The sun rises.
It creeps into the bedroom as the windows slowly fill with sunlight.
Sarah lays in bed her eyes already open.
Maxwell and Zachary stare outside the window. They both see the citizens of the land gathering to the coliseum.
Yafeu gets up and stretches his biomechanical arm. Bast is in the distance. Yafeu tells her, "Let's go."
Kapurma lurks in higher grounds eying the crowd for any signs of Amaro.
Richard sets foot outside his bedroom door.
A short time later. Near the coliseum
A line of citizens converses about the upcoming event. Voices saying comments like, "The King is having a match!" "It's been forever since we saw a battle with two gladiators!" "Who's he gonna fight?" Can be heard.
A loud boisterous robot can be heard answering the last question. He says, "It doesn't matter who he fights! King Yafeu can take on anyone! He's the shining example of what perseverance and a strong will can give you! He will show us why he's our leader once again!"
As the robot continues his statement he's interrupted by a loud crackle in the sky followed by a thudding BOOM. Supremeo has arrived at the coliseum behind the spectators.
Supremeo stands tall. His armor glistened in the sunlight. The boisterous robot is now quiet. A nearby attendee talks to the robot and says, "Never seen him before." The boisterous droid nervously replies, "Guess that must be his opponent."
Inside the coliseum.
In a secluded room within the coliseum, Sarah and Bast watch Yafeu prepare for his match with Supremeo. He punches the air stretching out the muscles and gears within his shoulders. Sarah asks him, "I just don't see why us being cool with you has to involve getting into a fight. There had to be other ways but you just..."
Before Sarah could continue her sentence her brother interrupts by saying, "Sarah you remember those fights we used to watch with dad from the old times? I do, two warriors from opposite nations challenge each other in a match to find out who has the better skill in combat. And in the end, the winner earns the respect of his opponent and brings pride to his home nation." Yafeu continues to tell his sister, "Julius has disrespected me by not telling me about the robotics programs outside of Avalon. Your friend Richard will earn my respect back by letting me fight Supremeo. I will win, the nation of Avalon's Morale will be up, lowering crimes against one another and all will be forgiven. To give a nation its pride would be the ultimate gift to make sure all is forgiven. I could've told Richard to double the supplies his father provides for us but what good would that do? The Edson family is one of the richest families on the planet. They could afford to triple the supplies if I asked them to. It would still make a way for them to keep their secrets. I trust you sister. I just don't trust the people you're working with. They seem like the kind of people that talk about what's best for the world and almost always never think of people like us. They just gather up all the unwanted ones and push them to the corner of the world. Or in cases like Amaro and maybe even you sis. They use them as pawns to get their agenda off. Its sad Supremeo doesn't even know he's being used. Don't worry sis when this is done Supremeo, Richard and you will be forgiven. Zachary, Maxwell, Diwata, and Ryan will be banished. This match will also serve as a message to anyone else in the future who doesn't want to give me their 100% honest truth when they're doing business with me."
Sarah is at a loss for words. Before she could find what to say. Zachary enters the room. He tells her, "Supremeo wants everyone in his room."
Supremeo's room inside the coliseum.
Inside Supremeo's room provided by the King. The crew faces Supremeo and he tells everyone, "Do not interfere. If we have to earn the King's trust with this fight well play his game."
Maxwell pleads with Supremeo saying, "But what if he chooses to make an example out of you and destroys you in front of the crowd? You're our muscle if we need to make it out of a country that could eat us alive if the King orders it." Supremeo replies, "He won't give the orders, and I'm confident I could win. If I don't, I'm confident Sarah and Bast would help us out."
Visually confused Supremeo points to his "ears". Then tells Max and the rest of the gang, "These right here is drone tech. Last night I flew them out to look for Amaro while Kapurma looked with me through the airship comms. We caught Bast telling her story of how she got to know the King through Sarah's room. Long story short I think they're both good people just trying to make the best of what they got from a crappy situation. Sarah can catch you up in everything. Just promise to let this play out when we fight."
Just then a royal guard robot steps in the room and tells Supremeo, "The citizens of Avalon are ready for you to enter the arena sir."
Supremeo looks to his friends and tells them, "See you guys later."
The coliseum floors.
Supremeo walks through a tunnel echoing with the chatter of the citizens of Avalon. An announcer's voice roars over the crowd intended to introduce the combatants to the viewers. The voice rings through the tunnel saying, "We have a specimen from the outside world at 6'5 he's made by the so called greatest inventor of our time. Here he is SUPREMEOOOOO!!!"
The announcement for Supremeo was uninspiring for the most part. Not caring he still walks toward the coliseum grounds.
As Supremeo makes his way out the tunnel he's met with a heavy rain of boos from the crowd.
Supremeo was unfazed by the boos. He waits until the announcer begins to introduce the King.
Announcer: Aaaand now, needing no introduction. But for this occasion, I will remind you all about our great leader! The one who endured Adria's trials to protect us from being experimented on! The one who became the great Amaro Midas's last student, even surpassing him in strength and ability! The one who stopped the civil war of Avalon and made a partnership with the Edson family happen! Here he is ladies, gentlemen, and droids! Our great leader King Yafeu Oliveira!!
The crowd roars with excitement. The cheers are so loud the ground beneath Supremeo begins to rumble. He tells himself, "Wow support for their King seems to be unanimous. Anyone who can bring out excitement like this is a proven warrior."
Yafeu is visible from the other end of the arena. As soon as he steps out, the crowd's cheers begin to roar louder. He makes it to the ring floor of tile then stops face to face against Supremeo. The announcer nervously reminds the King and Supremeo saying, "Um h-hey I still have the authority to say when the match starts right!?"
Yafeu breaks the stare down against Supremeo. Looks to the announcer smiles and tells him, "Of course. Continue your announcing please."
While the announcer continues his opening ceremony Yafeu tells Supremeo, "Sorry about the noise. It's been a while since they saw me fight. They tend to get excited at my matches but hey. I wanted to ask you something."
Supremeo: What?
The King replies, "Mind if we don't fly for the beginning of our fight?" Supremeo looks confused at the request so the King further explains, "it's just a request to see your hand-to-hand skills in combat up close. Plus as I said earlier. These people haven't seen a great fight in a while. I wanna give them a show. This can be a little challenge within the match, just to make it a little more fun also. What do you say, first one to use the rockets on their boots loses the challenge?" Supremeo replies, "I accept."
The announcer tells both combatants to step to opposite ends of the floor and wait for the announcement of the fight to begin. They both make their way to the corners looking at each other from both ends of the floor.
Announcer: Aaand the fight starts nooww!!!
Supremeo witnesses a smirk from the machine King then out of nowhere a swift dash and tap from the King's liquid metal leg he pulls a sword out slashing Supremeo. The shocked Supremeo tells himself, "That was about 60 feet in an instant! That sword looked like it was pulled out of his leg as well! My gosh, this virus tech is insane!"
Yafeu is now a safe distance away from Supremeo. He glances at his opponent's arm and tells himself, "Hmm I didn't cut through. Just gave him a little scratch. Sigmond was right. This metal is something special." Yafeu pulls from the blade and now wields dual blades. He tells Supremeo, "Like this? These are my dual liquid blades." Yafeu dashes once again slashing Supremeo. He blocks the attacks with his arms.
Sparks fly in the arena while the crowd's jaw drops in amazement at the intensity of the battle.
Yafeu slashes Supremeo once again and his left sword breaks. The King looks to the sword surprised. He tells himself, "What!? That's all it could take!?"
Then in an instant with the King's left side unguarded by a sword Supremeo throw a charged fireball toward the King's head only for it to miss. Yafeu dodges crouches down pulls a gun from his chest and fires off at Supremeo's chest.
Sparks fly off Supremeo's chest as the King continues to fire off his shots.
Supremeo tells Yafeu, "Couldn't you tell from when you first used your swords? YOU CAN'T BREAK ME! "
Yafeu tells Supremeo, "You think that's what I'm trying to do?" All of a sudden Yafeu's right sword collides into Supremeo's face with all the King's might breaking the sword. Yafeu's gun returns within his arm. His left fist is clenched, through the power of the machine virus it expands then crashes into Supremeo's face.
The speed of the King's punch and size his first temporarily blurs Supremeo's vision and brings him to 1 knee. Yafeu laughs and tells Supremeo, "Just what I thought. Your weapons all seem nice, and brand new. But the execution is off. The knowledge and the technique. It's all borrowed, BORROWED! What did your creators do while making you? Just load you with fighting techniques expecting it all to automatically work out? A warrior's greatness comes from experience. Not because he has the best crap equipped! "The King walks further toward his opponent while still speaking his assessment toward him saying, "And your armor, it's nice, shiny and unbreakable. Breaking it is useless, but why would I break when I can rattle your brain disturbing your thoughts and vision instead? At the end of it all Supremeo you're nothing but a big guy. And I fought against many of your kind. The King squats next to Yafeu and says, "Word of advice for your borrowed talents. If you're facing an opponent who's bigger and tougher than you. Just hit them in the head with something big super-fast!"
Supremeo shoots lasers from his fingertips but is dodged and parried instantly. Missiles from the drones attached to his head fire off next. However, Yafeu grabs Supremeo's head. The liquid metal instantly expands and shields Yafeu from the blast of missiles further disrupting Supremeo's vision. Supremeo panics, then spins releasing the liquid metal off of his head and ignites the rockets in his boots then flies across the arena to a safe distance from Yafeu.
Yafeu smiles and says, "Hahaha! Looks like I won the challenge, first to use any flying tech loses remember?" Supremeo showing signs that he finally cleared his vision tells the machine King, "Yeah I agreed to your little game. Now that the opening ceremonies are officially over is it time to fight for real now?"
The King laughs at Supremeo's comment and tells him, "Okay let's go show me what you got!"
Below Yafeu's castle.
Sigmond views Supremeo and The King's fight through a royal droid's eyes. He sits in the dark room and says.
"Droids bring me Amaro Midas."
6 red lights show up in the room with Sigmond. He watches them slowly ascend to the surface.