Sigmond looks to his former prisoner and Kapurma patiently waiting for their next move. But for Kapurma and King Yafeu attacking was last on their mind.
The King witnesses Supremeo struggling to get back on his feet. It reminds him of himself years ago. Before he earned the crown. Before the tournaments to test his strength. Before Sigmond and Adira. There was Yafeu, Sarah, and their father. A prodigy of combat. A once in a generation talent. As Supremeo rises King Yafeu hears his father's voice as if he was mentoring him all over again. The voice tells him,
"You have all the strength in the world Yafeu, but it's not enough!!
You're faster than all the other students boy, but that isn't enough either. Your speed and strength can lead to complacency.
This world needs more than strength and speed. You need will! It's not enough to be strong. The will to carry your strength and skill in aiding those who need help is vital to obtaining success in your duties.
When I was younger it was enough for me to use my strength to earn money. But this is a new world Yafeu. How will you use the skill of combat once I teach you everything I know?"
A young Yafeu replies, "I will protect my friends, family, and anyone else whose innocence is threatened! Injustice toward anyone who tries to live an honest and decent life will not be tolerated!"
King Yafeu's father looks at him with a blank stare and then laughs. He says to his child, "Haha! Protecting the innocent? And your mother thought reading those comic books was bad for you. Yafeu your head's already in the right place. When you become an adult. Your will, will be stronger than iron."
As King Yafeu reminisces on this memory Supremeo is standing on his two feet. The King is in awe at the droid's will to continue to fight. He is so amazed it brings a smile to his face. The King says to Supremeo, "Still ready to fight after losing an arm? Haha! I like your style!"
Supremeo replies to the King, "Millions of lives are at stake. I can't exactly call a timeout now." King Yafeu says, "That's exactly how I roll."
The King's liquid metal arm appears to begin to shed into a light shade of blue forming a living puddle. The puddle makes its way toward Supremeo attaching itself to his missing limb.
"What's this? What's going on!?" Supremeo says to King Yafeu as this happens. The King replies, "Just lending you a hand till we finish this fight."
Supremeo looks to his left and just as the King says he did, the liquid metal forms a brand new left arm molded to fit Supremeo. The tech grips itself onto Supremeo's wiring and switches on.
Supremeo looks to his arm liking what he sees and tells King Yafeu, "Thanks, King Yafeu. It fits perfect."
Supremeo's new arm begins to glow a light purple color. His body begins to heat up, vents pop open all over Supremeo's body. Flames and smoke begin to emit from the vents.
Supremeo looks at his two allies and tells them, "I don't mean to be rude but would you handle the horde for me please?" Kapurma says to Supremeo with a smile, "Sure thing."
Then as if Supremeo made a move at the speed of sound he slashes 4 of Sigmond's tentacle tech off his back with a liquid metal katana.
King Yafeu asks Kapurma, "What did I just see?"
Kapurma replies, "That's Supremeo's meteor mode!"
King Yafeu now confused asks, "Meteor mode?"
As the combat droids begin to circle Kapurma and King Yafeu Kapurma tells the King, "Back to back!"
The two guard each other's blind spots while Kapurma explains Supremeo's newly seen technique, "meteor mode is only available to Supremeo when his back is against the wall. Your match with him and Sigmond fighting Supremeo also more than likely opened the door for this to happen."
King Yafeu says to Kapurma, "He looks impressive but I think he's gonna need more help against Sigmond than being faster and on fire!"
Kapurma: Haha! That is what it looks like huh? But it's way more than that.
The King punches a droid then stabs another with his katana then replies, "Please Explain?"
A flashback in Edenn while Supremeo was being made.
Elias: Do you remember how the dinosaurs got extinct?
Sylvia: Huh? Um, meteor right?
Elias: Exactly!
Kapurma: And exactly why's the reason we are talking about this?
Elias slides a tablet with graphs of Supremeo's "emotional status." Then explains, "If you look at these graphs for a moment it will show you the power that emits through Supremeo when he's in combat. Even though he isn't awake yet we've put his mind through meditative training. Through his dreams, he's gone through training with villagers back on earth. Look at this graph. No dramatic increase in the use of power right?"
Kapurma notices and replies, "Yeah no increase." Then Elias shows Kapurma and Sylvia supremeo's meditative training when victor, Maxwell, Elias, and Syliva's wellbeing was in trouble. Their eyes widen. The graphics bar has risen far beyond the first graphic Elias has shown. Kapurma then turns to Elias and says to Elias shocked and confused, "A 3,000% increase?" Elias smiles and says, "Yep."
Sylvia tells her father, "Explain how's this possible."
Elias tells the two, "2 big parts of it are the suns powering his body and the soul tether giving him most of my memories as life lessons. It seems when he's dealing with anyone who's threatening who he knows and loves, his mind races and his body begins to access more power from the suns to defeat the obstacle in front of it. Heat overflows inside the crystal that could potentially kill the suns ending Shpremeo's lifespan."
Sylvia asks her father, "So what do we do?" Kapurma adds, "And what does the meteor have to do with this?!"
Elias replies, "Both good questions! The first answer goes to you Sylvi, my dear. We put more vents and open ports on Supremeo to combat the extreme heat the suns generates. This would give room for the flames to expand and give the suns some type of breathing room ensuring safe execution of the technique. And for your question Kap. That 3,000% increase of power Supremeo will wield increases his speed thousands of times faster than the most advanced droid here. The inekium metal prevents Supremeo from burning up and melting. The flames would act as a second or third shield with the metal or forcefield tech. It could also be another attack for him. Basically, imagine a meteor with a mind of its own. Imagine that...The power to eliminate an entire species but instead of it crashing on the planet. It's controlled. And can aim itself towards anything it wants...or anyone."
Kapurma says, "My gosh Elias this will be a great help for your people if another threat like the empress and her followers resurfaces."
Then Sylvia asks her father, "What do we call this move or mode once he activates it?"
Elias replies, "What else is better than meteor mode? The levels of speed, heat, and unstoppable force that comes behind the power Supremeo will pull from is a perfect name. If a meteor falls you find some safety before it hits or you and everything around it get burned to ashes. I'd hate to be the one opposing person Supremeo when he gets pushed like this!"
Back to the present day.
King Yafeu smashes a combat droid right next to Kapurma. Then they both look up towards Sigmond and Supremeo. The King says, "Meteor mode huh? So he's not fast. He's super-fast, on fire, and unbreakable unless I throw a liquid metal katana full speed at him. I am so sorry about that part too! Manmade stars and devices that copy the human minds acquired experiences. Wow, the Caine's really are the best at advancing the world through tech...And what are you supposed to be? The Caine's turtles guardian of the forest to protect animals that can't protect themselves?"
Surprised at the guess King Yafeu tells Kapurma he tells the King, "Haha! Tortoise, not a turtle. And no I'm just an old friend of the Caine's." King Yafeu now with more questions asks Kapurma, "Well where in the hell does someone find a place where they can make friends with a giant tortoise!?" Kap tells the King, "I'll gladly tell you where I'm from after this battle is over! I do have a question for you as well your highness. After battles when I get famished I prefer to recover my strength with bowls of ice cream. If it isn't a bother could I please have whatever flavors your kingdom has available?"
King Yafeu smiles and says, "A tortoise who has a taste for ice cream and can fight!? Haha what an interesting world we live in! Of course my friend of course!"
In the air not far from King Yafeu and Kapurma, Supremeo and Sigmond are locked in an intense battle.
Supremeo crashes into Sigmond. Their collision creates an explosion of epic proportions.
The explosion temporarily distracts the combat droids allowing Kapurma and King Yafeu to take out a handful of combat droids.
Supremeo catches a punch from Sigmond.
Sigmond takes a fireball to the face. Then grabs Supremeo's wrist.
Supremeo proceeds to swan dive from the air while still holding on to Sigmond's fist. Sigmond stabs Supremeo with his remaining tentacles but the effort is futile. Sigmond only sets his tech ablaze with his strikes.
Then for the first time since they met, Supremeo sees Sigmond's facial expression change from confident to unsure. As they ascend further to the ground Supremeo swings Sigmond to the side and then throws him with a force powerful enough for his internal mechanism to allow.
Sigmond crashes down with a force so strong the ground beneath everyone in Avalon feels it.
The surrounding droids near Sigmond scatter as they see Supremeo heading towards him at an immense speed.
Sigmond now heavily damaged attempts to stand on his two feet. He eventually stands. Kapurma and King Yafeu hear Supremeo through their comms. He tells them, "turn on your force field tech now!!"
They immediately follow the order. Then just as Kapurma explained to King Yafeu earlier Supremeo comes crashing down like a meteor from beyond the skies and aims himself right for Sigmond. Them a loud "BOOM!" Echo's through the air. Supremeo's attack was a success!
The impact creates a crater as big as the coliseum burying the remaining droids under dirt and rubble. Supremeo is the first to stand then Kapurma and King Yafeu emerge through the mayhem and chaos.
Supremeo looks to the King and then tells him, "Sorry about the crater. I had to even the odds a little bit."
King Yafeu looks around and sees thousands of combat droids buried underneath dirt and debris. He tells Supremeo confidently, "No problem..."
Sigmond speaks to Supremeo telling him, "Didn't know you had this up your sleeve. I didn't show all my cards either!"
Sigmond extends his arms and screams, "Come to me, my followers! "
To everyone's surprise, all the defeated combat droids begin to move. Their bodies begin to "pull themselves" towards Sigmond. King Yafeu was the first to understand what was going on. He tells Supremeo and Kapurma, "My god, their weapons. They're combining with Sigmond!"
Supremeo stands unfazed at the formation that takes shape in front of him.
Kapurma says to them both, "Looks like he's forming a tank." King Yafeu adds, "It's bigger than the castle..."
In front of Supremeo Sigmond stands equipped with the fallen droid's armor and weapons. Sigmond tells his foe, "Now we'll see what you're truly made of! Separate these droids bodies are weak. But together their strength is unstoppable! Their purpose is fully realized because of me! "
Supremeo looks to his foe with his star cannon fully charged also revealing King Yafeu's liquid metal tech that he lent to Supremeo has copied traits from his star cannon tech as well. Supremeo asks Sigmond, "You said something about their purpose being realized because of you? I assume you meant using these combat droids to serve you? Sigmond you're the one reason why I was made. You want to know my purpose!? It's to stop people like you! Selfish rotten souls who only crave power, and leave destruction on their path to attain it! The world has seen enough from people like you! Supremeo raises both cannons readying himself for Sigmond's next move.
Missile ports and gun turrets open all over Sigmond's new body. He then tells Supremeo, "People like me? People like me make real progress in the world we live in. In my time out fighting you guys, I've seen weakness and no progress in life here. I won't be scared to take what's owed to me....heh. Haha!"
Supremeo asks, "What's so damn funny?"
Sigmond replies, "I just realized, why am I explaining myself to you? You won't be around to see this world molded into my image of perfection...Or maybe you will? I'll just put you back together and reprogram you. Maybe even do the same for the "little king" over there. What about you turtle man? You all could serve as my lieutenants. You all want peace right? What better way to have your peace than by serving emperor Sigmond? Hahaha!"
Upon crowning himself the title of Emperor King Yafeu switches from his katanas to his guns.
Kapurma takes an offensive stance and then says to the King and his friend Supremeo, "We can't let him win this fight!!"
The three heroes charge forward into the line of fire readying an all-out attack on Emperor Sigmond.
The emperor's gun turrets begin to spin and missiles begin to aim at the heroes.
As the heroes charge forward Sigmond yells to the King, " This is all you could accomplish while I was gone Yafeu!? Starvation, exile and fear of the outside world!? I'll show you how a true ruler can rule!!! "