Roy's P.O.V
I left the house before her. Not that I didn't want to wake her up, I just thought it would be awkward after yesterday.
I arrived in class and place my bag and laid on the desk to sleep.
I suddenly hear footsteps.
"Hello, Roy, I am Maddie and I was wondering--"
"Not interested." I cut her off not even turning to see her face. I could feel her boiling in anger.
"No problem maybe another time." She said probably her teeth clenching. I heard another footstep Approaching me. This time I decided to raise my head. To my surprise, it was the girl that stays near Emma.
She clears her voice. "So, I was wondering...have you seen Emma I?"
"No." I answered curtly. She returned to her desk. I couldn't help but worry. Could she be in trouble?
The teacher walked in suddenly. Unlike all the other teachers that greet their students, this one immediately began her lesson. The boring lesson went on for some time. I got bored and decided to stare out the window.
At the gate I spotted two familiar people. Caleb and Emma running into the gate. My eyes trailed down where the two were holding hands. I clenched my fists in anger. Caleb, How can he stoop so low?
I watched the two disappear. Instantly I spotted Emma walking towards my window. She didn't notice until she saw my face. I could see her grimace and that put a smile on my face. She wanted to sneak in and now she had to pass through me.
"What do you want?" She whispered and I gladly accepted the offer of a free favor who knows when I'll need it. I mouthed to her 'I'll tell you later.'
The teacher instantly turned to me and she ducked. "Roy, do you have a question? You seem to be talking."
"Good because after this there is a test." the teacher said.
Emma's fried suddenly gasped and we all turn to her.
"Do you have something to say, Olivia?" The history teacher asks.
"Uh...Actually, Miss Miller, I was surprised to learn that I haven't understood."
"What part have you not understood."
"The part where...In fact from the start!" Everyone glared at her. She gulped then added. "Could you please repeat?" Everyone including me moaned. Who in their right mind would want to go through the torture of learning something again?
The teacher turned to the board and began explaining. I watched as Emma sneaked in and sat on her desk.
The teacher turned to Emma.
"Emma? I don't remember you being here." She said.
"Well, I, You probably didn't notice because you were focused o your lesson."
"Impossible. You, I would have probably mentioned your presence. This class was awfully quiet." The teacher said walking to her.
"Today, I decided to be quiet that's all."
"Really? I can feel you are lying. C--"
"Pardon me, Miss Miller but there is a new student." Mr. Karl walked in Caleb following behind him. I saw him wink to Emma and she smiles. I could only glare at him.
"Please introduce yourself," Mr.Karl said to him.
"Hello everyone, I am Caleb and I hope we all become friends." He says. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Emma grinning widely. Did she like him?
He then sat behind Emma.