Amaro sits in his cell fuming at the news he heard previously. His eyes dart to every member in the cell. He repeats the words, "liar, backstabber, coward" over and over in his head. Until a cellmate approaches Amaro and interrupts his thoughts.
Timidly he gets Amaro's attention.
"Umm hey, Amaro? Saw your fight man. Wow that kid is really somethin huh?"
As the prisoner keeps talking Amaro's wounds begin to heal just as Adira said.
The thoughts of betrayal and distrust still echo in Amaro's head while the prisoner still talks to him about his fight with Yafeu.
Then as if the moment of clarity snuck up behind Amaro's thoughts. A voice in his head tells him how to end the echoing thoughts of betrayal. It tells him,
"Kill them all!"
Amaro listens to the voice and viciously rips out the throat of the inmate next to him. He drops to the floor getting the attention of the others near Amaro.
With his fist dripping of blood Amaro looks to the inmates and tells them, "Cowards! All of you!" Then charges toward them.
An inmate who Amaro spared would later describe the event as if they were, "Trapped in a lion's den."
Sigmond's Laboratory (Not too far from the prisoner's cells)
Yafeu is strapped to a table while Sigmond walks him through what he will feel once he gets the injection.
Sigmond: Don't worry about the harness Yafeu. That's to ensure the virus will work to its full potential. With the injection, people tend to claw out the spot where the shot is made. If they can't reach it then people have bitten themselves in hopes of relieving the pain. Reports of people breaking their own limbs or cutting them off have happened to. Some of my workers have called it a form of temporary insanity when they start to feel the virus's pain. Because it will literally drive them to insanity just to relieve the hurt they feel under their bones.
Yafeu replies with a blank expression, "Thanks for the warning. So when are we gonna start this doc?"
The throne room.
With tears running down her face Bast stands before Adira. The empress backhands her so hard she falls to the ground dropping her helmet.
"HOW DARE YOU!?" Yells the empress.
She continues to say, "I give you a great life and this is how you treat me!? Everything you have is because of me! Everything you know is because of me!"
Still on the ground Bast slowly gets up wiping the sting of the slap from the empress away. She picks her helmet up and throws it towards her screaming, "You selfish narcissistic witch! How would you expect me to just sit and continue to watch the torture and killings of other human beings! Everything I have is because of you!? What do I have!? I don't even know who my parents are!?"
The Empress walks towards Bast reaches out for her chin and positions her eyes to meet with hers.
The empress smiles at her with compassion as if she was a mother sorry for striking her child.
Sigmond's Laboratory.
Sigmond brings in a few assistant droids to help him with Yafeu's procedure. He tells Yafeu, "You like these guys? They're my assistants. They're not as advanced as Elias's or Julius's machines but they get the job done."
Yafeu replies saying, "That's what I've been waiting for. The job done part."
Sigmond Replies with a smile, "Alright then let's go."
The droids circle Yafeu and begin to pull tools out for the procedure. Sigmond talks in the background guiding Yafeu through what's about to happen.
Sigmond: Yafeu you will be receiving my newest concoction this is my machine virus. A self upgrading tool for combat and recovery. Nanotech latches on to your blood cells continuously multiplying the nanotech. Once completed your cells will have the option to mimic or merge with needed tech for your survival. That's its main power. You'll discover the other things it could do later on. That is if you survive this.
Yafeu: Hmm cool so when do I...ARGGGGGHHHHHHHH!?!?!!!!!!!
An assistant droid makes the first injection in Yafeu's left arm.
Heavily breathing the young fighter tells himself, "That wasn't too bad."
Then a second syringe enters his right leg. A scream so horrific could be heard from Yafeu that it echoed outside the lab.
Sigmond tells himself, "It's always the second shot that really shows if a person was built for owning this power."
Back to the throne room.
The empress still holding Bast's chin so their eyes meet. She tells her*,* "That's it? You wanted to know about yourself? You should've just asked me."
Through her tears Bast asks her first question, "Where did you find me? Who were my mother and father?"
Adira begins to say, "Oh that's easy you see.......
Out of nowhere a loud explosion could be heard outside the castle walls.
Mushroom clouds of smoke disrupt the conversation Adira and Bast are having.
The empress tells Bast, Put your helmet on! Tell me what you see!
Bast does as she's told. And to her surprise, she's shocked at what she sees.
Adira: What is it?
Fumbling over her words. She answers the empress, "It...It's Bernard Sullivan! He's here with Elias!"
Outside the castle walls.
A muscular man with a handlebar mustache can be seen emerging from the chaos of the explosion screaming the empress and her right-hand man's name, demanding to see them.
Bernard Sullivan: ADIRA!!!!! SIGMOND!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!!
Sigmond's laboratory.
An assistant droid provides Sigmond with the visuals of what's going on outside the castle. He takes a glance at what caused the explosion and replies at what he sees with one word.
"Interesting", is what he says. Sigmond then looks over to Yafeu in another room.
With the virus still painfully processing through Yafeu's body Sigmond speaks to Yafeu through one of the assistant droids in his room. He says, " Yafeu I'm going to be leaving you for a little bit. I'll be answering who caused that ruckus outside. If you survive this ordeal feel free to help us. If you don't survive it was nice knowing you."
As Yafeu's arm and leg begin to shoot out blood. Sigmond leaves his lab.
35 minutes later.
Sigmond heads down a path following the loud noises booming through the air. He runs into Bast.
Out of breath Bast struggles to get words out. So Sigmond asks her a question, "You're looking for the boy huh?" She catches her breath and says, "Yes."
Sigmond with an evil grin tells her, "He was still at my lab last time I've seen him. When I left he started to bleed out. If you hurry now you'll probably still see him while he's still alive."
Horrified she hurries toward the lab.
Sigmond's Laboratory.
A pool of blood is formed underneath Yafeu. His arm and leg withered. Yafeu screams and groans in agony as he struggles to stay awake.
Then to Yafeu's unfortunate surprise, the formula continues to process. The pain cranks up another level. All of a sudden everything goes numb. No sound could be heard. Then from the injection spot to the tips of his fingers and toes. Yafeu's left arm and right leg's entire set of bones explode from within him.
Sarah has a look of concern and horror on her face. Bast notices this and sarcastically tells her new acquaintance*,* "Horrible right? Don't worry too much though. When you really think about it we all came out of this with superpowers. So I guess that's a plus."
Bast continues to say, "It's just Nevin..."
Sarah asks Bast, "What happens?"
She replies, "I'll tell you."
The Past ~Sigmond's Laboratory ~
Bast enters the laboratory not a sound could be heard inside. Bast yells out her friend's name, "YAFEU!" There's no answer. She steps further in and searches for Yafeu.
A flickering light in a distant room catches her eye. She heads in. Stained windows to the other half of the room block her vision. Bast leans in for a closer look and to her surprise she sees Yafeu.
Instantly she breaks the window down to get to the injured young man. An assistant droid lunges for Bast from the corner of the room. She grips onto its head wrenching it off from its body.
Another droid foolishly attacks Bast as she steps into the other half of the room. The droid draws blades from its forearms, Bast draws hers from her waist.
She drew hers quicker.
The droid is sliced in half. Bast then reaches Yafeu. She hovers over his body being an emotional wreck. She says to Yafeu's motionless body not knowing whether he was alive or not, "This is crazy. No one deserves to die like this. Especially you. You're the most selfless person here."
Unnoticed from Bast's point of view spark begin to show from the puddles of blood from Yafeu's blown off limbs.
A loud explosion can be heard from the skies. Bast looks up, to her surprise the roof of the entire building begins to fall before her eyes. Then out of nowhere in a flash, all assistant droids in the room are revived and are holding the debris from falling on Bast and Yafeu's head.
Shocked at the turn of events Bast. Looks down to Yafeu and sees him with his eyes wide open. The white in his eyes glowing an "electric blue" type color he grimaces and makes a pushing motion with his right arm and the assistant droids throw the entire roof of Sigmond's laboratory a safe distance away from Yafeu and Bast.
The soldier looks down at her once thought deceased friend and asks him, "Was that just you!?" He says, "Yeah, but I have no idea how I did it!"
The two get up and take a look at their surroundings through the newly installed sunroof all they could see was smoke blanketing the sky and all they could hear was the rumblings of an ongoing war.
To Yafeu's surprise, the virus begins its next stage. The puddles of blood by his arm and leg begin to spark once again but this time the blood bubbles and beings to form new metallic-like limbs. The limbs extend themselves grab on to Yafeu and attach themselves to him.
Bast marvels at Yafeu's new metallic limbs. With no time to marvel at them himself Yafeu says to Bast, we have to move! We need to get out of here fast!" Yafeu stands the clang of his metal leg hits the ground he asks Bast, "Where's Nevin and Amaro? Well get them first and get off this land."
Bast tells Yafeu, "When you were getting patched up Adira took them back to their cells. The closest one to us should be Amaro's. I think we should go to his cell first anyway. After your fight with him, Adira and Sigmond revealed to him they've already given him a virus by spiking his food and drink for months since he got here."
Yafeu looks to Bast and tells her, "Grab and assistant droid." She does as she's told and the assistant droids, Yafeu and Bast instantly launch in the air and fly towards Amaro's cell.
Minutes later outside of Amaro's cell.
The droids land in front of the jail doorway Bast gets off her droid and asks Yafeu, "Hey how'd you know where Amaro was? I never took you to his cell?" Yafeu replied, "Crazy right? The assistant droid knew where it was. Once I control a robot I gain all the programed knowledge installed in it. Sigmond made these guys. And put the whereabouts of Amaro's cell into its programming. Even now as I'm talking to you I'm gaining knowledge from all assistant droids across the land.
Bast replies, "This virus is truly amazing. It's a tragedy that the knowledge of this had to come from such an evil man."
Yafeu just nods his head in agreement.
As they both head in, they're instantly hit with a foul odor Bast grimaces and says, "What's that damn smell?" Unable to see anything Yafeu's eyes glow as he peers into the cell. He asks Bast, "How many people was Amaro locked in here with?" She answers, "2,000 why does that matter?"
Yafeu answers, "They're all dead..."
Bast: W what? How?....
Yafeu: Security camera footage showed me Amaro killing every member here!... We're standing in their graveyard.
Yafeu commands a droid to shine a light into the jail and just as Yafeu said when he compared the jail to a graveyard. They both see floors covered in blood, body parts scattered on the floors and ceiling. Broken glass and debris are littered everywhere.
Bast puts her hand to her mouth in shock. Both are speechless as they peer into the jail.
Yafeu yells Amaro's name to see if he's still in there.
"AMAROOO!! " There's no answer.
Then as soon as Yafeu decides to look for him elsewhere movement is heard from within the jail. "What's that?" Bast says. Yafeu replies, "It sounds like footsteps."
Yafeu's eyes glow again presumably to see the source of the footsteps heading out the jail "It's a man walking towards us", Yafeu says to Bast. Then out into the light steps Amaro. Covered in blood he glares at his young comrades as if he has seen a ghost.
Bast nervously stammering her friend's name, "Aamaro are you okay." Amaro says one word, "Yeah."
Yafeu tells Amaro, "You're covered in blood, my friend....Are you sure?"
Amaro notices Yafeu's arm and leg and says, "Looks like you went through a rebirth of your own huh?" Yafeu replies saying, "Oh yeah (holding up his arm) this? Whatever happened Amaro. I'm just glad you made it out."
The two shake hands and begin to talk about the next stages of surviving the current battle they've been caught in.
All of a sudden the mini-reunion between the three is interpreted by distant rustling in the woods. Then out from the wilderness, Nevin steps out pulling a person's leg and cursing at him with anger and pride so loud the heavens could hear it.
"It's Nevin," Yafeu says to notify his friends. Bast says, "Looks like he has someone with him to."
Nevin talking to the person he's dragging.
Nevin: You still think of yourself as a warrior? You threw away the right to call yourself that ever since you influenced Adira to act out on her deeds. How many warriors fell because of you corrupting their morality either by blackmail or because of the poison you've injected in them. You truly are an evil man.
As Nevin continues to drag this person he notices Amaro, Bast, and Yafeu with the Assistant droids. He nods at them with a serious demeanor on his face.
As he gets closer they notice who Nevin is dragging. Their eyes widen in surprise.
Nevin comes face to face with his comrades as he tosses the person's leg he was dragging.
Nevin looks to Yafeu and asks, "What should we do with him?" They all look down and see a battered Sigmond before their eyes.
Sigmond moves his head up and opens his eyes the best he could. He smiles then spits out blood. Looking at his former prisoners he tells everyone, "Wow will you look at this!? What a lovely reunion! Glad to see the procedure was a success. Haha! So guys, what are we doing next?"