The bell rang for lunch to go out, kids were everywhere. I couldn't see Jeremy waiting for me at all. I sighed and got some lunch, girls tried to bug me but I just glared at them. I never eat in the cafe, its too loud. Walking slowly onto the track field I see the three boys seating on the bleachers, I groan and quickly walk towards them.
How did they know where I sit, they practically just moved here last week. I walk up the bleachers and set my food and backpack down without looking at them.
" look who decided to show up" Taylor chuckled
" how in the hell did you know where I eat everyday at lunch" I ignored Taylor and glared at them
" Taylor saw you sitting here by yourself so he thought it would be nice to be friends with you" Duncan explained with his so called Irish accent.
" Are you guys Egyptian" I asked out of no where
Jeremy wanted to say something but Taylor stopped him, " yes, yes we are"
I rolled my eyes and mouthed 'of course' making them chuckle. I started to eat my lunch as they explained what was going on, Taylor is the son of Horus. The Egyptian god for the sky and war. Jeremy and Duncan are magicians, as goes for Taylor. They told me that they can change into animals that represent their so called "soul". Taylor is a falcon, because of his father. Jeremy is a griffin, and Duncan is a cheetah. Taylor then explained that they came from Egypt and wanted to bring me back, he told me something I wasn't supposed to hear. They told me that I was from Egypt, and that I was a magician just like them.
And of course being my dense self, I didn't believe them at first. I took out the spell book that Taylor gave me and he just smiled. I told them I tried doing them, only one of them worked, and that was the spell to "speak". I used it on my dad before he went to bed, he was very confused afterward and that made me laugh. Anyway, I put the book back into my backpack and finished my lunch by the time they were finished speaking.
" so do you get it now" Jeremy shrugged
" Kind of, so you want me to come back to Egypt with you guys. But by teleportation and I need to leave all my belongings here except my phone and the spell book. I have to tell my father its a school trip and that I will be gone for a while. Did I miss anything" I spoke
" don't think you did" Duncan shook his head and looked at Taylor who was thinking
" nope, you got everything. Actually except for the fact that you can't tell anyone about this, not even your father" Taylor muttered
" wait, why do you want me to come anyway. I shouldn't be say yes just like that" I raised an eyebrow as they all were speechless.
" father needs a little help" Taylor nervously smiled and gave me a thumbs up before we heard the bell ring
After school I got into my dads car, he ruffled my hair and looked behind me. Taylor was quickly running towards the car, which definitely concerned me.
" what do you want Taylor" I shrug and gestured him to speak since I needed to do my homework
" is it okay If I come over, were doing a project" he explained gesturing the question towards my father
" get in.. but I know why your coming and its not the project" he gave the both of us an eye before heading home
Taylor asked me about the questioning, I told him that my dad thought we were actually dating. He coughed on some saliva as I nodded in agreement. At least he agreed with me that we would never go out, and I would never go out with the other two boys.
Father parked the car and we all got out, he went straight for the kitchen while Taylor and I headed to my room. I think I knew the purpose of why Taylor wanted to come home with me, to show me how to do magic. Which kind of scared me in my opinion. I got the book while he sat down on my bed, I followed and put the book in the middle of us. He started to open it, page by page, and telling me spell by spell. It intrigued me even more when he told I could possibly do them.
" you can actually do them yourself you know" he started
" I can" I questioned tilting my head to one side
" well you need practice, but once you get the hang of it then you can do it" he explained a bit further
" thats what I thought" I grumbled and crossed my arms
I heard him chuckle, I looked down at the book with him as he turned the pages. There was a page that I didn't see before, it was in Egyptian. I watched as Taylor spoke the words on the page, they lit up as he spoke them. I backed up on my bed as I watched him change, in my house and in my room. Not outside where it would've been safer. His human form was gone, and in place of that was a black and white falcon. I blinked and wanted to shout out his name but I new the animal in front of me was him.
Getting off of my bed I walked around him, his eyes followed me and flattered as me. I didn't want my father to come in and yell at me, where the hell is Taylor, and I try to explain the fact that that is definitely Taylor. But I doubt that he would come into my room, since its a hurricane and theres a sign on my door. DO NOT ENTER, OR ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. I didn't expect my father to disobey an order, that he can see from my door.
After about a couple of minutes he had changed back into Taylor, into his human form. I wanted to know how to do that, and obviously want to try and turn into something. But I'm guessing I had to know that something before ever trying to do magic in my bedroom. I sit back down and see him rub the back of his neck.
"don't you think about finishing that mr. and I personally don't care, your beautiful in my opinion" I admit as I blush from being embarrassed.
" are you blushing" he questions " hello, this is live from Casper's bedroom, we now see a rare sighting of her blushing" he directed
" shut up" I yelled and punched him in the stomach
He chuckled and rolled his eyes, this was a fun so called project we were working on. We then both started to laugh, guess it was pretty loud. Because after a while my father came into my room, I glared at him as always and gestured to the sign on the door. He disobeyed me and walked in, crossing his arms he raised an eyebrow at us. Then he told us that dinner was ready, we raced to the bathroom to wash our hands before running to the dinner table.
Father had made dinner for all three of us, which kind of surprised me. I remember that one time I brought someone home for dinner, it was in 8th grade. My only guy friend. My father didn't make dinner for him, kicking him out so he could walk home by himself. Which got the both of us mad.
I spoke to my father and he agreed that he was being pretty harsh on the kid. And so he finally let me bring over guys, and every time I had friends over they were only guys. My father didn't mind, but he wanted me to have lady friends as well. Which got me disgusted.
After dinner I walked Taylor out of the house and to his mothers car. She didn't talk much, I hugged him and watched him leave. I watched as the car was far into the distance before walking back inside.
" are you okay Cas, you seem a bit worried" father spoke
" oh, no. I'm alright dad" I smile as he plays with my hair, it was obvious he was worried
" if you say so kid, juts being a bit worried for my baby girl" he caressed my cheek and smiled
" thanks dad, but I'm fine" I moved his hand away and rolled my eyes
" im guessing you miss him" he chuckled
I raised an eyebrow and groaned, " not even close.. well.. maybe just a little bit. He makes me smile a lot more then I used to" I explained and feel my father bringing me into a big hug
" I wish I did that a long time ago Cas.." he trailed off and turned this into something emotional
" dad you always make me smile, even when you make fake smiles I smile at them. Thats sounds weird, but its true " I roll my eyes once more and tighten the hug before letting his big stomach go. I patted his shoulder before walking to my room, it didn't seem to me that I missed his warm smiles and his crazy attitude towards things. What the hell am I thinking? Why did he come to mind when I obviously was thinking about mother. But then again it was all I could think about.
I got dressed for bed and turned my lights on, I actually tried to fall asleep but Taylor was on my mind the whole time. Which wasn't letting me go to sleep.