I really should have cleaned this damn carpet. A vacuum at least; I can feel the fucking crumbs against my face. The smell of the car wash solution I had thrown in the back and ignored as it leaked was now pressed in a dry stain somewhere in the side of my uniform.
And it was my work uniform too. I groaned at having to think about taking another trip to the local laundromat again and freezing my balls off. The place really needed some sort of heating but that was above thier subsidy wage.
The tape over my mouth was going to leave a huge red mark too when it was ripped off. How long would that last? Maybe I could try and scrub it off or hide it before my shift tommorow?
Of course I was going to be clocking in with the obvious mark there. It was going to get so many prying questions that I really didn't want to answer.
The tape around my wrists was one whole roll worth. The damn guys sure knew what they were doing. I was just lucky I didn't have overgrown arm hair; that would be a bitch.
And my legs. I hadn't moved them since I had been thrown in here. They felt like wood now and were just as stiff. I couldn't even move them; there was no room to with them bound so tight. The boot of my car was bloody tiny. I was surprised I fit in here after all the shit I had dumped got thrown into the backseat.
At least they had cleaned it out for me. That was the kindest thing the kidnappers had done.
I had to chuckle at how stupid I had been. How damn obvious it had all been.
What did I think was going to happen? A hot chick on the side of the road in the middle of the night just so happened to be out of battery?
I usually drive by roadsiders. I ignored hitchhikers like they were the plague and had gone past countless cars with hazard lights on. But tonight; tonight I had let my dick think instead of my head. I was more interested in men anyway, but I was eager. Her hair was short enough to picture a dude in her place.
If I helped her out, maybe she'd repay me with a quickie? That'd be a nice repayment for a concerned citizen.
I really had to stop watching so much porn. The idea of being fucked for helping someone out just sounded so unbelievable.
And who would fuck a dude who had a hearing-aid? It was just one and wasn't too noticeable with its slim tube and smaller design, but i knew it was a turnoff. Even my speech wasn't bad due to my mum making me go through extensive speech therapy as a kid. That wasn't anything to brag about though; it only hid the fact for a little bit longer until people figured it out.
But, despite it all, here I was. Getting fucked over all right.
I had dumped my jumper-leads in the boot only last week too. I had the sudden clarity to move them from the backseat because it was too annoying to keep moving around when I threw my bag in the back.
If I had just left the damn things, I'd be duct taped somewhere more comfortable.
And I just had to say yes to more hours, making me leave work at closing time and when it was pitch black.
I had made the drive plenty of times. It was just the first time I had decided to play 'horny helpers' and stop the car.
She was hot though, I had to give her that. Short black hair, plain-faced and some good tits. Not too big, not too small. Even with her low cut singlet showing the cleavage and her jeans with the tears in them, she was jiggling and flirting up a storm when I pulled over. I could easily picture her as a man and get me going.
I thought I had been lucky. Now I was kidnapped with a boner.
"Are you fucking serious?!" I heard a voice snap before identifying it as the woman's "at a time like this?!"
The anger in her low voice made it sound like I was being personally attacked. It killed my buzz instantly.
"What?" a man groaned back with a laugh "I'm starving."
He sounded like someone who never took anything seriously. His voice was light but rough around the edges. It was nice to listen to; like the voice of a tough porn-star.
I realised how hungry I was at the mention of food. I hadn't eaten yet and was looking forward to my cup of bacon flavoured noodles waiting to be boiled back home. I had got them with my last dollar too since payday was still two days away.
My stomach was twisting itself into sickening knots as I laid here staring at the back of the boot like an idiot. I really wanted something to eat, it was starting to make me sick and like crying.
Crying over starving rather than being kidnapped. What was wrong with me?
Maybe it was because it had all been so quick. I had never been in a situation like this; not even at work.
I bagged groceries for a living. The closest thing we had to anything like this was the robbery refresher courses we took every few months. We had never been robbed at gunpoint before. People stole from the store all the time, but that was petty theft compared to the adrenaline-pumping shit in the course they prepare us for.
But nothing cover kidnapping. I thought it only happened to, well, kids; not twenty-nine year old men still living at home with their mum.
How was the news going to spin that when they caught wind of what had happened in this bland town? Even they would struggle to stretch the shit on it.
Maybe I would be home before it even developed into a story worth putting a tiny, forgettable clipping of in the paper that little old ladies would tell me the story of on their way to their lunchtime coffee break?
"Yeah, hi. Could I get two twenty-four packs of nuggets, please? With barbeque sauce?"
There was silence and a thumping noise with a whine of pain.
"A fucking drive-through like we don't have something in the back right now!" the woman bit out. I could hear each word hissing out through her teeth.
"We got to feed it too" the joker complained "can you imagine the fucking complaining it's going to do when we stop? Keep it happy; keep everyone happy."
"I want a beef burger then, with chips" a rough voice grunted out right at my head on the other side of the lining. It sounded like he was rustling sandpaper.
"And the same for me with a soft drink" another chuckled out at my legs. He sounded like he was gargling rocks.
We rolled forwards slowly and I could feel the tension seeping through the car to me.
They were waiting for me to scream out or do something to get attention. I had tried that long ago with no luck. It wasn't going to magically change now; they had made sure I wasn't going to have a chance.
"Maybe you should feed him with your wet pussy instead and save us all this money?" the one at my feet sniggered. I heard a thump as his body rocked on the lining separating us, and heard laughter from everyone else.
I could picture two absolute units squeezed into my car. It was the most it had ever carried since I didn't have any friends outside of work and the complex the shop was located in.
It was usually just me and whatever daydream I drifted to while I drove home from work.
I heard the rustling of a paper bag and money being exchanged. The car bent around a curve and slid down a slope that had me tumbling against the boot before it straightened up, pushed me back, and took off again.
I didn't know how long it had been since the drive- through. The smell of the hot, sizzles meat and spiced barbeque sauce was torture. It made my stomach growl for the food just out of reach for me.
So, instead of putting up with the pain ripping through me, I slept.
I slept until rocking smashed my head into the top of the boot and bustled my body around. My knees hit the liner and my face was ground along the crumbs when the car tried to slow over the lurches.
"Be careful!" Rock Mouth growled "you're going to damage the damn kid!"
Ah, fuck. Was I going to be held captive for a massive amount of money?
My twenty-seven dollars an hour would never afford the millions they were probably going to demand. And my mum didn't work; like she hadn't worked a day in her life. The handouts were too good for her to contribute.
I wonder if she realised I wasn't coming home yet? Knowing her, she would probably put it down to me staying at a friend's house. That's how little she listened to me.
The rocking continued for a bit longer until it finally stopped and everyone let out thier complaints to the driver like he was the one personally responsible.
Each one slammed their door and boots crunched on gravel. Some drifted further away while others came over to the boot to open it and let it a sheet of warm air.
"He's still alive!" the woman called out when she grabbed my arms to pull me towards her "I thought the fumes could have killed you."
Then why dump me in here?
She chuckled at my glare and moved aside when one man came over to seize my legs to drag me from the car.
The dude was an absolute tank like I had imagined. He was broad in the shoulders especially and had a tanned face that reminded me of a disgruntled gorilla. Even his short hair on his head was black on the top and silver on the sides. His grey shirt was rolled up in the arms to show the mass of hair there. Luckily he wore black longs so I was spared the rest of the unsightly look.
There was a scar slit across his throat that pulled outwards with each strain of his massive body.
That would explain the odd voice I had heard earlier.
I squirmed and tried not to slip over the boot so I didn't hit the ground below. The woman kept a good grip on my arms and they suspended me between them before lowering me gently down.
Oh, that wasn't so bad.
The binds on my legs were torn off and I was yanked to them to stand there awkwardly.
Having the blood rush back to something that felt dead was not pleasent at all. It felt like cold shivers running over me that started to dance in my toes.
I groaned and reached for them but was swatted away and forced to walk with pins and needles.
The damn torture! My feet felt like play dough slapping on the ground. My knees bent at weird angles as they tried to figure out where my bones had gone.
I was led to concrete ledge where another man was sitting. This one was hunched over a packet of chicken nuggets that he dipped into his sauce. Another sauce tub had cigarette ash piled into it that he flicked form his right hand.
His hair was dyed silver and flicked over to the right in a style that looked like something from a model mag. He even had light brown skin with dark brown eyes.
The man saw me and pulled his legs back so I could sit down with him. He leant over to rip off one side of the duct tape off so I could hiss out my pain and try to rub my burning, dry lips.
"You aren't going to scream, are you?" the man told rather than asked as he pulled on his cigarette again and blew it out the side of his mouth.
I looked out the window to see nothing but gravel and skeletons of concrete buildings just like this one. I had heard about an abandoned project on the other side of town but had never gone from my route to work and back to see it for myself.
It was so empty. My beaten up shitbox of a car was parked beside the one of many support pillars in varying stages of weathering. Some had metal poles exposed from crumbled areas, and others just had large cracks branching over the concrete.
There were bottles smashed everywhere. Used needles even laid discarded under one neaby pillar that the large man kicked aside when he followed the woman with the other.
It was amazing the sheer size of this place and how it was still standing after obviously serving as a junkies preferred shoot-up location was impressive.
The man opposite me didn't care for it. He only cared about his box of nuggets and cigarettes.
No-one was going to hear me out here if I screamed out. And with my throat so dry, I didn't know if I could.
"So, Birdie; your mum like mentally-ill men or something?" the man pointed to my name badge still magnetised to my shirt.
"The movie" he snapped up another nugget "you have the same name. It's a classic."
I just frowned at his amused smirk and saw him drag another breath in, long and hard.
The cigarette glowed as it whittled down. The man blew it in my face this time and laughed when I scrunched up my nose at the disgusting smell.
"You going to eat or what, Bird Boy?"
I glared at him and dragged the box of nuggets towards me. The man slammed his hand over them and leant towards me.
"I don't like the way you look at me" he snapped now "get it out of your mind that you have some sort of higher ground over me, because you don't."
He tapped the cigarette briefly to the top of my hand so that the embers sizzles into my skin. I swiped them off onto my pants and saw the stain immedienlty leave a mark.
Now I was going to smell bad too.
"What do you say, Birdie?" the man smirked when he opened the lid for me to reveal the food "I've been very kind to feed you, you know. The least you could do is thank me."
I looked to the man again and made sure to keep any negativity off my face. He had been testing me with the cigarette earlier; he would burn me next if he didn't like what he heard or saw.
"Thank you."
The man leant back with a satisfied smile and put out the stump of his cigarette into the barbeque tub. He then peeled open another as he watched me struggle to figure out how I was going to eat with my hands behind my back.
"Get bending" the man licked his lips, peeling off the rest of the tape slowly "put that mouth to good use."
It sounded so dirty coming from him. And yet there was a way he purred out the words that reminded me of my favourite preferences in porn sites. It sparked something deep down inside me.
I didn't want to give him the satisfaction though. I wasn't going to get hard over some sicko and whatever fantasies were running through his mind. I was too hungry for that anyway to even think about having dignity right now.
I made sure to bite down on the crispy nuggets when I threw them down my throat. I felt like some sort of dog choking on its food before the man who growled and watched with a smile on his face. He liked what he was seeing, even lighting another cigarette to puff at while he did.
"Driver!" I heard the woman snap out "what have I told you about keeping your cock away from the ones we bring in?"
The man held out his arms and looked around in faked surprise while I still ate right before him.
"A coupla inches!" he called back and gestured between his balls and my head "it's basically a tease right now! I'm sure the poor boy wants some dessert!"
The man laughed out while the woman scowled at him. She wasn't impressed with his antics and neither was I. But I wasn't going to show it; he could still hurt me.
"Aren't you going to try running or something?" the woman asked me when she approached "call for help? Scream? Cry?"
"Why are you doing this to me?" the man whined.
"Why me?" the woman laughed.
"Let me go; I won't tell anyone" the man added with the roll of his eyes.
They both laughed but I just looked between them blankly.
"If I did run for the car, how on earth am I going to drive it like this?" I tested the binds to no avail "and screaming out here? I know it's nowhere near where anyone can hear me. Plus crying won't solve the fact that I'm still here. Everything I have is in that car, which neither of you are going to let me near."
"I like him" the man pointed his smoke at me "he's got brains, unlike the others."
"He works in retail" the woman snorted back "they've probably drained him so dry of spirit that he's just this numb nuts sitting here."
"Well, you aren't wrong" I added to the man's snickering.
They liked me. If I could keep on their good side, maybe I could strike up a bargain with them. I already knew what they looked like, I already knew the location I was in; all I had to do was keep them happy until I could reach my phone in my bag on the back seat.
Just keep being nice and charming. Don't ask questions. Don't pry. Just talk when they do and everything will be fine.
They've fed you. That's a good start. Maybe they'll let you take a piss soon and you can scope out more of the area?
The robbery training modules actually had been handy. Despite thier dumb little cartoons and childish way of approaching things to make it memorable, it was working in this situation.
Calm. Co-operate. Conserve. Communicate. Complete.
The five c's. How fucking stupid and amazing it was at this moment. A little cartoon of a fake robber with a cap gun was going to save me after all.
I finished up my food and looked to the man for guidance. He was just sitting there, waiting as well. He looked bored as he smoked away and looked in the direction the others had gone.
"What are they going to do with me?" I struck up conversation.
"There it is" he pointed to me with a smirk "the questions come."
I looked down guiltily and felt him nudge me with his boot. When I looked up, he had his head tilted to try and see my face.
"Not even a tear" he muttered in disappointment "what have they done to you at work Bird Boy? Yelled at you too much? Complained to the manager? Threatened your job?"
"Maybe a bit of everything" I smiled back.
This was not a friend I was chatting with. This was the goddamn getaway driver. I wasn't going to fall into his false sense of security; I was trying to trap him in mine.
The man's head immediately snapped around at he sound of the woman returning with the burly men on either side of her. She held a phone out in front of her as she approached us.
The man immediately dropped the smile from his face and grew serious.
"Are you a virgin, kid?" the woman demanded.
The question caught me by surprise and I looked at the back of the phone in surprise.
"Virgin" I heard a gruff voice speak "get him up; hold the arms out."
The woman snapped her fingers and motioned for me to stand. When I did, she gestured for me to spin around slowly, which I also did; my arms out wide.
Now I was starting to feel the fear jitter through me.
"What do you think?" the woman asked.
I heard a hungry growl through the phone that made me feel like I was totally stripped of any decency.
"He'll be a good plaything" the voice growled again.
The man on the ledge stubbed out the cigarette and got to his feet. He slapped his hands down on both my shoulders, causing me to jump from the sudden contact.
Was he here to save me now? Had I made that good of an impression?
"Can I break him in?" he begged the phone "give him a good test run?"
He wanted me first! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!
It was a time I wished I had just been a bit more deaf.
Anything to get the sound of my virginity being bargained over like a pack of wild dogs staking their claim on the scraps.
"Someone needs to make sure it's not defective."
The man pumped his fist with a cheerful sound. I could smell his fucking breath lingering when he clapped me on the shoulders and took a step back to admire his win.
Fucking cheering. He only had one goal this whole time.
But now was the chance to act. It was my only chance.
I bolted for the open area to my left. I ran straight past my car, leaving it to favour my odds on foot. All I could hear was the gravel crunching under my shoes and feel each dry breath dragging out along my throat that felt like it was bleeding.
It was just my drool though from how dehydrated I was. I ignored it, scanning the wide area frantically for the way back to a road.
There was only the skeleton of the building on all sides. But in the distance ahead, there was a dark exit leading to a beautiful, glistening road.
I felt my heart leap at the glorious sight and went to sprint for it before I heard sawing breaths behind me that beat my own from me when something slammed into my back.
I went down into the gravel, spearing my knees and elbows that tried to buffer the fall. I smelled the foul breath again and instantly knew who was on top of me.
"You were so close" he teased, slapping my arse when he grabbed my legs that kicked out at him "I can't let you get away before we celebrate!"
I kicked and squirmed as the gravel was dragged under my body. It snagged up my shirt and tore off my name badge that rolled out from the fabric to lay there abandoned.
That's when I started to scream, long and loud, for any hope that a miracle would come to save me and let me go.