I agree, most of the time I do too.
A parent shouldn't act like their child would act over a situation. They shouldn't make their child feel bad for being a young person and hanging out with friends or being out "late." (as in like 9 p.m.)
If roles were reversed, it would be totally different.
I think that having strict, annoying, always on your case parents will make a child a less strict and more laid back parent.
Me, personally, I'd just say: "Don't die, don't do illegal things (or at least don't get caught), and don't bring home any more children for me to take care of. Bye! Be safe." And probably all because my mom is ridiculous and is always on my case and mad about this or that.
Another thing I wanted to hit on is that a parent shouldn't make a child choose, or even say a child should choose, between a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, etc, and them.
When did parents become so childish? Or shall we call it "Adultish?"
Speaking of roles reversed, it seems they have in this generation and that one because most of us teenagers act more like moms and dads to our parents then they ever did to us.
It's time to grow up and let your child go.
Let me do what I want, talk to who I want, drive where I want, be out as late as I want....I'm 18 and I'm responsible. It's not like I'm a childish 15 year old who doesn't know any better.
Who has to live with the consequences of what I do?
© Madison B Barrett