Alice Hughes’ POV
I have been wanting to meet Connor after that night. When I walked inside the apartment after he left, Nora asked me where I have been and when she saw that Lamborghini of his, she smirked at me with a meaning behind it.
‘so, you went to the King of our university,’ she said slyly as I went to the bedroom to get off my makeup and costume.
‘i don’t know what are you talking about,’ I said as I went to take my towel and went ahead for the bathroom before Nora stopped me at the door. She smirked at me before I rolled my eyes at her.
‘it was a friendly chat with him, nothing more,’ I said when I tried to walk past her, she blocked me again with all her body.
‘okay, I believe you but I don’t believe that guy. He seems off,’ she said before I took her hands off the doorframe.
‘Whatever you say, Nora, whatever you say,’ I said as I went ahead and took a nice, relaxing shower to forget the best night that I ever had in my entire existence.
‘okay, but you have to tell me. In detail!’ She shouted before I just shook my head and went on to clean myself. After my shower, I walked out of the bathroom and I went to the counter.
I looked at myself as I don’t believe that I ever went on a date with a nice specimen. Usually, when I walked by on campus, no one would dare to look my way. It’s not I begged for attention but I just like my life just the way it was.
‘it’s alright, Alice. You just need to be yourself and he will like you more, more than expected I hope,’ I said as I was calming my nerves. I don’t know what came over me but I shook that thought away. I walked to the walk-in wardrobe as I went to wear my favorite pajamas tonight. I smiled before I went to put my towel in the dirty basket before I went out of the room.
Nora was out cold as she was laying on her bed. She snored. I chuckled at her as I went to tuck in myself in the bed as I was too exhausted to keep my eyes opened anymore.
‘good night, Nora,’ I said as I looked at the ceiling. Connor’s face was coming through my mind.
‘good night, Connor,’ I said as I went to close my eyes. Sleep comes to me easily before I heard something whispered into my ears.
‘Good night, my love,’ a voice that was so soothing that I just fell asleep right away.
I was standing in an unfamiliar room. I was with someone. I don’t know the other two. Man and woman and they were holding hands. Then there was a person that talked in a strange language that I don’t understand. then, the two-person in front of me were claimed by bright light and I was left with someone at the corner. Female, I guess who was coming at the person that read strange language earlier.
‘Now, it for you guys, are you ready?’ He asked as I can sense that he was directing the question toward me and the man beside me. I nodded.
‘very well, have a safe dream,’ he said as he started to read the strange language again and I opened my eyes as I was stared at the ceiling of my apartment. I got up from the bed and I saw Nora was brushing her hair.
‘about time, sleeping beauty. Come on, we need to go. We’re going to be late if you don’t get ready now,’ Nora said as I went to get out of the bed.
‘right, sorry,’ I said as I got out of my bed and went to take a shower in the bathroom. I yawned as I went to take a towel from my wardrobe when I saw those red eyes again in the mirror.
‘Alice,’ it called for me. I turned around but it was not there. I shook my head as it was only my hallucination. Maybe because of the nightmare that I had last night that I must be dreaming and imagining things.
‘Alice, come on, we’re going to be late,’ Nora shouted from outside as I was stepping out of the shower.
‘alright, alright. I’m coming,’ I said as I went to take a blouse and jeans for today. This will make do. Then I put on my sandals and I went to brush my hair before applying some mascara and powder to cover my pale face.
‘Alice,’ she shouted again.
‘Coming, coming. geez, you need to calm down,’ I said as I went to open the door and we were off to our reservation as Nora had made a couple of months in advance to celebrate my birthday, again.
‘you know, it was unnecessary,’ i said as I was at the passenger seat when Nora was driving her car.
‘hush now, I have been planning this for more than I can remember. Oh my god, it will be the best thing ever,’ she said. As she was about to drive off, a swamp of police cars was swimming in the area.
‘what the?’ Nora said as she looked around us. A policeman came out of the car and motioned Nora to get out of the car. Nora gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles were white.
‘damn you, father,’ Nora mumbled before she looked at me apologetically.
‘i’m sorry, Alice. I thought we could have some fun but I guess I have to get my things in order,’ she said as she was looking at someone in the crowd. I don’t know who she was looking at but she went out of the car. I was impressed to say that my best friend listened for once.
‘thank you for your corporation,’ the police said before she went to walk into one of the police cars and went out of the road. I got out of the car and closed the door before I saw the police car past me. She was talking animatedly to someone who was sitting next to her. He was handsome to say the least, well, from a blackened window anyway.
‘i supposed I have to do other things then,’ I said as I went inside the house again. Nora leaves the keys inside the car that I just took it and locked the car again before I went inside the apartment.
once inside, I was on the couch when I was startled by the sound of my phone. I went through my handbag to get it out. It was an unknown number. I contemplated to answer it or not. My mother told me to be wary of the number that I don’t know. I just go with my guts and answered the call.
‘Hello?’ I asked the caller. It was silent for a while before someone cleared his throat.
‘Hello, Alice. I’m sorry to call you all of a sudden,’ Connor said as he was the person at the end of the line. I drew a breath, relieved to know it was only him.
‘hey, I thought you don’t have my number,’ i said as I was playing with my hair. Damn it, why was I so nervous right now? I tried to calm my nerves as I was trying to sound as I was not a nervous wreck that I was.
‘so, about our date tonight,’ he said.
‘yes?’ I asked him as I was nervous to know if he would cancel. I was holding my phone that I was thankful it did not break under my death grip.
‘can we meet somewhere else? I have something to tell you, something very important,’ he said as he was nervous just to change the location of the date. I laughed as I was sure Connor would be confused by reaction.
‘what’s so funny?’ He asked me. I was still laughing before I cleared my throat.
‘sorry. I thought you have something bad that happened to you. Not that I wanted to, no, that’s not what I mean,’ I said before I closed my mouth.
‘What about my house? Would that be okay?’ I asked him as I was hoping that he would agree.
‘Hmm,’ he answered as I can hear his thoughts were running to consider that option.
‘if it’s not too heavy for you,’ he said after he listened to my suggestion. I smiled as I looked around the room.
‘no, not at all. I think we could manage one guest,’ I said as we said goodbye and I cannot wait for tonight.
When the clock struck 7 PM, the ring of my house rang. I was smiling but I tried to keep a neutral face as I don’t want to appear eager for Connor to be in my house.
‘coming,’ I said as I was walking toward the door. I opened the door and the first thing that I smell was his signature scent, woody, musky and very masculine. My stomach was making a strange thing.
‘can I come in?’ He asked me when I just stared at him for the longest time that I can remember.
‘well?’ He asked me again as I was blushing hard from his joke.
‘yes, of course, come in. sorry,’ I said as I went to the side to let him inside. I closed the door when I was staring at his handsome face.
‘okay, I know this is weird but we were—‘ was the last thing that he said as I jumped on him. I cannot control myself as I was kissing hard on the face and I was pushing him onto the ground.
‘Alice,’ he said when I broke the kiss for a while before I kissed him again.
‘Alice, stop,’ he said as he pushed me at arm’s length. I just realized what I did and got off from him before I ran into the bedroom and closed the door before locking it.