Alice Hughes’ POV
After I had my breakfast and I hopped off from my bed. I went to open the window and look at the city of Dublin was bustling with its operation on a weekday. Some people were rushing to go to the office, school, and shopping as usual. I don’t know what to say but it kind of reminds me that I might be missing my home which was quiet and only I was home.
‘What a nice day to start my birthday of 20 years old,’ I whispered to myself as I was looking at the window. My reflection on the window was smiling as I smiled at myself. then, I saw the image of those red again. But this time, it was a bit clearer, it was the eyes that were belonged to someone. somehow, I was not afraid of that person.
‘Alice, come on, we have to get ready. It’s almost noon,’ Nora said as she popped for a while into the bedroom.
‘Coming,’ I said as I took a tower and the image of that ruby orbs were gone. I blinked a few times before I just shrugged.
I opened the bathroom door and took a quick shower. I did not wash my hair as I just washed it last night. I got out of the shower and applied some light makeup and perfume before I went to wear a pastel dress that just finished above my knees. The weather would be cold in the evening so I carried my cardigan just in case when I get cold.
‘Come on, Alice. We miss the sale,’ Nora said as I went out of the bedroom. I laughed at her. She was so excited when going out.
‘Okay, okay. I’m coming, just let me lock the door,’ I said as I went to lock it. It clicked before I put the keys into my handbag and we walked out onto the streets. We were laughing and talking about what we’re going to wear tonight at the party.
‘I don’t know if I wanted to be a cat-woman or Black Widow. What about you, Alice? What are you planning to be?’ Nora asked me as we were waiting for the bus. I looked at her as I arched my eyebrow.
‘well, I don’t know. This is my very first party to go to, so, I thought you might help me pick up something,’ I said as I was looking at her.
‘yes, of course, I will help you,’ she said as she was holding my hands.
‘i can see who you will fit to be. I can make an apron for you to match with a dress that you will be wearing, and—’ she went on and on about my costume for tonight. I just laughed at her as the bus came right on time.
‘oh, we change your hair,’ Nora said as we took seats on the bus.
‘what?’ I asked her. I think I misheard her.
‘Change your hair. When was the last time did you have an appointment with a hairstylist?’ She asked me. I shook my head.
‘i never had an appointment before,’ I said as I touched my hair. There was nothing wrong with my hair, so why should I get an appointment anyway? It would be a waste of my money and time.
‘Right, okay, yeah, we asked for an appointment ASAP,’ she said as she took out her phone and called the number for a salon.
‘Buongiorno, is Antonio in?’ She talked to someone on the phone.
‘oh, I see, well, send my regards then to him. Ciao,’ she said before she closed her phone. Nora sighed before she pinched her nose bridge.
‘is everything alright?’ I asked her. She holds her hands.
‘not a word,’ she said before I shook my head. It was almost our stop before I pulled the signal and we get off.
‘now, what are we going to do? We don’t have an expert to do your hair,’ she said as we get off from the bus.
‘then we leave out my hair, okay? besides, my parents would never approve of it,’ I said as I touched my hair. Nora arched her eyebrow at me.
‘Yeah, not a chance,’ she said as she pulled me to the boutique that was close to us.
‘Come on, come on. We need to find you the perfect dress for tonight,’ Nora said as she went inside an expensive boutique that I did not have the money to afford it.
‘but Nora, we have a problem, I don’t think I could afford anything in that store,’ I said as I held her by the front entrance. She turned to look at me before she smiled at me.
‘don’t worry, it would be my treat. Consider this as my birthday present for you,’ she said as she pushed me inside the boutique.
‘Welcome, ma’am. What can I help with you today?’ A salesperson approached us and introduced herself to be Sara.
‘Well, Sara, I need your best blue short dress for my friend here,’ Nora said as she held my shoulder. I was smiling at her as I was awkward with this introduction.
‘Ah! Of course. ma’am, please come this way,’ the salesperson said as her face lighted up to see Nora behind me.
‘i told you it was not that expensive,’ Nora said as the salesperson prepared the dress inside the fitting room.
‘Please, come this way, ma’am,’ the salesperson said to me as Nora pushed me.
‘go on, and don’t forget to come to show it to me. I want to look how you put it on,’ Nora said before I was pushed inside the fitting room.
‘But—‘ I was cut off from my conversation with Nora as there were too many short, blue dresses in front of me.
‘Just choose one and come out to show it to me,’ Nora said before I sighed. I looked at the dresses that were lined up for me. I took the first dress. It was a light blue dress with an A-line cut. I put it on and checked myself in front of the mirror. It did not have that spark that I was looking for.
‘Come on, Alice. I want to see you in it,’ Nora shouted.
‘just a minute,’ I said as I unlocked the door and stepped outside the room. Nora looked at me up and down before she circled me.
‘Too tight on the tits. I don’t like it. Next!’ She said as she pushed me inside the room again. I sighed before she handed me a dress for me.
‘try this one,’ she said before getting out of the door. I took off the first dress and try the second one. It was a strapless short dress that has bling to it. It was too flashy for me.
‘i don’t think I wanted to wear this one, Nora,’ I said as I was trying to reason with her.
‘come on, I’m sure that one would look good on you, girl,’ she said as she was waiting for me. I sighed as I was looking at myself in the mirror.
‘Fine,’ I said as I went out of the room. I stood in front of her as she was examined up and down. She then circled me as she was analyzing me.
‘you’re right. We don’t want to be bold in your first Halloween party, it would look like you’re trying too hard,’ she said before she pushed me inside the room again.
‘gee, thanks for your undying support, bestie,’ I said sarcastically. Nora just laughed at me.
‘Right, right. Now I save you the best for last. Here you go,’ she said as she was giving me a dress in black plastic.
‘why it was hidden?’ I asked her. She just shrugged at me.
‘i think you will like this one,’ she said as she pushed me inside the room. I just rolled my eyes at her before I closed the door and locked the door.
‘what so special about this dress anyway?’ I said as I took off my second dress. It was a slut dress that I don’t think I would have the courage to wear it in public.
‘okay, Nora, what do you have stored for me this time,’ I said as I was looking at the black plastic. I unzipped the plastic and the first time I saw the dress, I already fell in love with it.
The dress was a beautiful baby aqua short dress. It has lacy quarter sleeves as I touched it, it was so soft.
‘well?’ Nora asked me from outside. I just laughed at her reaction to this.
‘did you put it on?’ She asked me as she was hitting on the door.
‘calm down, I did not put it on, it was too beautiful for me to try it on,’ I said as I was looking at the details of the dress the tailor did.
‘well, what if it did not fit you? We must alter it before you can wear it to the party,’ Nora said as she sounded worried. I laughed at her.
‘did you get my usual cut measurement?’ I asked her as she was quiet all of a sudden.
‘maybe?’ She replied as I shook my head. I zipped it back as I don’t want to ruin it.
‘well, if you were the tailor of this dress, then I don’t have to worry about anything,’ I said as I unlocked the door and Nora was smiling sheepishly at me.
‘so, you’re going to take that one?’ She asked me. I nodded at her as I hold the dress closed to me.
‘definitely, it suits my taste anyway,’ I said as Nora’s face was happy to hear that news.
‘good, I thought you would hate it when I just finish it yesterday for your present,’ Nora said as the salesperson packed the dress for us.
‘Deliver to the usual address, okay? Thank you, Sara,’ Nora said to the salesperson before she signed the check.
‘thank you, ma’am. Have a nice day,’ she replied as she bowed to us.
‘you too,’ I replied to her as Nora get out of the store. I followed her pursuit.
‘so, what are we going to do next?’ I asked Nora as she was looking around the mall.
‘well, maybe some dessert then headed home?’ She asked me. I smiled at her.
‘sounds great,’ I replied before we headed to the famous gelato stand in the mall and of course, Nora was treating me.