I was outside practicing my magic, I saw people watched but didn't really pat attention to me. I didn't have a sword to use, father always says that its a mans weapon not a women's. Mother disagrees, a women should fight for herself just like a man does. But differently of course. I stood up and panted a bit, glancing behind me I saw Ella smiling at me.
" what are you looking at" I asked placing my left hand on my hip
" watching you practice your ass off" she replied walking towards me
Kyle was walking behind her, he was very fond of me for some reason. I raised an eyebrow at him, he groaned and changed into a human. I hugged Ella and ruffled hair before letting go, she giggled as always and blushed fixing her hair behind her hair. I smirk and glance over at Kyle who was blushing as well.
" don't tell me, you two are dating" he questioned
" oh honey, you didn't know that. That sucks" Ella teased which made me laugh
" sorry bro, she's mine so back off" I wrapped my right arm around her waist and glared at him
" I wasn't even into her, she's as old as you. Which let me remind you is like 5 years older then me. Id rather not thank you very much" he made clear
" I know your too young, thats why I like teasing you" Ella smiled and patted his cheek.
" sorry about her, she just loves teasing guys. Especially you Kyle" I winked which made him blush again
I gestured him to follow and he changed into a leopard, I petted his head as he purred into it. Chuckling we walked back into the living room, father was explaining the situation to the boys. Pharaoh was playing with the river, carter and mia, which made me think that he was a good father figure to them. I noticed mother was smiling as always. Father glanced over at me and smiled, it wasn't easy being looked at like he looks at me.
" well then, i think we all can agree someone did an amazing job picking her team" father smiled at me
" wait, me" I pointed to myself as they laughed
" theres no one else in this room were talking about" mother cooed and hugged me for a bit
" i know, but I'm not that special" I nervously rub the back of my neck as i glance at the floor
" we get it, but right now lets just fond over your magic" Duncan chuckled
I nodded and smiled back at them, which made them laugh again. After we settled down from the humor we decided to take about business. Once father and mother stopped explaining everything we got ourselves ready. Father told us that Seth wasn't stopping, and he had more magic then before, that made me scared for everyones life. But they wanted to fight, since it was life or death situation to them. I grabbed my knife and book, which was placed into my bag around my shoulders. My siblings came along, hiding in my bag as their domestic forms. Pharaoh changed into a dragon and roared, Duncan and Jeremy did the same. Dustin and Trevor jumped on either of them. Mom and dad changed into their forms and smiled at me, I nodded and jumped onto Pharaoh who snorted to my weight. I growled as he flew into the sky, I crossed my arms and pouted. He rolled his eyes as he flew through the tunnel and over Egypt. I watched as everyone was behind us, having fun and smiling before the real thing happened. I smirked lightly as I watched the city get smaller behind us.
" you okay Cas" Pharaoh asked
" yeah Im fine, I just don't want anything bad to happen to you guys after this" I muttered rubbing my arms
" I understand, but this is for the better. Your parents wanted this too you know" he explained and glanced back at me with sorrow filled eyes
" I know that much" I chuckle and see the shore was coming close
" lets go kill some demons alright" Duncan chirped and made us all smile
" yeah, and maybe destroy the machine Seth is making" Jeremy added which we all agreed on
We had to destroy it before it did damage to this world, especially to the mythical creatures here. Pharaoh landed, followed by the others, I saw that it was getting dark a good time when demons started to appear. And a good time when the doors opened up for the world to see. I watched as yellow pairs of eyes looked start into mine, growls were heard and snorts. I looked at Pharaoh who roared, a blue fire came from his mouth. Scorching the trees in fire, some of the demons screamed and ran off before we could hear them die. Others weren't bothers by it, I rolled my eyes at Pharaoh who obviously was trying to show off.
" go Pharaoh take Cas and Ella, we'll fight them off" mother yelled
" yes ma'am" Pharaoh spoke so formal and made me jump back onto his back
Ella followed and jumped onto my shoulder before Pharaoh ran towards the door, knocking demons to the ground before they could touch me. Ella hid under my hair and went to sleep, she was still tired form before. But I understood why she was hiding. Pharaoh got to the door and opened it, no demons were in sight. Maybe with Seth or guarding the machine. He changed into a harpy and flew above me, hiding me from their great sense of smell. I watched as the castle that used to be standing changed into a stadium with the almighty machine in the middle. Honestly who doesn't give their evil machine of death a name.
I noticed that Seth was cursing and yelling, Tenebre wrapped around my neck and glared at the loud noise. I rolled my eyes and mad him not move an inch before we get closer to him. I walked up some steps and saw him running around the place like an idiot. He then stopped, he glanced at me. I bit my bottom lip as he parted his lips.
" finally a senseable demon, Damien can you help me with something." Seth asked
I watched as Tenebre changed into a human, " If i did I would hurt someones feelings" he spoke with a husky voice that kind of got me to blush
" what do you mean, you've never liked emotions" Seth raised an eyebrow
" I know, but honestly you should look at my wrists more" he growled and showed the god his wrist, there was a black panther wrapped around it
" no, you couldn't possible mean " he backed up a bit
" oh please shut up, your annoying me. And yes he did" I chirped and growled at him as I changed into a panther
" you can't do that, demons become stronger with a partner like that" he cursed under his breath as my eyes turned a magenta color
" I mean it was my only way to get out, and she is much stronger then you" he snickered as Pharaoh turned into a hellhound standing on the other side of Tenebre
" Honestly you fools are so stupid" Seth chuckled as other demons surrounded them
" oh great the god thinks us demons respect him" he rolled his eyes and changed forms, he was a snake but more of a serpent that was huge. His yellow eyes glared at the god.
" please damien don't do this" he cried as he coiled around the god
" if only you stop this bullshit" he hissed and coiled tighter around the god
" fine.. let me.. go.. so i can.. do that" he stuttered as Tenebre let go
Tenebre followed the god to make sure he was telling the truth, I ran after them. Pharaoh followed behind making sure no demons cut off our heads in the process. I watched as the machine was lit up, it changed from color to color, I smirked at his creativeness. He explained what to was for, to control every person on the planet, why was he telling us this anyway? Tenebre breathed fire on it and destroyed it, but I could sense Seth had more surprises to give us. But he didn't. I raised an eyebrow and changed back into a human.
" what the hell is this, your just going to give up just like that. And you call yourself a god, so pitiful" I snickered and saw him insulted
" she has a point, why would you stop this when you've come so far. Thats not like you Seth" Tenebre agreed " or is it that your plan has already proceeded and that was a decoy" he added
" maybe, you'll just have to find out once you leave" he chuckled as we disappeared into thin air and appear next to my parents
I smiled but then again felt dizzy, I raised an eyebrow and fell to the ground. I heard everyone calling my name, but I couldn't move or speak. O couldn't do anything to make sure they new I was okay, nothing at all.
A/N: maybe the fainting thing was a change, I have an idea and that idea will be presented in the next chapter. So stay tuned for some weird ass shit thats about to happen. Well until then, Au Revoir970Please respect copyright.PENANAP6GHiatXR8