The girl stood solemnly in nothing but black as the cold rain poured down making the depression filled day even sadder then it could ever be. The girl looked at the stone grave infront of her a bouquet of flowers delicately placed infront of it to commemorate the female it represented.1307Please respect copyright.PENANAmt7UzqQa9u
The women who had passed was not only kind but brave and motherly. Standing next to the girl was a man with dark purple hair that had been soaked like his clothes and the girls.
He stood taller then the girl nothing about them seemed similar except for the emptiness and depression that could be seen in there eyes as they faced the grave. Through the rain they cried. The male taking the the girl in his arms as he comforted her while also finding comfort himself.
The girl buried her head in his chest as her hands tightened squeezing the man's trench coat. A collar could be seen covering the girls neck from any unwanted attention.
The rain died down and the man and girl separated from each others embraces. The girl walking towards and elderly couple. The man stood and watched as the girl held the elderly woman's hand as the elderly couple and the girl walked away from the grave of her dear, beloved mother and the man she called brother.
The girl looked back at the man with saddened eyes knowing that this was the last time she'd see him in who knows how long.
The man stood still staring in the direction the girl had gone even though she had already left and was already miles away. Sighing one last time the man finally decided that it was time to leave. He turned and walked in the opposite direction the girl had gone.
A maroon car pulled up in the driveway of an old fashioned looking japanese home. The girl had been sent to live with her grandparents who lived in a small village far from the city. Far from her step brother.
This is where the girl stayed for a year, although she could not physically meet her brother she still had a phone and internet.
Unfortunately the girls stay at this wonderful home had come to an end after a year. Her grandparents had gotten to old to take care of her, the house and themselves.
The elderly couple was sent to an elderly home where they would live for the rest of there life. The girl having no one else to go to was sent to the last family she had. Her step brother.
Y/n P.O.V
You can do this! I can do this! Just be normal, normal yeah normal. Say hi and talk about normal things don't let on that your a pervert! Deep breathes, deep breathes.
I cleared my throat, suitcase in hand as I double checked the peace of paper in my hand. 402, I looked back at the door, 402, I took another deep breathe. Your fine he's your brother you've known him your whole life.
My hand shook as I brought it up to the door bell. My older brother Ayumi lived in an apartment on the second top floor of this extremely large apartment building. It was for lawyers and basically people that make a large amount of money well not that much just a bit more then the average citizen.
I rang the doorbell. I kicked the floor as I kept moving and readjusting my position. I waited at least 30 seconds and nothing. My mouth formed a line As I stared at the door. I'm hungry, this bitch better not keep me waiting.
I rung the doorbell again. I waited a few seconds and nothing so I rang it again. 10 seconds passed and nothing. I rang it again this time continuously.
I only waited 3 seconds before I rang it again. The door finally opened and there was my dear ol brother Ayumi. He was giving me a judgemental stare as he looked down at me. His hair was wet and dripping.
"I was in the shower" he said. I scratched my neck as I gave a crooked smile. I devertes my gaze "my bad" I apologized.
He narrowed his eyes at me "y/n, you could have at least said it like you ment it"
"Pshh" I waved it off as nothing. "Can I come in now?" I asked changing the topic, or at least trying to change the topic.
"Fine" he agreed as he opened the door fully and stood to the side so I had room to walk in. "Thanks"
He hummed a response as I walked past him into his apartment. I looked around from where I stood. It was a nice place, it was pretty fancy I might add. It was alot more different then the house I lived in with the grandparents.
I heard the close behind me as At uni walked up behind me putting his hand on my shoulder. "How do you like my place, great right?" He chimed in his usual monotone voice.
"No it sucks" I said as I patted him on the shoulder. The fun thing was I didn't lace it with sarcasm of any kind so it seemed as if I really did dislike his apartment.
"Ha. Ha. Ha" he laughed fakely as be took my suitcase.
"Thanks" I smiled, I rubbed my hands together "now tell me where you hide the food brother dearest?" I asked. "I haven't eaten in forever" I exaggerates1307Please respect copyright.PENANAn6m8AsHVSX
Truth is I only ate like 3 hours ago but hey, when your hungry your hungry.
He walked away from me and I took as a sign of him taking me to the kitchen where I would find my salvation. Food.
I followed as he led me to the kitchen. He opened one of the cupboards and pulled out some instant ramen."that's what I'm talking about! Gimme!" I said as I snatched it from his hand and put it on the bench.
One thing me and my brother have in common is that we're both practically useless at taking care of ourselves. I mean we can't cook or clean. We can't..... don't really have any skills around that area. We're like small children we can only do basic things plus we're not responsible at all. We practically just eat takeout, instant ramen and microwaveable meals.
We eat other things too but mainly these types of foods. That's why I was sent to live with my grandparents and they thought it would be good for Ayumi to live on his own since he's an adult and has to learn how to fend for himself.
After I had made myself a ramen and of course one for my brother aswell since I owed him for letting him live with him. We sat at what appeared to be his spacious lounge room. A marble table infront of us as we sat on the comfortable and expensive couch.
I looked around everything was clean... too clean, no way my brother would clean. I gasped as I looked at my brother "Ayumi! Did you get a girlfriend?!" I exclaimed ad I looked him dead in the eye.
"No, why?" He said blankly. I took one last look around the room. "Because of this" I said moving my hand to gesture to the whole room. "Its clean" I added.
He leaned back into the couch and closed his eyes. "I have a friend, they come around every so often and clean, they even cook" he explained.
A friend huh. Hmmm "this friend of yours, does she or he cook? If so 1 out of 10 how goods the food?" I asked curiously. This person could be used for good things. Good things in deed, I'll never have to cook or clean again, not that I do it now but still.
"Yes, he does know how to cook" he answered, answering both questions at the same time. I looked at Ayumi as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Actually he'll be coming over today to help me bring your stuff up and put it in your room" he added, I hummed a response. Although there was one question I had to ask him.
"Is he an Alpha, Omega or beta?" I asked. Please be beta, please be beta or at least omega, I'll take an omega aswell.
"Alpha" be answered blankly. I frowned as I relaxed my posture "really? Aww c'mon" I sighed. "Is he a good one or not?" I asked still frowning.
"He's fine, but if he does try or do something I'll put him back in line" He assured me as he ruffled my hair.
"Uh huh, suree he's fine" I said the last word with air quotes. "You alphas and your definition of 'fine' are very different to those of an omegas" I added.
"I mean sure your my brother and all but you alphas are kind of well jerks" I said bluntly. He hummed a response.1307Please respect copyright.PENANAz0tVUAfodc
"Do you hate me y/n? Because I'm an alpha and your not?" He asked looking me in the eyes.
"No, I don't hate you, how could I ever hate you I mean you are my brother" I replied, I'd never hate him unless he did something truly bad. Even if he accidentally forcefully mated with an omega and made then his mate I'd still forgive. Not entirely though it'd take me awhile to forgive him for it but he's all I have left.
We talked for a few hours as we waited for Ayumi's friend to come. Don't get me wrong we had kept in touch while I was living with the grandparents. It was just more satisfying to talk in person.
I heard the doorbell ring. I sighed I really hope this alpha was one of the good ones. Ayumi placed a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. I hid behind Ayumi as we walked to the door.
I held onto Ayumi's sleeve as I hid behind him only apart of my body in view. As he opened the door I cowered behind him. Standing at the door was a large muscular man with blonde hair.
He was wearing a leather jacket. He looked like he was the member of a gang. A gang! This guy supposedly cooks! And cleans!
Top left hair style, larger then Ayumi and very muscular. Blonde hair with green eyes.
I looked up at Ayumi with disbelief in my eyes. I pointed to the guy while still hiding behind Ayumi. "Does he really do chores?!" I whisper shouted.1307Please respect copyright.PENANADbqJcY2il4
Ayumi nodded.
The large blond cleared his throat. " You must be y/n, I've heard alot about you" he said in a deep voice. I eyes him suspiciously. No way I'm trusting an alpha even if Ayumi said he was a good one.
I growled at him as I narrowed my eyes. He looked uncomfortable. He put his hand out "I'm Katsume, it's nice to meet you" he said trying to be polite I looked at his hand and debated wether I should shake his hand.
I looked from his hand to his place showing that I had no intention of shaking his hand what so ever. Ayumi moved his arm. "Now now y/n, be nice he's here to help After all" Ayumi said taking the alphas side.
I grumbled as I shook his hand. I glared at him and let go as soon as possible. Once I shook his hand I went right back to hiding behind Ayumi, it's a hard life for an omega.
"Lets get started" Ayumi said breaking the silence. I followed still hiding behind Ayumi as we went down in the elevator and down to the ground floor. Ayumi and Katsume chatted to eachother as we moved the boxes into Ayumi's apartment. It took awhile but we... Ayumi and Katsume had finished bringing in the boxes.
All the while I had just hid behind Ayumi, I eyed Katsume with suspicion the whole time. I didn't trust him. Alphas can't be trusted. They're predators, terrifying predators who pray on omegas.
Katsume and Ayumi had finished bringing in the boxes so we decided to sit down in the loungroom. I sat next to Ayumi and Katsume next to him. Ayumi stood up, I was surprised but also irritated, he was the only thing blocking Katsume from my view and vice versa.
"I'm going to get us something to drink" he explained as he walked away. I looked at him, pleading for him to not leave. He obviously didn't notice my pleas as he walked away.
I wiped the look off my face as I turned to look at Katsume. I noticed he was looking at me. I glared at him. He sighed, he was obviously irritated. "Look y/n, what is your problem huh? I'm just here to help you so stop being all this!" He exclaimed as he moved his hand gesturing to my defensive position.
"If I did something I'm sorry ok" he exclaimed as he looked at me with a mix of confusion and agitation. I growled at him. I diverted my gaze and looked away from him, I don't exactly have a good reason for hating him.
I grumbled as I looked back at him. "Fine, I'll try to be your friend but if you pull anything funny I'll-" I exclaimed before he cut me off.
"I won't try anything! Y/n I know your main reason for hating me is because I'm an alpha but I promise you that I'm not going to hurt you in anyway what so ever" he said trying to comfort me.
He said it with sincerity. I sighed as I relaxed. Why am I such a weakling. "Alright fine" I compromised. "Good to see you two have made up" Ayumi's voice said from the doorway causing me to jump a little.
"Jeez why must you always do that!" I exclaimed in shock. He did this all the time when we lived together with mother. He'd just show up out of nowhere. He's like a ninja or something like that, it freaks me out.
"He does that to you aswell?!" Katsume exclaimed. I looked at him, finally a topic that we can both agree on. "Yes! Oh my god it is so annoying! You'll just be minding your own bussiness when all if a sudden BAM he's just there" I talked frantically.
"I know right! All the time! I'm just trying to do stuff right then he's just there out of nowhere!" He said with excitement at the fact that we shared a common interest.
"I'm still here" Ayumi said in his monotone voice as he stood there. I looked at him with a blank expression, I looked into his eyes for 5 seconds. I turned back to Katsume "y'know one time I literally almost died because of him doing that" this peaked Katsumes interest.
"Really?!" He said "Yes really, I was at school for some extra caricular activities, I was standing at the top of the stairs when he just showed up, i almost fell if it wasn't for him catching me" I explained. That was a traumatic day.
Katsume put up his arm. "See this" he said, there was a bandage going from his hand and up his arm it stopped just before his joint. "I burnt myself because of him doing that" he explained.
Wow, Katsume and I have so much in common. Ayumi came and sat between us once again. "I wanted you two to be friends not Bff's" he complained as he laid back into the seat.
We sat in silence for awhile. Is should probably start putting my stuff in my room. Or... I glanced at Ayumi I could just get them to do it for me. I smirked as I held onto Ayumi's arms. He noticed this and looked down at me. I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "Ayumi~can you help me organise my stuff an do it it in my room" I said cutely as i batted my eyelashes at him.1307Please respect copyright.PENANAKbqHWMbRPV
He sighed "fine" he replied. I pumped my fist "yesssss" I exclaimed in victory. Ayumi stood up "while your here you might as well help us" Ayumi said blankly towards Katsume. Katsume frowned "fine" he sighed.
Katsume got up and walked with Ayumi. I stood up with a smile and followed them. As we walked into my new room, it was practically bare except for the empty shelves and neatly made bed.
Katsume pulled out a switch knife. The blade sparkled in the light. He went to open a box but I stopped him by grabbing his arm. "I wouldn't do that if I was you" I warned, he stood up straight as he looked down at me with caution.
"Why?" He asked. I gave him a blank look "there are things in these boxes very sensitive things and I doubt you'd be able to handle these... things" I said mysteriously.
He took that as a challenge. "I'm sure I'll be fine" he assured me as he bent down to open the box. He slid the knife across the box cutting the tape. He opened up the box, he was not prepared for what he saw. He jumped back on it win hand, blush in his face. He put his hand infront of his face covering his blush.
"Wh- what is that?!" He asked frantically. I looked into the box, it was filled with manga not just any manga a yaoi manga. That's all the box was, yaoi manga.
"I did tell you, you wouldn't be able to handle it" I shrugged. Katsume looked at Ayumi for help "she did tell you" he said siding with me as he opened box after box.
Katsume frowned as he grumbled. He copied Ayumi and started cutting the tape. I stood where I was as I watched them. " You going to help?" Katsume asked irritated.
"Nope" I said popping the p. "Have fun" I smiled as I walked out of the room a jump in my step. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge as I looked through it, he had some energy drinks so I might as well help myself.1307Please respect copyright.PENANAjxNmrEfAJ4