I was so so fucked.
I had fallen for something not even human, again.
How could I have been so fooled? We barely knew each other and I already wanted to have him fuck me senseless in some desperate desire after that obvious display he had aimed at me.
It had been so beautiful and so direct. We were both trying to bat off the feelings we had through jokes and jabs, but that one moment was what set it in stone.
I wanted him. I didn't care about all the other shit. I wanted that fake Skin and everything inside it.
Four days. I had caved at four days. You barely knew someone at that time. I just wanted the sex and to figure out the rest after, but Darvin was keeping himself from me by remaining as his true self.
I wasn't here to fuck spiders. There was a line I wouldn't cross, no matter how desperate I was. I wanted to be fooled as we fucked; wrapped under human arms and legs, gazing into two deep brown eyes.
God damn it! There was no way this shit would fly back at Base. If I wanted something to happen, it had to be before then. I wasn't going back sexually frustrated and falling back into bad habits to regret it later.
Darvin was keeping his distance from me when I got up from the dirt to march over to him. 129Please respect copyright.PENANASeC4bdyUf2
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He saw me coming and turned, covering the distance between us.
"Darvin, I need you to f..."
"What I did was a mistake" he blurted out over me.
"I shouldn't have danced for you. I did and I said I didn't, but that was for you" he continued in a frenzy "I should be focusing on what we are supposed to be doing, not trying to woo someone like you."
That hurt. I knew what he meant, but I felt personally attacked over something I wanted to get out of hand.
"I'm just the incubator, I get it" I lowered my eyes.
"You are more than that" he groaned "but I just need to pull it in until we are done and heading back. I can't ruin it now, jeez."
So he did have some feelings he was battling too. That made me smile knowing it wasn't all dead yet.
My buzz was dying. All of these serious emotions really killed off what I wanted to happen here.
Darvin stared at me longingly. It looked like he wanted to say something but he just looked to the blazing fire and pointed an arm.
"I need to keep this under control."
"Yeah" I sighed and jerked a thumb behind me "I need to head to the toilet anyway."
I wandered off, kicking myself for how out of hand I had let myself become. Now I'd have to finish myself off in a dirty toilet stall because i let it get this far.
With nothing to watch and Darvin's rejection still stinging, I was jerking myself to the grafitti sprayed on the back of the door and the sight of the white paint on the walls beside me. 129Please respect copyright.PENANABLoGi1uj6i
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The cold steel seat under my arse stung and the stench filtering around the closed drop chute really made shit hard to concentrate.
But, finally, I managed to squeeze out the tiny load I had into toilet paper so thin it seeped though onto my hand. 129Please respect copyright.PENANAVudeeSVcG5
129Please respect copyright.PENANAPjbh72m0nr
It was probably for the best Darvin didn't see that. I would have been ashamed to have him think that I didn't want him after such a poor performance and all that buildup.
How embarrassing.
After washing up in the sink that squealed as a trickle of water ran through it, I exited to see Darvin doing his dance again.
Practising? Or hoping to catch me off- guard again?
As he spun around in his circular pattern, I saw another set of eyes mesmerized by the movements he was throwing will all of his effort.
That must have been the female. She certainly was bigger than him but a lot less flashy. Her fur was brown with flecks of white up her legs. She didn't have a fan either, but did look like she harnessed the same fire Darvin did as she joined the mandala as he swooped through his rotations and threw embers into the air.
Sadness washed over me when I watched him perform for someone else. The effort and dazzling show meant nothing when it was just being handed to another so easily.
I knew this is it's true purpose, but I felt cheated out of that special moment. Seeing the spray of fire and glittering sky again wasn't as magical knowing that it wasn't for my eyes.
I turned and walked so that I didn't have to watch it. Heading back through the trees, I found the water's edge to sit by and stare at, wishing it'd all be over soon.
Feeling like this was actual torture. I was jealous of something that I knew was going to happen, afraid of something that was about to happen, and dreaming of something that would probably never happen.
I heard Darvin's excitement before I felt him prod my back and pull up beside me, standing proud.
He had survived the dance and looked quite pleased with himself for doing so. He was beeming beside me, waiting for me to get up from the grass I was lying in.
I had been waiting for ages for him to finish up with the dance and move on. I knew he wanted to make sure it was successful, but damn.
I don't know how long I had been waiting but I swear the morning sun looked a lot lower now.
"You need to come now" Darvin bubbled up as he went to wash his legs in the water and smooth the liquid over his face "she needs to lay her eggs in your skin."
Urgh. It sounded so bad when he said it like that. I shuddered and gripped the grass when disgust rolled through me.
Two days, Xy, two days. You can do this.
"Mosquito bites" I warned him "if you lied to me about that, I'm out."
"She will be gentle" he soothed "I'll make sure she is."
I shuddered again, trying to think how this was about to happen.
Did I want to think about that?
I shook my head and got up, cringing when I followed Darvin back through the clearing he had made.
The female was in the middle of the mandala, waiting, when I arrived.
She looked eager and had a massive, glistening stinger curving from her abdomen that had to be the same length as me.
I turned to Darvin, whimpering when I saw it.
"You said mosquito bites!" I hissed in panic "that's a fucking big mosquito!"
"It's only going to be the very tip" he tried to calm me and make me walk towards her "look."
Darvin had the same stinger slip from himself and quiver there. The female paced, clicking now. He came over to prick me on the arm gently with just the absolute tip of the stinger, barely causing pain to me.
Huh. So it was just like he said.
"Please hurry" he urged me as the female's stinger started dripping "She's ready. Take off your clothes."
Oh, fuck. Here goes nothing.
I left Darvin's side to approach her and strip off my shirt. She scrambled desperately, planting herself over me so her stinger could start piercing my skin, forcing something beneath the cut that dribbled down my back. 129Please respect copyright.PENANAnUBX5EyASp
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I rolled down my pants with my feet so I didn't have to move as she poked and implanted me along the top of my back before moving downward.
Darvin guarded both of us. He circled the area carefully, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs that something may interrupt the process. I stoof there, cringing and whimpering when more liquid and the feeling of more lumps bubbling under my skin popped up.
Its Iike I was being pumped with tiny dollops of jelly. The lumps were small, about the size of a five cent piece, but firm. Each one slipped in seemlessly thanks to the copious amounts of liquid rolling down my back that was pushed into the cuts with the eggs.
I couldn't believe I was doing this. Actually willingly being an incubator for this guy. These two days would be the most strangest I had ever lived, knowing that I had these things growing inside of me.
The laying took hours. I had to sit in the dirt while the female cut and stuffed my skin in every inch possible, coming around to do my front in a way that seemed desperate.
Her movements were rushed but precise. She wanted it to be over as much as i did, but probably more out of the primal fear of being targeted while in such a vulnerable state.
When she was done with my front, I stood and was filled all along my legs in the front and back. She even managed to squeeze a few along the tops of my feet and on each toe.
I was so nervous she would slip and stab me straight through one of them each time she returned to open the skin up.
She kept pumping, pricking areas she could fit more into, like my face, until she finally ran dry.
Night had set in and the fire Darvin had burning was much smaller and tame.
I felt like a bloated mess when the female left us to move up the dirt road and squeeze between the trees to head further into the forestry.
Darvin paced around me, beeming at the monster I now was.
"You look beautiful" he spoke through glistening eyes.
"Yeah, I feel it" I retorted back, aware I could no longer sit to relieve my tired legs "how am I supposed to do this?"
"Oh, you'll stay in the nest when you need a break. The webs will hold you so you are in a way that doesn't crush any of the eggs."
"Lets just stick with bites" I grimaced back to him "I don't need reminding what is inside me right now."
He chuckled, watching me as I carefully walked to the hole to climb up the goopy webs inside and become stuck on my back.
What a hassle.
"I'll keep you safe" Darvin vowed when his head filled the hole and smiled at me "don't worry. Any of your friends come, I'll chase them off."
I smiled and nestled into my fluffy wall around me.
I could imagine what I would looked like to someone else seeing me here. They'd think I was about to be eaten.
Darvin settled down directly outside the cave to block any way inside and shroud me in darkness.
It was probably for the best I couldn't see the extent of what the spider had done to me right now. I could deal with that in the morning when it came. For now, I was going to enjoy the sleep I had been granted in my weightless suspension and let my thoughts run wild in my dreams.
My body burned all over. The irritations danced on my skin, teasing the lumps and begging for release.
I couldn't move my arms to scratch myself. I could feel the frustrations build in me as I tried to pull my hand, anything, to give myself the relief I needed.
Where was that cream Darvin promised?
I blinked and scanned the vast, empty area. The fire still burned steadily in its pile of cracked charcoal beams.
Where was Darvin?
I yanked, really leaning forward to try and use gravity to heave me from the trap I was glued to.
I felt like a damn fly waiting to be devoured. It only made me strain more when I felt the itches start to swirl under my skin, moving.
Oh, fuck no.
I didn't want to feel them moving. I felt every rotation rubbing against the next lump that squirmed in response from the intrusion. 129Please respect copyright.PENANAmeBPQsrfiS
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My skin was alive, humming and oozing out of every slice. I felt the filth coating me in an extra layer that peeled and pulled with the glue straining against my desperate attempts to escape.
I just wanted to scratch these damn itches and soak in the river. I was yearning for that freezing water I knew would be waiting for me.
Maybe it would stop these damn eggs from moving too? Did they want the same things I did and were just letting me know through thier erratic movements?
"COME ON!" I groaned out when I threw myself forward again "COME ON, FUCK YOU!"
The webs wrapped around me kept thier tight grip secured. It did stretch though, inching me lower and lower in possibly the slowest decent ever.
The movement sparked hope inside me. I kept straining and feeling myself angling further and further horizontal, dangling towards the waiting filth below.
There it was! I ripped an arm free to have the dirt breathe on my fingertips that brushed against it. I don't know what I was trying to achieve by grabbing onto the dirt, but having something under me that was solid was a breath of fresh air.
With one arm free and my body hovering above the dirt, I realised my dilema. I had the writhing cuts all over my body. The only places that had been spared were the bottoms of my feet and the palms of my hands. Everywhere else was coated in Darvin's precious future.
I didn't want to destroy it because of a moment of selfish need. I had to make sure I didn't squash a single one of these squirming bastards.
With a hand pressed to the dirt to try and steady myself if I did fall, I jerked my leg outwards to try and get my toes to scrape the ground.
When they did, I laughed in relief. With one foot down and an anchor to stop me from crushing everything, I could really haul myself towards freedom.
My other foot touched the dirt, testing its crumbly surface, before my free arm tore at the webs my pinned arm snapped and jerked from within.
I was being pulled back while dragging myself forwards. Each step was met with resistance that had the same force behind it as Solanine had when we were forced together.
This wasn't painful though, but it sure was the same level of disgusting.
Slowly, air rushed around my crusted limbs that snapped from thier restraints. I felt the force ebbing away bit by bit as I stretched it, until I was stumbling forward out into the open.
I was FREE!
Excitement flooded me as I pumped my arms and legs in a spastic dance of pure joy. I whooped and jumped, flipping off the webs peeled and broken across the dirt before coming to my senses and raking my fingers around the cuts to finally free myself from the buzzing annoyances.
The eggs under my skin bulged when I worked around them, slipping and rolling as my fingers curiously pressed one gently in my grip to feel the denseness of it.
They all felt the same when I worked down my legs then across both of my arms. My nails glued the grime beneath them while my searching fingers dug into the skin to relieve it.
She really had been thorough. Lumps dipped and overlapped each other without a single patch of smooth skin to be seen. I felt my face and could tell no difference in my cheeks and forehead to my nose.
Fuck. I must have looked like a monstrosity. And Darvin thought I still looked beautiful....what a suck-up.
My clothes laid abandoned in the dirt when I carefully moved my naked body along the path Darvin had carved through the trees to the water.
The sight of the lapping brown water did kill some of the excitement of soaking. In the distance, the light made the depths look inviting with a rich, deep blue hue, but up close it was certaintly not so decieving.
I had to feel my skin again. The water couldn't be more dirty than I already was, surely?
I had guessed right with it being freezing to the touch. The water's surface rippled from the soft breeze blowing across it to try and freeze me further.
There had to be no hesitation. Either I was going to bathe here, or freeze trying.
With a burst of determination, I plunged myself into the water and yelled out when the ice snapped through my skin all at once. I felt my balls and cock retract immediately at the bite, my body shivering to try and draw back a margin of the heat I had lost.
I'd get used to it eventually. For now, I would suffer in silence and try to find my skin under all this mess.
I could feel the wriggling jump around all over me when I cupped my hand to run it over the lumps gently. They buzzed like electricity at the contact, bubbling beneath my rubbing fingers.
Did they like that?
I smiled at the reaction my body had to me scraping the grime from it. Every little rub or touch sent the lumps buzzing in a frenzy of what I could only assume was happiness.
There was a little surge of interest within me. It had me actually proud of the little creatures I was helping breathe life into. They needed me like a mother.
Damn. Did I really want to be like that though? Something that protected these things growing under my skin?
It was nice to feel how enthusiastically they reacted to me. It was a guilty pleasure I could keep to myself. Who knows what Darvin would do if he found out I was enjoying this even a little bit. He might try to use me again for another attempt.
The thundering of feet snapped me from my peace and forced my focus on Darvin himself who came rushing into view in his natural form. His body rushed for the nest before coming back to the clearing to frantically scan the area and set his eyes on me waving to him.
"Thank God" he gasped when he rushed for me and dumped a bag down from his mandibles "I thought something had happened."
"Just me" I flashed a smile back that Darvin relaxed at.
"We need to keep moving towards the Base" he blustered as he checked the area around me "I ran into a couple of Souls while I was out. Looked like they were sent out to find you from the looks of things. Had the same yellow folder you did."
"Ah, shit" I moaned.
"Yeah" he agreed "which means we need to sacrifice a few lives so you can drive. Carrying you is going to be way too rough and risky."
So much for relaxing. At least the webs had peeled from my skin that felt somewhat fresher under the burn of the brown water.
"Let's go" Darvin urged "we can't risk staying here now that we know we have a tail. Grab the bag, I'll burn the nest."
"What about my clothes?" I piped up when Darvin thundered back into the clearing to stamp out the fire on the concrete block.
He looked at them behind him and threw them towards the track with one arm.
"Take them but don't put them on. You'll risk bursting the eggs if you do."
"Wouldn't want that" I mumbled as I bent to scoop them up and stuff them into the bag.
Darvin spat fire into the nest that was instantly ablaze and peeling onto itself. He shivered a frenzy of webs around himself so he could form the restricting Skin that darted behind the nest to jump around, pulling on clothes as we rushed towards me and press a gentle hand on my shoulder as we rushed back along the waters edge.
The bag swinging in my hands was my only cover when we reached the car again. I darted around to the driver's side and slid into the seat to feel the skin along and below my buttocks rupture and split. It oozed clear fluid speckled with black fragments down the seat I sat on the edge of. Darvin whimpered at the sight of his children's sacrifice and thier fate splattered all over the backs of my legs.
I felt terrible, mostly because I had just regained some sort of humanity just to have it stripped from me in such a disgusting reminder.
"Please be careful" Darvin reminded me when we veered onto the road and sped off along it "we can't lose more."
"You have plenty left" I pushed his concern aside "I'm covered, Vinnie; from my toes to my eyelids. They're having a fiesta in my nutsack too."
It was more like a string bag of marbles. Every part bulged abnormally with every little movement. The squirming was hard to ignore since it was stimulating my cock into a buzzing erection that tapered before it could hit its peek.
It was humiliating and all Darvin could do was stare.
"I'll get us to a point not far from the Base, we'll hatch the rest of these bastards, and then everything will be good again" I laid it all out "you will go do your thing and I'll do mine."
"Not together?"
I was silent as I drove, itching my rumbling balls.
"Well, only if you want to" I replied quietly "you might have things you want to do rather than hang around me."
I didn't want to sound like a clinger, but I didn't want him to leave either. He had said that he had already regretted making himself so open towards me, so I wasn't sure what he thought anymore. He might just want to use me for this moment and then leave me for someone else in the Base who could help him achieve the same shit.
"I don't think so."
I swallowed my smile and tried to keep my focus on the road.
I really wanted to look at him though. I knew he already was staring at me.
God, I was itchy. It was killing the mood.
"Anyone who is willing to go through this for me has my respect" he spoke softly "and my heart."
His heart. Mine jolted at those words and I felt my mouth dry out instantly.
Oh, jeez. This was exactly where I wanted it to go, but not exactly the circumstances.
What do I say to that? 'Me too?' That was so lame for something so genuine.
"You feel the same way? Or am I coming on too hard?" he frowned and shuffled uncomfortably.
"Of course it's the same!" I blurted back, glancing to him to make sure he knew I was aknowledging him "I thought I was the one being too strong!"
He giggled and reached over to touch my shoulder gently, stroking the lumps there with his thumb.
"You could never be too strong. I'm the one scaring you away with my hatchery thing."
"Almost scaring me away" I pointed out.
He paused, hesitating once more.
"What stopped you?"
My gut stabbed me from the inside and made me cringe back, gripping the wheel in discomfort.
"Solanine" I admitted and glanced over to see Darvin take his hand away and stare out at the road ahead "I didn't want to go back to that. I wanted to be with you and treated well, not like some... thing he could just fuck and come back to when he fell like it."
"So you were together a few times?"
"A few" I agreed uncomfortably. 129Please respect copyright.PENANAfCGksRhB3D
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We had fucked a few times in this car; all along that back seat.
Did that disturb Darvin?
"Well, I would like to try and keep you to myself, if that's OK?" he spoke up firmly "my kind always form large groups, which may be the case already at your Base; but I don't want you getting hurt by someone else like you were with him. I like it being just us amongst everyone else. It might sound possessive and brutish, but I want to be selfish with you."
My heart was hammering now and I felt jittery. The way he was so serious now about us had me really melting for him and his smooth words.
I wanted him to be selfish too. Hell, he could act possessive if he chose to, as long as it meant I wouldn't fall back into Solanine's hands.
Just the thought of Darvin protecting me from him had me submitting to the buzzing again.
"How big are these groups usually?"
"About fifty, maybe less; depending on the circumstances" he replied casually "all males. You only need one Queen to them all. You become like a swarm together; caring for all her needs while co-existing with each129Please respect copyright.PENANAulWKWAV5uf
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other. I'll need to try and find a swarm to join it so I've got those connections again. It can become quite a sexually charged area with so many competing for the chance to win the Queen's affections, but I'll make sure to keep you safe whenever you want to visit."
"I'll never leave" I joked while trying not to let the thought of being in the gaze of so many men flood my expression. And Darvin would be right there to try and keep me to himself like the possessive man he wanted to be.
I swelled, feeling my balls shrink under the masses of lumps crowding the smaller area.
"Seems like you like the idea" he teased with a smirk.
"Its just the lumps making it look bigger" I jeered back and swatted at him, ashamed I had been caught so easily "stop looking, you perv."
"The lumps" he shook his head and tried to bat away my hand playfully "riiight..."
"Plus the fact I've got spiders dancing on my balls" I added quickly to my falling erection "you don't make this easy, you know."
He watched my cock flex at the squirming and try to decide if it wanted to be hard or go limp again.
"You remind me of one of those inflatable wavy men with the arms" Darvin sniggered and held out a finger he moved "up, down, up, down, up, down."
"Oh, fuck off" I slapped his shoulder and we both laughed at the vivid description that summed it up perfectly.
I felt the tears prickle in the side of my eye that I couldn't wipe away.
When was the last time I had laughed like this and just let everything go?
Darvin made it easy to forget the painful reminders I was driving us towards. He made me see the fun in the world again.
Damn I was lucky he felt the same way. I don't think I could handle anything one-sided and distant after the shit I had dragged myself out of.
"We should stop soon before it gets too dark" Darvin reminded me "and before you get too far."
We had to be a few kilometres from the Base now. The surroundings were starting to look more familiar the closer I got.
I pulled up on the side of the road and yanked up the gearstick before killing the car once more. Outside was starting to get dark once more, agitating the lumps and making them start itching again.
I swear I could feel little legs scratching me from the inside out...
"Here" Darvin leant over the back to grab the bag and pull out a bottle he shook "turn around, open the door, and stop scratching."
My nails dropped from my shoulder that had fresh goop crammed beneath them. It smeared over the handle I opened so I could rest my feet on the plastic seal of the drivers side.
I think I burst another one....
"Xy" Darvin grumbled when his fingers touched the one I had cut "You need to be more careful."
He squeezed it like he was simply releasing a pimple and I felt the ruptured egg within slip out with more ooze running down my skin. I heard him open the door before closing it again.
"Now, this should be good for the itching and seal up some of these cuts. I doubt they've been kind to you so far."
"So far" I grumbled back then inhaled sharply when a cold swab was pressed to my back and stroked downwards.
Darvin ran the soft swab over my skin, licking lines of sweet relief along it. I could feel the shivers from under my skin as it passed over them, but the bulging and squirming in response didn't irritate me anymore.
But the gnawing jabs from inside did.
I thought it was Darvin jamming a nail into the lumps to test them, but i realised that the jabbing was becoming more of a ripping from within when I felt it constricting and becoming tighter.
I heard something too; like a plastic bag being rustled and pinched.
Darvin kept swiping the daubed lotion ball over me, humming now as he did.
I strained my ears, feeling the new line of lumps react to the cold relief washing over them; the rustling growing.
"When we g..."
I shushed Darvin, holding a finger outwards. He paused and even stopped applying the lotion to me.
I could hear it. The rustling. It was noticeably duller in my bad ear, but I knew I wasn't hearing things.
It sounded like when I had silk worms as a kid. The teacher gave us a takeaway container each swarming with the little grubs gnawing thier way through the mulberry leaves thrown on top of them. All the mouths munching and tearing through the leaf at the same time sounded like this right now. 129Please respect copyright.PENANAggIbwQRuOc
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I heard them for months under my bed in the shoebox I kept them in as they shat black beads, reeked of rot as they crawled over each other, and ate endlessly to thier silky deaths.
My heart dropped and I whined when I linked up the two similarities.
"They're eating me!" I cried out and flailed my arm around to try and scrape the lumps from my back unsuccessfully "get them off! Get them off me!"
The sound of them all eating at once burrowed into my ears. They were tearing me apart from the inside out, gnawing me like that mulberry leaf.
I needed to get them out of me! I couldn't be eaten alive by spiders!
"Calm down!" Darvin panicked now when I jumped out of the car and went into a frenzy of stomping and whimpering when the gnawing intensified and started to make my body drown in fluid that burst forth.
Darvin sprinted from the car towards me when I bent over to rake my fingers up my legs to try and burst the biting writhing up them. I only managed to carve out some on the lower half when hands grabbed my wrists to squeeze them tightly and straighten me upwards.
The skin there burst under his firm grip, rolling the split eggs down my arms and being crushed under Darvin's shoes.
"Please, don't hurt yourself" he begged me when I tried to pull my hands from him "it'll be over soon."
"I don't like it" I jolted and tried to squirm from the gnawing running up my sides now "make it stop."
I used the nails on my feet to scrape up my legs and gouge a few more of the biting bastards from me before Darvin pushed them down and held my feet beneath his.
I could feel his breath on mine and see the fear in his wide eyes. We were a breath apart but I was too panicked and desperate to act on it.
I just wanted it to be over. They were eating me away with thier tearing mouths and pulling arms. I couldn't feel the pain, but I knew it should have been there.
The anticipation was just as bad as the real thing.
"Help me" I pleaded as I felt the frenzy spread to my stomach and twist at my insides that stabbed me in response. 129Please respect copyright.PENANA4w7QtMjnwT
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It was a muffled pain that was more cold than searing hot. It spread just as quickly as the lumps on my skin burst, pouring liquified spiders down my body until they found thier legs and scurried for the ground.
"Oh" Darvin smiled in joy at the sight running down my body "it's happening."
He looked so overwhelmed with happiness. Tears welled in his eyes as his tiny babies fled across the road and into the surrounding bushes behind us.
The ooze from thier spurting holes they had eaten through me washed down me like rain. I was coated, feeling my skin peeling and pulling down with it.
Blood ran in the ooze when I looked down. Black beads washed over me, making me smile at the absurdity of it all.
Just like a mulberry leaf.
The little bastards had severed my nerves too. I could see fleshy strips and ribbons of red string tugging downward in the skin that fell off me. 129Please respect copyright.PENANApwLo2Ps8dG
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Spiders danced in my lungs, tickling and weaving webs to choke me and make me collapse back.
They took my bones; boared straight through them and liquified them into the blood streaming out.
"Loma" Darvin fretted when the soft road came up to hug me and thread myself through its cracks "Ryo ell ka?"
"You make no sense" I giggled and tried to grab his hands digging through my arms like dough "you're silly."
My fingers melted on his skin and my head suddenly started to whittle down to become the cracked tar. It wasn't scary though, it was funny.
I was going to be road. Flat and rough and full of spiders.
"Xyma" Darvin shook me, making my brains rattle out of me "ta thme."
"Ta thme to you too" I smiled at his face that began to peel from itself like oil seperating on water "oh, you can do that too."
Just like Solanine. I never thought Darvin's face was that evil. He looked so sweet...
I tried to touch it when his eye ran into his cheek, but my hand couldn't reach. His neck was too stretched.
Then he started to blur. His eyes swirled into his skin that bled into his hair. His mouth opened but he had wiggling white spots for teeth and a big red mass for a tongue.
Maybe it was raining? He was melting in the rain like I was right now. The rain was washing me away and spreading me across whatever I was laying on.
Poor thing. I couldn't move to comfort him either. I couldn't feel his dripping fingers touching my face that exploded at the slightest pressure. The blood spewed upwards to smother my sight and blind me from his silent words.
All I could hear was the spiders in my ears, biting through my eardrums and threading nests in my lungs that were weaved tighter and tighter together; pulling, yanking, plucking...
Then, everything reached its limits and snapped, releasing me.
My breath remained caught in my throat that simply didn't need to be sustained by it anymore.
My body was as light as air itself. Like air, I was free from pain and able to drag myself off the void below me that crumbled and crunched under my fingers.
The rubble of the cracked tar pricked my fingers and felt sticky from the sun that had baked it during the day.
There was no light here now. Night had set in to snap me into darkness. 129Please respect copyright.PENANAu4h3Wl3NqC
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All I could make out was the shapes of the bushes beside me and the trees that towered behind them. The road stretched further into the distance, disspearing entirely.
I felt the dripping of the ruptured eggs still oozing down my entire body. Running my hands over my twisted arms, I felt not a single trace of the lumps that had riddled me. Holes were left in thier place, boring straight through me and pouring never-ending liquid that bulged over a single orb of golden light burrowed in the middle of my chest.
It beat like my heart, pulsing and bulging under the holes squirting with each movement. It glowed so brightly that I could see the shadow of my ribcage illuminated within me and the twisted muscle surrounding it.
What the hell had happened to me?
Turning, I saw a stream of dark light beaming up into the void that was the sky. It showed a sliver of the surroundings in the dying afternoon sky that I had just been in, directly planted where I had felt everything snap inside me like a taut rubber band.
I moved around the light to see Darvin sitting on the road with his knees up to his chest and his head in his hands. His babies rushed around him, forever funneling through the cracks.
They weren't coming from me though. I had no trace of ever having incubated the monsters under my own skin. The only thing I had as a reminder it had happened was this never-ending ooze of thier bursting eggs.
I passed through the light to comfort him but only ended up on the other side where the dark landscape sat. 129Please respect copyright.PENANA9QnItq8CgH
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When I looked back, I didn't see Darvin, only the bushes and trees opposite me.
Carefully circling around again, Darvin crept back into view, like I was looking directly at him sitting on the road.
But, I wasn't. Peering around the stream, he wasn't there.
This strange beam was a window into where I had just been. I was still there technically, but everything here was plunged into darkness except for this glowing orb in my chest. It all looked just like the road leading to the Base.
Did that mean I'd find it if I kept walking down the road?
I couldn't leave Darvin though. Whether I could reach him or not, this light had something to do with why I was here and how I felt so... different.
Oh, fuck.
The sudden absence of pain, the way this orb mimicked my heart, the ooze washing my body like it had on the road, Darvin being unreachable, this whole area suddenly being dark....
Oh, fuck, fuck, FUCK!
I had been eaten alive.
That would explain why my skin felt so weird under this liquid. They had torn it all from me. I was feeling my muscle, not my skin whenever I ran my fingers over it.
I was thankful I couldn't see the extent of the damage. The darkness had come in handy for something at least.
OK, don't panic. It'll all be good once you figure out how to get out of it...
I don't think I was capable of panicking. I couldn't even breathe for fuck's sake.
I kicked the road and blinked up at the sky to try and hold back my tears that never came.
They really had eaten everything from me.
I checked my arm to see I no longer had the familiar blinking of a red bulb there. I shook it, testing for any sort of resistance without having to physically touch my own disgusting body.
Sure enough, my wrist was bare.
I wasn't one of them anymore! I was free!
"YEAH!" I whooped and punched the air before facing the endless void ahead and flipping it off with both my fingers "FUCK YOU, BASE! FUCK YOU, MOTHERFUCKERRRR!"
A warbling scream filled the air in response to make me drop my hands instantly. It sounded close, just up ahead a few meters.
Whatever it was, it was massive and thundering towards me.
I darted for the bushes off the road to cower behind them. They weren't the best cover, but it was the only thing my scrambled mind could think of.
I should have been gasping for air from how terrified I was. My heart hammered, pounding against my spilling chest making the leaves beneath me crumple under the new weight drowning them.
Shut up, stupid leaves! I didn't want to be caught because of something so pathetic!
But I couldn't do anything. The source of the thundering stopped at the beam of light to snap at it.
I saw it circle it before seeing that it was a massive spider, just like Darvin.129Please respect copyright.PENANASYhMzufGEx
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It looked like it was covered in black fur, but it was so hard to tell if anything had colour anymore in this void. I saw a glint of something on its legs; blue perhaps, as it moved.129Please respect copyright.PENANAJR0ZYp4SLd
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It even had the fan that it flipped up when it screamed again, shaking from the force of it roaring through it that shimmied the blue spots lining the edge of its extention.
I fell to the ground with my hands over my ears. The scream stopped at the sound of the leaves being crushed beneath me.
I froze up, not daring to move an inch now that I knew I had been heard.
My hands were planted either side of me, my legs supported by my heels balanced on the ground. My glowing chest was exposed to illuminate my body that trembled as it sat there.
I couldn't move to cover it. I just hoped that the bushes seperating me from the lurking monster were enough to obscure its view in the darkness.
Please. Please don't come over here. I'll do anything; anything!
The darkness suddenly had twinkling orbs hovering in it that I stared at. They hung on the other side of the bush before moving forward to crush the foliage beneath it.
Arms stretched forwards with claws scraping the dirt and glinting from my light. They were jagged on the insides, primed and ready for tearing.
The arms spread around the crushed growth so that the hulking body could hang there, silently staring at me.
Please, no! I'm not here! I'M NOT HERE!
It could hear my heart for sure. I could hear it thundering in a desperate bid to escape my body and the monster watching it, frozen.
It didn't move an inch. Maybe it didn't see me?
As moments passed, I let my tense arms slowly unwind and relax. I moved my feet so they fully planted on the ground, ready to run.
Still, it didn't move. It just remained there in silence.
It couldn't see me. The dumb thing was blind! It had to be!
How lucky had I been?! Something was watching over me for sure.
But, I had been too optimistic far too quickly.
Even without moving in my leafy prison, the spider screamed once more in a deafening cry that forced my hands up to my ears and my knees around my head to try and block it out. It shook everything inside me and itself before its thundering feet charged towards me; the snapping mandibles aimed directly for my glowing body that cowered beneath the raging monster I screamed at.