I watched as the gates disappeared into nothing, what was left was the rock behind it. Sorrow filled my eyes as it got smaller and smaller into the distance, I rested my head on Pharaoh's neck and sighed. I heard a chuckle as I watched the scenery go by, riding on his back made it seem go by faster then normal.
After a while we reached Egypt, flying across the ocean went by faster then we came to the island. Taylor opened the tunnel door and we all headed inside, we didn't stop in the town. We went start to the palace where Bast was talking to Horus. Taylor literally ran to his father, and hugged him. My mother looked at me and liked my new edition, well she said companion which made me snort. But I guess Pharaoh liked that.
" welcome home you guys, now who are those three new friends" mother raised an eyebrow at me
" there friends we met on the way. Thats Dustin, Trevor and Ella" I explained and they were just in awe
" this is your mother" Dustin asked
" yeah, she's kind of special" I smile and they chuckle a bit
My mother showed them around, Jeremy and Duncan laid down on the porch and guarded the house as always. I look at Pharaoh who gave me a raid eyebrow.
" whats the matter with you " I crossed my arms and smirk
" aren't you going to show me around" he asked and looked down at me
" of course" I muttered and turned to face the house
" thanks " he chuckled and stood next to me
I showed him round the house, to everyone's room and where everything was inside the house. I then showed him the garden, which he fell in love with. I did too when I first saw it. Our final destination was my room, which was pretty great to be honest. He liked it as well, in the corner of the room I saw a basket. We both looked at each other then back at the basket. I grabbed it and placed it on my bed, looking inside is was parchment paper. Opening those, there were spells written on each one of them.
" did your mother make you these" Pharaoh asked as he changed back into a hellhound
" probably, she knows I want to keep learning " I smiled and patted his head as his laid down neck to me
" she seems like nice mother" he muttered
" yeah, she is. My dad must miss her" I admitted closing the papers and putting them on my desk
I put the basket back into the corner of the room and sighed. I looked back at Pharaoh who fell asleep on my bed, I rolled my eyes and turned the lights off before walking out into the living room. Horus was explaining his journey to all of them, I sat down next to Taylor and listened to him softly smiling at his words. I rested my head on Taylor's shoulder as he continued, in some parts I laughed and some I wanted to cry. he made it seem more dangerous then it was. It wasn't really.
After he finished it was time for us to go to bed, everyone left. I called my mother out of her room, she was confused.
" I learned something when we were in the underworld" I muttered
" what is it child" Horus asked
" I can turn into a panther now" I nervously spoke and my mothers eyes lit up
" show me right now, I need to see this for myself" she demanded as we walked out to the quart yard
I took a small breath and sat down, humming to myself I became calm. After a while a magenta colored light came from me as I changed into a panther. I looked up at my mother who clapped her hands and ran around me like she was getting a pony. I bowed my head and changed back into a human, when i did she hugged me so tight that I couldn't breath. She let go and kissed my forehead.
" did you make me those spells" I asked and tilted my head a little
" yes, do you like them" she questioned and fixed my hair a little
" I thought they were form you, your hand writing hasn't changed. But yeah I like them" I admitted and smiled
" good, now lets get you to bed" she caressed my cheek before walking me to my room.
I said goodnight before closing my bedroom door behind me. I looked towards my bed to see Pharaoh looking through the spell book Taylor gave me. I quickly changed into pajama's before he could see me, I then laid down next to him, he glanced over and smiled.
" sorry, it just looked so interesting " he muttered
" your fine Pharaoh, Taylor gave it to me. He's helped me so much " I admit and he nods
" I bet, you two seem really close. I hope we can become like that, I haven't been able to have a friendship in a long time" he smiled
" i'd like that. But right now I need my sleep mr" I heard him groan as he jumped off the bed so I could get off the covers
Once I was under the lights turned off and he laid next to me. I smiled as I drifted off into a deep sleep with my right hand on Pharaoh.
The next morning I felt someone licking me, opening my eyes Pharaoh was licking my cheeks to wake me up. I glared at him as he jumped off, I slowly sat up and stretched my arms out as a yawn escaped my lips. He softly snorted as I sluggishly walked into the kitchen, no one was up yet. I glanced at Pharaoh who nervously laughed, I groaned and decided to not go back to bed. I got things out to make breakfast, and the food. Before starting up the food I put coffee on for my mother, I noticed that Horus probably would be gone so I did't make enough for two people. I sat on the counter top swinging my legs back and forth, I kept wondering when my father would be able to see and talk to mother again. You could hear small footsteps coming towards the kitchen, it was Taylor.
He smiled and got some hot chocolate for himself, I smiled back and watched as he sat on the island across from me. He sipped on his drink and looked down at the ground.
" morning" he muttered and looked back up at me
" morning sunshine" I giggled to hear him smirk
" thanks Cas" he rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit
" i'm making breakfast for everyone. please do not wake them up" I pleaded
" fine, since your my friend" he glared and jumped off the counter top
He walked to the couch and turned the tv on, he kept the volume on low so the others wouldn't wake up. I turned back to the ingredients and started making pancakes for everyone, I remember I would make these for dad. I bet he misses me so much, I just wish I could hug him. I finished making the batter before putting it into the pan, more feet were heard. All the other boys woke up, Dustin told me to wake up Ella when breakfast was ready. I nodded and continued what I was doing, they all went to watch tv.
I finished breakfast and ran up stairs to go get Ella. I walked into her room and saw her on the floor snoring away. I smile and crouch down in front of her.
" Ella its time to wake up" I shook her shoulder as she sat up
" morning Cas" she purred and caressed my cheeks
" Ella?" I questioned and before I could speak she placed her lips on mine
I didn't know what to do, I just let her do that. Why wasnt I moving away from her. I then pushed her off and stood up, wiping my lips.
" what was that" I asked
She shook her head and looked up," oh my, did I kiss you"
" yeah" I blushed and nodded
" I'm so sorry Cas, that was my power Hades was talking about. I have a different personality that I can't control." she explained
" don't worry about it, it was a mistake anyway" I muttered and watched her leave
I put a finger to my lips and touched them, her lips were extremely soft. I blushed darker before heading back downstairs. Everyone had food on their plate, I grabbed the last couple of pancakes and sit back onto the counter top. Pharaoh jumped up next to me and smiled, he was getting used to be a human a lot more, which made me smile. He ruffled my hair while I ate, I glanced over at Ella who was softly smiling at me. I smile back then look back at Pharaoh, who raised an eyebrow at me. He looked at Ella who was laughing with the guys. I guessed he was pretty confused.
" don't worry about it okay" I mutter and put my plate in the sink before walking off to my room
" don't worry about it? What happened between you two" he asked following behind
" If I told you I let her kiss me would you believe me" i glance back as my hair fell to my shoulder blade
" probably. Why did she kiss you" He asked once more
" her magic, demigods don't have magic unless they are an oracle. Who tells the future in riddles" I explain
" that makes sense, but how do you know so much about demigods when you haven't even been one" he questioned
" that answer I am uncertain of" I crossed my arms and sighed " and I know I didn't really answer your first question, but she can't seem to control her other personality. Which is more of an inappropriate little monster" I added to hear him chuckle.
" can we go walk in the garden" he asked putting his hands in his pocket as he changed into a black snake
" fine, but don't cry when its too short" I roll my eyes and watch as he slithers onto my arm and stays around my neck
I walk out to the garden and look at the beautiful flowers that mother had planted for me. The small breeze didn't help me warm up in the morning, and I hated the shade in the garden so much. Walking around I go through the small maze and sit on the bench at the end of it. Looking up at the sky I smiled, the sun was coming out and it was taking forever. I felt as Pharaoh moved to my legs.
" its so pretty out here, it makes me want to go back to the underworld" he teased
" oh shut up, you love it up here don't you" I wondered and he nodded his head slightly859Please respect copyright.PENANA7t89IxNZOH
" yeah yeah, I mean I guess its because your my master now" he glanced back at me and stuck his tongue out at me
" are you jealous that Ella got to kiss my lips" I questioned and raised an eyebrow at him
" what if I was, you wouldn't do a thing" he rolled his eyes
" well I mean I'm sorry I let her kiss me. But I haven't known you for that long, my feelings are neutral really" I blush and try to explain to him that I just want to be friends
" ehh, i can deal with a one sided love. Since you are my master, and my friend. That would be awkward when we break up" he shook his head and chuckled
" yeah it would be, but thanks for understanding" I smiled and wanted to stab myself right there and then
I didn't think he had feelings for me, nor did I realize others might have a thing for me as well. I groan and stand up, Pharaoh whines as I giggle. I get to my room, he finally changes back into a hellhound and lies down on my bed. I smile and sigh.859Please respect copyright.PENANA1MacTT3OEm
" I'll be right back " I mutter
I walk into the living room to see Ella was gone. I went up to her room, she was on her bed.
" hey can we talk" I asked
She looks up and softly smiles, " sure thing Cas, what did you want to talk about" she quesitoned
" the kiss, if your other personality was really out then why did it kiss me. Do you have feelings for me" I wondered
" come here" she tapped on the bed next to her
I nodded and sat next to her, she then explained why she kissed me. And what she told me was intriguing and flattering at the same time.
A/N: I bet everyone loves long chapters, I made this since I forgot to publish this last night so it gets extra words so I'm caught up with everything. The next chapter will be posted tonight, hopefully my sister doesn't bother me with that one. Hope your enjoying the book so far, I made some changes in the sexuality of Ella because I liked to see some girl and girl action. Even though Casper doesn't know what she is anymore, if you have any ideas please message me or comment on the chapter. Thank you for reading and until then, Au Revoir859Please respect copyright.PENANAFTWFBwgvFA