The next morning I woke up, it was around 4:00am and I couldn't seem to go back to bed. I stretched out my arms and legs before walking into the living room, I saw my mother sleeping on the couch. She was in her human form of course, I smiled and wanted to wake her up. But then again she needs her sleep, and she does like be woken up in the middle of the morning when coffee isn't even ready. I sighed before staring up the coffee machine, pouring in some water and two cups of coffee before waiting for it to brew.
I yawned and stretched my legs out, scratching my hair I looked around. The house was a lot more quiet then usual. Raising an eyebrow I noticed a small grey tabby on the counter top, it meowed and purred as I put my palm to its cheek. It nudged it and looked at me, I blinked before it jumped off of the table and into a little girl.
" holy shit, and your one of my mothers aren't you" I asked
" yup, the names River" she giggled her golden brown hair went down to her feet, her light blue eyes were so pretty you couldn't look away from her
" nice to meet you, I'm guessing my mother told you who I am" I smiled
" your Casper, the eldest out of the siblings. And I'm the youngest" she smiled back and grabbed my hand
I followed her as she dragged me past the garden to a small pond with fish in it. River changed into a snow leopard and barked out, a couple of other cats looked out from the tree behind the pond. There was a bobcat, cougar, and a regular leopard. River looked at me and chirped, the three changed into humans. The bobcat was a young boy with sandy blond hair and green eyes. The cougar was a girl with orangish tan hair and yellow eyes. The leopard was a male who had emerald eyes and yellow hair with black stripes.
" these are my siblings, Carter who's the second youngest, then theres Mia, and then theres Kyle" River explained
" river why did you go get her, she might tell mom" Kyle growled
" tell mother what" I questioned
" she doesn't like us in our human forms as much, since people will take us for our powers. But you are the eldest out of us, so it should be fine Kyle" Mia explained as he snorted at her.
" that sucks, mum doesn't like me in my panther form" I added
" wait your a panther" Kyle asked
" um yes" I questioned
" do you have wings" Carter asked pulling on my shirt
" yeah, I just got them. Their magenta like my hair, my mom said I should never be my panther form since people can take my magic easier that way. I think thats why mother couldn't change back into a human from her tiger form" I explained as river jumped on my shoulder and licked my cheek.
" what should we do then" River asked as she purred her grey fur touching my cheek
We all shrugged, Kyle then spoke something and a door opened. I wanted to screech and be amazed, they all walked in as I followed. They told me it was a secret hide out, our mother doesn't even know about this. River told our mom about it. I looked around as they showed me their rooms and the main living area, this is where they lived, and they liked living here. I was sitted on the couch as they explained their whole story and why mother never told me about them. Which made me mad that she never told me I had younger siblings, I'm not alone in this world called hell. They entertained me with stories of mum, they told me talked fondly of father. Does he even know about these four? I shrugged it off and smiled once they were finished.
" so mother created you guys because she was lonely, or did she actually give birth to you guys" I questioned
" once she had you she took care of you for a couple of years and then left o take care of us. Since she had you right after you were born, but she hid us from you since she didn't want you to know you had siblings" Kyle explained
" and let me say hot siblings" I coughed and heard then chuckle
" if your wondering why she hid us from you is because she didn't want you telling father that she had more then one child. And father really loves you Cas" Mia smiled rubbing the back of her neck
" yeah he does, but he would love you guys even more" I slightly blush and shift my feet on the floor
" you think" Carter chirped as he ran around the room with River
" im positive, and there are two extra rooms in the house. Kyle and Carter then River and Mia. And I have my own room, father sleeps on his own. But he'd love to have some company" I gestured to River and Carter who hugged me
" thanks sis, that made us happy" Kyle smiled and changed back into a leopard
" no problem, lets go back alright" I spoke and they are changed back into there cat forms
I smiled and watched then run in front of me and then behind, they were balls of energy. I got back inside to see everyone sitting at the dining table, enjoying breakfast that mom made for them. I kind of sulked since they didn't even notice me walk in, I heard a small growl from behind me. I glanced at everyone who looked scared. I fell to the floor laughing, Kyle was whit me.
" oh god, that got you guys. That was god Kyle" I chuckled and composed myself once more as I stood up
" who's Kyle" Taylor questioned
" wow, someones blind as a bat" Kyle pranced inside and licked his lips as he jumped onto the counter top. " hi I'm Kyle, nice to meet you your royal highness" he added and laid down
" Kyle your so rude to my friend, I think you should say sorry" I smirk and walk towards them. " morning, I'm glad you guys are having fun without me. You guys didn't even bother calling out to me that breakfast is ready. Did you guys forget about me or something" I added with a growl
" oh honey we didn't mean to, your father just wanted to celebrate" mother soothed
" thanks for the hello, I'm going to my room. Come on guys" I gestured to the cats following behind me
Kyle growled at them before running to me. I collapsed to my bed and noticed Pharaoh was still in bed. He quickly changed into a human before the cats could rip him to shreds, he smiled at me and bowed. I giggled and he ruffled my hair.
" morning, now did River tell you their secrets like the bad girl she is" Pharaoh chuckled and river pouted
" morning Pharaoh" I patted his cheek in return and looked to my right. " morning Ella" I whispered to the sleeping girl who slowly sat up in bed and hugged me
" morning Cas, my little kitten" she mumbled and slightly blushed as she realized there were more people in the room.
" i think its the other way around honey" I smile and kiss her cheek before looking back at Pharaoh
" what the matter Cas, you argued with your friends and mother. Is that demon changing your mood" he asked
" and what about yourself" Tenebre hissed at Pharaoh and narrowed his eyes
" Tenebre if thats true please stop, I mean I didn't like that they didn't call for me. But I regret yelling at me, so I'll go apologize" I nod as Tenebre wraps around my neck and rolls his eyes
I sigh and walk downstairs with Kyle behind me, Pharaoh and Ella stayed to watch the kids. I walk into the kitchen to see them talking, mother looked at me and smiled softly.
" I'm sorry I yelled at you mother, is it okay if i eat with you guys" I asked as my mother said of course
I hugged her before getting something to eat, they didn't question Tenebre they probably thought he was Pharaoh. Kyle laid down by my feet, I gave him leftovers ever so often. Which made him smile and lick his lips in response.
After eating I cleaned up, I noticed Taylor jumped onto the counter top. He smiled and asked to help, I shook my head and did it all by myself. I turned back to look at him, his eyes were filled with sorrow. Even though he did smile he wanted me to love him.
" you know I do love you,but just as a friend. Because I don't want to lose you" I muttered to hear him jump off the counter and look at me
" I know, I just wanted to see you alone. And hug you" he blushed before picking me up and hugging my waist
" Taylor put me down" i giggled and ruffled his hair as much as possible to get it really messy now
" Don't mess up my hair" he chuckled and ran around the living room with me still in his arms
" please put me down, your squeezing the life out of someone" i asked and he put me down.
I showed me Tenebre and he nervously laughed, I rolled my eyes and played with the demon between my fingers. Taylor liked him, I then told him who he was without thinking. I covered my mouth with one of my hands to see his eyes widen and back up form me.
" Cas you know what they do to their so called master right" he muttered
" yeah I know, but Tenebre is different. He hasn't tried either" I explained
" she has a point, I don't want to kill her Taylor" he hissed and slithered through my hair
" okay okay, I won't tell your mum. Because of she finds out she will kill him" he shook his head before kissing my cheek and walking off to his room
I smiled before I nodded to myself, I was ready to fight. I just needed a team, but well I already had one of those.
A/N: so this was another little tricky chapter to write, wanted to make Cas actually have siblings. Since the kittens were in the beginning of the book I wanted them to have a meaning of course. So Jake Cas's father doesn't know about them and i'm not sure when I should make Cas tell him. Or maybe Bast will tell him but in secret. I really don't know how to do that, but other then that in the next chapter the fight begins. Well until then, Au Revoir819Please respect copyright.PENANABfKqrAxYa2