After so called encountering the harpy I was a little shaken up. The older male didn't get back into his ropes and just ignored the others, he started to walk next to me.
" yes" I questioned holding my knee tightly in my left hand
" I'm guessing you haven't fought before. I'm Dustin" he started " I'm the oldest, thats Trevor, and the girls Ella. " he added as I glanced back at the other two
" I'm Casper, thats Jeremy, Duncan and Taylor" I pointed and he chuckled. " and no, I haven't really learned any magic yet either" I nervously laughed
" magician? so your friends are magicians, since they can turn into animals. And you can't." he noticed
" and your an annoying demigod who won't give me my space" I growled and he chuckled
" damn your fiesty, I like that" he muttered putting his sword back into its sheath.
As I walked, I looked around. The town was quiet and lonely, nothing was in site. We scavenged around looking for food but nothing came up, everything was either burned or taken. Once I stopped my stomach growled, everyone looked at me. I shrugged and decided to sit down on a bench, Taylor and Jeremy searched the area for food. Duncan held onto the other two, but untied them and apologized. Ella ran into Dustin's arms and Trevor just made a really random hand shake with Duncan. I raised an eyebrow at them and chuckled, Dustin sat next to me and waited for the other two to come back.
After waiting for about 30 minutes Jeremy and Taylor came back with some food. They found some carrots in the garden, that will hopefully satisfy my craving for food. Either that or I might just find something for myself to eat and probably get sick by. I ate some quietly before standing back up and stretching, all of them looked at me like I was doing something wrong.
" actually pay attention to your food before I take it from you" I glare at them watching them shut up
After everyone finished their so called meal we headed towards the mountains, or the woods. It didn't look pretty, nor was it friendly in that matter. All the boys walked in front of me, I just stood there looking up at the mass of leaves and branches covering my favorite thing. The sun. I hugged my arms close to my body, I felt a wing bring me close to them. It could only be Jeremy, I smiled and decided to jump onto his back. Which he welcomed. As we walked through I saw yellow eyes looking at us the whole time, they followed us wherever we went. Taylor was at the front, moving us to a bridge. He remembered there was a troll that we had to pass so we could get to the gates of hell. If this went on any longer, I might as well fall asleep.
I woke up and realized Jeremy was flying, I groaned and rubbed my eyes open. So I did fall asleep. He glanced back at me and smiled.
" morning sunshine, you were out for a good tow hours" he spoke as I looked at Duncan and Taylor who were walking up the hill.
" hey, why arrant they caring the others" I asked
" don't ask me, they might be too heavy" Jeremy joked as I punched his beak
He glared at me as I giggled, that always works. I followed the trail the others were walking on and looked ahead of us. There was a bridge, my only thoughts were. Troll. I groaned landing my face on Jeremy's neck, he landed a couple feet away from the bridge and waited for the others. Which took them a couple of minutes and when I say minutes I mean about 35. Once they reached the top Jeremy and I just started laughing our asses off, I mean crying on the floor bad. Taylor gave us a glare and made us stand up.
Taylor walked in front, nothing happened. He moved closer to the bridge and something moved, the wood swayed back and forth as a troll emerged from underneath. It was about as high as a two story building, he was large in the stomach and arms. He had a cloth around his waist and a vest like one around his shoulders, he seemed to terrify me more then disgust me. It didn't look happy either. Taylor was about to speak when the troll roared in our faces.
" why do I see demigods and magicians before me" he started " and why do you want to cross my bridge" he added before crossing his arms
" we are here to get pasted you to the gates of hell" Taylor shouted at the top of his lungs
The troll laughed an earthquake below our feet as we stood there confused and slightly worried. Actually really worried that our lives would be in big danger with a troll on our hands. I crossed my heart and was ready to die today.
" im not so sure about that one, no one is allowed to cross my bridge. Unless you figure out my riddle" he bellowed
" a riddle you say, how bout it" Taylor chuckled, you could see he wished he never said that
Taylor looked back at me as he bit his bottom lip, I walked next to him and looked up at the troll. I wanted to hear the riddle, but I knew we would all die to my answer for it.
" i'll tell you a couple,with each one you get I will say a harder one " he explained
" great, how many are there" Dustin asked
" number 1, at night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen. What are they? " he asked
I saw the look on the boys faces as they thought, that was an easy one for me.
" stars" I yelled and the troll clapped his hands
" very good, number 2. all about, but cannot be seen, can be captured, cannot be held, no throat, but can be heard. " he spoke and smirked down at us
Now this was some hard thinking we had to do. I stood there not knowing where to start, it wasn't that easy. I heard muffling from Dustin and Trevor.
" is it wind" Trevor nervously asked
" another one correct. " the troll grumbled and didn't like where this was headed. " last one" he promised as we danced in our heads
" i am, in truth, a yellow fork from tables in the sky, by inadvertent fingers dropped the awful cutlery. of mansions never quite disclosed and never quite concealed the apparatus of the dark to ignorance revealed. " he spoke and looked around us
I looked at everyone who looked as confused as I. I did't know this one. It was obvious it was easy, but why did it seem so hard. Taylor had a hand to his chin and thought walking around the top of the mountain for what seemed hours. I shifted my feet on the ground and bit my bottom lip, I was nervous he was going to get it wrong. The troll looked at each and everyone of us, none of them had the answer. Then it came to me, I groaned and thought someone had an answer.
" I know I'm going to get this wrong " I spoke
" i'll give you as long as you want how about that" the troll chuckled " but no help from others" he added as I groaned even louder
I stepped back and forth, thinking. I planted my palm to my face to try and make it easier for me but nothing came to me. I kept pacing and saw them try and give me ideas, but I ignored them so I wouldn't be caught and eaten probably. I took out a notebook and started writing ideas, I then stopped walking around and sat down on the moist soil that got in my jeans. This got me thinking, I wrote to my hearts desire but I knew I wouldn't get it write.
Closing my note book and stand back up, clearing my throat the troll looked at me.
" i have a quess, I was thinking thunder. but that doesn't like the darkness. So is it lightening" I asked
" miss you got the answer right" he smiled and moved back under the bridge where he came from
The guys hugged me and we all went across, I saw signs telling us to go back but we didn't listen or pay attention to them. I was getting even more worried, if he knew we were going to die why didn't he just let us go by. We got to the other side and looked around, there was nothing but a really long pathway to a door. All of us groaned in unison and started our journey up the hill. Jeremy picked me up onto his back and flew up once more to let me see the view and not have to walk so high. I thanked him as i watched them climb up the hill with so much sweat on their foreheads.
I smirked to myself and cheered for them to make it, but the hill seemed to go on forever.
" when will this hill end" I heard Duncan groan
" um in about another hour probably" I reply smiling down at him, he glared at me. " you know you can change too" I added and he lightened up1076Please respect copyright.PENANApPzUCnPg5t
And with that he changed into a cheetah, carrying Dustin and Trevor. Taylor did the same as he carried Ella on his back. I clapped my hands to hear cursing and growling at me. I smirked and stopped clapping before someone killed me. We finally made it to the top, huge trees were covering the path way, the door was in a cave, it lead to the realm of death and decay. I already wished we didn't sign up for this, it seemed we had to anyway since Taylor's dad is Horus of course. Why did his dad have to be a god.
" why hello there, you must want to get through? But with only a price" a man cooed as we looked at each other confused.
I wanted to kill myself right there and then, this was getting worse and worse and worse by the minute. I got off of Jeremy and collapsed to the ground, the beautiful stable ground that I love so much. I ignored the person in front of the door and just laid there, the guys just chuckled before looking seriously at the creature in front of us.
" you honestly think I'm a troll. I'm just your worst nightmare" he spoke again and came out of the shadows.
The man have black clothing on, his skin was as grey as his pupils. His aura was but nothing of crying screams of dying people, which made my assumption to be correct. The man in front of us, was Hades himself.