I watched as Tenebre guarded us. Dustin and Trevor didn't even know about him, they looked at me and gave me raised eyebrows and some what glares.
" who the fuck is that" Dustin snorted
" if you haven't noticed her tattoo, what does that represent boy" he hissed without looking at him
" you have a demon" Trevor spoke
" so what, I mean I did agree. But can we worry about the problem at hand" i groaned as Tenebre agreed
" fine.. but were talking about this once we get home" Dustin muttered and watched as Tenebre coiled around the demon turning it into golden dust.
The demon wrapped around my wrist once more, the other two just looked at me strangely. I chuckled as Trevor changed into a hippocampus, Dustin jumped on. Pharaoh changed into a dragon and let me ride on his back. We were off, back towards home. But the thing that I couldn't get out of my head was that Thoth was probably hiding that fact that he was woking with Seth. I did see some demons while we walked through the cave, wonder why he was doing it. Maybe to help build the machine that Seth is building, or maybe building another version of it. I shook my head as the scenery went by, Pharaoh soared through the sky. I looked down and heard Dustin chuckling at Trevor, which made me smile. They needed to get out of the house like this, maybe the next time I'll finally bring Taylor. Since I've been neglecting him for a while, and he probably thinks I hate him. Which could be possible but I don't want it to happen.
" Cas stop thinking about Taylor please" Pharaoh spoke and kind of growled
" sorry, I still need to apologize to him" I mutter and fondle with my fingers
" yeah yeah, tell him that when we get home. I bet he'll cut in any minute, even though he doesn't know were on this mission" Pharaoh smirked and flew low to the water, trying to stay next to Trevor
" I don't think you can keep up with him" Dustin noticed
" oh shut up kid, its not a race to home" Pharaoh snorted and slightly glared at Dustin
" we just have to get home before my mother stays a tiger permanently" I spoke sternly and they shut up
Once we reached home I explained to father what the old man told us, father groaned and didn't like Thoth one bit. I went to my mother and patted her on the head, if she didn't become human soon she will become a violent blood killing tiger. But then again I wouldn't mind being the goddesses of cats since that is what happens if a god or goddess has a child. But then again I wouldn't be fit for the position and somebody else would be it, and what if they aren't even a magician or demigod. That would definitely suck. I was told that Seth used to be a mortal, the original Set taught him everything he needed to know. And soon after Set some how disappeared from the face of the earth Seth became god of chaos.
" so mother, how are you today" I asked as she purred. I nodded and changed into a panther
" I'm doing fine, so what did Thoth say" she wondered
" he told me to give you a potion, and give you plenty of rest" I explained
" then what are you waiting for" she chirped
I turned back into a human and took the potion out of my bag. I gave it to her, she licked her lips and then jumped onto the bed. Her eyes closed as she fell into a deep sleep. i smiled back and left the room closing the door behind her. I looked up and saw Taylor, I gulped and raised an eyebrow.
" yes" I questioned
" I have a question to ask you" he muttered
" and what is it" I gestured him to continue
" why don't you bring me on any missions anymore, like the old days" he asked
" because sometimes I think you hate me. Other times you want nothing to do with me, and other times then that you just want to be left alone by everyone" I explained as he nodded
" good point, I'm sorry. But can I come next time" he asked once more shifting his feet on the ground
" of course silly" i smirked as he ruffled my hair. " and I'm sorry about your feelings and emotions. I didn't know about them until Ella and I started dating" I added and he widened his eyes
" no need to say sorry Cas, I understand where you were going with it" he shook his head
" really? i don't think you got it when you found out when I told Pharaoh. You were hurt" I muttered looking down at the ground
" oh shush, I'm emotionally unstable like all the time. No worries" he smirked
" don't say that, I'm such a horrible person" I hugged his waist and he snorted hugging me back but tighter
I let go of him, before I could say something else he had placed a small kiss on my lips. I blushed and put my hand to it as I watched him leave, what would Ella do if she new he liked me. I sighed and walked to my room, Ella was up playing with Pharaoh.
" hey baby, didn't know you were up" I yawned slightly and saw her eyes lit up
" don't worry about me, Pharaoh was looking over me when you guys got home" she giggled and hugged me
" he's a loyal guardian huh" I smirked and ruffled her hair
" I'm glad Persephone let you keep him" she smiled and kissed my cheek
" me too" I smiled and walked over to Pharaoh
He changed into a human and hugged me, he gave a sneaky smile to Ella who pouted and crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm, he groaned and snarled at me before changing back into a hellhound. Ella sat on the bed and wanted to hear what happened, I laugh and tell her it wasn't much. But she wanted me to explain anyway, and so I did.
" thats so cool, he has to be amazing at learning things" she chirped
" yeah, Thoth is a pretty amazing god" i agreed to hear Pharaoh snort779Please respect copyright.PENANA7v00MgQ1BC
" I wish I was able to go, then I could've met him" she whined and sulked a bit
" haha, don't worry. he wasn't all that great. He's a short man with a short temper, thats all you need to know about him" I explained as she giggled
" he sounds interacting though" she muttered and caressed my cheek
Shit, what was she trying to do in front of Pharaoh, I heard him sigh and was to the porch and lay down on his bed. I sighed in relief and looked back at Ella who was looking at my lips. I bit my bottom lip and gave her an eye, she giggled and rolled her eyes at me.
" one kiss" she whispered
" you can't wait until someone is gone or sleeping" i whispered and heard her complain
" please" she whined and played with a black strand of hair
" fine, but make it quick" I muttered
I pushed her to the bed and licked my lips, it wasn't like her to complain about me not giving her enough kisses. Which kind of annoyed me in some weird way. I glanced at her eyes then down at her lips, she was biting her lip. That turned me on, I groaned and placed my lips on hers. She kissed back as she caressed my cheeks, her cheeks grew a dark red as we continued. her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer. I let my tongue graze her bottom lip, her eyes widened as she parted her lips for me. I winked and slid my tongue into her mouth, I heard her giggle as she moved her hands down my waist. I gave her an eye as I moved my lips away from her, panting a little.
" and what do you think your doing" I asked
" I know you won't let me do this, but I want to go further with you. Just maybe another day" she blushed
" anytime you want, maybe when we get back to my place" I winked and sat up sitting next to her
" ya know I love you right" she muttered
" of course I know that, and I love you too " I played with her hair as she smiled at me
A/N: is this a good place to stop, wonder what Taylor is thinking up to now. Does he think he can still get Cas or is it over for him? Figure out in the next chapter of course. I wanted to do another kiss scene because they haven't been to kiss in a while and its important to kiss in a relationship like this. Well until then, Au Revoir.779Please respect copyright.PENANAog7h6hQXep