I was frozen when I sat in the passengers seat of my car.
The man who had dragged me was driving it again, tapping on the wheel to whatever tune he was mentally singing to himself.
I had no witty words, or words at all for that matter.
I just sat there, hands between by legs and my body stiff with fear.
My hearing aid had been singing its descending tune each minute that passed, ringing straight into my already numb brain trying to process my next plan of escape.
I didn't like how things were looking for me. The way the man had begged to have his way with me made it obvious he was not going to be one that was going to let me go again so easily.
He was going to make sure I couldn't leave this time.
The man drove slowly over the gravel. He passed through buildings and crossed vast areas in his hunt for the perfect private place.
Even though I was unbound, the locks had been activated from the driver side. The man wasn't going to let me anywhere near them.
He finally scouted out the perfect place; another skeleton of a building that was far enough from the others so they didn't come prying.
He slowed the car to a stop and I immediently yanked on the door handle as if it would magically open.
The man pulled up the handbrake then slowly leant over from his seat towards mine. His face was right there when he reached between my legs to hoist up the seat adjuster and slide me back.
I didn't move. I don't think I was breathing either when he jerked up the lever on the side of the seat to tip me backwards.
I felt the cold sweat sticking to my racing heart when the man carefully climbed over the handbrake to wedge himself on top of me, his back against the dashboard.
He grabbed my head gently in his hands and kissed along the side of my neck, slowly tasting each spot he dipped into.
My body froze and I squeezed my hands shut immediently. I tilted away from the soft kisses that stopped when he reached my jaw.
"Are you not enjoying this, Bird Boy?"
Was he serious?
Should I say something? Would it anger him? He was right here in my face; he could easily cripple me if he wanted to.
"N-no?" I whimpered out.
"Well, I don't want to make you uncomfortable" he purred back and leant from me to just gaze into my eyes I slowly opened "I'm not some sick rapist."
"B-but the phone?"
"Do you want to deal with me or one of those big bastards?" the man replied "I thought it was a good idea to get you out of there before Thumb One got ideas."
I felt myself smile weakly at the joke but dropped it.
You are still kidnapped, Birdie. Don't get comfortable around him.
"Besides, as much as i do want to do get to know each other better" his eyes trailed over me "I'm not going to do it by force. I have standards."
His hand cupped my cheek then turned it to the side when he noticed my hearing aid.
"You deaf, Bird Boy?"
I dropped my eyes out of habit. Whenever I had been asked as a child, it almost always ended in a string of bullying soon after.
I saw his soft smile when he made me look up at him again.
"I think there's nothing wrong with that" he spoke softly and reached up to gently pluck it from my ear so he could hold it up to his, his eyes widening "it's so loud!"
"It only amplifies noises to a normal level" I explained and carefully took it from him to push it back in "I mishear words more often than anything else.
The man was amused with me now. He shifted his weight on me so we were both comfortable.
I felt strange. Was I being held against my will or asked to talk about my disability? I couldn't tell with this guy.
"The big man isn't going to like that, but I'll make it work" he spoke "I make everything work."
The big man? Was that the one who had spoken through the phone? The one who wanted me for my body?
Would it be right to ask about it? Or was I being lulled again?
"You haven't got off the hook yet" the man purred and leant back in towards me "we still have some window fogging to do."
"Y-You have standards" I reminded him nervously.
He chuckled and hovered at my neck again so I could feel his lips move on my skin when he talked.
"And I'm doing you a favour. They aren't going to accept some boy who cries and begs each time someone goes near him. He wants someone... wanting."
I did feel like crying and begging. It was all suppressed under the shock that kept me in place underneath the man trailing his hands down to my pants.
I grabbed his hand when his fingers rolled over the top. His eyes met mine and stayed on me when he climbed off me to sit back in his seat and lean over.
"Relax" he soothed when I felt tears run down my face "you are allowed to like this."
His fingers walked along my underwear to reach into the pouch in the middle. I felt him feed me back through the underwear so he could peer at the limpness sitting there.
His eyes kept on me when he tightened his mouth around me and started to work on my cock.
I jerked at the jolt that tore through me when his tongue flicked over the head. I felt his smile on me when I gripped my pants to try and steady myself from the sudden shock.
"Make some noise" he teased when he lifted up to run his tongue down the side of my cock "just a little moan, Bird Boy. I won't tell anyone."
I bit my lip when he worked his tongue again to make the jolts more frequent and fierce. I didn't want to make him think I was enjoying this.
But I really was. But I shouldn't be; not like this. Not with him.
The man chuckled when I gasped out and tightened my grip on myself. He kept sliding up and down, finding his own rhythm while I tried to withhold the noises determined on spilling from me.
"It's just us" he said, lifting from me again "give me something better than that."
It felt so wrong. The determination he had though wanted me to think it was as right as he was trying to make me believe it was.
No-one was going to know but us. It made me want to cry and scream out all at once.
I just didn't know what to feel anymore except the guilty pleasure being forced through me.
The man was begging me to let go. He was being so gentle with me despite my hands still being bound and my legs still having the cut tape plastered around the fabric.
"Look at you" the man smiled at my erection he kissed the side of "packing too."
His hand found me now to pump me greedily. I could see his eagerness when he saw every rational thought leave my mind as pleasure shook through me.
All I could think about was the ecstasy riding through me. It pushed aside every other rational thought, like fighting for freedom, to give in to the forbidden lust making me yearn for more.
I wanted it to keep going. I didn't care about anything else. I was probably going to regret it all when I came to my senses again, but right now I wasn't thinking of anything except sex.
I hadn't experienced anything like this before. Someone else was making me feel like I could achieve more than what my own hand could as i watched my porn videos on silent.
Could I do any of those things? Were my expectations of raging oragasms and screaming pleasure a little too high for reality?
It sure felt like they were achievable. I was already dripping over the man's hands and mouth without even reaching any of that yet.
"Get in the back seat" the man demanded when I throbbed in his hands "and strip off."
My stupid, eager mind did as it was told. I climbed over the centre console and ripped off my pants and underwear so it was just my jerking erection and my tight balls pressed to the fake leather seats.
The man climbed over with me and stripped himself off. He had an erection too that dripped with excitement before he even came over to sit on top of me again.
This time, I didn't move or resist. I wanted this now.
"What a change" the man breathed when he reached down to keep jerking me "are you enjoying yourself, Baby Bird?"
I didn't even acknowledge the nickname at first. Then, it made me smirk at the absurdity of it all coming from the lips of my kidnapper's getaway driver.
He slapped my hand away when I went to reach for him, caressing my jaw instead.
" I want to pleasure you" he growled and leant down to nip the side of my neck with his teeth "you are mine to do with whatever I want, Baby Bird."
"Fuck yes" I groaned out.
Ah, fuck no. What was I saying? What was I even doing? I should be trying to.... Ohhhh..
All thoughts left me again when he grabbed my throat and pressed himself to me. I felt his rock-hard erection press into my stomach when he let out a growl and kissed his way down me.
I moaned when his lips found my cock again and his tongue teased the top and sides.
"I want you in me" he panted when he moved back up onto me "punish me for taking you."
He was loving this. He was already guiding my cock inside him before I could speak.
Suddenly, everything was constricting around me in a tight squeeze. I could feel it react and clamp down on me when the man groaned and gritted his teeth to withhold his noises when he jerked himself off.
He began to move, which sent the tightness rolling down to my balls. It felt like nothing I had felt before; and I had been quite experimental when I was younger.
The warm wetness of it all made my own grunts come out when he slid and grinded on me. He leant forwards to feed myself through him, teasing the both of us as he did.
"I'll show you how to do it" the man panted out when he forced me in again "up and down, like I am doing."
He moved along my length, aching for more. I pushed in and pulled out, seeing him cry out in pleasure when I did.
"More, Baby Bird" he begged me and my futile attempts.
I tried to be as skilled as him, but couldn't. I felt like my weak little pumps weren't as fantastic as he was making them out to be.
But the confidence boost sure was uplifting.
The man grunted and groaned with me when I pumped into him. He did most of the work, riding me like he had been starved all his life.
He had wanted this since the beginning. He had been aching to find a secluded place to have me for himself.
The man jerked from me and pushed himself onto the back of the seats so he was bent over.
"Punish me" he smirked at me cheekily.
I shoved myself back into him to make his head push against the seats. He groaned and turned his head to me with a wanting growl.
"In and out" he instructed "as hard as you can go."
I followed his guidance to have him crying out for more. He arched his body and leant up so I was basically hugging him from behind.
He sure was putting a lot of faith into the fogged windows. He didn't care who saw him.
I dug my nails into his sides to throw all my force behind each thrust. All of my frustrations went into it to make him beg for more and press back against me.
He pulled from me to shuffle to the window. When he pressed himself there, I forced myself back into him to keep pounding all of my emotions into him.
I hadn't felt more satisfied. I could force everything into this guy and he wasn't going to say no.
Suddenly, I felt like a different man. Nothing could stop me from throwing everything at him. It was like the roles had been reversed and I was the one making him submit to me.
It made me feel powerful that I could have someone pleading like this with me. He wanted more and I wasn't going to stop the anger.
He moved from me to squirm to the other window but I gripped his neck and forced his head into the seat. He let out a surprised gasp when I kept him pinned there, roughly pushing his arse up so I could hammer him there.
God damn. How come it was getting easier to do this? It wasn't a constricting void anymore but a comfortable hold.
I felt everything inside me tighten and intensify when I kept him pinned there and saw him shudder under my forceful grip as the electricity built up inside me to a peak.
"Do it" he cried out and punched the seat.
It was a fine line between what felt like ecstasy and torture when the release shuddered through me. It forced me deeper as it came jolting out in painfully blissful waves. As soon as the feeling died down, so did I; coming back to my senses when I flopped down into the seat beside him.
Oh, jeez. What had I done?
I looked over to the man pulling his clothes back on and rummaging through his pants pocket for his pack of cigarettes.
What had I done?!
"Someone is going to be a happy man" he grumbled out now when he covered his smoke to light it "real happy."
His tone of voice had completely changed. He looked irritated now and sat there with his arms folded when he wasn't lifting one to inhale deeply and blow it out the fogged window he quickly wound down.
"You don't like the idea?" I asked while I pulled back on my own clothes.
I heard his growl again and smirked at it.
For someone who looked so well-mannered, he sure had a feral side of him.
"I wouldn't think you like the idea either" he threw back to me.
"Being somebody's possession?" I snorted at the absurdity of it all before my voice broke at the end when I realised that it was now my destiny "I really just want to go home and eat my noodles, play my games, and go to my predictable job."
The man looked over to me sympathetically. His fingers scratched at the top of his pants anxiously.
"I can't let you go" he grunted out and stared out at the front window "not now that you've been seen by the man himself. I've got to break you in, that's all."
He gripped his smoke between his teeth and moved back to the front driver seat so he could blast the heater to try and clear the fog. It started to eat away the layer on the front window that the man just looked out of blankly while he puffed away.
"Anyone out there looking for you, Bird Boy?"
There was silence between us while I thought on my possible savior.
"People from work will eventually wonder where I am; especially when I don't turn up tommorow" I began "but other than them, I have no friends outside work. My mum is the only one who would really be looking for me when she thinks I'm not out with friends or something."
Another snort and the shake of his head.
"The perfect fucking candidate" he muttered bitterly before starting up the car and throwing it into reverse.
Our eyes met briefly when he pulled the car back, creeping forward again to turn us back the way we had come. The man hardened his expression and refused to look at me again, not even through the rear view mirror I hopefully peered into.
This was my only chance of getting out of here. I knew this man already had morals compared to the others he had come here with. I had better chances with him than anyone else around here.
He had standards. I didn't want to know if the others did or not.
The car rolled back to the others and the man pulled up the brakes roughly so he could step out. I remained inside until he threw open my door and pulled me from.within.
"Looks like you two had fun" the woman smiled at the still clearing windows "I was wondering when you'd show back up."
"He squealed like a little bitch" the man complained back "it threw me off."
The two other men sniggered to each other, muttering something.
"Maybe Knuckles over here can take him for a ride?" the woman jerked a thumb to Sandpaper Mouth "get the job done?"
"Nah, back the fuck up" the man snapped back when Knuckles stepped forwards eagerly "I broke him. He doesn't need your grease all over him."
The other man let out a laugh that Knuckles glared at him for to make him fall silent.
"What should we do next?"
The woman looked me over then turned her gaze on the car behind me.
"Burn it all. Looks like you've touched everything in there."
The man peered back at the car with a grin then had my name badge thrown to him.
"I'll call for another. Be thorough."
"I'll grab the fuel" Knuckles announced, walking off proudly.
I felt my stomach drop when both men opened up the doors to my car and started to pile all of my junk together in the back seat. Anything with my name was torn up before being sprinkled over the trash.
My bag was added to the pile at the top. The man picked it up to ruffle through it, tipping it upside down to make everything tumble out.
I saw my phone slide down the seat which the man caught. He pocketed it, picking up my hearing aid case and my packet of batteries to pocket that too.
"Ah, look" Rock Mouth grunted out with a laugh "his whole life."
He tossed my wallet to the other man who flipped through it.
"Cute" he grunted out and pulled out the photo of my mum and I hugging that I kept behind my license "a real keeper."
The photo was tossed onto the pile and the zipper was undone to reveal the five dollers in gold and silver coins I had.
That was all I had too until next pay day.
The man pocketed that too.
"A bit poor, aren't you?" Rock Mouth commented when he saw how little had been stashed "there's nothing here."
"There's everything there!" I snapped back to him now "that's all my shit, you mother fucker!"
Rock Mouth glared at me and advanced. I backed up, realising the monster I had provoked when it was too late.
"Shut the fuck up!" the man snarled and kicked me in the stomach to bring me to my knees "you talk too much, Bird Boy."
Rock Mouth laughed at me trying to heave my breath back in. The boot had missed my ribs and got me square in the soft part of my stomach.
It could have been much, much worse than feeling like I had been crushed like a damn softdrink can.
I remained there, trying to fight through the stabbing pain tearing through my middle. Knuckles returned at this time to rip off the top of the fuel can and splash it over the contents in the car and over the metal itself.
I saw the man save the duct tape before it could be doused.
I felt the fuel burn on my skin when flecks splattered on my face and arms.
"Watch it, moron!" the man shouted out and slapped the back of Knuckles' head when he rounded the car "you don't want to burn us all up too!"
He just laughed and drowned the drivers seat and the boot that Rock Mouth opened for him.
My whole life, gone. I had saved up for three whole months just to able to afford that damn car. And that was around mooching rides from my mum and some work colleagues I had sprung it on before they could refuse.
All of my hard work lost. It looked like nothing but junk to them, but to me it had been a damn struggle just to pull everything together that was being soaked in fuel.
The smell pierced straight through my nose and down my throat to my lungs. It didn't feel like I had a throat anymore from the harsh fumes; it was just a burning tube straight to the air that bubbled like fire inside me with each breath I took.
The man stepped forward to light a cigarette. He took a long drag, wittling it down to ash that he flicked inside the car.
Everyone scurried back when the blue ring of fire leapt up and spread over the fuel. It ate up everything in its path, fuelled inside by all of my belongings.
"Clothes too" the man ordered me, lifting me roughly to my feet now "get rid of everything."
I stared at the man in shock and looked down at my stained uniform.
"Do I need to strip you off again?" he snapped in my face, clicking his fingers "undress, now."
I kicked off my shoes and socks first that were promptly tossed into the raging fire. I groaned at the money literally burning before my eyes and worked on my pants.
Knuckles and Rock Mouth watched my every move with lust in thier faces. The man blocked thier line of sight by placing himself before me, but that didn't stop them from peering around him.
My pants and underwear were tossed, followed by my shirt. I stood there, holding myself to give myself some sort of coverage. The fire warmed the air so it was comfortable on my bare skin that was being frozen on the other side where the warmth didn't reach.
"Shirt" the man snapped to Rock Mouth, holding out his hand.
"Why mine?" he frowned back.
"Because I said so, Blocker" the man hissed, turning on him to jab the chest "I may be the driver for this, but I stand a lot damn taller than you in importance. Now give me your fucking shirt."
Blocker cringed when he handed the man his own shirt. It was thrown at me, swamping my hands that held it.
I could fit this whole thing over me and be covered. It would be like wearing a dress.
It smelled gross too, like stale sweat and chip dust. With the fuel now speckled into the fabric, it created a toxic mix that made me take as shallow breaths as possible so I didn't have to smell it.
I saw the tag on it and recognized the brand as one we sold at my work. It was a size eight extra large.
Not a lot of people bought those. That could help me identify exactly who this guy was when I escaped.
Knuckles passed over his own shirt to Blocker who stood there in embarrassment. He flashed a small smile to the man when he pulled it on gratefully.
"The car will be here soon" the woman announced when she walked back into view "do I want to know what's going on here?"
"Driver has a hard-on for the kid" Knuckles grunted in obvious annoyance "again."
This had happened before. Again. They had taken people before and the man; Driver, had made sure to have his way with them too.
I was just another on the list. I don't know what I had been thinking earlier when he had tricked me yet again.
I wriggled out of the shirt and walked it back to Knuckles who took it from me skeptically.
I stood there, completely naked, but still with my dignity left.
I wasn't going to let some man think he owned me. I couldnt rely on anyone here; especially not him now.
"If you want to burn up all I have, then I don't need you to help me" I lifted my head up when I stood there opposite them, unashamed and baring all.
"Maybe he's a fighter after all" the woman marveled before her eyes dipped down.
"Maybe he's just stupid" Driver huffed back and ripped open the tape he held so he could stick the end to the side of my mouth and wrap the rest around my head to plant it there.
He kept winding and winding to make sure I didn't have a chance to peel it off. When the thick tape was pressed down, he bit off the excess with his teeth and slapped the other end down.
The crunching of gravel alerted everyone to the other car turning up. Driver glared at me them took out my phone he had stashed.
I watched him slide off the back and yank out the sim card he slipped back into his pocket. He dropped the phone to pound his heel into it and shatter the screen instantly. It was thrown into the car along with the battery.
The woman guide me to the new car's boot that was opened and waiting.
This one was pristine and much larger than my own. It looked like I would be able to turn around i got too uncomfortable.
Maybe it could help me find a way out?
Driver and the woman watched me get in. They blocked any way out while I curled up onto my side and laid there.
Driver taped up my legs again, using the rest of the massive tape roll he tossed onto me with a chuckle.
His cold eyes narrowed at me when the woman turned to check on him.
"I feel like a sundae" Driver commented to her when he slammed the boot lid down to make my hearing aid scream from the noise.
I heard both thier boots crunch back to the car that was started up and revved to get the smell of the fumes through the air.
"What about the kid?" the woman asked when we started to move again.
"What about him?" Driver responded with a short laugh "I had my fun. He was a squirmy fucker too; yelling and carrying on like he was dying."
But that's not what happened. It had been quite the opposite. He had been caring and considerate.
He had standards.
"You did rape the poor thing" the woman muttered back "I hope you weren't too rough; we need him in one piece."
No, it hadn't been rape at all. He wanted to make me comfortable. He had pleasured me.
He had standards.
"And a drive-through again?" she sighed "for dessert?"
"What can I say? I need to get the taste out of my mouth somehow" Driver replied "people don't like it when you bite and lick them; who knew?"
Knuckles and Blocker chuckled in the back. It made my own smile creep up under the tape when I remebered how desperate he had been for me.
"Just be quick" she sighed back in defeat "we still have a long drive ahead."
I got myself comfortable in the boot and laid my head onto the clean carpet. It smelled like bubblegum car scent too which was comforting to the simmering fire still lingering in my lungs.
Music from the car radio drowned out all other noises except for Driver who belted out the words with tonedeaf passion.
I let the noise lul me to sleep; taped up and awaiting an uncertain fate at the hands of the kidnappers whose priority had shifted from my safety to sundaes.