Lets begin with that of others, I will not put my opinion in this category:
I tend to be self consumed and only talk about my issues and my problems.
I act as if I'm the only one with issues.
I'm too hyper and too loud.
I depress people.
I never take anyone's advice and in fact do the exact opposite of it.
I always turn the conversation back around to myself and my complaints and never let anyone else have a chance to complain.
I'm selfish.
I don't care about your issues, only mine.
I don't want you to have any other friends but me.
I'm jealous.
I shove my religion on you.
I am not a person you want to be around because I will make you more miserable then you already are. I am a horrible person.
Opinion of myself:
I get sad easily.
I give people way more chances then they deserve.
I talk to people I trust about my issues but I try and make time to talk about theirs as well.
When giving advice, I usually refer to an issue I faced in the past.
I am far from self centered. In fact, I have a very low self esteem.
I am aware that I'm not the only one with issues, I just said it.
I may be a bit hyper and loud, but the best people aren't boring and sit on the couch quietly all day. People need personality, I guess mines inconvenient.
I tell people sad things that have happened in my life, but I certainly don't depress people. People do that to themselves, I don't have that power.
I do listen to advice and think about it, but I'm one of those people who had to see it to believe it. I have to see the truth myself and then I learn.
I'm far from selfish. I buy things for people and don't ask for payment back. I give people things that are mine and don't require them to give me something back. I use my resources to help others even if it inconveniences me.
I care about everyone's issues, including mine. I care way too much and end up getting hurt.
You can have as many friends as you like, I just like for people to clarify where I am in the "friend scale" for them or else I take for granted that I'm higher than I actually am.
I can be jealous at times, but what human can't? I don't feel as if I'm jealous ridiculous amounts.
I don't shove my religion on anyone, I simply tell the truth and try and lead people to Christianty because that's what God calls us to do.
I am kind.
I know what it's like to be hurt so I try to do other better.
I am a person that you should consider being around. I'm not perfect, but I am not a horrible person.
At the end of the day, people can say what they want and think what they want....and I can careless. You don't have to like me.
I know who I am and nobody's opinion of me can or will change that.
We should all accept people as they are instead of trying to mold them into who we want them to be.
© Madison B Barrett