But why do we say that to other people when we don't know how bad it is for them?
Maybe it seems petty in your eyes, but why don't you try looking through someone else's eyes.
We all know the saying, "Don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes." And it's true. We don't need to judge how something is affecting someone else until it affects us that same way.
Us humans are so quick to judge, so quick to jump to conclusions, and so slow to try and understand...to see it from another point of view.
I think maybe that is why this world is in the disaster that it is. Wars, poverty, joblessness, homeless people, rapist, murderers, stealers...selfishness.
We look from one point of view. Ours.
We think with one opinion. Ours.
We want what we want, and nobody will get it our ways. We will shove anything and everything in our paths to what we want out of the way and into the dirt for all we care.
And we are so eager to give advice, give our input into situations, that we don't even pay attention to what the other person feels like. How the situation is affecting them.
I think it's time that us humans take a step back and try on others shoes before we tell them how to walk in them.
© Madison B Barrett