On his way to the trail. Elias ponders to himself the events that led him to this point. He thinks to himself,
"Legends trail a hiking path that was set up by the people of this land to honor the 4 heroes that freed the population from the Empress. Perched on top of the trail is a statue of the 4 heroes. Bernard Sullivan, Victor Hawkins, The love of my life Diana Lewis Caine and yours truly. It was put up there to inspire the next generation of people to hope for a brighter day. Truth be told I hate that statue. Not because Two people I love aren't here no more but Im standing with them. I made weapons to help end the war. Then I got captured and made weapons for the empress against my will, helping her kill thousands of innocents. And I just got one of my old friends killed. What's so heroic about that? I swear Sullivan, wish you were still around. You were the one who handled the fame and conflict that comes with this way better than Victor and me."
Elias's escape pod flies off to legends trail. At the same time while Elias flies to the trail Victor and the rest of the crew finish their time in Edenn and hop out of the portal back to Earth. Victor instantly contacts Elias to hear the plan of action.
Victor: Elias? What's up brother? What's the move?
Elias: Im heading to legends trail. Julius was murdered. Whoever killed him is there.
Victor: What it in world!?…
Elias: Yeah His security team was taken out and everything else pretty much went down hill.
Victor: I see, Sarah just turned on one of the monitors and Im looking at the headlines now. Another explosion to huh?
Elias: Yeah my money is on this guy being the exact person who blew my spot up as well.
Victor: Well alright. Well meet up with you down there. Also Sylvia should be heading back soon.
Elias: Great once were done here. We'll put the aiutu 11 online. Sylvia and the company will have their bodyguard and I can continue to..
Victor: To make the world tractors and cars I know. Herd it earlier this week. Elias were gonna gear up and back you up when we get there. Don't go too crazy and accidentally kill the guy. Because he murdered your friend. We still need information on the other lords.
Elias remembering what he saw on that computer screen shakes his head and tries to remember the bigger picture which is stopping the war lords. He tells Victor, "Don't worry I understand."
Elias and Victor cut the feed off to their monitors. Elias looks onward to what he will face. His mind racing with strategic plans on his unseen opponent. While back on the airship Victor tells his soldiers to "Gear up." While they head to legends trail.
Back at the portal Sylvia exits with Kapurma, Diwata and the aiutu 11 in tow.
Sylvia: The extra escape pod from the aircraft handles well doesn't it?
Diwata: Oh yeah besides the craziness in the portal it handled pretty good. I can't wait to visit the cities Elias built.
Sylvia: There's a few places I gotta show you! We got everything, food spots, museums, book stores, and hey if partying is your thing we got places for that to!
Kapurma: I just can't wait to try cookie dough ice cream.
They all laugh and are interrupted by a call from Maxwell. Being on the aircraft with Victor and the rest of the crew. Max catches his sister up on the information Elias gave them.
Sylvia: Alright guys looks like legends trail is our first stop!
Sylvia heads full speed to the destination.
Back over to where Elias is. He's made it to the trail. His pod hovers over the trail while disguised through cloaking tech he's put on the ship. Elias looks at the statue he mentioned to himself earlier. All heroes standing tall and the sun going down in the background it is the perfect image to inspire a citizen walking this trail. Except for Elias's part of the statue. He notices it has been defaced. The words "False Hero" Scribed onto his face. Below the statue an aircraft can be seen parked at the foot of the sculpture. Elias takes one last look at the words written on the figure of himself and says with a smirk, "At least there's another person out here that agrees with me." Elias dives the pod headfirst toward the parked ship and shoots at the door of the aircraft.
He parks the pod hops out and screams, "HEY ASSHOLE! YOU WANTED ME!? IM HERE!" The dust from the shooting settles down revealing that the door has been mangled and busted. From inside the ship the door is the pushed open. Out steps a tall figure in gold armor he grins at the guest he has in front of him. Showing a few gold caps in his teeth as well. He begins to speak.
"Elias! Glad we are meeting face to face. Came here as quick as you could I see. Sometimes it takes the right push for you to get what you want. Wouldn't you say?"
Elias lets off a few shots from his left hand. He reveals a watch that turns into a gun. The giant in gold armor turns on a force field. And Elias misses his shots.
"Ahh you came armed. Good! Good! Id expect nothing less from you!"
Elias asks him, "Who are you? And wheres Julius's body?" "Whatever you want you didn't have to kill him!"
The giant scoffs at Elias's statement and says. "You of all people know how necessary killing tyrants are!"
Elias thinking to himself, "Tyrant?"
Before Elias can reply a grenade is thrown by the giant. 329Please respect copyright.PENANAH6hLQz10Gq
329Please respect copyright.PENANA4EwXnZKl5a
Under Elias's coat is a backpack with a mechanical tentacle like arm. It extends out his back grabbing the nearest thing to get him away from the explosion.
The giant walks towards Elias and speaks to him, "You and your toys. Hahaha! Why not create a force field instead of using Mr. Octopus right there. I swear Elias, the books were wrong you're just the tech guy. Victor and Barney were the fighters. And the dame Diana. What could she have seen in you? I wouldn't be surprised if while you were tinkering she snuck into the ageless heroes bedroom or even Victor's.
Elias with his eyes closed tells the villain, "Hey shiny suit! you wanna know why I used the tendril backpack instead of the force field? So You wouldn't use yours."
Elias points down and the giant sees to his feet metal pieces were scatter from Elias's pocket as he flew away from the explosion. He looks at Elias and then an explosion of light happens. Blinding the giant. Giving Elias enough time to land a solid blow to the jaw of the giant. With the help of his back pack. He flies in adding more power to the devastating blow. Before the giant can get up the tendril pulls the giant in. Elias drills the foe's face into his elbow. And delivers a monologue to the giant in armor himself. While throwing down punches of vengeance on to the golden villains face. Each punch sounding like a bat hitting against a rock.
SWACK !!! *punch sound*
" As soon as you stepped out. I could've killed you ten times over!"
*SWACK !!!
*SWACK !!!
*SWACK !!!
*SWACK !!!
*SWACK !!!
*SWACK !!!
*SWACK !!! 329Please respect copyright.PENANAPnmxuhwXMz
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*SWACK !!! 329Please respect copyright.PENANAM7DQWWNZvr
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*SWACK !!! 329Please respect copyright.PENANAr8I1ZDFTae
329Please respect copyright.PENANAuAfGifUCkY
*SWACK !!! 329Please respect copyright.PENANAc7K981ader
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*SWACK !!! 329Please respect copyright.PENANAJvus8Of5Ct
329Please respect copyright.PENANAdbvAO3XF6f
*SWACK !!! 329Please respect copyright.PENANAjsA5SLuQBX
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*SWACK !!!
Elias stands over the giant. His face a bloody messy. All can be herd is Elias catching his breath from the punches he's thrown to the giants face. Through the blood Elias's foe finally speaks, " cough* ha…wow guess I was wrong. The stories are true. The boss told me no one could match your savagery or intelligence."
Elias: WHERE IS HE!?
Before Elias could deliver another blow to the armored foe he activates his force field. Elias breaks his right hand. And gets pushed off by the foe's barrier. The villain begins to speak. "Sorry about that. I like to let my enemies get a few shots in to make the fight fair you know. But you, you're a little bit different. You do live up to the legend. Your few shots I let you have kinda turned to a few too many. So no more games. Let me properly introduce you to me."
The villain gives a smirk before he vanishes. Elias is shocked, before he could register a reaction in his mind Elias realizes the foe is right next to him. A swift knee to Elias's ribs is delivered. Elias on the ground reeling in pain. The foe pulls out a pistol points it towards Elias's head and he says "10 times over huh?" But before the trigger could be pulled the tendril backpack swats the foes arm away. The tendril wraps itself around Elias's right arm forming a cannon and a protective shell for his broken hand. Elias then says, "here's 11 Elias's right hand begins to shoot red lasers similar to the aiutu but on a much larger scale. The foe begins to dodge while Elias keeps shooting. The foe tells Elias, "Yes! Yes! I read about this to! When it always looked like your opponent had the upper hand the fight would ALWAYS turn in your favor! YES!! This is just awesome! You are what they say you are! A living legend of war!"
Elias enraged at the praise he's been given reaches behind his back and pulls out a gun and continues to shoot with both hands this time. The villain begins to speak to him.
"You know Elias. Even though I hate you. This whole thing would have been so much easier if you just joined us! Your buildings wouldn't have blown up. Your friend wouldn't have died. You wouldn't have broken you whole damn hand punching a force field. Now you're stuck here showing all your cards in this fight and I barely have shown mines."
Elias replies, "Oh I've got many more in my deck to! As I see it were even! Ill use my Left to pound your face in some more!"
The villain pulls out a giant sword holstered on his back runs for cover and tells Elias, "I got a confession to make. This armor as boisterous as it seems. Isn't meant to be that. This is from my place of birth. We call this Zhekumium named after the golden dragon god Agrazheku. His story went like this. The dragon god had two heads. 1 representing wrath. The other empathy. The dragon protected our land untill a villager stole its meal. The dragon of wrath was enraged. The dragon of empathy wanted to hear the villager out. He told Agrazheku the meal which consisted of of 2 dead dead boars was for his family. He sold them a sob story of needing to feed his wife and kids. Come to find out the villager did not even have a wife or kids. The glutton wanted the meal for himself. So the Dragon of wrath wanted to kill him but the dragon of empathy didn't. He said even though the man is a glutton and a liar. He still has a right to a full belly. The dragon of wrath says well the human was too lazy to hunt on his own. Then the dragon of empathy says well That could be our fault for protecting these humans from every problem and not allowing them to grow and adapt. The disagreement angered the dragon of wrath and they fought. Their golden scales scattered across the land they once protected crushing some of the people and the homes they lived in. What was moments to the dragon god was eternity for the people and when the dragon stopped fighting he saw the mayhem he created. Full of regret and sadness the people of the village and the dragon decided to part ways. Leaving their gold scales. Long story short I guess this was a story of controlling your anger or something. Time passes we learned how to forge armor and weapons from those scales. And became the toughest army on our side of the planet. Till your empress came through plundering our supplies. They called us the golden dragons. 1 by 1 we fell to her. I was the last one. The metal on her soldiers were impeccable. Impossible to pierce. The weapons made of the same material were equally as great. No need to reload ammo in battle. Light in weight. The site I saw that day was horrible but it gave me a valuable lesson. As you can see, Im throwing down with the man who supplied that woman's armies with the weapons that killed my people. And Im not doing that bad against him. Hahahahaha! You see Elias!? Its like I am the dragon of wrath doing what's necessary to save the people. Death is supposed to happen! You the dragon of empathy are running from your duties!!"
Elias enraged says his piece while trying to hit his enemy, "Are you done!? After all that you still view yourself as the dragon!? Not me! You shouldn't either! We are the villagers of this story! Despite what mother nature, fate or even gods throw at us were still here! Persevering and enhancing our way of life! With your golden armor. Your people made something great out of a tragedy. Im sorry you think im responsible for taking those soldiers away from their families but I was forced to work for her! She was a dragon in my story and This dragon had no empathy at all.
The foe splits his sword in two. Throws one towards Elias's arm cannon breaking through the laser as if it were a stone skipping through a red lake of water and hits the touch hole of the arm cannon breaking through and impaling itself in Elias's right fist. Elias lets out a scream of pain and anger, "ARAAGHHHH!!!" the tendril is let loose. Elias removes the sword and tends to his wound while the foe walks closer to his enemy. He speaks to Elias as he stops the blood flowing from his hand, "Wow that looks bad. But the determination I see in your eyes is admirable. I haven't fought this hard in ages. You don't know my name yet do you? I am Amaro Midas greatest soldier of the east. Im sure your friend Victor has herd of me. I look forward to fighting with him to. But Im clearly still occupied here. So tell me Elias are you out of cards now?
Elias does not even answer. All 10 aiutus simply pop out from the scene attacking Amaro from every angle. Amaro laughing and cheering says, "YES! NOT THAT EASILY HUH! YES!!"
10 lasers pointed at Amaro's force field. Breaking the barrier and shattering his defences. Elias balls his fists up revealing two bracelets that materialize gauntlets around his fists and they all begin to shoot. But not to pierce Amaro's armor, to knock him off balance. Amaro notices the tech encompassing Elias's head now has a green glow to the lights when it was shining yellow earlier. As he thinks of his next move he cant help but admire the will and smarts of his opponent. He smirks at tells himself, "always full of surprises haha!"
Amaro is hit on his arm chest abdomen and leg knocking him to his knees. Elias dashes in pummeling Amaro while giving him a speech. He says,
"In the short time I've met you I noticed a few things. You must be very vain and narcissistic. You claim to be the number 1 soldier of the east and wear no helmet to protect your head. My guess is those soldiers wore helmets made of Zhekumium and you still arent. So my other guess is you secretly love it. Being last of the golden dragons showing your face to the innocent and criminals you deal with. Being in the shadows is all a lie you crave the fame."
Enraged Amaro screams, "Screw you!!" Trying to grab Elias only only to have the grab stopped and get slammed by Elias. With help of Sylvia's Super suit the slam was 4 times as hard knocking the wind out of Amaro. As he regains his vision a gun is pointed at Amaro's head with the gaze of all 10 aiutu looking down at him. Elias taunts Amaro and says, "you know what? Im way smarter than you. I have more resources than you. Where ever you killed Julius and his security. I'll find them and give them proper burials. With you maybe I should just leave you hear for the animals to feed upon. They'll chew off your head and dig into your armor like a fishermen eating the crabs he caught . *Elias pauses for a moment* But the sacrifices that your soldiers and people made would mean nothing. So instead of killing you. I also could just let you live and see this dream of mines fulfilled. Or your warlord friends could come and get you causing more problems. Hmm what's the most logical way in handling this? Amaro screams while Elias is talking he's screaming, "Wait, WAIT! WAIT!!"
Elias answers, "Wait for what!? Now you wanna beg for your life!? I think you just answered my question!"
A voice over Elias's shoulder answers the question. It says,
"He's not talking to you. He's talking to me."
Then to Elias's shock a blade enters his rib cage multiple times. The voice cloaked in invisible tech reveals himself. To Elias's shock its Julius wearing the same armor of the villain who stole the S rank tech from Elias's facilities. Julius removes the blade and begin to talk to his friend.
Julius: Hey buddy, sucks it had to be like this. Don't worry your company is safe. Richard doesn't know anything about this so you don't gotta worry Sylvia will be safe to. Caine tech will boldly head into a new direction once you're out of the picture and we've merged with you.
Julius stabs Elias once again. He's bleeding uncontrollably.
Elias inches towards Julius reaching out to grab him. But He walks away. The aiutu begin to attack but a massive warship appears over the skies shooting down all aiutu temporarily stopping them in their tracks. Victor and the crew notice the ship from a distance. Victor yells at Richard to head to the trail at full speed. Back at the foot of the statue Julius commands the warship to send down troops to harvest the metal from the aiutu. He looks over at Amaro and tells him he's free to finish him. And to make it quick. Elias collapses from exhaustion of his fight with Amaro and his betrayal of his friend. Amaro heads over to Elias. Points a gun to the back of his head. And says, "seriously you're one bad dude. Sucks we only get to throw down one time."
Then like lighting hitting the earth A gun shot could be herd through the whole trail. Elias is shot in the head and left to die. The last images Elias sees of his foes is Amaro walking toward the warship leaving. While troops repel down harvesting the metal off his aiutu. The puddle of blood grows. His vision begins to fade and is woken up by screams from Victor.
"I I THINK I FOUND HIM!" Oh My God! Elias!
The soldiers enter the pathway leading to the statue. Sarah is the first to see Victor cradling Elias. He is in tears. He sets him down. Maxwell is next to appear. Sarah stops Max in his tracks and tries to brace him for what he's about to see. But she can't form the right sentences. She just says, "Max….Your father…" Max sees Victor in tears over his best friend. Max rushes over and holds his father. Life leaving his body with every drop of blood that leaks out of his stab wounds. Max Tries to speak to him, "Dad, DAD! Oh god no! DAD!" Max's feels 2 hands on his shoulders looks up and sees Victor and Sarah in tears trying to comfort him. Zachary begins to rush to the ship and tells everyone I'll get the medical tech. Before Zach can move further Victor tells his soldier, "STOP!" and continues to explain, "He's Already fading. Even if you did get anything that would stop the bleeding he'd wouldn't make it by the time you'd get back.." Zachary's face changes. They all begin to look at Max and Elias. They notice the life fading away. Elias takes 1 last look at the scenery and sees his best friend and 3 of the best fighters he's taken in. He sees his son. His face full of sadness. Elias tries to say a word to his boy but the strength isn't there. He ends up taking his final breathe and passing away in the arms of his boy.
----A few days later Victor is speaking at Elias's funeral only available to his closest friends but viewed worldwide----
"Surrounded by his loved ones in a fiery trail where his final battle took place. His lifeless body being cradled by his first born son. Under the foot of a statue made to revere him. Elias Caine took his final breathe. That is not how we wanted him to leave us. That's not how we want any of our friends and family to go out. But we still breathe for him. We still live for him! We still dream for him. I tell you all this. Do not worry, his dream of a world rebuilt will continue! Well find out who did this and continue the dream!
Victor steps down and is greeted by Maxwell, Sylvia, Diwata and Kapurma. A hand reaches out to shake Victors. He tells him,"Hey great speech man. Totally moving. I know You don't know me. My Names Amaro Midas. I was Julius's right hand man. Id like to talk to you guys about a few things Julius and Elias were discussing....