Apparently to those of the older generation you can't "love" until your at least out of college. It's just a crush, inflation...lust.
They never stop to think that maybe it is love. They never try to take us seriously. They just assume we don't know what we're talking about and we need to "focus on our education."
But, do they even know what love is? I think not. They sure do get lots of divorces and then turn around and remarry.
And...they tell us we don't know what love is.
But I think I do. Or at least I think I know what my definition of love is.
I think love is not necessarily taking someones crap and never giving up, but realizing that if they mean enough to will keep trying. People change everyday.
I think love is loving someone despite them not really loving you. How? Persistence. Call me dumb, thats okay. You have to persist for anything you want in life. You have to persistently study to get a good grade, you have to persistently practice to get good at a sport...why are we to say it isn't the same with love?
I think love is taking what they give you until they give you more. Being paitent is key in life and in love
An example of this would be a job. You begin with minimum wage and no benefits and instead of getting discouraged after a year of you doing your best work with no raise, benefits or promotions you keep up the good work you've been doing you will eventually get a promotion, raise, and some benefits.
It's the same with sports. You can't wake up one day and expect to be able to play volleyball, you have to go out and work at it and not give up because you're not becoming an all-star player after playing for a year.
Things take time. People take time.
I'm willing to wait, I'm willing to persist. I'm willing to work on something that I want. Call it dumb, call it stupid - I don't care. If you don't persist on things or people that you want and love you will never get them and you will never be satisfied.
©Madison B Barrett