We stayed in this position for a while, not moving, not talking jut the faint humming that Katsume was performing.
"We have to keep going y/n, are you okay? your not... scared of me anymore?" Katsume whispered, "No" I replied, I was never scared of Katsume himself I was just scared that he was angry at me.
"Your right, we've been here too long we have to keep moving" I agreed with him, he unwrapped his arms around and released me from his embrace. I got off his lap and out of the car, I think I'll be fine going in the front now.
Katsume got in the driver's seat and I went on the passenger side. It was almost time to have another suppressor, the downside of suppressors is that you have to wait until they start wearing off to have another one or you're more susceptible to getting side effects like nausea, motion sickness and more.
I'm just glad that I don't get side effects often they can be really annoying. We drove in silence, I was still a bit shaken by what that woman had done, she kissed me, without consent no less!
"y/n? Are you okay?" Katsume asked glancing at me with worry evident in his tone. Am I? I honestly don't know at this point, "I don't know" I said bringing my hands up to my bruised throat, it was painful.
At least the side of my face didn't hurt, at least not as much. looked Katsume up and down and noticed something, where the hell was the blood? when did he wash it off? I'm assuming sometime before he hugged me because there was no blood on me.
I couldn't get that kiss out of my head, it kept replaying and it made me want to gag, her mouth tasted terrible, I visible shuddered, Katsume noticed this and gave me a questioning look.
"Nothing" I lied, I'm not the best at lying not at all but somehow I have managed to lie without getting caught 50% of the time, this was not one of those times.
"Y/n?" He growled wanting answers, I really don't want to tell Katsume that the women kissed me... with tongue and that I didn't do anything about it. I mean sure I'm going through heat but the suppressors were working and I didn't know her making it much easier for me to resist.
"I don't want to talk about it" I replied looking out the window, not gonna lie I was acting suspiciously even though I hadn't even lied about anything. Is it just me or am I getting more intimate with people then I've ever had before in my life even when I had a boyfriend.
Life is weird, "Alright fine, keep your secrets, I guess I just won't give you this chocolate that I so conveniently have" Katsume pouted with fake sadness. This isn't good, not at all, I really want that chocolate but at the same time, the only way to get it is to tell him.
"Okay fine, I was thinking.... about...." I trailed off, how the hell can I lie to him without lying to him. Maybe I should just not tell him, yeah that's good.... but I really want that chocolate.
"About?" Katsume spoke, I looked at him, his eyes narrowed as he gazed down at me as if he was ordering me to tell him."When the women sexually assaulted me and forced a kiss on me" I mumbled.
I looked at Katsume seeing his reaction, his face was relaxed which was surprising, he started nodding and hummed a response, "Okay" He said with a calm tone. I let out the breath that I was holding.
"Okay, woo I thought you were gonna be mad, like really mad but I'm glad you understand" I breathed out in relief, I really thought he was going to get mad, y' know what I'm glad I told him it's therapeutic in a way right, to talk about stuff.
"question, was their tongue and how long?" he asked still focused on the road with a relaxed posture. "yes and at least 6 seconds," I responded with a straight face. I hope he's still as calm as he is now.
The car came to a sudden stop, I'm glad we're in the middle of nowhere or else something could've happened. I look of confusion washed over me, why did he stop? Is he angry?
Katsume was just staring at the road ahead of him, he was staring pretty intensely. I should say someth- Katsume grabbed me by my collar pulling me towards him, he crashed his lips onto mine.
He quickly brought up his other hand and held my cheek gently which was the complete opposite of how he was kissing me. He bit my lip and forcefully entered his tongue into my mouth.
Before I even grasped a grip on the reality of what was happening he had already pulled away leaving me wanting more. He released his hold on my collar and my cheek and moved back to having his eyes on the road with his hands on the wheel.
I was still stunned and tried to piece together what just happened, I went back to how I was before leaning against the back of the seat and looking at the road. The fuck just happened?
"Did you?" I spoke in a soft almost whisper. "I love you y/n" He replied.