Mark’s apartment had better decoration than mine. He had probably hired a professional to balance all the furniture and photographs. I hadn’t seen that many photographs since…I am not sure. A long time ago.
I was flattered to be the first woman he invited to his apartment. Who knows, maybe it was a lie, but I wanted to believe it was true. The house smelled nice like him. He had an automatic air freshener. It was tidy, but not in a freaky way. There were some books around the living-room, some rage sock, and some rogue jacket in the couch. Mark picked it up.
“Please, Annie. Sit down,” he said. I sat down, I still was holding the dog in my arms. I let him escape. “Do you want that cup of tea then?” I nod.
Mark didn’t have a television in his living room, so I wondered if he was the kind of person to watch at everything online. He also looked like he was feeling a bit awkward. Maybe nervous? I smiled.
“Say, Mark. You need help in the kitchen?” I asked him. He didn’t respond and he came back a few minutes later holding a tray with tea and biscuits.
“Please help yourself!” he said, smiling. I picked the cup and served myself tea. “So…what should we talk about?” he said. I had some many naughty things that we could talk about in mind but I just thought of keeping it PG.
“You seem to be close to your parents…” I said.
“Yes. I am very close to my family. I have my parents and my little sister. She is about the same age.” He said, drinking his tea, I smiled. Mark moved from his seat and sat next to me. “I thought I would hear you better in this seat. You don’t mind, do you?” he said. I blushed and felt butterflies in my belly. His leg was now against mine. He was warm.
“I have two brothers. One in Germany and the other one in Oxford. One is an engineer, and the other one is a professor. He did a doctorate in science but continued researching ever since.” I said.
“Interesting…and you work as a music producer then…” he said.
“Well…more like I am a copyright person for the music. That is my main job. My company does represent some artists though. Like Redhome!” I said with a smile. I sipped on my tea.
“Charming…” said Mark with a smile. “Do you miss being back home…in Venezuela?” I denied it.
“I like it here in England. I get to meet fascinating people like you…” I replied, Mark, giggled.
“That’s great…I mean nobody had said that before…why thank you.” he winked. “I mean…you’re amazing too. I worry you’re just a dream you know. That I have already lost it and…I am simply a lonely boy. Yeah- you know. I remember when I was a child, my mother used to take me to the forest to do some foraging. That one time I got lost I thought to have seen a fairy. Then I met you. You’re like this fantasy creature…” I couldn’t understand really what he meant with his I just put my head in his shoulder to continue to listen to him. “and..yes. I was surprised, I was like Mark! You can’t lose the opportunity…I was so scared. But you…you’re so precious…” and as he continued rambling…I kind of fell asleep.
The sun woke me up. It must have been six in the morning or so. I was in Mark’s bed and he had covered me. Winston was asleep on my toes, and there was no sign of him. I felt sleepy and I realised I hadn’t slept that well in a long time. Suddenly, the door opens. Mark has made breakfast for me. Toast, beans, egg, bacon and sausage. Usual English breakfast. I never ate in the morning but this was an especial occasion.
“You’re awake, that is great!” Mark said. My stomach started rumbling, I was starving!
I pick the toast and give it a bite.
“Do you want to eat with me?” I asked. “Thank you so much for this…I don’t know what to say…
“Please, eat.” Mark sat in the corner of the bed, looking at me. I blushed. Oh fuck. He is so darn cute! I started eating “There was a snowstorm in the early morning. London is completely shut down.” Mark said, he continued. “I had someone else to cover my appointments in the morning. I am waiting for it to melt…” Mark smiled at me.
“I am sorry I fell asleep. I left you talking alone…” I said. I drank some orange juice. Mark blushed.
“Well, you could’ve heard me ramble about random things so…I am kind of glad you did. I noticed it fifteen minutes later. I was so into my story that…” Mark blushed. “I was rambling again wasn’t I?” I nodded fun. “I was too ashamed to wake you up. You looked like an angel. Sorry if it offended you.
I said no and finished my meal. Mark told me a random story about his work, and I listened to it while I ate. A few minutes later, I wiped my mouth with a napkin that was underneath the plate.
“Thank you for the food Mark. You’re so kind to me…I enjoy expending time with you. What you said yesterday…I feel the same way.” Mark looked at my face, and he approached his hand towards it, he caressed it carefully. Then, his eyes went straight to my lips. Was he the kind of guy to ask for a kiss? He held my chin and I didn’t move. Waiting for it.
His lips slowly made their way to mine. His mouth was soft, warm. I felt I was crumbling like a cookie. I smiled.
My heartbeat started increasing. I felt as if my left hand was going to tremble but I stopped it before it happened. He pulled back, and I looked at him. Oh please, only one!? I pulled him towards me, and I kissed him again.
This kiss was intense. Mark went completely red and he pulled back…
“I am not so ready to…” Mark blushed. I could sense his boner, even though I couldn’t see it. I smiled, victorious. “Don’t get me wrong…I just don’t want to move so fast,” he said with a tiny smile. He, however, gave me another kiss. It wasn’t a French kiss, and he moved away before it went any further.
My whole body was buzzing. His body was too, but Mark was a reserved and responsible guy…he wasn’t going to do me on our second date. Maybe he was right. Maybe I was going to fast. We are only young though. The sexual being inside of me felt rejected.
I moved from the bed, and I took the plates to the kitchen. The dog followed me. The dog liked me.
“You know Mark…I could take care of Winston when you’re at work,” I said from the kitchen. I started washing the dishes. Mark joined me a few minutes later.
“You can take care of the dog…of course,” he said with a tiny smile. He looked as happy as a child who had received his favourite candy. His pupils were dilated. He kissed my cheek. “You didn’t have to wash the dishes,” he said.
“Well. I washed them already.” I said, turning to him. “So what, our kisses will repeat in the future…is that the plan? I think I might head home now” I said to him. Mark blushed.
“Please…stay for longer with me.” Mark held my hand. Fuck yes. I mean I was wearing my PJs, and I kind of wanted to go home to take a shower but…I could spend the morning with him.
“I think I could be late for work…” I said winking. We walked towards his living room and spend the entire morning kissing and being super cute together.
Mark read a book written by his father to me.
“I am a tomato. I am red. I am boring. The tomatoes in my home don’t like me and I am not handsome as all those other vegetables, who totter proudly in the harvest period. They-in the harvest find their ideal partner. Who is the ideal partner of this lonely tomato?
The ideal tomato is red, the ideal tomato is strong. I am neither of those. I am green…” and I became distracted with Mark’s lips while he talked. He stopped for a second. “You like the story don’t you?” I nodded.
“Your dad is a good writer,” I said with a smile. Mark gave the book to me.
“It is a present. Please finish it,” he said. I nodded and I put it by my side. Saving it for later.
We then spoke about our dating lives. Mark hadn’t dated that many women in his life and his last girlfriend had been four years ago. He told me they broke up because he was very busy with his studies, and didn’t have time for a girlfriend. Now, that he was stable…he didn’t think why he shouldn’t look for one now.
“Tom…the guy you saw. He is my ex.” I said. “We actually only broke up like at the beginning of October. Mark laughed.
“So what am I, your rebound?” he said, suddenly serious. I looked towards him and grabbed his face.
“No. You’re something else…” I said. I got close to his face and I gave him a peck. Mark held my face. Kissing me fully. We finished kissing, and Mark stood up.
“Well…I think it is time to head to work…for both of us.” I looked at the time. It was 2pm, where had the time gone!? I started laughing. I stood up. Mark held me again and kissed me in the forehead. “Before we go any further with this…I think you should talk to Tom first. You don’t want to start something new with me when there’s someone in your heart…still.” He said. I get angry. What the hell! Tom is not in my fucking heart! Or maybe Mark is right…maybe I am just jumping onto a new relationship to cover that fact! Mark looked at me. “Don’t be angry…I know what you might be thinking but…I know too well of this…my sister’s boyfriend did that to her. I will wait for you. Figure it out first please.” Mark gave me a hug. I let him go, still annoyed, and walked out of his apartment.
At 3pm I headed to work. I turned my cellphone on, and I had a lot of missed calls from my boss, etc. I thought I was going to be in trouble, but when I come into the office, it was empty. There was a note on my desk: we went to a music showcase. See you at 4. I sighed and sat down to do work. The usual stuff. Make phone calls, review contracts, renew paperwork. Some boring bullshit.
I returned home in the evening, and my housemate was finally in. Let me tell you about her. She was an Albanian scientist studying her PHD on Goldsmiths University. She almost had finished her degree. Her name was Lis. I smiled at her, and we had a meal together. She then picked up her things again.
“I know I have been out of the house for daaays! I’m sorry. I just need to be back in the laboratory for another 72 hours.” she said. I laughed.
“Don’t worry Lis. I have been busy. I didn’t spend the night here yesterday either.” She came to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“You’ll tell me all about it when I come back, yes!?” Lis rushed towards the door and disappeared again. Great.
That day I wasn’t going to approach the window. I guess I was offended because he told me to talk to Tom. Then, I checked my messages: none of his. All of my friends. I chatted with them, and I decided to go for a drink with them. Monday night. Wow.
As expected, the snow was gone, and it was never going to snow again in London. It was only raining, and it was 2 degrees outside.
I walked on the street by myself. Not really thinking about anything. I went to the underground, and I travelled to the location. My coat was dripping water. I felt cold and annoyed. Inside the cabin, there were a few people, most of them going home after a long commute. Only me decides to see friends in this awful weather.
The cocktail lounge was in East London. It was very expensive, but I didn’t expect to pay for anything myself. Entering, Peter grabbed my arm.
“Annie!” he said happily. “You look wet. Take off your coat,” he said, I took it off, and he looked at my clothes. “Cute dress,” he said.
Adriana, Luz and the rest were there. Luz and David were all PDA, and I couldn’t resist but to be a little bit jealous. That could be Mark and me. Fuck.
“Annie is single again, aren’t you?” said Peter. I nodded.
“As single as a…I don’t know. I am just single.” All of them laughed. I was the only single one of the group.
Peter ordered some cocktails, and I drunk it. I had a lot in my mind, and I could use the distraction. It made me feel all giggly inside, and soon I was drunk. Only took me two cocktails to be drunk. Damn. The drink was powerful.
“So why is it that you and Tom broke up?” Asked Luigi. Alejandra was by his side, she was wearing a tight dress. Her fashion had changed since dating him for those couple of months. He did her well. I smiled.
“I don’t really want to talk about that… let's have fuuun!” I jumped on top of the table and started dancing to the music. The barman was flirting with me with his eyes. Everybody was just surprised and laughing. I heard Alejandra whisper “she is never this drunk…”. Peter pulled me down.
“Annie. You’re going to make us be thrown out!” he said. I sat drunkenly. I then walked towards the barman, and I gave him a full-kiss. The poor guy held me surprised. My friends pulled me away from him.
“Annie!” Alejandra yelled. The guy had a large smirk on his face.
“You’re welcome!” I said. My other friends were laughing…and posting my craziness in their social media.
“What is wrong with you!?” said Alejandra annoyed. “You’re not this…” I caressed her face.
“This is me, honey…” Alejandra was enraged.
“Okay…that’s enough. I am taking her home,” said Peter. All of a sudden Barry came in. We all stopped to see him.
“I saw the insta story…I was not invited!?” asked Barry. Dani looked at him, she then looked at her new boyfriend. Oh, that’s why he wasn’t invited. I walked towards him.
“Take me away from this place…they can’t deal with me anymore…” I said dramatically in my drunkness. Peter held his forehead worried.
“No…I will take her home,” Peter said, holding my arm. Andreina walked towards Peter and whispered in his ear. He then let me go. “Okay…” “Take her home, Barry. Nowhere else. She is very drunk.” Barry took my hand, and we left the lounge.
Inside his car I just became crazy. I had the music on. I was taking my clothes off…I was a fucking joke. Barry had to park, so I didn’t make him crash.
“Fuck! What the hell did they give you. I had never seen you like this!” he says, trying to make me get dressed again. I giggled and opened the door. Leaving the car only in my underwear. It was raining, I started running. The street was empty, he ran after me. I ended up sneaking into a park. In my underwear. Fucking drunk. I wasn’t cold. I had just excitement rushing through my veins.
Barry finally caught up to me. He held me in his arms.
“This shouldn’t be sexy…Annie…please. Let's go back to the car,” he said. I caressed his face and…you can figure it out. I kissed him. He pulled me away, amused, but serious at the same time. I then started crying. Yes. Crying.
“Why did he have to cheat Barry…I don’t understand…what did I do wrong!” I said in between tears. Barry held me in his arms.
“So this is what is about really…” he said slowly. “Come on. I will take you home.”
Barry drove me home. It was almost one in the morning.
I know. Terrible right! In the car, I told him how broken I was about the whole breakup. I told him about Mark…never spoke of us, or our sex. I think that night I needed him the most as a friend. Not as rebound sex.
Barry carried me to my place, and we were both soaked as fuck. We entered the apartment, and I made some tea. The rain had made me go back to consciousness.
“I’m sorry about everything Barry…” I said. Barry smiled.
“I know. I am sorry too. I was hurt because of Daniela and I wanted her to feel what I felt you know…I really loved her.” he said.
“Well…there’s still time to get her back,” I said with a smile. I gave him his cup of tea and then walked towards the towel closet by the bathroom. I pulled out two towels.
“I don’t think I want her back…that’s the thing. I realised that maybe…it was you what I wanted all along.” he declared. I gasped. What!? “I know you love Tom but…I could help you lick your wounds. He could help each other out…” he said. I sighed.
“If anything taught me this night is that…I want you as my friend Barry…sorry,” I said. He sighed back.
“I know. But I will be always there if you need someone…” he winks at me. “So what, you prefer going for that Mark-guy instead?” he asks. “You seem you really fancy him.” I started laughing.
“Who knows Barry…perhaps.”