And I agree. It's not me. It's them.
When people choose other's over me, when people ignore me when others who are more wanted are around, when people reject me and act like I don't's not me. It's them.
Because I'm not the issue. The issue is the blindness of the people who do this to me. They don't see that they do it, but they so blatantly do. I almost consider it a form of innocence. That they're a bit nieve.
I do have fault, though.
I allow this over and over. I do state my feelings, however I don't let people get the results of treating me this way...I let it go because most of the time being mad at them disadvantages me.
Who likes to disadvantage themselves? I'll move on if it benefits me.
But it still bothers me. I wouldn't do what people do to me worst enemy. I try and include everyone when they're all around. I don't choose favorites and ignore the rest.
Maybe I'm one of a kind, but I like to think there's people out there like me.
So next time I'm feeling a bit not good enough, instead of asking the question, "What's wrong with me?" I'll instead ask the questions, "What's wrong with you? Do you not know how to treat people?"
There is nothing wrong with me. There is something wrong with people who ignore other people when it doesn't benefit them or when there's someone "better" around.
Truthfully, everyone is equal. There is no "better." It's just people and who they protorize over who.
If you find yourself a choice in some sort of matter, help the person choosing and remove yourself from the choice.
I refuse to be a choice, an option. I am THE choice or I am NOTHING. I'm not someone to pick and choose from.
I changed my mind. Issue = Madison? No! And never has been.
© Madison B Barrett