It felt so wrong for me to be in Oxalis' room while he grieved the loss of his partner still out in the Base.
I saw that both demons had been knocked out, lying limp on the top floor I carefully climbed up to.
I didn't want to let Oxalis down too by just dumping his dripping bag and leaving. I had already lost what could have been a great relationship by carelessness like that.
I was going to do this properly.134Please respect copyright.PENANATpooVCmcKC
134Please respect copyright.PENANAlFn5OZj0Ui
I filled the sink to dump the bones into. While they were soaking, I scooped out the meat lumps to dump them into sheets of plastic wrap and wedge them into the large chest freezer slid against the wall outside the bedroom.
It was already stacked with all sorts of cuts that were frostbitten. When I saw they were dated and named, I retrieved the bleeding hunks to do the same before dropping them back in.
There was splatter all over the floor from the bag and my double-handling.134Please respect copyright.PENANATTsxoSfbvt
134Please respect copyright.PENANAWX7FEITZfC
I ripped down a towel from the bathroom to use as a mop, chucking it into the sink as well to soak.
Now the bones.
There was already a scrubber here that I used. It easily tore off the stringy bits of sinew Oxalis had missed and tangled the mess in the bristles.
I had no idea what to do with the bones.134Please respect copyright.PENANAWwScnXgMkH
134Please respect copyright.PENANAgb2vjIJHVy
Instead of making a wild guess, I rushed to the bathroom for a second towel and laid it on the table for the bones to dry on.
They must have been quite important for Oxalis to want to keep them even after discovering his partner like that.
The poor guy wouldn't know what to do without her.134Please respect copyright.PENANAOBWIo4zp7k
134Please respect copyright.PENANAsz7Gl2iWHn
And she had been pregnant too. I had seen the test myself when I had joined them on thier own hunt for supplies when I had tried to escape for the first time.
That seemed so long ago.134Please respect copyright.PENANAexaQpr0Ezf
134Please respect copyright.PENANAMRR2Qfghnu
So much had changed since then...
I couldn't count on Oxalis as my shield anymore. He was going to be in shock and not willing to have another person invading his space so soon after a death of a loved one. And both demons wouldn't step out of line now that Souls themselves were publically hanged for all to see.134Please respect copyright.PENANAgZkZ0oZRWY
134Please respect copyright.PENANAYWM4xIPPn7
Ruin would stay within Oxalis' skin for sure. Moving about in his natural form would be way too dangerous now.134Please respect copyright.PENANAA88nG6mLX9
134Please respect copyright.PENANA1oI5crG5ja
He'd be way too tempting as such a large target. Laying low for now would keep them both alive.
What about Hunt?
She had no Skin to return to now. With her looking noticeably more swollen, it had be to be anytime soon when they were expecting the arrival of the new brood.
What did they call baby Blood Demons anyway?
Blood clots?
I laughed to myself, hunting down a pen and paper to write out directions to the kill and place it with the bones.
If the demons woke before Oxy returned, then they could try and salvage what they could. It would be a waste to let so much of that deer just sit out there and rot when they specifically hunted the meat and bones it carried.
I wrung out the towel sitting in the sink and slapped it over the back of one of the chairs at the table to drip dry.134Please respect copyright.PENANA4tsciCaME7
134Please respect copyright.PENANAs0TKTsKA6O
With the dirty water gone and everything organised, I felt pride that my actions weren't going to leave me with yet another enemy to watch out for.
I already had Solanine and Poison to watch for, I didn't need these three as well.
The bubble of pride in my work slipped from my face the moment I stepped out the door and saw who was leaning against the railing, waiting for me.
Solanine was silent as I contemplated closing it and just remaining where I was.
Why was he just standing there? Was it more worrying that he was silent rather than him trying to be my superior?
Something about him was off-putting. Maybe it was the fact I had abused him before running off. Is that why he was here? To take me back?
I used the door as a shield. It was a cowardly way to stand up to him, but I wasn't risking anything. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAhLhGslREqV
134Please respect copyright.PENANAZm3Sj6GuxP
I already knew how strong he was without his ability to drain the life from me.
"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
He smirked, not moving.
"Are you going to head back to your own room yet?" he spoke up now "you can't be lurking around someone else's. They wouldn't appreciate that."
Better than going anywhere where he could get me again. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAcIy9GgNgzq
134Please respect copyright.PENANAjSdhGHKtKS
I know he wanted to drag me back to his room. He was restraining himself.
"Actually, I'm good being here with Oxy" I jerked a thumb back inside "you know, where I'm appreciated."
Solanine's eyes flicked to mine dangerously.
"Quit with the stupid games" he hissed "we both know you can't stay there. Without your Captor, you are mine; as it should have been from the start."
"And I told you I'm not" I glared back as I gained the courage to lean from out the door "you can't own me, you sick fuck."
A smile played on his lips and he sighed, thrown his hands up.
"You know what? I don't own you" he replied in an innocent tone dripping with sarcasm "you are completely right, Xylosma. But you know, it's awefully lonely out there when you can't touch anyone. They all know you are diseased and won't go near you. No-one to turn to or listen because they are too afraid of getting close."
I saw him shrug and lean back on the railing.
"You do you" he pointed a finger to me "be that big independant man and all that. Its such a shame you don't have anyone to show you the ropes here anymore. Someone who can keep you alive at night."
He grinned at me as my heart dropped.
"But what do I know?" he threw his hands up again "I'm not whispering in Eagle's ear about how easy you could have it, no. I don't give him guidance when he assignes the Missions. I'm just the Soul you want to keep running from because you can't accept that I'm what's good for you."
What's good for me? I couldn't keep the disgust off my face.
"You know what, Xy?" he purred "how about I give you a taste of that good life, hmm? You come back with me for tonight and I'll show you. I'll be good and keep my hands to myself. You can have a nice bed and hot meal tonight, how about it? And I'll make sure none of the scary monsters come up the stairs. What do you say?"
I wanted to say no, I really did, but he had some good points. None about being with him; fuck that, but the ones about being able to sleep easy and eat a proper meal. Most of mine had been scoffed down by Agnosia this morning in his bid to get rid of me. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAWc7OBYUCrz
134Please respect copyright.PENANAchs56KkVaz
And I needed a shower. I was starting to reek after sleeping in my clothes from the night before spent dodging danger and screaming for help.
Fuck. I really wanted to say no. But I also didn't want to be left searching for a room tonight either. If I went back to mine, he'd be there anyway. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAnQ2tgg9nf4
134Please respect copyright.PENANAfIUCA7hSPq
It was best to agree to his stupid terms rather than reject him and end up raped again later on.
"Only tonight" I grumbled when I left the door and closed it behind me "keep your fucking hands to yourself and don't try anything."
"You don't even want a cheeky hand-hold?" he teased and reached for my fingers that slapped him away "you can't do that with anyone else."
He had trapped me right from the start. By giving me his damn disease, he knew that no-one else would want to be near me. They all feared me, except him.
Why was he my only option?
I felt Solanine lean in behind me to breathe in my scent. I turned on him to make him hold his hands up with a smile.
"No hands, see?" he replied with a chuckle "but you do smell like a damn Blood Demon. That's not a compliment either. You stink."
I smiled to myself when I turned back around.
At least that was something he didn't like. A little barrier between us for a few more moments.
Solanine slid beside me as we walked. He nudged me with his elbow when we neared the stairs, jerking a thumb down them.
"Since you are mine today, do you want to go get some proper food? Nuggets; like old times? And maybe a sundae for dessert, unless you have something else in mind?"
His eyes trailed over me hungrily and I saw him bite his lip.
He knew damn well what had happened between us was a mistake. It was the only time I had fucked Solanine and enjoyed it. He had begged me for more like he had been the one submitting to me.
It felt amazing to be in control over him, especially now that I knew what he was. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAtt8oLsIJOz
134Please respect copyright.PENANAroPF63yQtA
It was actually funny that I knew he had that side of himself that was so eager to bend beneath me and not care about heirachy or the rules for just a moment.
But that wasn't what I was going to do. I was letting my mind wander because I was hungry and desperate to be away from this damn place.
I needed a distraction that hot nuggets and cold sundaes could offer. No doubt a bit of cigarette smoke would be mixed in to foul up those delicious scents.
"You are paying" I warned "and I want the biggest pack they have."
Solanine's face lit up and he grinned. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAwL5i1AiVKP
134Please respect copyright.PENANAsS5waaGY10
It was such a sudden shift from the restrained teasing just seconds ago.
"Whatever you want" he pushed aside "I'll even drive. I've got no Missions to do, so let's go kill some time! Speaking of killing.... I've got something we can do after food."
"No murder" I groaned back after him as he bounced down the stairs happily "no murder!"
His eyes glinted back to me and he smiled cheekily.
I was not doing that with him. I already knew he'd try to rope me into accepting a skull from him one way or another. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAGafIaZtz9a
134Please respect copyright.PENANAQ7K2CFNAu5
I had given him an inch and he was taking the whole damn mile.
It was only one night. I had to admire how pushy he was being with the limited time he had before our temporary truce was over.
Acting like a bloody love-struck child. He sure was entertaining when it didn't directly involve me. Hopefully Eagle would see and hang him from the railings next.
I could only wish....
Solanine kept to his word and didn't try to make any moves on me when I was trapped in the car beside him. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAo3qW5uM6UN
134Please respect copyright.PENANA9A0SHWvpEB
He sang along to the radio, tapping his hands on the wheel to the tune. He even got really excited over one foreign song he turned up and belted out the lyrics to, word for word.
Outside the eyes and ears of the Base, Solanine was carefree. It was like he was just a human eagerly wanting to impress his date for the night.
Of course I could see he was putting on a front. He was being overly enthusiastic while still cautious of his movements around me. He didn't want to risk upsetting me, even choosing until he parked up the car at an overlook to get out and light up a smoke he dragged on gratefully.
"For someone who doesn't smoke in the Base, you sure drag them out on road trips" I commented when he blew out a plume.
"What, you want to try it?" he leant through the drivers window to offer it to me "tastes like chocolate."
"Fuck off" I scoffed.
"Serious" he blinked back and laughed.
He whittled down the end of the ciggarette so he could promptly flick the ash outside and blow the smoke at me.
I could smell the burnt paper and acidic stench of the cigarette, but there was a dark sweetness to the smoke too that danced in the air choking me.
"It's dark chocolate" he offered it to me "the sweet shit is way more pricey."
I took it with the tips of my fingers and spread the others outwards. It didn't seem like such a thin thing was going to fit in my hand.
"You aren't smoking weed" Solanine snorted at my posture "two fingers."
He held his up and then leant over to position mine in the same stance and bring the cigarette to my lips.
"Go on, breathe in."
I gave him another apprehensive look then pressed the filter between my lips and breathed deep.
Instantly, I was choking and gagging. The smoke burned and boiled at the back of my throat while stroking down into my lungs where it strangled me from the inside out with its smoked bitterness.
It was like inhaling the cheap shitty chocolate I sometimes got from work in the clearance section. The eighty percent bitter chocolate that no-one liked to buy.
It was sticky in the back of my throat too, coating my tongue and teeth with its disgusting flavour.
"God damn!" Solanine laughed at me and took the cigarette back before the whittled end could snap off "you aren't meant to syphen the fucking thing!"
I couldn't find words until I slurped up some of the softdrink from the centre console gratefully. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAGmU5qavwRB
134Please respect copyright.PENANAMcpvsyRbZ1
Luckily I hadn't held back with his gratious offer of food. We had a whole spread here compared to the simple meal of nuggets he initially offered.
"Little, shallow puffs. Savour the flavour before you let it go" he demonstrated before holding it back towards me "want to try again?"
I shook my head as I wrinkled my nose at it.
"We can try something a little less intense next time" he pondered aloud "vanilla.... maybe banana?"
"There's not going to be a next time" I replied shortly as I took another sip to try and drown the taste from my mouth "I'm not taking up smoking."
I saw Solanine's obvious defeat as his shoulders fell. He tried to hide it through his leaning frame in the window.
"Hey, a smoking buddy would be nice; just saying" he shrugged "and it wouldn't even be for long. I only do it to help relax."
"Relax?" I snorted "what do you have to be stressed about?"
"Things" his eyes narrowed at me, but he didn't turn sour "you know, the higher you are, the more shit you have to deal with. You get all the hard choices and dirty jobs the little guys don't need to worry about."
"And you say I can have a good life with you" I muttered back while flicking through the nuggets.
"Well, I'd make sure you didn't have to deal with anything like that" Solanine flicked the butt down to stub it out so he could climb back into the drivers seat and make for the food between us "i'd look out for you."
I rolled my eyes. I was tempted to stay silent about yet another declaration of love but decided to make sure he was reminded of what I had been preaching to him.
"You say that, but you don't mean it."
He watched me scoop up some sauce and did the same.
"I would like for us to be together" he mumbled "but you don't want that."
"I'll just keep tracking you until you change your mind" he noted simply but lost the smile when he saw how disgruntled I was "I wasn't just saying all that stuff about your virus back at Base to be mean; I was trying to make you see that it's true that you won't be able to be with anyone else like you can be with me. It's funny how much you miss just not being so on edge around others not like you. You've got to watch every little thing you do otherwise it's all over."
"You didn't have that problem with me" I commented.
His eyes softened and he swirled a chip in the sauce absent-mindedly.
"I didn't" Solanine smiled "you were part of the Mission. It was fun though. You liked it, and I thought it was thrilling chasing you."
Chasing me. He only saw all of this stubbornness as part of a silly game he thought I was playing with him.
I knew what Trypano meant by his species being ruthless trackers. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAl3g814pzwN
134Please respect copyright.PENANAXbPzVvnHZS
He wasn't taking no for an answer, no matter how many times I had to scream or beat it into him.
His hand reached for mine when I went for another nugget, holding it.
"If you want it, you can have it."
I didn't want to lead him on in any way possible. If he was going to make moves, I was going to shoot them down.
I pulled my hand away so I could eat. I had to think of a way to destroy this plan he was forming in his mind.
"It's a bit hot in here. We should eat outside" I offered.
"We can make it hotter" he smirked to me. I saw it slide off his face when I reached for the handle.
"I said no hands."
"And I won't be using them" his words rumbled from him.
"I'm serious!" I slapped his hand down when it reached for mine again.
I couldn't keep the fear out of my voice that he heard too. Solanine backed away, sitting back in his seat with his hands gripping the edge of his seat instead.
"Is it something I'm doing wrong?" he mumbled and looked to me when I had the door open, ready to step into the fresh air "I thought you liked the attention. You didn't say no back then."
I sighed, closing the door.
"Look, I had just been kidnapped and thrown into my boot. I had no idea who any of you were and for all I knew you were fighting over me with some guy on a phone about 'breaking me in'. I figured if I went with it, you'd let me go or give me a chance to escape."
"But you liked it" he frowned and turned to look at the back seats "you could have stopped if you wanted to."
"You locked the doors on me" I tried to keep the annoyance from my words "and I was.... frustrated. Yeah, it was good at the time; I'll admit that, but being dragged through the dirt and raped over and over was not what I would call me 'enjoying' it. You said you were above that, but you aren't."
"I am" he almost begged "I can't help what I'm born to do. I track people; that's what I do; that's what they like.134Please respect copyright.PENANAnMGCzNQ5LM
134Please respect copyright.PENANAh42lQViuzv
And I do a good job too. I've tracked many of others before you and will do again if they want me too. But you need to stop confusing me for a human. A human rapes a human against thier will and I've never done that in my Skin. I only do what I must to make sure we have a connection I can hunt down. It breaks over time if it isn't strengthened. I admit, I usually only make the bond once, but I have been deliberately going a bit overboard with you."
He looked ashamed to answer but found the courage.
"I wanted us to be mates. It's a stupid idea, but after the first time, I thought we had a good connection. You had a fight about you that others didn't; still do. They give up too easily, but you didn't. I thought we would be good together. We are both infected and I'd keep you safe. I..."
I saw his throat move as he swallowed uncomfortably.
"...I want someone to be weak with. Someone I would risk being hanged or gutted or drowned for. And I figured, since I can't have kids anyway, why not go for someone like me? A guy? Women have expectations that I just can't fill. I'm naturally infertile. We are made in dishes and kept as exhibits in zoos. I want something to love, Xy, that doesn't want to leave me the moment they can't get what they want."
What could I say to all that? It was some heavy shit he was piling onto me and made the air between us tense.
"Say something" he whispered.
"Jeez" I blew out my breath "what do I say to that?"
Solanine cringed. His eyes lowered and he turned his head away.
He had been hurt before. Probably rightfully so, but he really was throwing everything at me to make this work. He was counting on it to not end like the others had.134Please respect copyright.PENANAK63BUDzI40
134Please respect copyright.PENANAFQvYfn9tRd
I could see the fear that tensed his muscles still gripping the edge of the seat.
"You can't change what happened, no matter what you call it."
"I know. I was just doing my job, honest. I'd never rape you like a human intentionally."
His eyes glanced to mine. They were searching for an answer I was still trying to find myself.
"I'm not the toughest guy in there. I'm a bag packer from a small town filled with shoplifters and methheads; nothing that'll make the news for any good reason. I don't make enough money to make anyone proud, and I spend it on useless shit like figurines and games. I watch way too much porn and jerk into noodle cups I keep near my bed like a shrine. I'm almost deaf in one ear and I've got to hide my hearing-aid just to look normal in that Base. I'm not someone you want to boast about, Solanine. You need someone like Agnosia or Oxalis or Eagle himself. Not me. I'm just Register One Birdie."
I hated how useless I sounded when I spilled all of my flaws to Solanine who only smiled. Compared to his other options out there, I really was no-one to boast about. I didnt have a cool demon to protect me or any abilities to save myself from any situation the Base would throw at me. I was just a plain human trying not to find himself in the affection of a monster desperately seeking me for whatever reason he saw.
In a way, I wanted to sound useless. But it really hurt myself at how insignificant I sounded. I had been just another person in the system trying to scrape by with no real dreams my wage could afford. Now, I was this false-named nobody who couldnt even pick mushrooms without almost being killed.
"I think you are more than a number" Solanine leant closer and reached his hand out to caress the side of my face gently "I like how you think you are no-one with nothing to look forward to. I don't want any of the others, I only want you; Register One Birdie, the bag packer from MethTown."
I snorted at his jab and saw him chuckle too. His hand moved from my face to play with my hair.
"Will I really not be able to touch anyone else?" I worried "no-one else will want me?"
"I want you" Solanine pressed with a frown "isn't that all that matters? Is there someone else you were interested in?"
I shook my head.
"Then you don't have to worry" he soothed as he took his hand from me "I'll have you and you can have me. I'll keep you safe, I promise."
I'd never had anyone express themselves like this to me. I had only dreamed of having undying love like I those cartoons where everyone lived happily ever after. Or just being relentlessly satisfied and accomplished without any repercussions like in the other cartoons.
I just didn't want it to come from him. The only one I could physically be with, but the only one who had hurt me the most. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAxTIz1A4IlN
134Please respect copyright.PENANAZhsRrqd2Cv
I could find someone else, couldn't I? Surely, someone would want me?
Yet here he was, begging me to accept his love and be by his side as his plain mate who didn't have expectations that would break us.
I really was flattered with how hard he was trying, but I was so scared at what could happen after I had tried to outrun and outsmart him so many times before.
I had beat him and threatened to stab him and yet he still wanted me to accept him.
Would this be me giving in? Showing him I could never do anything without him shadowing me?
"I don't want you calling me Baby Bird like you did" I grumbled to him "it just sounds wrong."
"I like Xy better anyway" Solanine rumbled again "i'll use your actual name so you learn to love it wherever I say it."
He was getting so close now. His hands planted on my legs so he could stare up at my face, waiting.
He didn't care he was crushing the food inbetween us. He only had his focus on me.
"A-and I'll use Solo" I tried to speak with conviction, but his face so close to mine was throwing me off.
"So, you'll be my mate?" he whispered "Xy?"
Please don't let me regret this.
"I will" I agreed and was immediately thrown back as Solanine flipped the switch on the side of the chair to have me lay back.
"I'm sorry" he chuckled when I gasped out in shock "but there's some things we need to do to make sure we are mates."
"Have sex?"
"That's one of them" he grinned "we have plenty of food and drink here to last us."
I saw that Solanine's generosity wasn't because of his kindness to me like I had thought earlier. He was planning on this to happen and had prepared just in case.
He was cunning, I had to give him that.
"I want you in the back seat."
I felt my heart pounding when he raised himself upwards to allow me to slide into the back. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAfDH5rhtdHD
134Please respect copyright.PENANARkCFnsFz0a
Solanine flipped the locks on the driver's side to engage every one in the car before he slid over eagerly beside me.
"I'm not letting anyone disturb us" he grumbled and checked the back window for any other approaching cars "I've caught you at last."
He dragged me back by my legs so I wa laying along the back seat. Solanine climbed over me to wrap his hands around my wrists and press them against the door behind me.
I was losing my thoughts just being under him like this. It wasn't rough or demanding like he usually was, but careful and controlled. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAYqNXisQoa6
134Please respect copyright.PENANAzCjdAdum9r
I know he was desperate to fuck me, but waited for my reciprocation to his lust.
My heart pounded and my mouth went dry. I could feel the heat between us straining against my pants. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAvqQI0cliIT
134Please respect copyright.PENANAe2Bqj9Z18E
I was sticking to the back seat already from how excited and nervous I was.
This was exactly how I wanted it.
"Don't you think I should be in control for a change?" I teased when Solanine started licking and biting his way up my neck to my jaw "I should catch you."
He stopped with a smile against my jaw and breathed into my ear when he tugged on my earlobe with his teeth.
"You can try" he teased and pulled my hands up to his shoulders so he could start splitting down his face above me.
"No!" I cried out and closed my eyes before feeling Solanine tense up "I want you to do it like this."
He frowned when I squeezed my eyes open and peeked up at him.
"I'm not raping you" he scowled.
"And you aren't. I want this" I reassured him with a gentle hand to his face "you aren't going to hurt me."
He grimaced for a moment but didn't fight it. He lifted me up to push me against the back of the seat so he could sit in my lap.
"You know, you still have to accept a trophy from me" Solanine ran a finger down my jaw "to prove I will always provide for you no matter what."
"A skull?" I giggled when his fingers plucked playfully at the collar of my shirt "you really aren't going to let that rest, are you?"
He shook his head, deadly serious.
"My kind shows thier commitment through bravery. Taking a skull is the ultimate show of success in a mate. It's an old tradition, but one that is ingrained. Nowadays, if I wanted to prove I could provide for you, I'd take you to get some nuggets and call it a night."
I laughed and he smiled at me.
"I don't want you accepting gifts from anyone else" he whispered into my neck while his hands slid under my shirt and up my ribs to make me shiver at the gentle touch "I've worked so hard to have you, and I want to keep you to myself."
"Is someone a little possessive?" I whispered back when I lifted my arms to let him slide the shirt from me.
"Only cautious" he smirked and peeled off his own shirt to lean back and admire me.
"How on earth is this not real?" I breathed and traced his body with my fingers that felt every bulge and crevace of his muscle.
He felt like a human should, right down to the hard abs and soft chest that rose rapidly from excitement.
I couldn't even find where the seam would be where he usually split down the middle. It was flawless.
"I'm flattered I have you so fooled" Solanine breathed as he leant against me.
We sat there, just enjoying the contact of each other's skin. Solanine was tacky and a little cold, probably from the amount of trauma he had gone through not along ago.
He wasn't going to be satisfied with snuggling though. I could feel Solanine's fingers grappling for my pants so he could thread me out of my pants and grip my twitching cock in his hand.
Every pump coarsed hot electricity through me. It felt like it was dancing in my bones and burning through my veins with each forceful wave he threw through me.
I felt embarrassed to be moaning out of the sheer ecstasy rolling over his fingers. My hands gripped the sides of the seat to try and keep myself planted there as he continued with watchful eyes studying my face.
"I missed that sound" he smiled up at me as he kept up the relentless rhythm "and the way you can't do anything."
"Just don't stop" I pleaded the jolting and jerking tearing through me like a damn seizure "keep going."
But he did stop. His sticky hands rubbed through my crumpled shirt beside us so he could free himself from his own pants.
He was jerking just from pleasuring me. I could see the sheen of his excitement rolling down the side of his huge cock wanting its own attention.
I was desperate for more. The buzz of the pleasure that spared through me was like a drug. It killed off all the rational thoughts and turned me into someone fuelled only by deep desires and hot temptation.
Just now, I wanted him.
We weren't bound mates or even friends yet; just two Souls trying to release ourselves from the hunger prowling inside.
Solanine kicked off his pants so he was naked. He helped rip mine from me too so he could plant himself onto my lap and snatch up my cock again.
I reached for his but he slapped my hand away and forced it back down to the edge of the seat so his fingers could crush mine as they tightened.
"I'm pleasuring you" he growled with a smile "you aren't going to try and get me off that easily."
"Oh, God" I threw my head back under the nipping pain burning around the edge of every sizzling nerve inside me tending and building "Solo!"
His hand abandoned mine so it could quickly help guide my cock against his tight arse. It felt like a damn wall he was trying to force me through until we both gasped out when warmth slipped around me and I saw his body devour eagerly.
It wasn't right. Something about the wet heat felt different to the first time. I actually had time to think and feel every part of him without letting my emotions numb me. 134Please respect copyright.PENANAGjqACwZnAk
134Please respect copyright.PENANAyjCbS9mXd5
I could feel something pulling me deeper and harder within him. His sly smile didn't reassure me that it wasn't another thing that wouldn't have me trapped with him like all the times before. 134Please respect copyright.PENANA6hpxIYTHcn
134Please respect copyright.PENANASgBMoPOKqo
I couldn't escape. He wasn't going to allow me to.
"Relax" he soothed me while the pressure slid down to the base of my cock and pickled at my balls "let me do the work."
I couldn't even say a word. He grinded against me immediently, laying his chest onto mine so he was sucking in every breath I took.
I panted and groaned as he growled and grunted, bowing his head against my chest at the viciousness he was plunging myself into him.
I dug my nails into Solanine's thighs and hammered into him instead. His hands flew up to snap around my shoulders as he moaned out and bit into my neck just above my collarbone.
He remained there while I slammed every inch of strength I had into him. His drool and my blood from his gouging teeth dribbled down my chest.
He didn't even move his mouth when his hands forced his own slick cock into me and dug through the fire I gasped painfully out at.
His hands wrapped around me and pinned around my sides to keep me beneath him as he twisted his way up to his length brutally.
I felt like I was tearing from the roughness of it all. He only stopped when he was buried deep inside me, his cock pulsing and spilling burning fire through me instantly.
I felt every wave he poured into me. Without any movement, he was flooding through me and dribbling onto the seat below. The fire inside me boiled and bit but simmered the more he spilled silently.
Was he really cumming this much so soon? It didn't sound or look like anything that pleasurable. He wasn't even making a sound, not even when he finally tore his teeth from my neck to smash his lips into mine.
His teeth bit at my lips and devoured my moans when he started to slide effortlessly through me. He threw back his head too when he pushed down and quickened his thrusts before returning to force his mouth over mine.
My peak was building already. I felt it burn through my toes and legs spread wide for Solanine to keep up his grunting pleasure. It was the electricity and pain all over again funneling to my quivering cock.
The car windows were fully fogged from our panting. Solanine hunched over me and threw all of his effort into trying to give me the release that was dancing just out of reach. I jerked myself as he did, feeling every zap up my cock push me closer and closer.
"I'm going to cum" I groaned out quickly.
Without a word, Solanine pushed my hand from my cock so he could bury it inside him again. The sudden pressure threatened to kill my buzz until Solanine plunged desperately to tip me over the edge and clutch to him as I cried out in agonising ecstasy.
He made me fill him as he stroked himself, shoving his cock into me so he could ram relentlessly to bring on his own wave of pleasure.
The moment I felt the heat spill and his lips part to groan out, I tumbled with that extra wave flooding me with all sorts of sensations.
It all was killed in an instant when Solanine snapped his teeth into the side of my neck to clench and pierce the skin while he swelled with his orgasm.
"Jesus!" I hissed and tried to push his face from me "do you have to do that?!"
"Sorry" I heard him mutter and gently kiss the bleeding skin "force of habit."
"Well, you've got to unforce that habit, and fast" I scowled back to him when he shuffled over me into a more comfortable position that allowed me to rest my legs properly.
Solanine said nothing. He only hugged me and inhaled my scent when he buried his head into my shoulder. His satisfied hum sent tingles into my stomach that flopped uneasily around the slow pulsing below it.
I was going to be stuck with him on my lap like this for a good few hours. Who knew how many?
At least it was on consentual grounds this time. I actually felt glad that I had been able to let myself go like that with him. It felt like I had just fucked a completely different person to the one who had helped kidnap me.
This actually felt nice. I was waiting for the part where Solanine crushed my spirits and decided that our empty sex session was just that; empty. That I was nothing more than something to mate when he felt like it.
We were mates. Maybe that was literally it? We were just fuck buddies?
Why did that make me feel so.... dirty? Used? 134Please respect copyright.PENANAQUuqRlFMWC
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I had wanted nothing to do with him before all of this got messy. Now, with some affection and promises thrown my way, I was clawing for more.
I had given in so easily. Now I was his.
Solanine was thrilled with my decision. I felt his smile on my chest and his finger running light circles on my back while he caressed me.
For someone who was so important in the Base, he sure was risking it all over a person like me.
I looked up at the roof to try and control the emotions swirling inside of me that threatened to bubble over.
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