, she seems fragile and I don't want to hurt her feeling.
"Y/n I... I'm driving I can't hold you" I said ripping off the bandaid.
"But why? can't you stop driving, can we pull over and get a hotel, I don't want to be stuck in the car all day" She whined looking at me with puppy dog eyes, for some reason the moment she did I thought of her begging for me in the bedroom, if you know what I mean *wink* *wink* Bow chika wow wow