I had no idea when I had fallen asleep. I had been left by myself all night.
“Annie, wake up…” Tom said with a soft voice. I felt his hand caressing my back, and I loved every second of it. I just stayed in bed feeling his touch. Tom kissed me on the forehead. “Come on the train is leaving in an hour.”
“I don’t want to!” I said giggly.
“If you don’t wake up, we’ll miss the train.” He said, serious.
“Wow! Somebody woke up grumpy!” I said as I unrolled myself from the bed, a little bit annoyed.
“I didn’t sleep all night…” Tom said.
“Are you stressing out because we’re going back to England?” I asked him as I approached my hand to touch his face.
“Sure.” He said coldly and pulled my hand away from his face.
“Alright…” I moved from the bed, and I realised he had already packed everything for us, he had also chosen my clothes to wear that day: a winter dress. I took a quick shower, and I realised my period had just begun. Fucking great. Gladly, I always came prepared.
Fifteen minutes later, we were outside of our hotel room, we then checked out, and we were left in the train station by Ethan. Tom was quiet, he seemed to be in a terrible mood, and I hated that he was being so strange! Really, nothing felt right.
I looked at Tom, and I held his hand. It started to rain and snow as soon as we left the car. Was this my goodbye? Well, I believed so!
“When is the train leaving?” I whispered at him, Tom ignored me and walked us to the train platform. Now his eyes are watering, I pull his hand twice. “Are you okay?” Tom smiles a little.
“I am just tired…” Tom said while forcing a smile.
“Well, you can sleep all journey on my shoulder if you want!” I told him.
“Yes…that’s right,” Tom replied.
“Tom, are you really okay? You just seem a bit strange…”
At that moment the train arrived and all the people started descending. Winston was following them with his head one by one. Tom kneeled down and started petting the dog. Tom was hiding something from me, I was kinda tired of all the cheap melodrama, we’re together now. All the people descended the train and Tom stood up again.
“It is time…” he said looking as he was putting his life on the line. “Annie…I love you,” he said.
“I love you Tom, but you knew that all along…” I said flirty, and Tom hugged me and kissed me passionately. I imagined all our journey being like that: us making out and enjoying spending time together.
“Should we get in?” I asked, Tom nodded and he put my luggage inside the train. He stepped out for a second to pick his luggage, and I heard the speaker sound say “One minute for departure.” I entered the train with Winston, and the ringing noise started. I wanted Tom to pick his luggage and join us.
“Hurry up!” I yelled at him, Tom stared at me and looked at his watch. I hear the train people saying “All is ready!” The train starts moving, he had one second to make it in!
“Tom!” Tom reacted, and jumped on the train and kisses me. Half of his body is inside and half of his other side is outside.
“Annie, I love you, but this is not the right time to be together.” He said; the beeping continued, and he jumped off as the train doors closed.
Tom and I were perfect.
We loved each other.
We deserved to be together.
We deserved a second chance.
I saw him outside, and he had no expression on his face. I could just read a sorry from his lips.
I felt broken. What the fuck had just happened? Winston licked my leg, and I decided to go to my seat, luggage and all. I was drowning in my tears. I had not cried like that since I was a little baby. I sat, and I continued crying. People around me were just looking in awe. Somebody passes me a handkerchief, and I dried the corner of my eyes. I read the initials ¨MG¨ in it. I knew this handkerchief…
Mark was in front of me.
“England” (a couple of days earlier)
I hear knocking on my door as I use the broom to clean the glass of last night’s terrible storm. I drop the broom, and I run towards the door, this is Annie. This is my Annie, SHE IS BACK! I open the door and it’s not her, it’s Felix, and he is not happy.
“Where is the woman, is she back already!?” “I am having a conversation with that woman…how could she THINK that you could pooooosibly cheat on her!?”
“Hello Felix, how are you?” I ask. Felix pushes me aside and starts looking for Annie.
“What the hell happened here? Did you go nuts and started breaking windows, etcetera?” Felix says with a smile. I couldn’t believe he is the only friend I currently have. I have no one. Annie has all these people for her and I have…Felix, and I have only known him for two years.
“Annie is not here yet. Tom said she was coming back but I am not sure…”
“Well…as far as I know, flights were cancelled yesterday…” Felix said. He then looked at me. “You look like shit Mark. Go and shower…you need to be presentable for her.”
“I am asking her to marry me…Felix,” I said, decided.
“Even though she probably loves that dude?”
“I don’t care about him…I only care about her coming back to me!” I yell. Maybe I am a fool, but I knew Annie loved me just as much as she loved that parasite.
I walk around the house, and I pick a towel. I shower while singing in Spanish, and I remember Annie while doing so. I am feeling confident and handsome. I receive a call just, and I pick up.
“Hey Mark…this is Peter…I still feel terrible about everything that happened, and I just want to invite you to my party tonight. Everyone is going to be here, and as Annie is coming back…maybe is the perfect way you can ask her to get engaged?”
“It’s a marvellous idea, Peter…” I say excitedly. “Do I need to bring anything?”
“Annie…that’s it. We need to have a conversation with her…” Peter says.
“I do not care she went to Tom. I don't want to shame her. We’re adults now. I will bring her, I will ask her to marry me, and that is it. Do you understand?” I say.
“Alright…no shaming. You’re a good man Mark.”
“I just want to be engaged with the woman I love.”
“She is a lucky bird.”
“Byyye Byee Peter, byyye.” and I hang up.
Felix and I waited for hours for Annie to come back but there is no sign of her. We decided to go to the party anyways. I needed my brain and mind off Annie.
I arrive at the apartment and immediately knocked. Luz, one of Annie’s friend’s looks at me with her big honey coloured eyes.
“Ey be more careful!” she smiles. “Mark…nice to see you again. Where’s Annie?” she asks, Felix gets in the conversation.
“Hiiii Hiii, I am Feeelix, nice to meet ya’ girl!” Felix says.
“She’s Luz, she’s Annie’s friend.” Luz smiles and walks towards the building.
“Come on boys, everyone is waiting!”
We walk with her to Peter’s party, the gang looks at me, and I knew they knew…Annie was not coming back, was she?
“It was obvious she was not coming. Annie and Tom are like each other’s worst drug…they need each other and they have always loved each other…Tom is also very…you know he probably knew she was going to him eventually. He had a lot of time to plan everything! I am sure he probably came up with something, and she walked straight into his trap…again.” Andreina tells me, as I am trying to hide how hurt I am by downing a glass of pure whisky.
Luz grabs my shoulders and massages them. “You’re so tense boy…look, Tom will fuck up again, and she’s going to be back like…she always does.” “she is that kind of friend…she falls hard in love, she disappears…then falls onto a sick cycle.”
“I agree!” says Peter laughing.
“Look Tom always manages to fuck up somehow…he and I…we were messing around for a bit…but David came to rescue me…right babe?” says Luz. David nodded slowly while drinking some whisky as well.
“Ooookay…leave the poor man be!” Says Felix. He walks me away from the vultures.
“Look…It’ll not be easy to deal with heartbreak but…we’re at a party…have fun! You know Annie told me Tom is just sick…when he is sad he fucks when he is happy, he fucks…he fucks all-time…he fucks his life as easily too, that’s why I think Annie will choose you at the end.
As the night continues I get drunker…I stay by Luz and David all time. I see Barry and Matt talking with Felix, and he is just happy showing them photos of his husband. Luz is beautiful, and I can’t lie to you and say I didn’t peek at her cleavage more than once.
“Where do you think she is?” I asked Luz, she and David looked at each other and they say at the same time:
“Fucking Tom for sure…” she says. Felix comes to us.
“Well…if you’re so sure why don’t we give her a call…” Felix says as he pulls his cellphone out and calls her.
“Annie!?” says Felix. “Annie, oh my GOD I was worried…” SHE REPLIED TO HIM? Felix puts her on speaker,
“Hey…I am fine. I am in Paris now,” she says. She is in fucking Paris!?
“Annie…what he hell happened girl!?” and it hit me. She had gone to Paris because she didn’t want to see me…I swallowed my saliva. Felix continues “I flew to England to see Mark…he loves you, Annie. I am not sure what is happening between the two of you, but I know what I’ve seen. I know that you love each other- you love each other more than anything in the whole world. You know my grandmother always said that when two people separate like that…fate will only bring you closer…” I started crying.
“I can’t go back now, Felix. It’s too late…I am a stupid…bitch. I love…”
“Don’t say it,” I yelled. “Come back home please…I am waiting for you, Annie.” The call ends. I try calling again, but I hear the robot voice “sorry…the number you called no longer available.” I try calling 5 more times…I am crying my eyes out. FUCK. I pass the cellphone back to Felix.
Everybody is speechless. I just want to die. The doorbell rings and Peter opens the door, my sister just comes straight in like it’s her own house and I am not sure how she even find out where I was.
“Mark fucking Grant you better stop crying!” she yells. Barry immediately looks at me enraged.
“So Annie wasn’t crazy then, you fuck!” Yells Barry, he goes straight to me and hits me right in the eye.
Everybody runs towards us and they held Barry.
“That’s my sister you wanker…!” I yell back at him. My sister nods.
“Felicity Grant everybody. A pleasure…”
Everybody calms down and I just down another whisky, holding some ice on my bruised eye. I was feeling less and less like myself. Maybe I needed to be Tom after all…I looked straight at Luz. She was hot!
“Mark…everything is my fault right…I already booked our tickets online and we are getting her back tonight!” she says that and I look straight at her, is she being serious!?
“The flight is at midnight…” my sister said. “It’s the quickest one I could get because they just resumed flights after the storm…”
“Well, guys that’s six hours from now… I don’t know about you, but we have to celebrate!” Peter yells, all his friends yell and…we start drinking again.
An hour later Felicity leaves and sends me a text telling me she is at my place picking some clothes for our trip, and I am just grateful, I am so grateful…Peter passes me the mic.
“You better start singing mate!” I don’t sing but I say a poem.
“In an empty field you can find…haaapiness” maybe I was drunker then I expected…I need to sober up.
I walk around the house looking for a glass of water and I go to the kitchen. I see Andreina and I hug her. “Annie loves you!” I say in my drunkness.
“Everyone loves me!” Andreina says, she serves me some water. “So…you know what you’re going to do?” I nod.
“I’ll go to Paris and I’ll bring her back…that’s it,” I say.
“Maybe she is not worth it…I’ve known that girl my whole life and there’s nothing special about her…”
“That’s fucked up love…she’s your friend.” Says Felix, getting right onto our conversation. “Mark, let’s go upstairs…” he holds my arm and we leave Andreina alone in the kitchen.
Upstairs Felix makes me drink water and he sits me on a chair by the balcony. I stare at Ale who is just chilling by herself next to me. Ale is one breathtaking woman… she kind of reminds me of Annie, but she is maybe a bit smaller in height and she also has a pixy haircut.
The music was ringing and I recognise it…it is one by David Guetta, I don’t know how I know that but I know.
The sky is dark and beautiful, it is not raining but the wintery night still makes my hands feel cold.
“Hey…you’re Alejandra, no?” I ask
“Please…doctor…call me Ale.” she says smiling. None of them has ever called me doctor! that makes me blush instantly.
“Ale…” I say, almost flirty. I am very drunk indeed. I decide to walk away but she holds my arm.
“Look, Mark. I know what you’re going through…” she of course didn’t know what I am going through. I sigh.
“It’s hard…it is so hard to keep going…”
“I think she is an absolute idiot…” she says
“Sorry…?” I ask intrigued, is she flirting with me?
“Everybody says you’re great…you’re handsome…what else…” she doesn’t know me but I see myself approaching her.
“Tell me more…” I say closer to her, Ale looks at me, I look at her lips. I look at her breasts.
“You a’ight here guys?” asks Luigi, I move away quickly.
“Of course!” I yell, I run towards the entrance. Ale laughs, and they start making out.
Okay…maybe I am very drunk. I go back to the kitchen and I sit by the counter drinking more water and trying to sober up. I see a redhead woman approach me.
“Are you Mark?” the woman asks. I nod. “Nice to meet you, I am Alice…I am married to Tom’s brother, Tobias…” she says.
“Is he less messed up than his brother?” I ask. Alice nods.
Alice and I have a long conversation about Tom and she tells me everything about his life…things about his childhood, secret things and things that only and Tobias knew. An hour later we were still speaking and she says “You can use that against him and he’ll give up on her…”
“Why would you do that to him?” I reply, Alice looks at me in the eye.
“When we were teenagers he was an ass to me and his brother…he deserves whatever happens to him.” I smile and she gives me more alcohol.
“Drink away little Mark…you need it more than anybody else…” she says.
“…thank you.” we do some shots together and…we end up making out a couple of minutes later…
“Shit..no, no…” I said stopping myself from doing anything stupid.
“Don’t think,” Alice says. Alice then jumps on top of me and kisses me more. Her mouth tasted like cigarettes and alcohol, she held my face and I just close my eyes and my drunken mind is convinced this is Annie.
Alice pulls my pants down, and she starts touching me slowly. I could feel my penis stiffening to her touch. I hear the sound of the music, I hear the voices outside the kitchen. I can only taste her mouth, I can only feel her wetness on my fingers. My body was looking to inspect her anatomy, I slowly undid her bra.
Alice puts her mouth in it, and she starts sucking me. I have the sudden impulse to push her to do it faster…and it feels nice…I feel dizzy…she finishes sucking me, my limb is harder than…
I place her on top of the kitchen counter, and I realise I could not stop…not now. My fingers go inside her, and I slowly press my mouth against her left breast. Alice moans loudly like a beast she is ready for me. Annie is ready.
Somebody enters the kitchen.
“Mark…what the fuck!” Barry yells. I stare at Alice, and I see myself: almost penetrating her, Barry starts laughing. Alice also starts laughing.
“Why don’t you join us Barry…” she says seductively. Barry immediately pulls his pants off. I thought he was with Matt…He pushes me aside, he then goes down on Alice. I escape.
I am sorting my pants when I bump against Valeria and Ben, they smile at me.
“Annie’s boyfriend!” they call me. “I blush..” maybe now I am her ex…I am no better than her…I realise how simple it is just to…
“Do you want one?” Valeria asks, I look at her hand, and she has a few pills, were they aspirins? My head is throbbing, and I feel I have a fever. I take three from her and down them. Valeria looks shocked, and she and Ben are panicking. I am not sure why they are panicking so I just walk towards the backyard, and I call my sister, and I tell her the information Alice told me.
“Do anything to get her back”. I remember saying. “DO ANYTIGN!” and I don’t remember what happened after that.
I wake up, and I am back home. I am covered head to toes, I look at the window, and it is the next day. I see next to me, and Peter and Felix are by me asleep. Why the hell are they here? I move from the bed, and I go to the kitchen. I then eat cereal, and I walk to my living room. My windows were covered with cardboard, and I reckon it had been Peter or Felix that had done that for me.
I smile a little, and I turn the TV on National Geographic.
I feel great even though I had so much to drink the night before!
My cellphone starts ringing. I pick up.
“Mark, where the hell have you been the past three days!?” My sister asks. I look at the calendar… for fucks sake.
It’s been three days!
“I don’t know…I…”
“Book a return-train for 4am to Paris!” she startles me. I move from my seat…I have no idea what is going on.
“Tomorrow Mark…I managed to get you tomorrow but you have to DO WHAT I FUCKING TELL YOU!” “Didn't mum went to see you? I was worried!” “GO and see her today MARK…TODAY. BOOK THE TRAIN. SEE EVERYTHING I SENT YOU. YOU HAVE ONE CHANCE ONLY!”
“Stop yelling Felicity!” “but…thank you.”
“Bye Mark.”
I hear rushing around the house and I see Peter and Felix enter, they are happy. Peter runs towards me, pulls the phone off my face and hugs me.
“You’re alive!!” he yells. “I thought you’d never wake up!” why didn’t they take me to the A&E!?
“You took…tooo many drugs brother…” says Felix “you looost it…” I remembered Alice and I remembered her sucking me…
“Oh my God!!” I said covering my face, gutted. I cheated on my Annie! “I am a terrible person……”
“Mark, you were drugged! You didn’t know…” Peter says. What else had I done? Had I gone back to the kitchen and… I felt mortified.
“Get out! The both of you…GET OUT!” I yell, Felix and Peter look at each other once and they run away.
I pace around the apartment for twenty minutes, and I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t look like myself! I am just like Tom now, LIKE TOM! I feel like am dying, I immediately check my heart rate. I have 100 BMP. Should I call 111? FUCK. I open the door, and Peter and Felix are sitting outside, talking to each other.
“Come in…” they look at me and do what I command.
“Mark, you didn’t do anything too stupid. You sang very…badly and…you cried a lot about Annie. Also…I heard you and Alice…” says Peter as they head to the living room
“I remember that… don’t say anything else.” my ears are very red now!
“So what’s your plan now…casanova?” Felix asks, I caress my eyes and I just look at him.
“I feel I need the GP, I am dying…!” “Oh my GOD…OH my GOD maybe I should go and see my mam I don’t know!”
“Mark…you don’t need a GP, you’re a doctor already!?” Peter says. “You’re supposed to be collected and intelligent.”
I don’t feel collected and I don’t feel intelligent at all! I could deal with patients and medical terms, but I could not deal with the fact that my girlfriend had decided to LEAVE me. I keep walking and walking until Felix holds my arm.
“Mark… look at me.” he says “You need to be strong.”
“Strong, yes, strong…you’re right!” “Okay…I think I need to see my mum now.”
I leave the apartment, leaving both of them inside.
I could only imagine what my sister could’ve done to get Tom to do as she wished. She was always very convincing so I reckon she must’ve gotten into a sort of agreement with him. A powerful blonde… always. I respected Felicity and even though we had our fights…I loved my sister.
My parent’s house could be considered a manor house by many. It is large, it has a lot of lands, and it was inherited by my father in the ’80s after a mysterious uncle of his left it for him on his will. I guess I never considered myself posh, but really my days without Annie and my desire to have her just…reminded me of my privilege.
“Hi there, have you seen my mum?” I ask her maid. The maid nods.
“Mark, She’s currently out with your father, but they should be back in half an hour, sir.”
I nod and I walk towards the stairs. I go to the second floor, and I enter my room. Inside, everything is bare…am I that simple? I think back to my apartment, and all I owned really was medical books, a laptop and a Rolex.
I lied in my bed looking at the ceiling; I grabbed my teddy who was dressed as a doctor. My mum had given it to me when I got to Cambridge at 15. I didn’t feel like a child prodigy anymore.
“Mark?” my mum said, entering the room.
“Mum…” I say. My mum walks to me and hugs me.
“I was so worried about you! I sent your dad to visit you, and your friend said you were unavailable…I didn’t even know you had an American friend…!
“Well…yes. I…am sorry." I say. I take her hand. "Mum, I am going to France to take her back, and I am going to ask her to marry me."
"Have you told your father?"
"I know he is not giving me his approval, mum. I know exactly his thoughts on our relationship...I want her. I want her more than anything I have ever wanter, mum!" I feel my tears start filling my eye sockets again, I look away and wipe them.
"Mark...it's your life. You do what you think is best."
"Thank you, mother."
The next thing I know is that I am booking a train and going to see her. I am not sure what Felicity has done to Tom, but if it is enough to get Annie on that train, I am happy.