The dream, my parents yelling and wounded. My friends fighting for their lives, but they won't be able to much longer. I kept crying out trying to get their attention, but no one was turning to smile or try and help me. They couldn't hear me, I could see tears running down their faces and battling until death like a noble soldier in battle. My words were becoming softer and non existent to them, their pictures became blurry and soon there was nothing.
I sat up in bed panting, I looked down to see Pharaoh sleeping on the bed. Ella was sleeping on the pillow, they tried to help my dreams not become nightmares. I sigh and rub my forehead, that dream was the second tonight. Whats happening to me? I move the covers off of me and get out of bed, I sluggishly walk to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror nothing changed about me, except that I looked extremely tired. I looked to my left to see Pharaoh standing there, he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me.
" what" I questioned
" you had a bad dream again" he asked
" yeah" I nodded and kind of didn't want to go back to sleep
" come here" he muttered opening his arms to me
I smiled softly and hugged him back, the warmth he gave me felt good against my body. I forgot what he smelled like, it was a dirty smell but it also smelled nice. I also could smell a little bit of blood and maybe some basil. I let go of him and he chuckled, he noticed me smelling him. I blushed and rolled my eyes.
" smelling me again" he raised an eyebrow at me again and chuckled
" sorry, I forgot what you smelled like" I rubbed the back of my neck
" of course, and don't we live with each other " he gestured as I gave a small giggle
" I know, but your always a hellhound. I thought you would smell differently as a human" I explained and pouted crossing my arms.
" point taken, shall I take you bake to bed or do you want to go for a walk before anything" he asked and fixed my hair behind my ears
" a walk would be nice" I agreed and and put my messy hair into a messy bun
Pharaoh changed into a hell hound and tip toed to the front door, I opened it and closed it slowly behind us. I sighed with relief and walked through the quart yard and to the small village. Every light was off, no sounds were being made. A small lamp post was in the middle, its vibrant color brightened the area. I leaned against it and collapsed to the floor, Pharaoh sat in front of me and gave me an eye. I smirked and started to sing softly, my mom used to sing to me when I was younger. I remembered all of the words, which would make her proud of course. I noticed that people were looking out of their homes at me, little kids ran out and sat in front of me petting Pharaoh to an annoying state. I chuckled as I continued to sing, the kids played with my magenta hair and gave me things. I was guessing their parents hated me for waking them up, but then again they were all smiling.
Once I finished singing the kids went back to bed and I just sat there smiling at Pharaoh.
" guessing you wanted to do that" he questioned
" oh shush, I wanted to make them smile at least" I smirked and finally stood up
" okay okay, I'll just be quiet then" he chuckled and shook as he stood up as well
" please don't, i was just trying to make my point" I giggled to hear him groan
" well then" he rolled his eyes and ran around me as I walked back to my room
We got to my room and I decided to collapse onto my bed. I glanced over to Ella who had woken up from me, I groan a bit and smile at her. She hugged my waist and fell back asleep, I sighed with relief and looked over at Pharaoh who was laying on the edge of the bed. I could finally go to bed, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
When I wake up I feel Ella was on top of me, Pharaoh was barking away at her. I raise an eyebrow as I open my eyes, she giggles and winks at me. I kiss her cheek and make her blush, she quickly jumps off of me and runs downstairs. I pat Pharaohs head and follow behind her with my hands in my front pockets. It was early so my parents weren't up yet nor were the boys. I stretch may arms out and yawn before hugging Ella from behind, she gasps and pouts. I kiss her cheek again and let her go before she could get at me, I rub the back of my neck and make some coffee for the adults in the family. I also start to make breakfast, since they all love my cooking apparently. Pharaoh changes into a human and starts to watch tv, Ella follows him and sits next to him. I roll my eyes and try to concentrate on the food before anything burns into nothing.
" hey babe whats for breakfast" Ella asks looking back at me
" thats a secret my dear" I snicker to hear her whimper
" your so mean Cas" she crossed her arms and brought her attention back to the tv
" I know I am" I reply softly as I get plates out for them
I quickly finished making breakfast and served three plates, I gave them their food and sat on the other side of Pharaoh with my food on my lap. They looked at me then back at the food.
" what" I glanced at them and questioned
" um this is a lot of bacon and eggs, i love you so much Cas" Ella muttered as she started to eat
" what she said, thanks Cas. This looks hella good" Pharaoh muttered before eating as well.
I nod and smile as they devour my food in seconds, as I slowly eat mine. After a while everyone else came down and got something to eat, they ruined our little time together so the three of us migrated to my room. Once I got to my bed I started to laugh so much, Pharaoh was with me while Ella was sitting on my lap trying to turn me on. Why? I do not even know whats going on in her brain so don't ask me. I wrap my arms around her waist as we talk, we tell each other secrets and don't let anybody else into my room. I chuckle and we tell stories and actually have a good time, Pharaoh of course is probably falling in love with me even more. But he knows I'm with the bitch on my lap so he won't even try kissing me in front of her. But then again he could try anything he wanted to and Ella wouldn't notice honestly.
" this was fun" I spoke and smiled a bit
" this was, even though I shouldn't be in my human form for too long" he muttered and rubbed the back of his neck before changing back into a hellhound
" yeah, I'm glad we got to share secrets and stories we don't tell the others" Ella agreed and nuzzled against me
I roll my eyes and lay back on my pillows, I didn't want to leave this room since I wanted to be around the two of them for a while. I closed my eyes and felt Ella lay her head on my chest which made me blush and want to kill her. Pharaoh chuckled and I growled at him, he jumped onto the bed and laid at the edge of it. We all were going to sleep in for a long time I guess, but it felt nice to actually sleep like this. Cuddling and sleeping go together so well ya know. I wanted to drift off into a small nap but I couldnt, so many things were on my mind that I couldn't really think straight at the moment. I looked up at Ella who was looking down at me, she bit her bottom lip and rolled her eyes. I glanced to the side then back at her, she giggled and played with my hair letting her forehead touch mine.
" honestly I hate you so much" I whispered to hear her giggle again
" I know you love me" she muttered as she pecked my lips
" thats it, why did you have to peck my lips" I groan and lean my head back onto the pillow
" I don't know why but I wanted to" she nodded
" I understand, maybe a bit later" I winked and closed my eyes
A/N: aye, almost to 50,000 words I'm so happy I got this far. And I know this book sucks but I wanted to finish at least one of my thousand of ideas I have to write about so please don't kill me. And hopefully I'll get the next chapter up sooner then before, if not then you can read it the next day or whatever time zone your in. Well until then, Au Revoir.