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Clear out of the Field of trees Elias and crew follow Kapurma to his home.
Kapurma: Victor Id like to thank you for honoring my request of not killing anything that becomes hostile towards you here.
Zachary: And I'd like to thank you for helping us out Kapurma sir! I was just about to break the no killing rule to protect our group. I wouldn't want the worlds richest and beloved woman to potentially break or hurt anything.320Please respect copyright.PENANAyNkPKWEug7
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*Zachary Reaches out and holds Sylvia's hands and tells her*. Seriously thank you for...
Richard comes between them
Richard: Hey man were together!
Sylvia holding Richard back tells her fiancée, "No its okay babe."
Zachary: Oh I just wanted to tell her thank you for what shes done for us all these years! I love my Boku player and Caine tech living room. Kinda creepy though. Makes me think you guys might be watching us.
*Zachary makes his eyebrows move up and down towards sylvia.*
Before Richard can get a word in towards Zachary Victor bursts through both of them and answers Kapurma.
Victor: *Shaking his head* No problem Kap. Its like what you said, all they were doing was trying to survive by trying to find something to eat. I remember the time a war broke out between the razhdarchidae and the base, because a villager killed one of its kids. Killing one of them would mean losing more than 1 of your own, I get it. Those razhdarchidae were intense though. What's been going on with them?
Kapurma: The king has been taking out his competition left & right by eating their food sources. Even eating their enemies leaders. All to teach his kids his version of ruling.
Victor: Sounds like you have a tyrant you're dealing with.
Kapurma: Yes and 4 future ones. Maybe even a future war If they take after thier father and grandfather. Dealing with them in the future could be trouble in my age. Enough about me. Tell me why you and Elias have made a visit. I know it wasn't just to say hi to an old tortoise?..
Elias steps in and talks, "Yes we did come to say hi. And use the lab here. There was another attempted robbery and we want to find out who it could have been. And build a guardian of sort to help stop the robberies."
Kapurma: People have been trying to take your inventions for years but you've never sought for assistance. What makes this attempted robbery different from all the others?
Elias: This guy knew exactly where to look. And knew exactly what to take.
A screen is projected from Elias's watch after he touches his ear piece. Elias points to the screen showing Kapurma the footage of the man in armor stealing his inventions.
Elias: See, he knew exactly where he wanted to go. He didn't go to the building where we keep tech we plan on mass producing. This is where we keep tech that could be thought of as too dangerous for the time or ones that can be manipulated and made dangerous. There's also blueprints explaining how to use all of these items.
Kapurma: Sounds like this thief business could be serious.
Sarah: What were the items he took?
Sylvia: That's the thing it was all S grade tech. S meaning special. There were only 20 S rank cases we kept and he took a select few
Elias: The S+ prototype was taken to. Only me and sylvia know exactly what it does.
Sylvia: Things are starting to change. Most robberies we've dealt with were caught before the event would even happen. Now this breaking into the safe room and taking all those S grade cases thing is getting scarily closer and closer to us.
Elias: They're starting to gather intelligence on how we operate. We just have to find the source and tighten up the ship a little bit more.
Maxwell: Hey I know what you mean sis. Time for us to step up is becoming more and more serious. Dad and mom had to fight for their survival. I just train to win. That man in aromor was dead set on killing all of us. That's... wait..
Kapurma: Ahh were home!
The crew looks on with Kapurma smiling with his arms wide open. Expecting to see a small village and end up seeing what looks like a small town with houses, shops and small buildings.
Maxwell: This is way bigger when I was here last time!
Ryan: Wow this is amazing!
Elias, passes Ryan to tell him, "Thanks I helped build this."
The crew enters and are greeted by the people. Elias, Victor, Diwata and Kapurma are swarmed with questions, compliments and greetings. Sarah, Ryan and Maxwell fall back and look on. Sarah speaks with Max.
Sarah: Hey your dads really popular.
Maxwell: Yeah him an uncle Vic saved all these people and moved them here.
Sarah: So this is where the last hero of the old days gained his powers. Makes sense, fighting dinosaurs and saving people from being eaten would make you heroic.
Maxwell: They said he could kill a razhdarchidae with his bare hands. I dont know how true that is but Victor and my dad say its true.
Sarah: Vic told me. He said you and your dad were basically sidekicks to him.
Maxwell: Haha that's uncle Vic being humble. I can't picture him being a sidekick.
Sarah: Im bringing him up because The stories I've herd of that hero. He reminds me of you. Running head first into battle just to save the people you love. Even from your sister I herd how you broke through the building walls to save your father and her. Im a soldier trained by one of the greatest strategist on Earth. But you walk as you have no fear. Im impressed.
Maxwell taken away by the soldiers compliment thanks her. They later give thier attention of the tallest soldier Ryan when his voice is herd.
Ryan: Hey guys! Kapurma and Sylvia want us all to meet in the lab!
The crew heads towards the lab. On their way their Zachary notices towns people passing him up all holding bags of food marked with the same logo
Zachary: Hey. Why are so many people passing by with bags of....noodles??
Diwata: Oh that's from my restaurant. Its everyone's favorite day, ramen day! That's Kapurma's favorite day to. You guys are invited after Sylvia tells us the plan of action of course. The best part is its not too far from the lab.
Zachary: Dinosaurs, Talking tortoises & small towns that serve ramen. Other than the begining part im really liking it here at what do you call this? Center earth? Middle earth?
Victor: Zac, You're not in the center of the Earth. You're in Edenn. This is a different dimension.
Zachary confused tells himself, "Wow that doesn't make it any better. How do we get back? How do we leave? Vic!"
While Zachary calls for Victor, Richard walks past him and they start a conversation. Zachary approaches the driver/piolet to talk to him.
Zachary: Hey man!
Richard answers slightly annoyed, "What?"
Zachary: Just wanted to say. I really didn't know Sylvia was your lady. Im just a genuine fan of what the Caine family has done for the world. Sorry about that man. I just cant handle myself around famous people sometimes.
Richard looking at Zach while he continues his apology sees honesty and sincerity in his facial expression and hears it in his voice. He tells Zach, "Its all good bro." Zach smiles puts his arm around his new friend and asks, "So what's it like dating the most famous woman in the world though. Tell me about the freebies you guys get at parties man!" Zachary listens to Richards story as both of them and the rest of the crew head towards the lab.
After a short stroll our crew hits their destination.
Diwata: Were here!
Zachary's head is looking in the other direction. He says, "Damn right were here! This smells good!" Zac heads towards the restaurant.
Victor slightly annoyed asked Sarah, "Whats he doing?" She answers, "Looks like he's floating over to the noodle shop. Boss."
Victor chases down Zachary.
Victor: Zach! Hey Zach!
Zachary: Yea boss?
Victor: Lab first! Remember!?
Diwata waves over to Zach to come back. She then tells him, "Its okay! There will be plenty of food once were done!" Zach in line looking sad leaves and sees his place gets taken in line.
Zachary: Everything smelled so good!
Sarah: C'mon man. Keep you head in the game.
Ryan: I can't wait to eat either Zach.
Sarah: Food and fighting that's all you guys are into. What is it with you guys?
Zachary and Ryan both laugh. Then the front gate to the lab hidden to the world opens.
Victor: Okay guys. Welcome to the former base of operations of Bernard Sullivan. The old worlds last hero and the new worlds first and greatest hero of all time. This is where he honed his mind, body and spirit to help end the 100 year war.
All 3 soldiers now with serious looks on their faces look at the impressive structure. Realizing this is also where their father figure Victor Hawkins trained with a man who he admired.
The respect they have for Victor made them realize. They can peer into the past and get a little glimpse of what this man did to become the person they love today. As they walk past the gate. People can be seen exercising in the field. Some are running. Some are engaging in sparring. There are cyclists and seminars also being taught outside.
Diwata: These are all our engineers and scientists. They also engage in physical activity to help the moral at their place of work. The Smartest men and women here also are the strongest.
Victor: What'd Barney used to you say Elias?
At the same time Victor and Elias say, "Your body at its peak is useless if you don't bring your noggin up to the same level of strength you got your body to." They both smile as they remember their friend who is no longer with them.
As they reach the front Diwata slides a card key through the slot and our friends all walk in. What they see inside looks like a curated assortment of books paintings and many more other items. In the middle of the floor is what looks like a giant razhdarchidae skeleton. Walking past it the soldiers were in awe. Victor says 1 thing about the skeleton as they walk past it, This was Sullivan's first kill when he got here." Ryan and Zach look up in awe of the beasts bones. It was bigger, much bigger than the king that Kapurma fought.
Zachary: Ryan...
Ryan: Yea?
Zachary: When they called this guy the greatest. They weren't playing!
Ryan in awe of being around his father figures past can only say 1 word, "Yea."
In awe of what they're seeing. Ryan and Zachary are interrupted by Sarah.
Sarah: GUYS C'MON! The labs just down here.
Ryan and Zach both catch up to the group and head towards the lab. The room they enter is big they have the stolen cases laid out on the table. Each member takes a seat. As Elias begins to speak.
Elias: Alright you guys. I hope you enjoyed the stroll through the shadow base. I asked Victor to gather his toughest soldiers here because as you know. Some important cases were stolen from us. Long story short. We might have a fight on our hands coming soon. Where were at in Edenn right now. Time passes different. 1 year here. Is 2 hours in the outside world. Plus you don't age the full year you spend here. You only age 1 day. Don't ask us to explain it. We don't know why its like this either. Sylvia has an idea she wants to build on with all the cases that were taken on this table. While Victor and Richard work on who's attempted the robbery. You guys and Max can sharpen your skills in the mean time.
All were excited at the idea of not aging at the same rate and building your mind and body up. Zachary and his fandom and admiration for the Caine's asks, "what's gonna be made with these?" Sylvia answers.
Sylvia: I got no official name on it yet. So Im calling it the Aiutu 11. It will act as an armed guardian for me, my dads and the Edsons creations.
Ryan: Why don't you move all S rank cases here so no one will steal them?
Sylvia: We thought of that but dad mentions how our enemies tech is evolving to. We'd be bringing a war to Edenn if they found out what they were looking for was here.
Ryan nods in agreement to that idea.
Sylvia: So heres what we got here.
Sylvia opens the first case.
Sylvia: Panoptes lenses. Named after the all seeing giant in greek mythology. We originally made these for doctors out on the field. It turns to something civilians could use. An all seeing lens that breaks down everything when looking at a person or thing who you need to beat down or help. It can tell anything like if a person has a nagging injury. If they have certain diseases that are building up within them so we can attack it before it gets to be too much for the individual in battle. It can warn you of trouble in every direction. These babies are also linked up to every satellite facing earth and away from it. Literally nothing escapes the vision of these lenses
Zachary is in awe of the tech that's in front of him.
Sylvia: Ready for the next one?
Zachary: Man I feel like im at the E4 convention or something!
Sarah: SHHHHHH! quiet!
Sylvia: Case 2, a chunk of inekium ore. And Blueprints on how to make inekium glass. Inekium is what the aiutus are made of. For those of you who listened to the conference earlier. My dad told a little fib for the safety of this place. He didn't make the metal. He got it here. There is a mountain of this stuff buried in Edenn. No one knows where this metal came from. Not even Kapurma. Some believe this metal is the center piece of why time moves the way it does in this dimension This metal is virtually impossible to melt down and mold. We fortunately have the right gear to withstand the heat and forge anything we'd like.
Ryan: Wow imagine if that's true. Who made this place? And dropped the mountain?
Sylvia: No one knows. Some believe GOD. Some believe this is a pocket universe. Where the 1 island just exists.
Zachary: Im getting freaked out right now!
Sarah: The talking turtle or giant dinosaurs didn't freak you out?
Sarah realizing what she said about Kapurma, jumps up quickly to apologize.
Sarah: Sorry! Sorry! *Thinking to herself* (Stupid if he can talk. He understands English!!)
Kapurma smiles and waves it off.
Kapurma: Haha! Don't worry about it. Im a tortoise also.
Sylvia: Hey guys this is case 3.
Sylvia opens the case.
Maxwell: books?
Sylvia: Not just any kind of books. These carry information on places like Edenn. Don't worry we didn't write out how to get there. We mostly have pictures of plants, animals and different species of bugs what they do and how we can use properties from them to help us back home. We have teams studying them to further help the people on earth.
Sylvia: This is the Last case he grabbed. A crown jewel of mines S+ grade.
Sylvia pulls out a pair of glasses and gloves.
Sylvia: There's a pair of glasses on the table for all of you guys. You guys are gonna need to put them on for these.
Zachary: Oh shoot nice! Very Stylish.
Sylvia opens the locks on the case. And puts the gloves on and pulls out the item. Jaws are dropped in the entire room. The items shined bright as the sun. Because it just that, a sun. The entire crew are in awe.
Sylvia: These are miniature suns or stars whatever you want to call these. 1 of these could power an entire country for thousands of years. We planned on mass producing these but the Inekium glass its encased in is hard to come by.
Sylvia closes the case.
Zachary: WHEEEW!!! That was epic!
Sarah punches Zachary for scaring her.
Sylvia: Well we've been transparent with you guys. Exposing this thief is important. You can understand how these items might cause problems for the planet if they're in the wrong hands. While were here we'll (Sylvia, Elias) build the Aiutu 11. The rest of you can get acquainted with the area. Richards father is working on who could've been the robber. It wouldn't be a bad idea to come back physically ready once we found out who he is.
Maxwell: Spend a year and some change here come back jacked and ready to kick some butt? Im down!
Victor: Yeah were gonna need to find out who this guy is and cut the head off this problem before it gets too out of control. So lets get to work!
Zachary: But first we eat!!