I didn't know how long they had been driving for when I woke up again and found I was still tied up and in the boot.
After trying to stay awake and take notice of my surroundings, I had let the busy shift from the day take over and drag me into sleep.
Who would know when I would be able to get any next? I would be too busy trying to find another damn exit that wouldn't end me back up here.
I had no idea where they were taking me. I had lost sense of direction after the third roundabout that curved to the right that I knew led out of town.
After that, nothing.
I was bloody confused; just how they wanted me.
When we stopped and I was lifted out of the boot once more, I saw how nervous Driver was. He kept a firm grip on my binds and pushed my head down when I tried to take in what I could of my dark surroundings.
We weren't anywhere near a town now, I knew that. Trees surrounded us, the trunks glowing red from the lights of the car parked under them. The hot fumes from the exhaust were the only warmth here.
Gravel rolled under my shuffling feet that were guided forwards. The path here was mainly compacted from use, but still had that loose layer sprinkled on top to keep me aware of the opportunity to slip up at any point.
Driver wasnt going to let me take in my surroundings. He wanted me blind to where he was leading me. 137Please respect copyright.PENANAG3b6STamy1
137Please respect copyright.PENANAA6lhNB79VE
Even the others walked ahead so that thier bodies blocked the path.
"I need to pee" I grunted out.
"N...are you fucking serious?" Driver growled, shaking my binds in frustration "you can hold it."
The truth was, as much as i was using the excuse to scope out my possible exits, I actually did have to pee.
Being trapped in the boot of two cars over the span of several hours had taken its toll on my bladder that twisted and burned for release.
It really did make walking hard when all I could think about was how badly I needed to go.
"I need to pee" I moaned now and dug my heels in as the pain had me doubled over.
"Let the kid do his business" the woman huffed back "it won't take long."
Driver groaned and rolled his eyes as he led me to the side and released my binds so I could shuffle to the tree.
The steam from the hot piss snaking between my shoes was bliss. It made Driver back off to avoid the stream, which gave me even more leverage on my slim window of escape.
Nothing but trees though. I could try and break for it through the cluster I was pissing on, but I had no idea where they led.
And the road leading back the way we had come was pitch black. It would be like running blindly through a void.
Maybe if I waited it out until sunrise? But who knew if I would actually see it when I arrived at wherever they were taking me.
I was going to have a very short leash. They were going to keep me close.
"What are you looking at?" Driver snapped, slapping the back of my head to force it to focus on the tree "eyes ahead."
They wandered again as I kept up the stream, trailing to the left where the others were gathered and waiting up ahead.
That way was out of the question then. 137Please respect copyright.PENANAzmtBWWW2vH
137Please respect copyright.PENANAx1CrIVgtaj
Knuckles and Blocker were built like brick shit houses but I was sure they could catch me in a heartbeat. Plus, I really didn't want to find out how Knuckles got his name amongst this little gang.
"Come on, you're done" Driver growled and yanked me back.
I still had my cock clutched in my hands, soaking one leg with a trickle of piss from the jerking movement back.
"I'm not done y..."
"Yes, you are" he demanded, shoving me forward while I tried to stuff my dignity back inside "move."
His rough boot snapped onto the back of my leg to make it buckle and stagger forwards. I glared back at him to see his cold smirk.
"Fuck you" I hissed.
"That can be arranged" he chuckled, digging his nails into the back of my neck he pushed me along by.
"Boys" the woman sighed dramatically and held her head "save it for later. I want to get home without a headache this time from your bitching."
Home? So, we were going to thier place? That would make it easier for an escape if it was taking me back to civilisation.
"Quit calling it that" Driver snapped to her now "there's nothing homely about that shit hole and you know it!"
He tore his nails from my neck so he could jab his finger at her. She wasnt fazed by his aggression to her and raised an eyebrow at it.
"What else have we got?" Knuckles piped up "technically it is home."
Blocker agreed, which only made Driver grit his teeth and clench his fists.
"Think what you want about it then!At least I have the goddamn brains to realise that there are much better options out there than 'home'."
I felt his boot on my leg again and kept up the pace so I was nestled between the seething group.
They were imploding and taking out thier frustrations on each other. If I kept quiet for now, I could find out more about the cause of the bitterness and use it against them.
Driver didn't like his home but the other three did. He was going to be a tough one to crack and let my guard down around when I scouted it out and pieced together a foolproof plan to escape back to my own.
It would be stupid to lead these people back to my own mother, but I was desperate.
I would lose them in the woods first, then head back to call the cops and stay where it was most familiar and safest.
"Why don't you find somewhere better then?" the woman spoke up, breaking her bitter silence "you think somewhere else is just going to take your sorry arse in so you can play happy families there and keep hiding behind your mask?"
She didn't want him around. But, he had no choice but to stay.
The more I thought of it, the more it looked like he was in the same boat as me.
Pushed into somewhere he didn't want to be. Taken advantage of. No chance of escape.
No chance...
"Just shut your whore mouth" he snapped back to make her laugh "it's convincing enough to have you fooled, dumb bitch."
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" she chuckled back then faked ignorance "wait... what mother?"
I saw Driver boiling and focusing entirely on the snide woman. Blocker and Knuckles backed her up, standing against Driver who looked ready to snap.
They were all distracted. None of them were focused on a me.
Go for it!
I bolted out of the side of thier ring and sprinted through the darkness behind them.
My noisy breaths filled my ears and my thudding footsteps crunching over the gravel made me oblivious to any noise coming from any persuers.
I didn't focus on what was behind me through, just what I couldn't see ahead.
Fear screamed through my body and rattled my senses. They made the darkness buzz with the possibility of danger rather than offering the comfort of freedom. Everywhere was a new monster trying to drag me back to my captors, and that terrified me.
I veered left to squeeze amongst the trees and force myself further amongst them. I couldn't run here, only blindly feel my way forward.
I threw in a couple of twisted turns around the trunks to try and throw them off my trail. Only stumbling in a straight line would surely lead to my capture again. I had to fight my panic and go against every part of me screaming to just keep running forward.
I had got myself lost in a matter of moments. Unfamiliar places under the cover of darkness was my hinderance but also my savour.
If I was lost, so were they.
I dropped down to the ground and pressed my back against the tree trunk I hid behind.
Keeping low would throw them off even more. They were looking for something moving in eyesight of the trees; they weren't going to be checking above or below them.
I could catch my breath as well and rest my burning legs. My heart hammered through my cold chest and up into my ears that were ringing from the sudden silence surrounding me.
Had I lost them?
I heard crunching and snapping in the distance. More rang out closer; a beam of light sweeping over the ground to illuminate the choked ground.
My fingers brushed over the ground around me and confirmed my fears.
Branches laid everywhere around me. I wouldn't be able to move now without giving away my location to them.
I would have to sit and pray that luck was on my side.
"Found him?" the woman's voice called from the light flicking along the trunks ahead of me.
I bit my lip and bought my knees up to my chest as panic rattled through me again.
"Do you think I would be here if I fucking found him?"
That was Driver, no doubt. He wasn't even trying to be quiet, his heavy footsteps smashing through the branches when he walked.
"You should Turn and find him quicker. Make it easier on all of us" the woman replied.
I frowned.
Turn? What was she implying?
"You fucking owe me" he growled out and stomped on ahead, passing into my line of sight and stopping.
I clamped my hands over my mouth immediently and shrunk down. The light washed over Driver who kept his back turned on me, his head turning to scan the trees before him.
If he just turned around...
I couldn't move either. The woman would spot me in an instant.
So, I stayed.
Driver sighed and held his head before throwing his arms up in the air and shaking himself off, peeling off his clothing to stand there completely naked.
What the fuck was he doing?
His body was illuminated by the light focused on him that made the deep crimson of his blood stand out on the washed out body that started to bleed.
I saw the skin along his arms split down the middle and peel back to reveal the muscle and bones below.
His legs split and copied the arms; the skin fusing together down each calf without so much as a seem visible.
Blood splattered on the branches that broke when Driver fell forward and arched his back that the spine popped out of.
I couldn't breathe as I watched in horror as everything peeled inside out and created a flawless monster.
The skull was the last to be revealed; the bones shattering inwards so that they could twist into a long snout filled with fragments that formed the teeth.
The arms and legs were next to shatter, buckling backwards into points that bent over the body and gripped at the bloody mud beneath him.
The spine was next, breaking into sharp fragments that protected the middle of the body convulsing violently with each break.
Steam billowed from its snout when it took in deep lungfulls of air and threw its head back to scream into the silent night.
My scream tumbled out with it. I felt his shake through me and dig through my insides. It burrowed into my thoughts to shake every rational one from me and breathe life through the pain spearing through me.
I took off at the sight of the monster, wailing and whimpering when I ran.
I didn't know what the fuck that was, but I wasn't going to find out.
I just needed to get out of there! I needed to go home!
I heard feet thundering after me and screamed out at how close they were.
It sounded like they were dancing at my heels, waiting to strike and cripple me.
I couldnt tell where the monster was. I was so rattled that it felt like it was already all around me and buzzing inside me at the same time.
I couldn't see light though, which was promising. The woman hadn't caught up to me at least.
But that thing....
Suddenly, the ground buckled from below me to send me tumbling downwards. My skin split on the branches spearing it when I tumbled down, crumpling at the bottom in a sobbing, shaking mess of blood and tears.
I peered back to see that the ground had sloped down into a hill that I was now at the bottom of. Faint light illuminate the trees above, also flickering over the glistening body of the monster sliding hungrily down towards me.
"No! No!"
I kicked out when I dragged myself back. My legs refused to bear my weight, my arms wavering when it reached the bottom and stalked towards me.
I had to get out of here!
I turned and forced my legs beneath me to stumble for safety. The monster only let me get a few meters, and pump false hope through me, before it's claws tore me down.
I felt it's weight on my back and trembled when the hard snout breathed in my scent around my neck.
Then, a scream pierced the air once more; its wavoring cry reduced to a clicking noise that moved down my body.
I tried to drag myself away, but it pierced its claws through my sides to anchor me there.
I felt its teeth loop around my pants and tear it them viciously. I screamed when the force of its tugging dragged me back through the branches, my legs smashing into its face but still only carrying me mere inches before it pinned me down again.
It pressed its weight on me again and ran its lumpy, course tongue over the nape of my neck it snapped its teeth into.
I felt each bone fragment slice into my throat and clamp shut. Burning blood poured over my body and ran back into my gouges to burn them.
The monster growled in satisfaction, clicking and tearing its head back with me still secured in its jaws.
I felt something slimy searching the cold skin of my arse, probing and pondering as it moved towards the middle.
My breath caught in my throat and I bucked beneath the monster when I felt what was about to happen.
I didn't want this. I didn't want this!
"No!" I cried, gripping for the branches to try and stab the monster with one pitifully when the warmth found what it was looking for "NO!"
Fire ripped through me and tore my arse as it was forced through me. I screamed at it and tried to yank myself free to find relief.
The monster kept me grounded, it's claws wrapping around my wrists.
I screamed out again when two more scooped themselves around my middle, another two lifting my arse from the ground to spear through me properly.
I heard the wavering scream again when it thrust into me, tearing out to plunge back through the pulsing fire.
My body shook from the entry, my pleeds falling on deaf ears.
I saw the light up on the hill grow brighter until it spilled over us.
"HELP!" I hollered with all my might "HELP ME!"
The woman just stood there, watching. She wasn't surprised at all when she saw the monster taking his claim on me, tearing his teeth from my throat to scream up at the intruding light.
Why wasn't she coming to save me? Why was she just standing there?
"Solo!" she snapped out "you are meant to catch him! Not fuck him!"
Another scream and another rough re-entry that sent new tears down my cheeks.
It was so slick I didn't know if it was from the blood or the monster itself.
The fire still tore through me and made my cries of pain continue, but the biting cock was determined on making its way effortlessly through me.
I didn't like how easy it was for it now. The pain of forced entry was still there; but there was no resistance anymore.
As much as i didn't want it, the monster forced my body to comply to its hunger.
It made it look like I was submitting and accepting.
I didn't want this.
The men caught up to the woman and store down the hill towards us.
I felt the claws around me curl protectively at my savours and it's threat.
It kept plunging desperately, determined to keep the torture going in the limited time it had left.
Then, I felt the teeth snap around my neck and a new heat spill through me.
I felt the teeth clench and tremble before I felt the pulsing wash dread through me.
"Help me! Help me!" I cried out to them and snatched for Blocker's hands that gripped mine.
The monster snarled but refused to release my neck. It dug deeper and continued to pulse through me while Knuckles snatched onto it and pulled.
The pain speared straight through me and hurtle screams of agony into the air. The monster kept his grip firm, his cock refusing to leave me when Knuckles tried to force me free.
"Pull!" Blocker urged, shoving his hands around the jaws still trapping me within them, to pry them open.
Another tearing wave came that stopped as soon as Knuckles ceased on his end.
The monster wasn't moving. With his jaws forced free, he turned them on Blocker who left me to help Knuckles.
It was bloody agonising to feel each tear and jerk do nothing to get it off me. Even the monster was growing aggressive with the intervention, snapping and lunging out at the pair who worked hard to free me.
Other than painful, it was humiliating. Being clamped together like this was not something I even knew existed other than in dogs.
Would I have been like this in the car if Driver had taken over like he had now? How long did we have to be stuck like this?
"There!" Knuckles yelled out finally.
I scrambled from the snatching claws of the monster, feeling each movement lunge the agony deeper through me.
The monster turned on the others who released it promptly. It stretched itself out, cracking all of its bones, before shaking itself off.
It was treating the whole affair so casually. The sight of it brushing aside my rape only made the bitterness boil.
"YOU FUCKER!" I screamed and hurled a stick at its face "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!"
Knuckles and Blocker stepped out of the way when I snatched up another stick to rush over and flog the monster's exposed body with it.
When that stick snapped, I tore up another, and another, and another, until a hand gripped my raised arm.
"You've done enough" Blocker spoke.
The monster shook itself once more, growling. It didn't even have a mark on it; not even a hint that my beatings had hurt it.
"H-he said he w-wouldn't" I whined and sobbed, turning on him to throw the stick at his face "YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T!"
"Take him" Knuckles grunted, Blocker heaving me over his shoulder when I fought against him to try and reach the monster again.
The monster paid no attention to my bitterness, walking obediently behind me as Blocker continued through the forest.
The woman slid down the hill and hurried after us so she could take point with Blocker.
"Not far now" she commented "now we have him back."
The monster huffed.
"You need to stop raping the runaways" she glared to him "now he needs a checkup and who knows what else. That's just more time added to our schedules."
The woman's little scold wasn't nearly enough punishment for me to be happy. She was more irritated about my rape inconveniencing her than punishing the monster.
I wanted to break his mother-fucking bones and stab each one through the exposed muscles flexing as it walked.
I wanted to cripple him so I could kill him slowly and hear the agony that he had caused me.
I was going to get my revenge. Once I could walk without my insides tearing themselves apart, I was coming after him; human or not.
The monster kept his red eyes on me the whole time. When we passed through the forest, when I had to shit and throw up, and when I was forced to walk the rest of the way to a hidden door in the ground that led us through a dirt tunnel; he was right behind me.
I could feel his hot breath on my back the whole time and hear the low growls that kept me moving forward whenever I staggered in pain.
I didn't even get to see where I had been taken to; this 'home' they all spoke of, as I was led over to a large room behind glass.
The whole place was lined with beds that looked like they had been salvaged from a dump. The mattresses on each one were in varying stages of decay; some soaked brown with blood while others had holes torn into the sides to reveal the supporting springs.
Just what the hell was this place?
I was led to a vacant bed and laid down on it. The mattress here was hard as rock and smelled like old sweat. The sheets on top were clean though but were cold and crumpled at the foot of the bed.
Above me was a shower rod on each side with a coloured plastic curtain. The rod to my left was rusted, while the one on my right was missing its front bolt to make it hang on a slight angle.
The monster sat down to my left while the woman stood to my right. Blocker and Knuckles took up too much precious room and quickly squeezed thier way outside.
"A new one!" I heard a voice exclaim, clapping it's hands together in excitement before laying eyes on me and immediently losing it "another male."
"You're lucky you got him!" the woman snapped back, offended "bloody Solonine over here had to go along and claim this one too! Had to tear him off to get him back here!"
The man looked to the monster who yawned hugely, then to the woman; unimpressed.
This man had silver hair just like Driver did before he changed, but peeked into a swirl at the back of his head. His skin was light brown; his eyes a darker shade of brown that seemed to sparkle under the dull, flickering fluroscent lights here.
I couldn't get a good sense of what kind of person he was. So far, it was good. He hadn't tried to gag, rape, or beat me yet.
He did have a strange band on his wrist though. It was pure white except for the grey screen near the top of it. A single blinking red bulb sat an inch below that, keeping up a steady but slow rhythm.
The woman had the same one as she peeled a fake skin away from her wrist that disguised it. There was no way the shape itself should have been hidden under a skin glove so thin, but it had been.
What exactly was it?
The monster yawned again, this time sticking his tongue right out when he stretched again.
I lashed out to the monster, trying to slap or claw or do something to his stupid, smug face beside me. I almost snatched up his tongue too before it slipped back into his mouth.
The woman grabbed me and forced me back onto the bed, holding her firm hand on my shoulder.
"And you saw it happen?"
"Of course I did" she muttered, looking away while folding her arms "I always do."
"Well, I'm not wasting good gloves and equipment if we know what went on" the man sighed "all I can reccomend is a hot shower, some pain killers, and clean clothes."
"That's your help?" I scoffed back "painkillers and fucking hot water?"
"And pads" he grinned, handing a wad to me that he dug out from under the bed "for the bleeding."
"Only if it happens" he instructed "and if you start shitting it, come see me immediently, okay?"
I scowled at the man who scrawled down the items he was packing into a plastic bag for me. The monster watched closely, getting up so he could move out of the way when the man moved around the bed to tilt my head and inspect the wounds around my neck.
"I'll sew you up before you go though" he spoke, rushing off to a room behind the wall opposite me "you don't want anything getting into that!"
He stood opposite me with his medical equipment that I soon realised was not hospital-grade at all.
The damn items were kept in a fold out tackle box he was rummaging through to inspect several different sized hooks.
I felt my breath catch when I saw the barbs of each one had been sawed off to form a makeshift curved needle.
And the thread. It was fucking fishing line. Fine wire, of course.
"I don't need stitches" I blustered when he found the perfect thin hook and line "I'm fine."
The woman shoved me back down when I tried to slide from the bed, patting my chest that started to heave in panic.
"Scalpel is the best doctor we have" she reassured "he's got a light touch."
"Scalpel?!" I breathed and laughed nervously "of course, with a name like that why would I be worried?!"
"Call me Biscuits if it makes it better" he mumbled, approaching the bedside again "it's similar to my actual name anyway."
Biscuits. I snorted at the ultimatum but accepted it quickly.
He slathered some cream on the gouges to make them instantly burn and sizzle. I whimpered and felt his hand force my head to turn to the left.
Even before the hook pierced my skin, I was sobbing over the pain.
"I want to go home" I cried to the woman who moved around to hold my hands "I don't want to be here anymore."
Her gaze was sympathetic but firm.
"You can't. Not now."
She clutched the band on her wrist to pull what looked like a replica from it. When she snapped it to my wrist, it melted perfectly to fit it; no gaps left behind.
What exactly was it?
I shook my hand to see it not even budge. Whatever it was, it was on tight. Maybe a little too snug for my comfort.
After my throat was done being stitched, I could head home, right?
There was no need for me to be here with these people in this odd place. I didn't belong here, I belonged in my bed where it was soft and warm and safe.
How I missed it too. I wanted those stale blankets around me that I could snuggle down into and hide from the world.
But I couldn't do that here. Nothing about this was comforting.
I want to go home.