" Cas I'll drive you to school alright, then I'm going for a job interview" father yelled
" Is this dad i'm talking to, what have you done with the lazy man I used to love" I teased as he rolled his eyes
" come on kid " he groaned and walked outside.
I got my backpack and made sure everything was okay, i phone was in my back pocket. Sighing in relief I closed the front door behind me and quickly ran to the car to get into the passenger side. I raise an eyebrow at my dad's strange behavior before putting my seat belt on, he's never gone out for anything before. Which kind of made me happy and worried for him.
He dropped me off at school before driving off into the distance, I'm glad he's trying to do stuff for himself. I looked back at school before groaning, it was Tuesday, the worst day of the week. Well and Thursday, I wish they never existed. I saw Taylor sitting close to where I was yesterday, I smiled and saw him look up.
" hey there " he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck
" hi, where are the other two " I questioned looking behind him
" right here " Jeremy purred into my ears before moving away
" dont scare the girl " Duncan loudly spoke and rolled his eyes
I sighed, " I can tell " I glare at him and snort
" I didn't get your name yesterday " Taylor asked
" Oh, its Casper. But call me Cas if you'd like " I smiled before moving next to Taylor.
He chuckled and the other two just groaned. I watched as they left us, they didn't seem that much of a bother. Taylor ruffled my hair and walked off to his classroom, and with that I did the same. Even though I didn't know them that well it seemed I could trust them, and in all honesty that was going to be really hard.
After what seemed ages school finally got out, I found my dad waiting for me in line. Which actually surprised me, then I looked over to my left to see Taylor walking towards me. I groan and slightly wave.
" do you need a ride home again or is that your dad looking at me like he's cool to kill me" Taylor asked
" yeah thats him " I nodded holding my book close to my chest
" I was wondering if you wanted this book " he asked once more as he took out an old dusty book
" really, I love old books " I exclaimed " how do you know me so well " I added taking the book in my hands
" see you tomorrow then " he ruffled my hair before walking off
I watch him get into his own car before getting into mine. My dad just looked at me.
" thats Taylor " he asked
" no, that guy was a stranger who I've never met. Of course that was " I giggled
" he is a good looking kid, where is he from again " he asked
" France father.. maybe he can take me there " I clapped before dad drove home
He didn't ask about the book, he wasn't too big on reading. But me, I love reading. Father tells me that I got it from mother, but then again father's mother loved to read me stories. So I could of gotten it from my grandmother. We silently waited until we arrived home to make a loud sigh, my father hurried inside. I saw him holding a computer and a coffee cup from Starbucks, he never liked Starbucks before this at all. I followed him inside to watch him set his computer on the kitchen counter, he then began to work. I raised an eyebrow as I head to my room.
I opened the door and placed the book on my bed before closing the door behind me. I sat down and placed it on my lap, opening up to the first page I read it. Why did Taylor give me this book in the first place? What did he want me to learn about this? Shaking my head from my thoughts I look down at the page, it read:
Book of Spells
By:(fainted so you can't read it)
Contents Below:
I couldn't believe my eyes, this book was on spells. I didn't want to think that Taylor could possibly make these spells, or was I just imagining things since he is obviously from France. Right? I turn to the next page, it said Biography at the top of it. Sighing I decided to read it, probably wanting not to. But hey if you give me something to read then I will read it. And so I read it.
Med-Wha (speak)
After finishing the bio i looked at the time, an hour had past. I blinked before getting up from my bed, I quickly walk into the kitchen to see my dad still working. I gave a small smile before hugging him from behind.
" what is it Cas" he asked as he looked up from his work
" Im getting hungry" I whined and laid my head down on his shoulder
" fine, Ill finish this later" he nodded and closed his computer
" your acting really strange, you usually yell at me when your doing work. But that never happens so your just usually lazy and still yell at me" I explained and crossed my arms at him
" you have a point there honey, but ill make you dinner right now alright" he replied and stood up
I clapped my hands and jumped onto the counter top watching him make our dinner. I looked down at my phone to see that Taylor texted me and tried to call me. Are you bloody kidding me, why did he try calling me? I questioned this and texted him back.
'what do you want' I asked
No response. I groaned and put my phone back into my back pocket, my dad chuckled at me before going back to cooking. He seemed truly happy, that smile he just made seemed more real then any other smile he's ever made. I wanted to speak, but my butt started to vibrate. It was Taylor, of course. I jumped off the counter and headed outside. Opening up my phone the contact was not appearing, but it had to be Taylor. I put the phone to my ear and sigh.
" yes Taylor" I spoke kind of annoyed
" sorry, did you read the book" he asked
" um well, i just read the biography. Why?" I questioned as I heard him cough
" can you meet me at the park close to where you live" he asked once more
" fine" I spoke " but why do you want to meet there" I added
He didn't respond, he had hung up on me. I told my father I was going to be park before dinner was ready, he let me and so I raced out of the house. With my phone in my left hand I ran towards the park, with no stopping for cars or looking both ways. It was pointless to being racing all the way to the park if you were going to stop every block that you came across.
Once i got to the park entrance, I saw him under a lamp post. His big smile was on his lips, and a hoodie was placed on his head. I wanted to yell and punch his stomach until I saw his index finger to his lips, which made me stop half way. He gestured to two figures up on the hill, they weren't human and they seemed to be arguing about something. I followed him towards a tree, how did he know they were going to be there.
" those are gods, they come here to argue about stuff" he explained
things went through my brain, questions to ask but all that came out was. " okay"
" wait what" his eyes grew big and glanced at me
" their gods right, if you gave me that book to tell me about them then I get it. But what are they doing in California. Shouldn't they be in Egypt right now" I questioned shaking my head at him.
" they should be but--" he paused then he noticed something.
Moving away from the tree the two figures had stopped talking and were looking around their surroundings. Taylor looked back at me and gulped.
" they heard you" he whispered
" im so sorry, will they kill us" I asked
" just be quiet before they actually discover us" he pressed his left palm to my lips
I blushed and nodded to do as I was told. After all Im good at taking orders, which kind of hurts. Taylor looked around to see the figures were back to arguing then one of them left. I heard footsteps, I wanted to look but didn't want us to get caught. Then there was a cough, and a sigh.
" Taylor Riley Horus, what do you think your doing " a man spoke
Taylor gland at me and stood up, he chuckled and moved away from the tree. He so desperately wanted to answer, did he think I was going to hate him from now on.
" S-sorry father " he replied still looking down at me