315Please respect copyright.PENANAwpZ6uZqWUb
315Please respect copyright.PENANA4KUuppTCpQ
Max and Sarah stand back to back shooting anything that makes a move on them. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAI4dYCqssCo
315Please respect copyright.PENANAbihmb3XZcx
Kapurma takes out the first aiutu with a swing of his inekium staff.315Please respect copyright.PENANA4pqqU3VpLb
315Please respect copyright.PENANAJCSpf5o4yG
Kap looks over his shoulder and sees Sylvia and Diwata holding their own. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAWuB2AkPg2X
315Please respect copyright.PENANAmRwpVlILQ0
Sylvia notices how Kapurma destroyed the aiutu easily and mentions it to the rest of the crew through comms.315Please respect copyright.PENANALdAA2Gr5XR
315Please respect copyright.PENANAxTz97vInmA
Sylvia: Everyone listen! I think these aiutu's are made from a different material from what my father used. Kap just destroyed one with his staff. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAg9mW9KPSCq
315Please respect copyright.PENANA2CFeJ1P1SH
Maxwell: What!? What did they use the metal for if it wasn't gonna be for these aiutu? I know these idiots didn't just want them for the internal designs and scrapped the metal.315Please respect copyright.PENANA9CZiQmg0d4
315Please respect copyright.PENANAtMafukoXyR
315Please respect copyright.PENANAxR69P1EnVE
Sylvia: Julius probably thought he didn't need our help anymore. And chose to go with his own design. Either way you're right Max. He is an idiot.315Please respect copyright.PENANAMS2m5Ia94L
315Please respect copyright.PENANAemO9zRvK6a
Supremeo: During my fight Amaro he told me they needed more of the metal used on your father's aiutu. Well find out what he did with the inekium after we deal with these flawed versions of the aiutu. Great job on smashing the first one Kap!315Please respect copyright.PENANAJxSC6BCqVY
315Please respect copyright.PENANA6Zu8HwsMOf
Kapurma: Just doing what needed to be done!315Please respect copyright.PENANACK8ls6R8s3
Maxwell: Kapurma you're over achieving as usual I see?315Please respect copyright.PENANAx7aC8ThTyL
315Please respect copyright.PENANAwviGqzzDcL
Kapurma: Haha! No I've just been at this a little longer than you youngsters hahaha.315Please respect copyright.PENANACRs5GztTys
315Please respect copyright.PENANAydj1hnb2o6
Kapurma: It makes me wonder though. Since we do not have to worry about the toughness of their exterior then the speed, strategy and use of weapons is what we got to worry about. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAApU4eM8T4z
315Please respect copyright.PENANAcpkd4glZy1
Maxwell: That's still a lot to worry about and don't forget their numbers to. Where are you getting at though Kap?315Please respect copyright.PENANA8Gu8yp66SJ
315Please respect copyright.PENANAUu7H6LEiHO
Kapurma: If I may suggest. Speed and strategy is also my thing. If I can lead most of these aiutu off the ship and to the island I'll have the field advantage as well. Sylvia already told you guys I was able to smash one in one blow. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAidxbRTjmBn
315Please respect copyright.PENANAOedG7uLuuJ
Maxwell: Trying to hog all the fun?315Please respect copyright.PENANAaiGiqysduO
315Please respect copyright.PENANAOBdPYQjOHY
Kapurma: No, Im trying to leave Amaro and Julius for you guys. 315Please respect copyright.PENANA9eswO49YVm
315Please respect copyright.PENANAZREhRhS02u
Sarah: Even if we get at them. We can't leave you alone with a handful of these aiutu Kap. The numbers are too much to go at this alone.315Please respect copyright.PENANAskdqEBCjNH
315Please respect copyright.PENANA574Mi1f3m4
Diwata: Kapurma can handle himself. Guys, trust us on this one. He's been through worst and left without a scratch.315Please respect copyright.PENANACQKg5A6PL2
Supremeo: I remember those battles. I say we let him go. If things get too sticky, don't hesitate in calling us over Kap.315Please respect copyright.PENANAvBjvGJzzXS
As soon as the approval for Kapurma's plan was Okayed by Supremeo, Kap sprung into action. He starts by telling both teams on opposite sides of the ship to turn on their force field tech and protect any detainees in the force fields while he gets the aiutu's attention and he does just that. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAA4KOg8Y7Os
315Please respect copyright.PENANA9Yc3ASYnoY
A group of aiutu's attacking Sylvia and Diwata's force field bubble get interrupted by a series of small explosions. The aiutus turn around and see Kapurma smirking holding the arms of 2 fallen aiutu. He tells himself, "Hmm looks like my sphere bombs aren't strong enough to break the metal the way a hit from my staff can. Interesting. I still got their attention like planned." Kapurma pulls out a small tube from the strap used to hold his inekium staff. He pushes a button on it and throws it in the air. A cloak comes out. Two aiutu charge at Kapurma only to be met on the wrong ends of his inekium staff. The cloak falls over Kapurmas shoulders and he wraps himself in it. He then tells his enemies, "Forgive me for not suiting up earlier. We didn't think your numbers would be this great. A miscalculation that wont happen again. Now, lets continue."315Please respect copyright.PENANAHMz7iqyFns
Through an aiutu units eyes Julius sees Kapurma deliver his statements front row and tells himself and Amaro, "Will ya look at that. The damn turtles got some tricks up its sleeve!"315Please respect copyright.PENANAZDhaq4pSrk
315Please respect copyright.PENANAxrmkfhYgl6
Kapurma throws more explosives to get the aiutus attention and jumps off his side of the ship and lands on Max and Sarah's side. Kap attacks the aiutu on their side while Max and Sarah stay on defence. As the aiutu from Diwata and Sylvia's side head their way Kap jumps out the ship and onto the island. 315Please respect copyright.PENANApmxyE0FbiV
315Please respect copyright.PENANAer2F3oRCT8
Amaro witnessing the battle smiles and says, "Cocky isn't he? Thinking he could take most the aiutu while he leaves the Caine siblings to us." Julius replies, "Funny because Im curious to see just how good he is." 315Please respect copyright.PENANARdLXxeo6Dy
315Please respect copyright.PENANAzwotRwjt2W
Kapurma runs through a field of trees while looking to his back. An aiutu makes the first move and decides to attack kap with his lasers. He dodges the blows. Then ducks behind a boulder.315Please respect copyright.PENANArmjlDPF9L6
Julius: Hmm looks like his plan was just to run and hide. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAeuJULnxTZT
315Please respect copyright.PENANANRYXqNcVAc
Amaro: Yeah you're using the thermal vision right? Just end it now and well be out of here. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAZWAoBDrwJE
315Please respect copyright.PENANADle0EHl7ng
Back to the island with Kapurma315Please respect copyright.PENANAg1R9P5nTDb
315Please respect copyright.PENANA7k2f8T1N9j
Kapurma: They're almost ready to attack. So am I.315Please respect copyright.PENANAaeuupiMTfi
Kap presses a button on his cloak. What looked like a regular button to hold the garment together was infact a button to turn on the cloaks tech. Kapurma's cloak is a inekium woven garment used for camouflage in the wilderness except this camouflage made him practically invisible. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAcMupwWXjnO
315Please respect copyright.PENANAhW27LkvmIP
Kapurma runs to the top of the boulder while the aiutu shoots at the large rock. The boulder explodes at the same time Kapurma smashes the aiutu between the eyes cutting off the feed of the fight from Julius and Amaro's side.315Please respect copyright.PENANAfF2k32DZH1
315Please respect copyright.PENANACGJs1wFNmd
Kapurma turns around only his face, hands and part of his legs visible. He tells himself, "that makes 6 for me. I hope the others are doing well."315Please respect copyright.PENANAqCUixEkjh7
315Please respect copyright.PENANA8wQQPuKUmt
315Please respect copyright.PENANALWq1W7qKVi
Back on the warship roof with Julius and Amaro.315Please respect copyright.PENANA9u9PzivdhM
315Please respect copyright.PENANAjzaHIlPlPl
315Please respect copyright.PENANAM73gQ1NebS
Amaro: Yeah this guy is good. Who knew he had tech on him like that. He's just a freakin animal. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAvibAfl7Euo
315Please respect copyright.PENANAqstmuPoNVh
315Please respect copyright.PENANAssfR2WKVrv
Julius: Were all animals Amaro. It just comes down to who can hunt their prey better. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAGE420ogbBC
315Please respect copyright.PENANAMT7XQMCBBM
Amaro: smiles* Survival of the fittest?315Please respect copyright.PENANAGyN1Q2f5nt
Julius: Exactly, well send more units down there and give the turtle what it wants.315Please respect copyright.PENANAgURspeRoYB
A voice catches the attention of Amaro and Julius it tells them, "You should've sent more my way as well!"315Please respect copyright.PENANAsK1lS1lzK7
Julius and Amaro turn around and see Supremeo. Face to face with the final creation of the Caine father daughter duo. Julius speaks to Amaro while readying to face off with his foe.315Please respect copyright.PENANAN5LSumqZ1Q
Julius: Get behind me. You already took too much of a damn beating.315Please respect copyright.PENANAOaXv6hnBm5
315Please respect copyright.PENANAz21ujvlC87
Amaro: Aww you do care.315Please respect copyright.PENANAxLYtzXjgOL
Julius: Haha of course I care about you. Our movement depends on our survival and teamwork.315Please respect copyright.PENANAj8fkvctvbo
Julius: *Now whispering to Amaro* And there is a gunship pod, straight shot right below me for you to get to and make yourself more useful. Just don't make it to obvious when were about to fight.315Please respect copyright.PENANA5H7fqWw5mx
Amaro lets out a villainous smirk while taking an offensive posture. Supremeo charges at them both. 315Please respect copyright.PENANACApfXpS12k
315Please respect copyright.PENANAY4NKVizpKf
on the island315Please respect copyright.PENANAlCUdYsfy6V
315Please respect copyright.PENANA1zyLGNLw51
The aiutus search for Kapurma in the field of trees. Their search is only met with sleeping animals and falling leaves.315Please respect copyright.PENANA0zZbmFOJLh
315Please respect copyright.PENANAfucZlgIhLa
As Julius battles Supremeo he looks through an aiutu units eye to direct the aiutus in their search for Kapurma. 315Please respect copyright.PENANA8NPrYnvg7F
315Please respect copyright.PENANAne1tCE21ky
Julius contemplates pulling them back and having the aiutus help him since Amaro is injured. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAMjSmv9IMgO
315Please respect copyright.PENANAFGAVz3hYf2
Just after that thought A loud explosion is herd.315Please respect copyright.PENANAbZGaS8mOGn
315Please respect copyright.PENANAquZ4kEzzYO
Julius through the aiutu unit's eyes sees Kapurma's face through his cloak blended in the background. He has just took down 3 more aiutu units. Frustrated at the predicament he's in Julius yells, "DAMMIT!"315Please respect copyright.PENANA6857HjvQQX
315Please respect copyright.PENANAEWs4MBz84R
Back on the roof of the warship315Please respect copyright.PENANALmRp8kzIeM
315Please respect copyright.PENANAnlxJwbQwY1
Supremeo dashes toward Julius. Grabs him by the wrist looks him in the eyes and tells him, "What's the matter Julius? Can't do a simple thing like fight and control your robot!?"315Please respect copyright.PENANAXlmjTHlnag
Julius's eyes widen as he remembers that Elias would tell him the same thing during missions. In the early days before their friendship was dubbed, "The union of Giants". Elias and Julius did recovery missions of stolen goods. Even though at times when the two were outnumbered combat robots were accompanying them on their missions to help even the odds out.315Please respect copyright.PENANABE4N3a3ArR
315Please respect copyright.PENANAhx1qxRsIE6
There were times Elias and Julius had to take control of a combat robot and give commands and direction to the other units in combat while fighting or doing careful work themselves in other areas. Julius would struggle during those times, Elias on the other hand would excel. In a way Julius saw this as Elias's weakness.315Please respect copyright.PENANA20KFXLvAt0
315Please respect copyright.PENANAzngcKijduk
Even the smartest man in the world has the same amount of time as the poorest man. Elias thought like how he worked. The war just intensified that. He never was working on just 1 project . He believed if it could help out anyone even just a tiny bit you need to get it out to as much people as a you can. They would say his work ethic and empathy was his curse. Elias lost a wife in the war, same goes for Julius. They both never had time for love again. They were married to thier work. Julius in a memory thought, "Work... How do you kill the worlds smartest man with an unwavering work ethic. You bury him in the work. The work in fixing cities. The work in running a company. The work in protecting its assets. And also attack him where it hits home. Bury him in the work in takes to be a good friend. And eventually everything will fall off the plate and well be there to pick everything up. His company and all the tech, all the workforce even his kids will work for you."315Please respect copyright.PENANA8w8UnIJrUk
Julius snaps out of his memory as he hears Amaro scream, "DON'T LET HIM GRAB A HOLD OF YOU! HIS FINGER TIPS ARE EQUIPPED WITH WEAPONS!"315Please respect copyright.PENANAwnYJ3m69UG
315Please respect copyright.PENANA89qZX6bBip
Supremeo fires off the lasers from his finger tips. Julius sees nothing but red and white lights blinding his vision. Julius instantly drops to his knees. His armor made of tungsten metal and covered on the inside is a thin layer of zhekumium. Zhekumium metal is extremely heavy for a normal sized person to wear. Which is why Amaro is covered from it in head to toe. And Julius isn't. He feels the shots much more than when Amaro was getting hit. Julius looks to the side and sees Sylvia and Diwata have made it to the roof.315Please respect copyright.PENANAAygIXAZPw3
315Please respect copyright.PENANAabl0IiM7sc
Amaro heads to the gunship that he was told to head for.315Please respect copyright.PENANATCwVlgTN8g
Julius struggling to get up on his feet looks to the other side of the ship and sees Maxwell and Sarah swinging to his side of the ship taking down more aiutu units in the process.315Please respect copyright.PENANAE8eUSfJRpz
315Please respect copyright.PENANAFpguP6Dh38
The feed of Kapurma's fight with the aiutus still plays in the Eye of Julius's helmet as he slowly gets surrounded by the foursome. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAdiW0CWaBeV
315Please respect copyright.PENANA7ybCMFNUJy
It was then Julius realized what he had done to Elias was being done to him. Just like Elias he to was buried in his work. Except for him it wasn't work ethic and empathy that he was cursed with. For Julius it was work ethic and Belief. He thought he would be taking a hold of of Elias's company, workforce, creations and even joked his kids would be working for him. He was wrong, with his capture he would be exposed and his company would fall to Sylvia. His workforce would be at Caine tech, and worst of all because of the crimes he's committed. He'd lose the love from his only son.315Please respect copyright.PENANAILpKx9xDls
315Please respect copyright.PENANAdiZoTnBBxT
Julius props himself up and looks at his conqueror and laughs at the irony of the situation and tells him, "Wow so the soul tether huh? Even from beyond the grave everything has to go your way huh Elias?"315Please respect copyright.PENANA3xxrYcfrwd
under the warship roof on the bottom floor315Please respect copyright.PENANAVvuOQNIgFA
Amaro finds the gunship pod Julius told him about and readies the ship so he could provide Julius with much needed backup.315Please respect copyright.PENANAXo67lk5JdK
Amaro: *switching on buttons* Alright buddy back ups coming hold on!?! Wait what the!?....315Please respect copyright.PENANAM7ZIw8bNXn
To Amaro's surprise the ship does not fly. It drops down deep into the water and prepares itself on a preset course. The ship is a dual purpose vehicle that can navigate through air and water. Amaro screams profane words at the top of his lungs while the sub sails away. His anger is quickly silenced later as the waters glow from a bright light shining on the destroyed warship.315Please respect copyright.PENANATcFGf2ytf9
315Please respect copyright.PENANAmsdjboFior
315Please respect copyright.PENANA2benA22NB1
Back on the roof of the warship.315Please respect copyright.PENANAzvELtE1uIc
315Please respect copyright.PENANA0mYMbRpLiW
315Please respect copyright.PENANA0QS9g0luZI
Supremeo: Backups here...315Please respect copyright.PENANAAdB8OfB6IO
315Please respect copyright.PENANA3rTPnPNkIg
Another warship shows with soldiers repelling down on to the island. Just then a head pops out the ship and screams Sarah's name it was Zachary. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAeRunTXFnGI
315Please respect copyright.PENANAPNCHrr3iWq
Zachary: HEYYY SARAH! SORRY WE DIDN'T COME EARLIER! WE JUST...315Please respect copyright.PENANAqt4WkCYebk
Maxwell talks to Sarah and asks, "He knows he's hundreds of feet above us right!? And we can't hear him over this loud ass ship." She replies lets just not look toward him. He might get the picture.315Please respect copyright.PENANAgvhy2WXHIz
Julius looks around at his destroyed aiutu's and all his workers being rounded up onto the ship. He asks Supremeo, "hey where's your turtle friend? I wanna know where you found that guy Elias."315Please respect copyright.PENANAMJJUYF8qAr
315Please respect copyright.PENANAms6rkaWtwD
Then almost as if he were summoned Kapurma appears through the air and lands on the roof. He turns off his cloaks camouflage mode looks at Julius in the face and asks, "You rang?" Kapurma then opens his cloak and pulls out an aiutu arm, but not just 1 there was more. 1 at a time he pulls them out 34 in total. Kapurma looks to Julius and tells him, "Thank you for the workout. Got anything else to throw at us? I think Im finally starting to break a sweat." 315Please respect copyright.PENANAvnT1LGmIIi
315Please respect copyright.PENANA9mWsfOalJK
Julius looks at all the arms in front of him. Then looks to his captors. He ponders everything he's had till this moment and ponders once more at everything he could lose. He tells the crew, "Whatever you want to know about our organization I don't even know. And what I do know I wouldn't be able to tell you anyway."315Please respect copyright.PENANAOA2ERJx735
Maxwell replies, "Why's that?" Julius answers telling Max, "Because the guy who started this put explosives in the back of our heads if we said anything about this person. Don't think he did this to us unwillingly. It was my idea to prove our loyalty. Hahaha! You caught me, congrats!? But so what!? It will get you no where! Hahahahaha!"315Please respect copyright.PENANA1pRYIuOb1Q
Sylvia enraged picks up Julius with one arm revealing her right hand is wrapped in hercules wires. She throws him across the roof then makes a run towards Julius on the ground ripping off a huge chunk of his helmet and lands a series of blows to his exposed face. 315Please respect copyright.PENANAudgQsfi5KI
315Please respect copyright.PENANAwF0PmU1ThO
Now looking at the daughter of the man he betrayed through the tore off helmet he hears her speak. She tells Julius, "That's just fine. You're still wanted for betraying my father. And not like it matters anymore but if you're gonna steal something of ours. Copy it all the way. We were never into ranking our work with others, but your number 2 spot was always because my father helped you get there.315Please respect copyright.PENANAw3v9zqDc7S
315Please respect copyright.PENANAovHvzwjDgL
Before Julius could reply he's knocked out from a kick to his face. Sylvia then proceeds to drag Julius to the backup airship Zachary and Ryan flew in on. 315Please respect copyright.PENANADxqR0v1m54
315Please respect copyright.PENANAFhrnHrst8I
315Please respect copyright.PENANAamrq5tKocP
315Please respect copyright.PENANAuxTT9JPzqV
315Please respect copyright.PENANAHIxi7JjBpr
315Please respect copyright.PENANAr8ZrmY85wc