To think of the word exhausting brings an image in my mind of a person flopped over on the floor and knocked out from lack of rest. They've gone until they couldn't anymore.
But exhaustion is SO much more, isn't it? It has many definitions and can be used in many different forms.
Exhaustion - "The state of extreme physical or mental fatigue." Key words: Physical OR Mental.
One could say, "Gosh, I sure am exhausted. My new baby, Jase, kept me up all night."
"Gosh, I sure am exhausted. I feel like all my friends only talk to me whenever they need something from me."
Most people would understand the first example, but many people would have to think about the second one.
Question: How does your friends only talking to you when they need something exhaust you?
Answer: It mentally exhausts you. Are those people really your friends if they don't talk to you unless it benefits them?
And, of course any normal person questions themselves. Is it me? Am I annoying? Am I not good enough? Why don't they want to talk to me?
I think maybe the answer is right in your face. I think it's clear as day, but you don't want to hear it.
They aren't your friends. They are your users.
It's not you, it's never been you. You're just too kind for some people.
Don't let people's lack of care for you - not just what you can give them - exhaust you, let them go. And with letting them go comes refreshment. You are MUCH more than what you can give people.
© Madison B Barrett