She was questioning if someone cared about her, wanting my advice on how you can know if they care and what to do if their actions are saying two different things.
I gave her this advice, surprising myself as I’ve been through the same battle before.
If they want to, they will.
If someone wants to be a part of you and your life, they most assuredly will.
Nothing can keep someone from doing something they want to do and nothing can make someone do something they don’t want to do.
I realized, going through what I’ve been through in the last year, how true that satement is.
If you’re even questioning whether or not you’re important, you’re not as important as you should be.
If you’re even questioning if someone cares, they don’t care like they should.
If you are even questioning...then you might want to start walking. You’re worth more than questions and mixed signals.
Find someone who is sure about you and sure about what they want. Never settle for less.
©️ Madison B Barrett