Shackled in a cell with his head hanging low Julius is thrown the latest daily paper. In big bold letters the title reads
As Julius looks at the paper he's asked by the person who threw it towards him, "Why did you do it?..." The person is revealed to be Zachary.
There is no answer. Julius just looks at the paper in front of him. Zachary notices this so he continues to talk in an attempt to get Julius to mention anything.
Zachary: This place and entire city surrounding it was nothing but a barron wasteland for 35 years. Elias found this place and built an entire city from the ground up to help us move forward. Places around this city that Elias promised to help build up still live in the dark days of the war. No proper heating systems or access to running water. For some of these people the roofs over their head are tore down buildings! You've slowed down their chances of having a better living situation drastically! And you've got nothing to say!?!...You basically signed their death certificates yourself!
Julius looks to Zachary in disgust.
Zachary calms down and continues to talk to Julius.
Zachary:....Where's Victor?...
Zachary: Okay if you've got nothing to say to me maybe you'll talk to your son. He's got a lot to get off his chest. Using him to get Intel on how the Caine's and Victor operated was pretty low. I can't remember how Richard said it but at the moment he's disgusted with anything involving your name.
There is a twitch in Julius's eye that Zachary catches.
Zachary: Ahh there we go. I got my reaction. Now why don't you stew over what you're going to say to Richard once he gets here.
Zachary begins to walk out Julius's cell. As Zach leaves and the doors close behind him. So does the light in Julius's cell. Only a small ray of sunshine from outside lights the room up. Julius does not move a muscle. He sits silently waiting for the visit from his son.
outside the jail
Ryan and Diwata see Zachary exiting the jail.
Diwata: Max, Hey Ryan he's out!
Ryan: Zachary! Hey so did he talk to you?
Zachary: No he didn't say anything. Nothing about why he helped kill Elias, nothing about Victor, Nothing about where Amaro went nothing!
Ryan: Also sounds like out of respect for the Edson and Caine family and what they've built for this city, Supremeo doesn't want the answers tortured out of him?
Diwata: Yeah I think that's exactly it. He was born from Elias's mind he's told me he's inherited most of his memories, experiences and feelings. He is basically not Elias all while having most of Elias's experiences.
Zachary notices the same paper he left for Julius was in Ryans truck. And immediately starts flipping through the pages.
Ryan: Hey Zach, What're you doing?
Showing the paper to Ryan he tells him and Diwata, "Just finally skimming through this article from the town paper. I didn't know they covered us bringing in Julius and exposing the warlords as a real thing either."
Zachary shows Ryan and Diwata the part of the town paper that he's finally seeing now that things have settled down. To the left is an image of the 4 heroes statue at legends trail. To the right of it is a picture of Zachary up front explaining the Warlords and Julius Edson situation in front of reporters with Ryan, Sarah and Maxwell in the back. The headline reads in bold, "The new 4 pillars of the modern world?"
Zach continues to say, "I don't know how to feel about this right here? We haven't found Victor yet and were being dubbed as the New big 4?! I know Vic was training us to take his place later on in life when he retired but can we please find him first!? I swear there's no respect for people no matter what good they did in this world."
Ryan deep in thought he tells his friend how he interprets the article, "Yeah I understand the frustration believe me. However we always knew what we signed up for. Victor told us the world is never fair. Even to its heroes. Zachary, I don't believe for 1 bit they chose to publish this in an attempt to sell papers. They wanted the masses to know the world still has its heroes to look up towards and to know we are still protected no matter what comes knocking at our doors, and to be inspired by and help push the world forward by the good deeds they accomplish."
Zachary unfurrows his brow as he hears what Ryan says. He looks towards him and says, "See that's why were friends. You're such a deep thinker. I could see that. I could see that!"
Ryan replies, "Haha! If Im the deep thinker what does that make you and Sarah?"
Zachary thinks about Ryans question and replies, "Hmmm well Vic always called me the professional worrier, and for Sarah well I think shes the muscle! Hands down!" Both Ryan and Zachary laugh in agreement.
At Caine tech
Sarah eating a bowl of Instant Supremeo noodles with Kapurma who's scarfing down ice cream starts to sneeze.
Sarah: ahh...CHOO!!! sniif* Ahh choo!! Sniff*
Kapurma: Hmm... Bernard Sullivan used to tell me when you sneeze unexpectedly like that someone is talking about you.
Sarah rubbing her nose with tissue she grabbed nearby and asks Kapurma, "Did he tell you if they're saying anything good or bad?"
At the jail
Zachary: Haha! Remember what Victor would always say to Sarah when she'd throw down with us?
Ryan with his hand on his hip begins to start wagging his finger.
Ryan: Now Sarah even though its combat training WERE STILL TRAINING! Please ease up on them or it will be hard for you to make friends. Sheesh! Keep beating up all your comrades like this you'll have a hard time finding a husband!
Zachary: Haha! Yeah! Then she'd put her hands on her hips and tell Vic I DON'T WANT OR NEED A HUSBAND! Hahaha! I swear man it feels like an eternity since he found us all.
Ryan: I know and look us. We've basically completed our first mission together. With no losses either.
Zachary: Oh yeah we can't forget the help we got to. *Zachary looks over at Diwata.*
Diwata: Thanks but I barely did anything that day.
Zachary: Girl hush, you took down 23 aiutu. You took out the second most right behind Kapurma's 34. I thought you were just a cook. You never told me you trained with Kapurma and the 4 heroes!?
blushing from the compliment she continues to say.
Diwata: Okay well if you look at it like that I did contribute. I just wish I could do more right now. Everyone else has got their nose to the pavement searching for Victor. And Im just hanging out while the wheels for the next part of the mission is already rolling.
Ryan smiles and tells Diwata, "Ahhh there goes 1 thing you and Zach have in common. Wanting to do more when you can't. Its okay Diwata, that's 1 thing I've learned to do while training under Victor. Patience is also a key to winning a fight. Let the tech guys like Sylvia and Max look for the next destination. Well do the heavy lifting when the time comes.
Diwata's concern for action is calmed through Ryans words. She then continues to ask them (Ryan and Zachary) another question about the future.
Diwata: Hey so if were all gonna accept this hero thing there's clearly more than 4 of us. Who would be the leader if Zachary isn't gonna be the face and mouth piece for the military.
Ryan: I to am not comfortable taking Victor's spot.
Zachary: Yeah and Max also believes that Vic is still out there. He also told me he's more of a solo guy than a group person. Well there is...
All of the sudden almost in an instant Supremeo lands infront of Zachary, Ryan and Diwata. He tells the crew, "Richard is on his way."
Zachary replies, "Hey Supremeo we were just talking about you! We were wondering if you'd like to be'd you put it Diwata? Diwata whispers, "face and mouth piece of the group." Yes the face and mouthpiece of our group!
Confused and flattered at the same time Supremeo asks, "what's wrong with you leading Zach?"
Before Zachary can reply Supremeo continues with his answer, "Victor trained the 3 of you to keep hold of the mantle if he left. If you're concerned about being ready for the role. Let me remind you. Before Elias, Diana, Bernard and Victor defeated the empress and ended the war they thought they weren't ready for all that was ahead of them either. But Bernard told them something that stuck with them till this day.
Zachary with an earnest demeanor asks Supremeo, "what did he say?"
Supremeo: Hmm it was something like, "The evil bastards of the world have no rules when it comes to getting their way. We have the skills to stop them. So it would be selfish of me to not act because I think I am not ready. Waiting burns time, burning more time gets more innocents killed. If I am considered the best soldier for this job. I will do my deed by acting on my duties. And if I fall so be it. I hope my Actions inspire more people to do good in the future."
Supremeo smiles as he reminisces on Elias's memory on Bernard Sullivan. He turns to Zachary and Ryan and sees both soldiers wide eyed holding back tears. Confused Supremeo asks, "What?"
They both scream, "SO FREAKIN COOL!!!"
Zachary: Never herd that quote from the history books! Was that from the battle of the lieutenants?
Ryan: No! No! No! That'd have to be further maybe the actual battle with the empress herself.
Zachary: Aww man! Barney Sullivan was so intense! I can see why Vic was always ready to jump in a battle!
Zachary starts throwing punches. Ryan starts kicking. Diwata notices Supremeo has been contacted because he's fiddling with his ear. Or to be more specific what Elias and Sylvia constructed to be his ear.
Diwata: Hey what's going on?
Supremeo: Its Richard, He's close by and...wait....yeah I just got it to.
Diwata: What is it?
Supremeo gets off the call with Richard walks over to Ryan and Zachary and tells the group, "Hey Richard is on his way, also about ten minutes ago Amaro's sub was caught on our satellite feeds. The info was ran through Richard and my panoptes lenes. He told us after he talks to his father he'd want to go straight there. I don't know how long Richard plans to have this conversation with his father but he said it'll be a while. So that will leave you with plenty of time to get all your affairs in order. Make sure you're straight with all your loved ones here before we head out. And any doubts you have of not being perfect for the position you were assigned to, Kill it! If that time in the garden of Edenn proved anything for all of you its these people are your friends. Doubting your ability to ensure their survival also effects their chance at leaving the mission alive. Remember you're all the best at what you do. There's a reason why other "bests" (Victor) went out to find you. And helped you hone those skills. So lets stay motivated and with our heads and attitudes up you all can thank Victor himself for helping you get to this point in your lives once we find him. So lets stay focused guys!
Ryan and Zach both inspired by Supremeo's words yell, "YEAH!" at the top of their lungs and start throwing punches and kicks toward each other while blocking them. Diwata smiles at the renewed confidence of the soldiers and looks to Supremeo and tells him, "You know you really do remind me of him." Supremeo asks, "Who?" She replies, "Elias.....I've seen him rally his troops more than once. He could lead them to the depths of hell only armed with a glass of lemonade. And they'd come out victorious. All with just his words.. Like you..."
Supremeo answers with a serious look, "Well thank you. I hope I could measure up in Elias's ability to inspire. Because for where were headed were gonna need it!"
Diwata nervously asks, "Where is it?"
Supremeo turns to Diwata and tells her, "I didn't want to tell the soldiers this but you've actually seen the war and its horrors. Don't get the wrong idea. I believe in them 100 percent. Its just hitting them with this news first would not have been the most motivating thing to hear. Were going to a place a mad king rules. A place where time stopped and is a constant reminder of humanities nastiness. Its a place called Cauchemar a place that literally translates to nightmare. Any human that enters without invitations disappear. Organizations are denied entry to this place and are shot down if they disobey. The kings a bit of an aesthete he appreciates art. Richard thinks we have a shot to get in that way. Its risky but if it gives us a chance to catch Amaro and find Victor. I say we should take it.
Diwata nods in agreement with Supremeo's plan. They both look to Zachary and Ryan as they wait for Richard's arrival.