An airship flies over a baron dessert carrying the Caine family and Victor with his 3 soldiers. Inside the airship Victor Hawkins is conversing with his soldiers while a map of the Caine families possible enemies can be seen on a split screen. On the other side Victor is on a video call discussing the attack with Julius Edson.
Julius: Glad To hear that you guys are okay.
Victor: Nothing too much to worry about. The Caine's are just a little banged up. So what did you find?
Julius: Well your new friend who failed at taking your boys stuff took mines. A few months ago buddy broke into our research area and stole the cargo prototype and gauntlet whips. We've been following him ever since. People are calling this guy construct. Because whatever piece of tech he ends up stealing he's able to replicate. He even upgrades them. The force field tech and cargo bot jumping on buildings were both upgrades. We know Elias cracked force field tech but we couldn't get ours right. Guess he figured since he stole something of ours and made it better. He thought he'd be able to get his hands on anything from Caine Tech, and the world would be his oyster. Imagine the damage hed do with Elias's aiutu. Or if he had one of the weapons from back in the day.
Victor: Imagine if he worked with us instead of against us. This whole arms race deal is getting out of hand.
Julius: Ever since the empresses death the remaining soldiers from her army across the world have been at a scramble for power. Sometimes the strongest form of a person is not even their physical. Its their influence. I got that from a book I read. How'd the rest go like? "To live forever be influential to the world. The ones you've inspired will all have a piece of you living within them." Something like that. I don't know.
Victor: I get it Julius just wish we weren't talking about the empress with that quote.
Julius: Right, I've been reading a lot of self help books lately. Ya know working on myself.
Victor: Good to hear man. But hey I gotta go. If you find anything else out associates, Hideouts anything let us know.
Julius: No doubt man. Alright stay safe.
Victor now with a look of intense concern from what he just learned he stands up and asks his soldiers one simple demand before he leaves' "Zachary, Ryan, Sarah tell me when we've arrived at our location." All three reply "yes sir!"
Victor heads to where the Caine family is, his driver and pilot Richard Edson joined the Caine family while putting the ship on auto piolet for a conversation. They are all taking a closer look at Sylvia's piece of tech Max wore during his fight with the thief. Richard wearing the helmet and the right arm from the suit does 1 finger push ups. He's all smiles while he's counting, "48, 49, 50! Babe this is an amazing piece of equipment you've made! I don't even feel all these push ups! 55, 56, 57.."
Max comes in and jokingly says. "What would be more impressive is if you did 1 without the armor." Richard tries with his left but couldn't muster up the strength for 1 and lets himself drop to the floor but is helped up by Max. Elias looking at the other pieces of the armor on a near by table picks up a few pieces he tells his daughter, "This is really amazing Sylvia. There aren't too many pieces to this suit, yet a persons strength and stamina can increase tenfold. Where is the tech that does this? Its pretty light!
Max proudly smiling at the comments made for his sisters creation tells he his father, "you're gonna trip when you hear it dad." Sylvia answers, "its in the wiring. She continues saying, "Everything else is pretty much a protective casing for it. I haven't made it official yet with the team that worked on this with me but Im calling this my Hercules wires."
Elias caught up in Sylvia's breakdown is amazed. She continues to explain, " the wiring acts like a support system for your bones nerves and muscles by adding to the strength you already have." Sylvia shows Elias 1 end of the wire and tells him how to get it to work. "This goes behind your head near the cerebellum. Its for recognizing what movements you're gonna make and how strong of an output of energy it needs to send. 6 nano chips are in the back of the cerebellum attachment. They're used to read what parts you're moving and what parts are not." I originally was making this for injured soldiers and older people who have trouble moving, but I had the idea of making it for people in his field as well (pointing at her brother).
The archaeologists and explorers like Max and mom. I'll put a ceiling on the strength for whatever job that person is trying to accomplish." Elias asks, "So how strong can these wires get?" Sylvia's answer shocks Elias, "Well its pushing strength, lifting and crushing strength can all reach up to 2,000 pounds." Elias lost in thought about the possibilities this piece of tech could provide the world is interrupted by the soldier Sarah. "Were here!" She says.
The soldier Zachery stares out of the window to take a peek at thier destination. He sees nothing but mountains. The airship moves closer towards the mountains without stopping. "Hey! HEY! Are we gonna slow down!?!" Zachary yells out. Victor standing next to Max with his arms crossed smiling tells Richard to keep going forward and tells Zachary, "Calm down.
You have two of the worlds smartest engineers here and the worlds greatest strategist. We know what were doing." Zachary listens and calms down. The Airship heads full force towards one of the mountains within the area. Zachary starts to grimace at the thought of a potential impact against the mountain.
As Zachary's eyes are closed he hears what he'll later describe as "shooting lasers". Zachary opens his eyes to check out what's making the sound. Loudly he says "WHAT THE FUu" before Zach can complete his sentence Richard Hikes up the speed and they continue to delve deeper inside the mountain. "How are we doing this?" Zach asks. "Is this a tunnel how?" Victor answers with a smile, "no tunnel this mountain is fake. Were inside a hologram that stretches for miles. This is where the 1st hero of the new world gained his powers. He brought Elias here to help win the war. In turn Elias helped shield this place from the outside world."
Zach asks, "So this place is just sitting under a fake hologram thats lit up 24/7?" Elias replies, "No its sitting on the entry way." Zach still confused then asks, "How do we know if we've found it? Wait?.. The laser sound stopped. Elias replies, "were here."
Rocky surfaces can only be seen through the windows of the ship. The temperatures start rising. The soldier Ryan asks while looking at the temperature readings, " we just passed 1000 degrees, are we gonna be okay here?" Elias replies, "We'll be okay. This ship is built with a very special metal that's practically unbreakable. Once we pass the heat well be closer to our destination."
After some time temperatures begin to drop drastically till it begins to freeze. Outside the windows Sarah checks the view. "Oh My God! Its the sky! I thought we flew downward?!" Zach replies. Elias explains, "We did, this part of the world civilization lost a long time ago. We should be touching down soon." Sarah over hears Elias explaining this hidden area to Zachary, " There were various entry ways to this society, but because of the 1st hero most were closed off but this one. The mountain area makes it hard to traverse and locate the entry way and when you do find it baring the heat from the neighboring volcanoes would be tough as well. It takes the right piece of equipment and person to build it." Elias explains to Zachary with a smile. He then asks for confirmation, "So is this the only way in?" "Its the only way that we know of that's left." Elias replies.
The ship comes to a halt. "Were here." Victor says. The doors open up. And the crew steps out. They see nothing but lush greenery as far as the eyes can see. Animal sounds and rushing water can be herd. "This is freaking insane!" Sarah says. "You'll get used to it." Max replies.
Just then rustling through the bushes can be herd. A young woman walks out dressed in tribal garb. The soldiers brace themselves in case this could be a new threat. They stand guard till she says one word and that word was, "Elias?" He peers from behind the crowd while walking down from the ship and smiles then runs and embraces the new face with a hug, and pinching of the cheeks. "Diwata good to see you! You haven't aged a bit! How have you been!?" Elias says to the woman. A conversation between the two then occurs while the rest of our crew watches on.
Diwata: I noticed you dropping down from the sky. I was picking out ingredients for my shop when I headed over.
Elias: I brought food, drinks, medicine and entertainment to the tribe. May I speak with Kapurma?
Diwata: Ahh so you came for Kapurma then?
Elias: *Smiles and laughs* and the company of the tribe as well.
Diwata: Well Elias lets go see the wise one then.
On there way there Victor tells the whole crew about Construct and his deeds.
Zachary: Construct is such a weak name. If I could build anything I wanted Id be called the forger!
Sarah: So you'd be a faker? Like counterfeit money or something?
Zachary: No! Like a blacksmith working in the forge!
Sarah: Why don't you call yourself the blacksmith then? Not some guy who makes cheap knockoffs!
Zachary: hmmm damn that would've been better.
Maxwell: So all he owns is upgraded stolen tech? He's gotta be stopped.
Elias: Well get him son. None of these guys ever get away when they deal with us.