A few minutes later in Diwata's restaurant the whole crew chows down on their meal cooked by the Chef and her friends. Zachary and Kapurma are enjoying their food the most. Kapurma dips his head into the bowl & takes a big slurp then smiles at Sarah while Zachary asks for more from the owner.
The whole crew is in bliss after their meal. A few decide to order more. There were seconds, Thirds and fourth servings that were consumed.
Zachary: Ahh Im stuffed! Richard wanna hit up the track and run all this food off?
Richard: First let me rest this off then I'll think about running it off. *groans*
Sylvia notices her father being the only one at the table not in conversation.
Sylvia: Dad, You're kinda just staring into space. What's wrong? I know we almost lost people. A lot happened today but look we get to work together again.
Elias: No its not that honey. Im just thinking about your mother.
Sylvia: What? Why would you be thinking about mom?
Maxwell: Well to start she named the dish you guys are eating?
Sylvia: What? Haha Supremeo ramen!? I know you guys used to love ramen spots but how did this happen?
Elias begins to to tell his daughter how her mother named the dish everyone ate. The whole table quiets down and listens.
Elias: So it was after one of our battles with the empress. We searched the area for survivors. We found Diwata. She lost her parents and had no where to go. As a matter of fact we had 12,000 survivors who didn't have homes. It was Bernard's (Barney) idea to bring them to Edenn and fortify the shadow base. It took a few years to build a big enough ship to bring all the survivors with us but when we did, we got straight to work and built up this town. I put this shop up. It was meant for your mother to do whatever she wanted with. And Diwata comes in. Shes (Diwata) had a woman take her in who lost her daughter during the war. She was playing with the some kids and asked what I was doing. I was making food with the ingredients I gathered outside of town. Coincidentally she was hungry. I may be a mechanical engineer but Im also an engineer with the food.
Sylvia: We know you can cook dad continue the story!
Zachary: I didn't know that...
Elias: Okay so we try the food. She absolutely loves it. Then she asks me to teach her how to cook it. Time goes by she tells me shes made the perfect bowl of ramen. And dubbed it "The Bowl Supreme." Me and your mother were expecting it to be okay. I take the first sip of the broth it blows my mind. I cant say anything. She thinks Im joking and says, "alright let me try this bowl supreme." She takes her sip and says, "Oh!" Ill tell you I only seen her make that face when.
Sylvia: Dad STOP!
Elias: I was gonna say watching movies darling, movies! Hahaha! Well Diwata comes back and tells us shes renaming it Supremeo Ramen, Because it pipes you up like a cup of coffee except instead of beans you get that pick me up from the seasoning and other ingredients put in there. Then you end up devouring everything else in the bowl. Plus The Supremeo bowl is way catchier than "The Bowl Supreme." After that through cooking Diwata and your mother became close. Shes like your older sister in a way Sylvia.
Sylvia smiles thinking about her mother and looks at Diwata serving all the other customers in her restaurant.
Sylvia: I wonder if she misses mom like how we do dad?
Elias: She does Sylvia. Those two were inseparable when they were together.
Elias stands up, stretches and extends his hand to his daughter.
Elias: All right baby girl. Ready to get to work? Just like old times.
Sylvia grabs her fathers hand and stands with him.
Sylvia: Yeah just like old times. Lets get started.
Elias and the crew grinded through their days and focused on their missions. Knowing when they get out and not even 1 day would have passed in thier reality kept them focused. Friendships were made and bonds grew stronger. Their bodies and minds have sharpened. 3 hours have passed since the trip in the mountain portal. 1 year and 6 months have passed in Edenn. And Zachary has became great friends training with Richard. After a training session with Kapurma they're refueling at Diwata's restaurant.
Zachary: You know what? Back in the day..
Richard: You mean a few hours ago?
Zachary: Ha! Yeah well when we first came here and Diwata said it was ramen day. I didn't think she meant Everyday was ramen day! Not that Im complaining though. This stuffs delicious!
Richard: Bro we know you're really here to try and Ask Diwata out!
Zachary With a look of shock drops his utensils and says, "Shussh!! Hey man! Ill get to it! You gotta understand how hard its gotta be to ask a girl out who literally lives in the Garden of Edenn!"
RIchard: But she also used to live on regular old earth. Don't you think she'd wanna see what Elias made out of her old home world? You know visit where her parents used to live?
Diwata approaches their table and the two friends instantly stop their conversation.
Diwata: Hey guys! Enjoying your food?
Zachary: Uh yeah! Good! Were good! *Gives the thumbs up*
Diwata laughs and says, "Okay guys let me know if you need anything else." Then she walks aways. "As she walks Zachary is lost in thought at another opportunity to ask the ravishing Diwata out." Is what Richard said. Then Zach snaps out if it.
Zachary: Hey man chill out. Chill out!
Richard: Im just saying man we should be leaving any minute. Once my dad finds out who these guys are.
Zachary: I get you. I get you.
After their meal Zachary and Richard head out to meet Sylvia and Elias in the lab. Richard and Zachary say their farewells.
Zachary: Hey thanks for the meal D.
Diwata: Come back anytime!
Zachary: Hey umm Diw..
Diwata: Yes!
Zach pauses momentarily then tells Diwata, "...I will be back! Maybe Ill order 2 bowls with the desert on the side next time!'
She laughs and tells Zachary and Richard, "Alright guys I have to get back to work." 344Please respect copyright.PENANASTruGARhxX
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Richard and Zachary head out to the Lab
Richard: Ahh the Man can bench 200 pounds, run 15 miles a day and regularly spares with the great Victor Hawkins but is scared to admit his feelings for a lady. *Richard puts his arm around Zachary*
Zachary: I freaking suck..
Richard: Its cool man. That's why were friends Ill give you lady advice since Im about to be married to the best one there is. And you help me out building up the brawn!
Zachary: Haha! Thanks man. You have been going hard to. Im Sure Sylvia's noticed the change.
Richard: Yeah she has at first. But lately shes been coming home dead tired from working on the aiutu 11.
Zachary: Its like what you said were almost home. Do you ever think how trippy it would be when we get back?
Richard: All the time. We lived 1 year and 6 months here. While not even 3 hours have passed in our world. Sheesh.
Zachary: I do miss home though. I still have some shows I wanna catch up on from my Boku player.
Richard: And maybe you cant binge watch some of them with Diiwataa!!
Zachary: What? Hey come back here!
Richard runs ahead of Zachary and into the lab. Away from them on a small hill near the mountains. Sarah, Ryan and Maxwell are training with Kapurma. Maxwell is wearing a modified version of the suit he wore when he fought the thief. Most notably there's more protection covering the wearer. Sarah and Ryan both watch on.
Maxwell: Gonna let you know right now Kap. Just cuz I love ya. Im not gonna go easy on you either. *Maxwell warms up throwing a few punches in his new modified suit.*
Kapurma: I wouldn't have it any other way Max. *Kapurma spins his staff. Clangs it on the ground toward Elias and gestures towards him bring it.*
Max charges forward with assistance through the speed boosters attached to his legs and throws a powerful left punch but Kapurma sees right through the attack and side steps Max and hits him in the ribs with his staff.
Kapurma: A head on attack? You must think Im older than how I look?
Maxwell: I knew you'd sidestep just had to touch you. That punch I threw was in case you noticed my other hand..
Then to Ryan's surprise he notices something during the match.
Ryan: What!? Sarah look! Max has put something on Kapurma's shell!
Kapurma hears what Ryan said and looks at Max anticipating what will happen next.
Maxwell: Ahh yeah the oldest trick in the book. I thought you would've herd about this one Kap. Swing with the left. Slap you on your back with the right. Now you got your 1 hit in and it was pretty good, but I gave you 1 just to land 10.
Just after Max says that Max lets off 10 miniature missiles through the shoulder pads of his armor. And Kapurma starts to run.
Maxwell: Don't worry Kap. I know were just sparring. The missiles are loaded with Pink Paint. Hard to wash off though. The impact will still hurt. But the wise one of the shadow village in Edenn will look like a pretty pink tortoise if he doesn't figure out how to get away. Hahahaaha!
Kapurma instantly runs faster at the thought of being covered in hard to wash off pink paint.
Ryan: Could he have won already?
Sarah: Max is tough but that damn turtle has some pretty good moves of his own. He beat me in sparring good. Im still trying to think how I lost that one.
Kapurma runs through a field of trees taking out 2 of the missiles.
Maxwell: Damn it!
Kapurma side steps. Another missile hits a tree.
Kapurma: He's trying to tire me out. It might work if I don't do something quick!
Kapurma spots a lake. And instantly dives in. Before hitting the water he thinks to himself, "This is a bad idea. Im such a horrible swimmer." Kap hits the water along with 2 of the other missiles. They short circuit. Kapurma picks up the two missiles and jumps out of the lake. While in the air Kap sees The fleet of missiles heading towards him. Kap throws both short circuited missiles in the air hits them towards the active ones taking 2 more out.
Ryan: Old guys still got good aim.
Sarah: Yup.
Kapurma still running keeping his body in motion. With his mind moving just as fast he is thinking about how to get rid of the last 3 missiles. Then he thinks to himself, "Hey Im sparring just like him. Even though these missiles only got pink paint in them. I can make him get hit with it to. Kapurma changes directions and charges toward Elias he zigs and zags on his way there to hopefully lose a missile and he does. A perfect zig zag caused another missile to get hit against a boulder. There are now two missiles left. Kapurma heads closer to Maxwell. He stops. Zig zags closer to him. Inch by inch he's getting closer. Max starts attacking from a distances shooting projectiles from his wrist. That's not enough though as one of the missiles reach closer Kapurma he jumps at it. Hitting it with his staff blowing the missile up landing behind Max he instantly grabs him holding him in place for the final missile.
Maxwell: Are you crazy!?! This things gonna hit you to!
Kapurma: I know, sacrifice play. Im gonna take you out with me.
Max tries to pull himself off Kapurma but he wont budge.
Kapurma: I know about the Hercules wires Sylvia put in your suit. That wont get me off of you. And the staff pressed against you wont break. Its pure Inekium.
Maxwell panicking as he sees the final missile heading towards him as he closes his eyes to accept the inevitable he remembers something his sister told him.
(Max's Memory)
(Sylvia: Ill let you test this battle armor out. Just take it to move around with it. Test the weapons out on the training equipment and bring it back. Please don't spar with it I'd hate to end up needing to washing the suit off after working on the aiutu 11 all day. Id be nuclear levels of angry.
Maxwell: Don't worry sis. Ill keep this nice and clean.)
(End Of Memory)
Maxwell takes the hit from the final missile. Max soaks in the warmth of his defeat and the warmth of the pink paint. Kapurma laughs and says, "Well that was a good round."
Sarah: Welp the Tortoise god goes 3-0 again.
Ryan: Were getting stronger training with him though Sarah can you feel it?
Sarah: Yeah I just don't like that we end up looking like Max all the time.
Just then Ryan gets a message from Victor. It reads , "We found the thief guys. Meet us back at the lab asap." Ryan shows the message to Sarah and they get the attention of Maxwell and Kapurma to head to the lab.
Sarah: Yo guys! Victor needs us at the lab! They found the thief!
They head towards the lab while Ryan congratulates Max on his match.
Ryan: Good Job Max. Helluva strategy for your fight.
Maxwell: Thanks man. Im gonna need another strategy to explain this to my sister.
Not too long after Everyone meets in the laboratory.
Sylvia: WHAAAT!?! No, no, no! Please lets get some people in here to wash this suit off. What did I tell you Max!? THIS IS NOT FINISHED YET!
Sylvia walks over and pushes her brothers head.
Sylvia: Lucky you got that armor on! Id hit you in your head!
She walks away as the people assigned to clean the suit come in.
Ryan leans over and whispers to Maxwell, "Great Strategy". Max says back to him, "Thanks" and smiles underneath his helmet. Kapurma and Max head to the showers to wash off.
Kapurma's getting his head scrubbed by a few people from town. While the lab workers are washing Sylvia's suit. Kapurma speaks to Max about their match.
Kapurma: Funny how you said you were gonna make me a pink tortoise but you ended up giving your shell a little color to.
Maxwell smiles and shakes his head and just says, "Sacrifice play Kap, it was a sacrifice play." Back over to the rest of the crew Victor Hawkins updates his friends.
Victor: As we said your time here will strengthen you. Mind body and spirit. And your bonds have been strengthened to. Well be coming into this fight stronger than ever. We now know who our enemy is thanks to Julius back home. Its an underground group called the Lords of war. They believe violence is always necessary for the world so they supply the under world with arms selling their stolen wares to the highest bidder.
Ryan: I've herd about these guys. Never could find a trace of their existence though.
Victor: They're getting desperate and sloppy now. Julius Edson, Richards father is the best weapons dealer of the world. He's helped us track down this organization, because of the support from Caine Tech. Elias plans to head out early to survey the hideout with Julius. Sylvia will stay back she needs about an estimate of 9 months to finish the aiutu 11. Me and the rest of you guys will need about 8 to complete everything in our training. So before we get there get ready to say your goodbyes to the good people of Edenn for housing us.
Sarah, Zachary, Ryan: YES SIR!
Richard looks toward Zachary, Zach nods knowing he has to tell Diwata about his feelings soon. Elias heads over to the Pod where Aiutu 11 is being finished. Elias touches the pod and says, "Can't wait to see this you outside of this. Earlier This week I said I created my greatest invention. And I might've topped it. The best part is that its something I created with Sylvia... You're going to be very special." As Elias heads out Max catches up to his father.
Maxwell: Hey dad! I herd everything. Need me to head out with you?
Elias: No don't worry son. Well just be searching the area through satellite. Just enjoy the rest of your days here.
Maxwell shakes his fathers hand and wishes him well, "Alright dad. See you later. Man I love it here!"
Over by the noodle shop Zachary is waiting outside for Diwata.
Zachary: Hey D!
Diwata: Zach? What's up?
Zachary: Don't know if you herd, but well be leaving soon.
Diwata: Yeah, I caught Elias walking back to the ship with Kapurma. Ill be missin you guys.
Zachary: Yeah that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about. See I think it was pretty neat to get to know you this whole year and. I, I really like you I don't want this to be the last time I see you. If you're interested. After we take care of these war lord guys would you like to come back and visit Earth again and see what Elias has done to help bring it back?
There was a pause that felt too long for Zach so he begins to answer for her.
Zachary: Yeah I get it. Who'd wanna go back and..
Diwata: Id love to! I don't want this to be the last time I see you either. And if I could Id love to travel the world and learn all the other new dishes I can cook and bring back new recipes for everyone in Edenn to try. That would be so great thank you!
Ecstatic at the answer Zach couldn't even form sentences properly.
Zachary: T That's awwesome, so are you trying to become a ramen master or something?
Diwata: No I want to be a master chef. I still remember foods my mom used to cook me and I can't make any of those. Id love to make that. Burgers, gosh the seafood.
Zachary: Haha! Well we've still got all that there.
Diwata hugs Zachary catching him off guard.
Diwata: Well be seeing each other agian! So awesome
Zachary: Clears throat *ack hmm uh hmm* yeah that is right?!
Back over to where Elias and Kapurma are. Elias is on Kapurma's back sliding down a steep hill so they can get to the ship.
Kapurma: Elias it was wonderful having you over. Makes me miss the old days when you 4 would spend time here back in the day. I know you're a busy man but please try and visit more often.
Elias: I will Kap. You've kept Diwata safe these years. Im grateful for that. Shes became quit the fixture in the village. I herd she teaches classes on how to cook and writes books on what ingredients you need for all the various dishes. That's pretty amazing.
Kapurma: You can thank the books you left for her. Cooking has really became a passion for her. Its the one memory of her father and mother she has. So naturally she would show interest in this job. She gets sad all the recipes or ingredients are not available for her to make.
Elias: Really? Like what?
Kapurma: Shes been wanting to try the american bacon cheeseburger. I've been wanting cookie dough ice cream. We have no cows here Elias! Haha!
Elias: Im sure there's ways she could substitute ingredients.
Kapurma: She'd rather try it precisely first then make her adjustments. I think she wants to leave Edenn. And explore what the new world you've made is about. I think she should.
Elias: hmm That's understandable. If you're okay with it. I can set up a few things for her.
Kapurma: Of course, children should grow. Keeping them rooted in their home only stunts their potential. Hold on to the saddle Elias!
Kapurma slides down a hill shoots up from the bottom and lands near the ship.
Kapurma: Ahh see what did I tell you Elias. Its harder to get to the shadow village, but easier to navigate around Edenn when you leave it.
Elias: pretty neat Kap. Well see you soon. Even though it will feel like months later for you.
Elias boards the airship. And enters an escape pod to leave the ship for the rest of the crew. Kapurma watches on as Elias leaves back to Earth. They wave each other goodbye and the portal opens. Elias looks at the portal and says to himself, "I'll never get used to this."
Elias passes through the overwhelming Blinding colors and extreme heat and exits through the other side of the portal. He is now back on Earth. Elias contacts Julius to start to look for the War lords. He receives no answer. "hmm Ill head over to his facility." An hour later Elias lands the ship on top of the Edson Incorporated (Julius's company) building. He enters the building and heads down to the floor where Julius office is. There is a lady at the desk who seems excited to see Elias.
Elias: Hi Priscilla, do you know where Julius is by any chance?
Priscilla: Yes! He should be in his office Mr. Caine. He told me only to let you in.
Elias: Oh really? Ill just head back there then, okay?
Priscilla: No problem Mr. Caine.
Elias: Priscilla you don't have to call me Mr. Caine. Elias is fine enough.
Priscilla shocked that she might've offended Elias says, "okay Elias sir!"
Elias: Priscilla! Don't call me sir either. No need to be too formal.
Priscilla: Sorry! Sorry!
Elias and Priscilla head back towards Julius's office. And he knocks on the door. There was no answer. Elias thought to himself, "Maybe he doesn't know its me?" So he says his name, "Julius? Julius, Its Elias. No answer. So he knocks again and says "Hey man stop playing around. Im coming in." Elias asks Priscilla to open his office door with her spare card key and to their surprise no one was there. Only a busted window and a flash drive on the table with a message that says play the video file.
Elias: Priscilla...
Priscilla: Yeah...what should we do.
Elias: Get me all of video footage from this building. So we can look for any suspects who might've taken Julius. Im gonna see what's on this.
Priscilla: Okay Im on it boss! Oops its a habit when Im in this room Im sorry!
Elias plugs in the flashdrive to see what kind of message was left for him. There was 1 file on it. It was a video. And on it the thumbnail alone was sickening to look at. Julius was tied to a chair. Blood streaming from his forehead. Surrounded by him were all of his security. Beaten, Bruised and some looked dead. Elias's face was in fear to push play but for his friend he gathered the strength to see what he could do to help him get out of this if he's still alive. The video starts. Moans of pain, and anguish are herd, voices can be herd pleading for mercy. Then another voice speaks, while the video stays focused on Julius.
"Hello there Mr. Caine its an honor to be talking to you. You're most likely watching me right now enraged and confused. Don't worry well answer your questions in a little. Your friend here has been doing some digging on our group. You see were a fable to many but realer than life when it comes to people like you or your friend. Us being exposed like this means were real to everyone. And when you're real you have more eyes looking for you. More eyes means more people to stop you. And we cant have that. You see Elias it all started when Bernard Sullivan killed the empress. All the sewer rats started popping out the ground taking their chances at being the next monarch. Most of them will never have a chance but they'll keep trying no matter how impossible it may look, and they'll pay no matter how much. I told myself who are we to stop them? So I hired 3 mercenaries to steal some high end weapons. Not to the level of what you or your friend here used to make. But they were still good enough to earn some valuable pay from some very rich criminals. We elevated in wealth and power as time went by. And kept the best of what we stole. Our clients started to respect us out of fear. See basically we profit off violence and war. That's because you can't end it! But you can control it! Our Clients fight and kill each other for false titles while we reap the rewards. Im no fan of the Empress either. But 1 thing I did respect about her was her idea to plan and wait. What I mostly hated about her was the vanity. Everywhere her face was shown. When shed speak to the crowd Id wonder if today was the day a sniper would get her. She could've ruled for another 100 years if she wanted to but she loved to show her face. Just like this guy here (focuses the camera on julius). So Elias you haven't seen my face yet. But I'll tell you where I am. Meet me at the legends trail, and don't think about bringing anybody. I just wanna have a personal conversation with you. We can talk about this............."
For the first time since the video started. The voice from the screen steps out in front of the camera. Only a Shadow is seen. Then the voice from the screen sticks his arm out. Elias realizes he has a gun. Elias's eyes widen as he anticipates what will happen next. The trigger is pulled. The sound and image of his friend taking a bullet to the head leaves Elias in a state of shock. His eyes begin to redden. Ears start ringing and numbness begins to flow through his body. The voice is still speaking but Elias hears nothing. He only feels pain, anger and guilt. The lust for revenge brews within Elias. However It gets slightly quelled for the moment.
Priscilla returns with the video footage she places them on the desk and tells Elias, "Okay let's get to work." Priscilla then catches a glimpse of what's was in the computer screen.
Priscilla: AHHH! Oh my god!? Oh my god!
Priscilla almost collapses at the site of her dead boss on the computer screen. Elias catches her.
Priscilla: What do we do? What do we do?!
Elias: Listen he told me to meet him at legends trail. You're gonna call the authorities to look over these tapes. And I'll head over there. I'll be...
Priscilla: Um Elias... The computer screen just turned red.
The voice herd earlier continues to talk and leaves a final message. "Oh if you're back to your senses. I should warn you there are bombs hidden in the ceiling of this floor.... As soon as Elias hears the word "Bomb" he instantly remembers the man in armor, and how he almost killed his entire family including himself when that man blew up his own suit. So he calls for back up.
Elias: AIUTU!!! Grab as much people you can!!!
All 10 aiutu fly in and pick up the Edson workers 1 by 1. One in each hand and foot. Elias destroys the nearest wall facing outside Its revealed after a few punches he's wearing the original suit Max wore during his fight the armored thief. He grabs Priscilla. The move startles her. Elias while holding Priscilla jumps out of the building. Followed by the aiutu with the survivors. Then the explosion happens. Priscilla catches a glimpse of the explosion while shes in the air with Elias. She sees the 10 aiutu's with her co workers in tow as she feels the wind blow through her hair, and feels the grip of her rescuer determined to not let her down. Priscilla takes another look this time at her rescuer. "He's so heroic." Is what she says to herself as she begins to blush. Elias lands on top of the nearest building. His aiutu follow.
Elias: Aiutu 1 you and the other 9 have 40 workers with you. How many employees work on that floor.
The aiutu digs in its database and answers at the same time as Priscilla
Aiutu 1 and Priscilla: 54 sir!
Priscilla: I mean 54 not counting Julius, Elias...
Elias: That means 15 people died today...DAMN IT!!
Elias falls to his knees and catches his breath. To calm down.
Elias:.....Julius....RAGH!!!! DAMN IT!
Priscilla: Elias?.
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Elias Caine stands back up in his feet. Brushes dust off his pants and shoulders. He takes a couple of deep breathes to maintain and retain a piece of his sanity. He looks over at Priscilla. Then back at the building and says, "You know what Priscilla? Im getting tired of jumping out of exploding buildings. So I think I'll go and kill the guy that did this myself!"