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Elias turning back inside the building he came out of to dodge the rest of the questions from the press, he's met by a young woman who is professionally dressed. She yells at Elias to get his attention. "DAD! OVER HERE!" Elias turns around and smiles when he sees who is demanding his attention. "Sylvia! What are you doing down here? Having trouble with the business?" With her face a little annoyed Sylvia playfully hits her father then answers,
"No way you tell us you're going to unveil the best invention you've ever made and I figured I'd have to check the unveiling out myself and in person. I gotta say dad. You didn't disappointed those 8 years since you stepped down and handed the company to me. You've basically built superheroes for the world."
With a look of admiration in his eyes and pride. Elias smiles then tells his daughter,
"Well you didn't disappoint either since I handed you the company 8 years ago to work on the Auitu's. Our name has been in good hands ever since. Thank you for coming out. Did you bring your brother?"
Just before Sylvia could answer a large explosion is herd from above. Ready to spring into action Sylvia signals where the sound of the explosion is coming from.
"Dad that sounds like it came from upstairs!"
Elias replies, "I can tell since I see everyone running down here."
While everyone runs away from the chaos Elias, Sylvia and a handful of building security run towards it. They finally reach the explosions source. Sylvia tells security.
"This is where we store all prototypes and blueprints of our tech!"
Concerned about her and her fathers life work being stolen Sylvia rushes inside to check on the potential damage that might've been done. To her shock she sees tore down walls that's used to carry safes of tech worked on by the Caine father and daughter team, and two armored figures 1 just seems to be a cargo bot used for transferring important equipment. The other is human because she can hear him talking to himself while he pillages the Caine family's technology. The armored foe notices Sylvia through his peripherals. He tries to speak to her. Before he can utter more than 1 word Elias barges in and screams
As she ducks to the floor the sound of wind crackling erupts as the aiutu robots soar in. Elias yelling at security, "All of you get to safety!" All of the aiutus eyes burning with lasers aiming for the armored villain who broke in. He raises his hands and activates a force field through his gauntlet. The beams seem to be not powerful enough to break through. Elias strategizes for a moment then in a Risky move he tells his aiutu's to break formation.
"5 to the armored thief. 5 of you stay to the one holding cargo."
Elias continues to bark orders, "Concentrate on his gauntlets. Burn a hole through the force field & break his armor! You other aiutus retrieve the cargo before we lose it. It hasn't moved yet. Im assuming this piece of machinery operates on orders. So you other 5 keep the thief busy."
The thief in armor concentrating on not getting caught makes a decision. He lets out a demanding scream towards the cargo robot and says,
Just like that the 4 legged cargo robot hops up and with unexplainable speed jumps out of the blown out wall and behind the crowd of people still outside from the conference earlier. And the Cargo bot started to scale the buildings. Anger in his face, Elias tells the aiutu,
"Follow the cargo robot!"
Elias taps onto an earpiece he's wearing twice and a visor pops up on his left eye to see visual from aiutu robot #2. The cargo robot is still in sight and begins to climb buildings but with speed so quick Elias hesitates to command action in fear he might potentially damage the buildings and set off a domino effect that would harm civilians. He thinks to himself "Did he mean to do that?" Through the earpiece he tells his aiutu,
"continue to follow the cargo! Well wait till we're cleared of any civilian activity."
Then a breakthrough happens. The remaining 5 aiutu through through the orders said by Elias earlier break the force field of the armored thief by concentrating all their blasts towards 1 area and they burn off a piece of the gauntlet on his left wrist. Shutting off his force field.
"Ahh F#CK this!"
The armored thief tells himself and shoots electrified whips though his left and right wrist. Metallic hooks on both the ends of the whips temporarily knock two aiutus off balance. The thief flips between both of them touching the front of both their heads & reveals what appears to be a bomb stuck to both of their faces. With a push of his finger putty blows up on the two aiutus faces. The three remaining aiutu put up a fight, but the mystery man is acrobatic. He flips & dodges the blasts of lazers to a point where an aiutu knocks one out with its laser beam. Now 2 are left to defend the Caine building. Elias asks the man, "Who are you? You know we can't let you escape? So you might as well tell us now!" The man in armor tells him, "people like me are true progress."
Before he continues Elias says, "True progress but you're stealing my things?"
The thief replies back, "Funny guy.
You're just a relic of the past. The proof is in how I handled these creations of yours. You wont change Caine You and your family!" Curiously Elias asks, " What do you mean?"
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Out of no where a voice can is herd "SCREW WHAT HE MEANS!" Barging through the floor above is another armored character going straight for the thief. Sylvia yells his name, "MAX!!"
Elias replies, "Your brothers in there?"
Sylvia tells her father, " yes that's him dad. He's got my latest creation on to. Its a suit that enhances your physical abilities, and you know with Max. His physical abilities are not the same from the average citizen."
Elias's eyes widen with eagerness, excited and anticipation on what he's about to witness.
Max Caine charges towards the thief He dodges the whips thrown at him, then the bombs of putty. The thief calls his whips back only for them to be smashed through the wrists of the thief. Max now has the thief within striking distance. With his gauntlets totally destroyed the thief jumps back rids his gauntlets from his forearms and balls his fists ready to fight. The Thief tells Max
"Alright kid guess I have to beat your ass the old fashioned way then."
The thief steps forward only to have his knee kicked from under him. Knocking the thief off balance and his face being met with a right uppercut. With his head flying back the thief shows there are still more tricks in his armored suit. A flying knee hits Max under his chin. But this wasn't no ordinary knee to the chin. It was helped with the power of the thief's jet powered boot. Max's suit has no chin guard but he's blocked the hit the best way he could by weaving around the knee making it graze him, he steps back and realizes the thief drew blood. He wipes it off his chin and with a smirk on his face tells his opponent, " hot damn' it seems I underestimated you. You're not just some guy in an armored suit relying on his toys to do the work. You're a man of some skill." The thief replies to Max, "Flattery will get you no where with me. Especially from a Caine!" The thief charges towards Max. Punches, Kicks and grabs are blocked and reversed from both sides. Just then through all the sparks, rubble and dust being built up from the thief and Max. Elias is still herd through the chaos. The thief gets distracted by what Elias says next, "The cargo bot is slowing down!" Hearing Elias speak on his stolen goods diverted the thief's attention toward his opponent for a second. That's all Maxwell needed. An armored fist connects to the thief's face then a series of punches rain down on the thief's body head and arms. What was seconds felt like an eternity to the thief. Now pieces of his armor battered and broken the thief takes a step forward to continue the fight but is tripped by a kick from Max. Then a swift stomp to the head. Sylvia runs to her brother and checks on him for any wounds. "That was a pretty hard knee you took. He split your chin open." Sylvia tells her brother. Max smiling replies, "Don't worry about it. That was on me for not paying attention. The guy was tougher than I expected." Sylvia wiping the blood off her brothers chin with her coat sleeve tells him, "Well then pay attention next time you're gonna throw down with a guy in a weaponized armored suit. Both laughing, sounds end up being heard where the thief was beaten. Words are uttered through the thief's helmet, "You fools think this is over. Think that you've won?" Max looking down at the thief he says, "Well you're the one on the ground in pain and were about to take back what you stole to. So yes, I'd say were done here." Just then the thief's armor falls to pieces revealing there was no one in the armor to begin with. The helmet from the thief speaks to them, "I wasn't even here! Hahahahaha!" Max frustrated that there will probably be no more answers after this fight and stomps on the chest plate & holds the helmet up to him and tells the thief, " YOU COWARD! You hide from all your battles you start!?" The thief replies, "What you call cowardice is really strategy kid. I still got what I came for." The helmet in Max's hand shuts off and begins to glow red. So do the other pieces of armor. Then through the visor of the thief's helmet numbers show counting down from 10, 9, 8, 7. Maxwell and Sylvia realize what's happening. With their father too occupied with what's going on with the cargo bot Max grabs his sister throws her over his shoulder. Then grabs his father as he hears the 3, 2. Max jumps out the busted wall the theif broke in from then 1, 0... An explosion big enough to take out the floor above and below comes about. The explosion is powerful enough to push Max and his family further knocking Elias loose from under Max's arm then dropping him. "DAD! HOLD ON!" Max screams. Elias tells his son, "Don't worry." Then taps his ear piece and screams, "10 help me get to Safty!." Through the roaring flames of the explosion comes aiutu number 10. A quick spin of its circular body extinguishes the flames on itself and number 10 dives down to rescue Elias. Number 10 grabs Elias and is told to follow Max. All 3 dropped safely on top of a neighboring building. Aiutu number 10 standing next to Elias while Sylvia looks on in amazement. "Dad that was amazing!" She says, "The Explosion took out 3 floors but it looks like theres only a few scratches on it!" Her father smiling tells her, "that's one of the many secrets of this machine. They're unbreakable." Max with his helmet off looking at the explosion angrily his father approaches him. "Son you did good." He says. Max ignoring the compliment replies
"I should've finished him off quicker. I Could've lost you all...like how we we lost mom."
Elias with a look of sadness but pride in his son replies, "but you didn't son. You kept fighting to save what you love like her. That's all that matters." The stern look on Max's faces softens and he remembers. "Dad you said the cargo bot slowed down? Did you see what happened?" Elias jumps up and says "oh wait let me see!" The visor gets turned on again and we see the cargo robot broken to pieces. With the cargo in hand being held by 4 armored figures welding high tech swords and guns. Sylvia watching says it looks like the aiutu didn't have to fight this battle. Elias smiling replies, "Yeah just like I said, they don't need me for weapons. We already have the best general of war in the world on our side and his 3 disciples. That's the only weapon we need. Just then the cargo bot glows red. The three disciples examine the robot. Max watching looking at the building again turns around and tells Elias, "ITS A BOMB! THEY DON'T KNOW ITS A BOMB!" Elias instantly commands the aiutu's to lift all 4 soldiers out of the danger as fast as they can. Then the second explosion happens. Being carried by aiutu number 1 Victor hawkins takes off his helmet and reveals his face. He asks Elias, "Do you know what the hell all of this was about?" With an earnest look Elias tells him, "I don't know. This probably won't be the last attack either."
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Once the flames of the explosion died down. Victor and his disciples search through the rubble to recover what they can. Victor tells his troops. "These boxes are bomb proof, melt proof and break proof. Nothing can get in unless you want it to. Nothing can get out unless you want it to. Move the rubble from the explosion around and see if we can find those boxes."
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The rubble is moved and just like Victor said. The cargo was found. One of his soldiers gets his attention, "Yo boss we found the boxes. What next?" Victor replies, "We take them to Elias and figure out why and how this man got so close to stealing top secret classified items from the worlds smartest man."