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~1 hour later~
Zachary: Feels like we've been walking forever! When are we close to seeing this wise one?
Diwata: Not too long were almost there.
Zachary: I don't understand why we couldn't bring the airship to this destination? It Could've saved us a lot of walking time.
Elias: You know any place here that offers fuel? Plus when going deeper into this place I wouldn't want to fly anywhere near this air space.
Zachary: Why's that??..
Elias: Hard to explain. Maybe if you'll Just wait and see something will pop up.
In about 20 minutes a loud screech can be herd through the skies. Zachary's eyes widen. Elias and Victor take a defensive posture. Zachary yells, "Is that a F@kin dinosaur!? This is what you mean!?" Elias taps his earpiece to send out 2 aiutu's and explains to Zachary, "Those are razhdarchidae they're considered to be the largest flying creatures to ever exist." Ryan, Sarah and Zachary Equip their high tech swords and Zach says, "Well whatever they are it looks like were on the menu!" Just then as the soldiers get ready to attack Victor yells, "STOP! Let Elias handle it!" The soldiers listen to their leader. Victor further explains. "This ones just a kid. The real problems with the adults. They pretty much are the Apex predators when they touch down on land or are in the air. Its another reason we couldn't fly to our destination. It would've been hell on the ship if we had to fight this guy on it. The adult also could be near by watching its kid earn its adulthood through hunting. Instead of killing it we should lure it away."
Elias tells the crew, "I'll lead it away with these two aiutus. Then we can continue." Elias navigates 1 aiutu away from the crew then rams the other into the razhdarchidae's back and causes it to chase the robot that just hit it. The two aiutus keep Sticking and moving while the crew stays on their path. Zachary is still looking to the skies and holding on to his sword nervously. Richard has a talk with Victor.
Richard: Hey Victor not that I'm one to talk when the conversation is about strength, but that Zachary guys a little too jumpy at everything don't you think?
Victor: Ah you think he's scared don't ya?
Richard: No I didn't!..
Victor: Relax kid. I know he gives that vibe off and you just wanna know are you okay around a soldier like him. Zach's fear gets mistaken for what's really determination.
Richard: Determination for what?
Victor: To protect..
Victor: Earlier when he was complaining about walking. It wasn't because his feet hurt or anything like that. Its because people trip and sprain ankles. Then run into bears. Or in our case a dinosaur. He thinks of every and any possible way the mission can go wrong and why we should turn back around. Its a toxic trait of his I'm trying to fix. But boy oh boy when someone he feels he's entrusted to protect gets harmed Id hate to be on the other side of his anger. That includes me.
Richard: Wow! Im sorry I said anything.
Victor: Don't worry Richard. Everyone here on this mission has a purpose. And I believe we call can pull this off.
Richard: Even me? What's my purpose?
Victor: You? You're the piolet and driver, not just any piolet or driver either. You're the best. I didn't call you here just because you're my best friends daughters fiancée If we run into trouble in the air or on land you can navigate us out of it better than anyone else.
Richard says with a smile, "Great wish you stuck a car on the airship."
Victor: Haha! Now you're sounding like Zach.
Just then as our crew walks through a pathway surrounded by trees Sarah stops abruptly and says, "There's movement in the the woods!" The crew stops and peers through the trees. What they see to their surprise are three more razhdarchidae enjoying a successful hunt. This freaks out the crew especially Zachary.
Zachary: Holy sh#t! I think we stumbled on thier feeding ground. It looks like they haven't noticed us yet. Lets keep walking but quietly.
Elias is alerted about a new danger through his earpiece.
Elias: Oh no!
Zachary: What is it??
Elias: Its the parent!
Elias taps his ear piece and moves his finger up to enlarge what he's seeing so the crew can see also he says, "The 1st razhdarchidae that we encountered is being helped out by its parent. That makes 4 kids and one very big and angry parent that seen its kid get bullied by small prey!"
Victor turns to Elias with a plan.
Victor: Elias can you call one of your aiutu back and fight those two off with 1 for a little bit?
Elias: Why?
Victor: I want you to fly me over there.
Zachary Ryan and Sarah: What!?
Elias looks at Victor with an aghast stare, thoughts of potentially putting his best friend in danger swirl through his mind. Just then Victor says, " STOP IT! Don't worry about me. If anything happens to those 2 robots. there's no stopping the parent and the other child when they head here. With me fighting the parent it would be 3 on 2. It would be the same with you 3 here. 6 counting Max, Diwata and Sylvia. Just remember don't kill the children. They were just looking for food. All animals here serve a purpose to the ecosystem here. So Elias can you hold them off?"
It was at that moment Elias realized Victor was going to head that way either way. While that short speech was being said he sent over an aiutu to pick him up. Elias tells Victor, "bugs can get in your mouth so close it." Victor looks at Elias confused and out of no where a jet like sound can be herd. The whole crew look up then back down and realize Victor is gone. He's been picked up by aiutu 1. The fastest of all the 10 robots.
Elias: well be there in a minute.
Victor: Fly above them and drop me down at 30 seconds.
The battle between the the aiutu and the two razhdarchidae continues. Elias is forced to concentrate on bringing Victor to the desired location while keeping the remaining aiutu in battle alive.
Victor: Multi tasking huh? Please don't ram me in a tree or something.
Elias: Be ready! Were here!
The aiutu drops Victor down and continues to help its fellow aiutu. Victor draws his sword. Thrusts the blade forward. Victor tells himself, "Perfect time to practice this combo. I just hope I can stick the landing. This web bomb made by Sylvia goes first." A container is thrown with Victors free hand. Victor grips the hilt of his blade with both hands. A full body of armor appears over Victor. He tells himself, "Lets see how these guys handle Elias Caine tech from the war!"
Victor twists gears on the hilt of the blades, electricity is ignited. Victor screams, "ELIAS SEND YOUR AIUTU AWAY FURTHER BELOW THE FIGHT!" Elias doesn't hesitate and directs his aiutu away from the razhdarchidae. Focused on the aiutu the two razhdarchidae do not notice the falling container. Then it explodes. Loud screeches erupt from both razhdarchidae but not screeches of pain from the explosion. It was confusion. "Web bombs a success!" Vitor tells himself.
The adult razhdarchidae's wing is stuck to its child. It doesn't notice and gives its wings a hard flap to tear the goop off. It doesn't work but what it does is violently swings its child pulling the two razhdarchidae further down to the ground.
Victor then continues to attack, "Electrical net, Then the Last part sword ELECTRIC DISSEMINATE!"
Nets shoot out from victors armor and pin themselves to the razhdarchidae adult. Then In an effort to try and not kill the razhdarchidae the voltage unleashed was not at the swords max. The screams however are now painful screams. The adult razhdarchidae crashes to the ground and is flailing slamming its own child in the process. Clouds of dirt, smoke and dust fly to the skies as the razhdarchidae howl from still being shocked.
Then a Rip of the webbing and tears from the net could be herd. The two razhdarchidae can be seen as they are rising from clouds of dirt. A loud roar comes from the adult. That could have been herd by anyone and everyone in the area. Victor screams with it. Charging into the fray with the two aiutu backing him up.
Back to where Elias and the rest of the crew is at.
Elias: Oh Sh#t!298Please respect copyright.PENANA8GIkEhnsof
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Sylvia: What is it dad?298Please respect copyright.PENANAFVV6hAKQJM
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Elias: That wasn't just a roar Sylvia! That was a war cry! The parent is summoning backup!
The three razhdarchidae in the woods pull their heads up from their meals and head to where the war cry was herd. Terrified at the potential danger Victor is about to face Maxwell and the soldiers plot on how they can help.
Maxwell: Dad this is insane we have to help uncle Victor!
Zachary: This is going to be 5 on 3!
Sarah: No disrespect to your aiutu either Mr. Caine that wont be enough.
Ryan: We wont make it before they get there.
Max starts to turn on his tech.
Max: It'll be quicker and better to just head down there and cut all the damn talking out!
Ryan: Hes right lets go!
Victor's 3 most trusted soldiers and Max run toward the battle to help even the odds for their loved one.
Back at the fight. The adult razhdarchidae makes the first move stabbing its talons from the front ends of its wings down to attack victor. Both shots miss. Victor swings his blade at the second wing that jabs the ground and draws blood from the adult razhdarchidae. Through the screams he tells the beast, "sorry pal." Then the child razhdarchidae appears behind Victor and bites his entire upper body.
The aiutu are shocked only to be relieved when Victor pries open its jaws only to be bitten on the lower half by the adult. Victor quickly positions his feet to hold the adult rarazhdarchidae's jaws open. "Ah sh#t! How am I gonna get out of this!?" Elias rams his two aiutu to the razhdarchidaes throat. Dropping victor to the ground. Victor and the two aiutu stand to their feet and see that they are about to be joined by the 3 razhdarchidae seen earlier.
Victor: You see this Elias? Been nice knowin ya.
Elias *through the aiutu*: Shut up man. You've been in worst situations than this.
Victor pulls another hilt out from his belt and lights the blade up.
Victor lets out a war cry of his own as if he wanted to rally his own troops to take on the beasts that time forgot. He charges into the fight slashes the 1st razhdarchidae child to the chest then maneuvers underneath the adults legs hits the dinosaurs foot with electricity strong enough to take down an elephant but for this beast it just knocks it down on 1 leg.
Victor: ELIAS tell your aiutu to fly us towards the back up! Get me out of here!
Elias: Herd you loud and clear!
The aiutus take a hold of Victor and fly towards Max and the soldiers.
Victor: These guys are gaining ground on me Elias!
Elias: Well they're huge! Looks like these guys stride can cover ground at least 10 times more than my aiutu can.
Just then while Elias was talking hundreds of tree branches were herd rustling causing leaves to fall. Elias thinking to himself, "Where'd that random gust of wind come from?..Can it??." Elias, Sylvia, Richard and Diwata look towards the trees as hundreds of leaves fall.
Max, Sarah, Ryan and Zachary still running towards Victor's way to help him. Also feel the Gust of wind blow past them.
Ryan: What was that?
Sarah: I don't know?
Max with a look of concern on his face changes his expression to a serious scowl and pushes forward using the strength of his tech.
Back over to Victor he's still on the run from all the razhdarchidae while being held on to the aiutu.
Victor thinking to himself: This is insane. I cant jump on one of their backs and take them down because the others would just pick me off. Should I go in the trees?
While Victor thinks of his next attack Elias alerts him of the back up headed hos way.
Elias: Something is headed your way. Got a good feeling it might be a friendly.
Victor: Oh yeah that's nice. Could you please tell them to hurry up!?
Just then what would later be described as a green bolt of lighting came crashing down on the 4 young razhdarchidae. Knocking them all down in 1 shot. What caused "The green bolt of lightning" now spins in the air. The spinning stops and its revealed to be a very old tortoise holding a metal staff.
The tortoise withdraws itself in its shell proceeds to spin and hits the adult razhdarchidae across its beak with its staff. Knocking the 5th and final razhdarchidae down in 1 blow. The tortoise stands tall with its staff in hand. Victor looks and sees Maxwell with the 3 soldiers.
Zachary: Is that a turtle? Holding a cane???.298Please respect copyright.PENANA8w258UwyQD
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Max: Tortoise.298Please respect copyright.PENANA8BFpSIO7B4
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Zachary: How can you tell?298Please respect copyright.PENANAXvH1oLF2zo
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Max: I can't I just know its a tortoise.298Please respect copyright.PENANAdsYy3f5q80
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Zachary: How?298Please respect copyright.PENANA9hGPQNwf9G
298Please respect copyright.PENANAEZzlMM6UVc
Max: He told me.298Please respect copyright.PENANAuY5CLaGPJF
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Zachary, Sarah, Ryan: WHAT!?298Please respect copyright.PENANAMXahD6O7H6
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Max: You guys are in for a very special treat. That's Kapurma the warrior that history forgot.
Max sits down and the soldiers look on curiously waiting to see what Kapurma can do.
Directing his attention to the adult razhdarchidae. Kapurma speaks.
Kapurma: King Raz these are guests of mine. I need you and your children to leave them alone.
Sarah: So the adult is actually their king?
Ryan: That's a freaking talking turtle! And you're surprised Victor was fighting freaking dinosaur royalty!?
Zachary: Guys it looks like the king of pterodactyls wants to eat old turtle. What do we do if he cant handle him?
Ryan: All we can do is hope he can.
King Raz: I did not know they were guests of yours. Forgive me Kapurma. If I had known they were friends of yours I would have told my children to let them through. This skirmish was just a misunderstanding. We were just defending ourselves after being attacked.
Kapurma looks at the king of the razhdarchidae then softens his stare and tells the razhdarchidae 1 more thing that will enrage the king and the eldest of his children.
Kapurma: A misunderstanding, very well. You and your children head back. Let all your razhdarchidae know these travelers are with me. So no more misunderstandings would happen.
A look of disgust is on The kings face as Kapurma turns his back on him. The kings eldest son looks on feeling the same rage his father feels. Then in a split second King Raz goes for an attack. All his children look on in shock. Only for the king to be met with a swift and powerful shot to the face by Kapurma's staff. Knocking the king down & drawing blood from his beak.
Kapurma: Im sorry I spoke to you in such a way earlier. Your kind has been overeating on these lands leaving nothing but death and chaos all over. So you'd understand my frustration. Im saying this to you as a fellow leader. Leave and think of a better way to survive with your tribe. This is a battle I do not want to have. This fight you have with me is over. We can work out our discrepancies another day.
Wiping the blood from its beak the king only utters one word, "Okay."
The king of the razhdarchidae forced down on land his ego bruised and left bloodied. His children look on as Kapurma guides Victor and the rest of the crew away from the scene. The king tells himself 5 words that would resonate with his children particularly with his oldest they were, "This Will never be over."