Present time.
Now, in a few days, Emma and Roy were going to be in their senior year.
"Emma, Roy is coming home tomorrow," Mom said as we were having dinner.
I dropped my spoon in surprise my heart clenching. Ever since Roy went to high school we haven't talked. At least not properly.
Whenever he would come home for the holidays he would spend most of his time in his room.
I let out a slight cough to hide my nervousness.
"That's great Mom," I said slightly coldly as I sipped a glass of water.
"He will be going to school with you," Dad added and I spilled the water in surprise.
"Emma, Are you okay?" Mother concerned asked.
"Why? I mean what is wrong with his school this time?" I asked not caring about the spilled water.
Roy has been getting expelled from his schools for the past three years for God knows why!
" in trouble again. We think it's best if he studies near home." Dad said.
At once I got up and headed to my room thanking them for the food.
After cleaning up I laid on my bed staring at the roof. Suddenly a familiar memory of Roy flashed in my mind.
"That day, was he just bluffing when he said he loved me?" I shook my head vigorously. Of course, it was bluffing! Things change, we were kids back then we didn't know what we were saying!
But why does my heart tell me otherwise? Argh!
Just then my phone rang. I got up and picked up.
"Don't Hello me!" Olivia's voice sounded from the other end.
"What did I do this time?" I asked calmly.
"What did you do?! I'll tell you what you did! First, you missed out on the last day of practice!"
"Oh, the dance!" I completely forgot. I got obsessed with reading a new novel.
"Let me guess, you were reading?" Olivia asked.
"Yes. But this time I promise it was for a good cause."
"I don't want to hear it but you will tell me anyway right?" Olivia said knowing me very well.
"It was a story about a knight!"
"Argh!!" Olivia moaned and I could almost see her make a help me expression.
"There is a twist! The knight is a boy!!" I exclaimed.
"How the heck is that a twist?! You know what, tomorrow you have to come to practice. It's the day before the show!" She said and hang up not giving me a chance to add any more words.
With a sigh, I threw my phone on the bed next to me.
Secretly, I joined a dance club. I hadn't actually told my parents about it because they would probably say it's wasting time.
I am poor in academics that's why I dance.
"I should clean up Roy's room!" The idea struck me and I made my way to his room.
The room was as neat as always and there is not much to clean. Just as I was about to leave I spotted a familiar teddy bear on the table.
"Hey, isn't this mine! Roy hid it from me years ago!" I said to myself as I smiled at the stuffed animal.
"Hello, Mr. Pop!" I called out to it as I laughed childishly.
"Yes! Okay!" I heard a familiar voice. Roy!
"Oh no! I have to hide!" I hid in the most obvious place due to lack of time as the door was opening.
I hid behind the door just as it opened.
Hello guys this chapter was a bit long huh...Anyway, like and comment!!